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Vendedor de autos Car dealer linea de ensamblaje Assembly line

Caballo - poder Horse – power LLanta Tire

Camión Truck motor de carro car engine
Característica Feature Negociar Negotiate
Combustible Fuel Ofter Ofter
Cuatriciclo Quadricycle Rueda Wheel
Equipo Equipment Sedán Sedan
freno Brake Seguro de auto Car Insurance
Impuestos Taxes Soporte mecánico Mechanical Support
Introducir - presentar Introduce Suv Suv
Lanzamiento Launch Transporte Transport
    Ven abajo Come down on

1. She will probably have to sell her car. 1) Probablemente tendrá que vender su auto.
2. I will certainly go to my parents´ place next 2. Ciertamente iré a casa de mis padres el
winter. próximo invierno.
3. He probably won’t be here next week. 3. Probablemente no estará aquí la próxima
4. Perhaps, I will move to Sydney. 4. Quizás me mude a Sydney.
5. I will probably go there. 5. Probablemente iré allí.
6. I will possibly join that gym. 6. Posiblemente me uniré a ese gimnasio.
7. Maybe he thought she would change her 7. Tal vez pensó que ella cambiaría de opinión.
8. She should definitely stay longer. 8. Ella definitivamente debería quedarse más
9. You look really tired. 9. Te ves muy cansado.
10. Our trip was definitely a success. 10. Nuestro viaje fue definitivamente un éxito.

Certainly Ciertamente
Probably Probablemente
Possibly Posiblemente
Maybe Tal vez
Definitely Seguro
Really De Verdad
Perhaps Quizás
Obviously Obviamente

1. There were 200 people in the theatre, more possibly. I WON'T POSSIBLY BE ABLE TO GO.
THERE WERE POSSIBLY MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE IN THE 6. I may maybe accept that job.
2. Would it be maybe to change my seat number? 7. We have done everything probably we could do.
3. Probably it will rain tomorrow. 8. Could you help me in perhaps the office?
4. You'd better come with us probably. 9. He is maybe coming to the meeting.
5. Possibly I won't be able to go. 10. That is the worst maybe film I’ve ever seen.

Do it yourself

1. ____ MAYBE __________ the weather will be fine.

2. ____ PROBABLY __________he will go.
3. He is __ Definitely _______ traveling tomorrow.
4. Will my boss ____ PROBABLY _______ call me?
5. Mr. Smith will ____ MAYBE _________ come to Bogota next year.
6. They are ____ probably _________ at their office.
7. Mary was ___ Really ___________ very upset.
8. That is ______ Probably ________ the worst accident I’ve ever seen.
9. I’ll ____ Probably _________ go for a business trip.
10. He ____ Probably ________ have been a thief.
1. What car features can help save our lives? Vehicles must have airbags and seat belts, they must work
well on the engine, the brakes, that is, with technical
2. What are the main causes of fatal car accidents in People have car accidents due to recklessness or looking at
your country? the cell phone, driving under the influence or driving with
3. How can we improve traffic problems? Traffic problems can be improved by buying fewer vehicles,
with an adequate and cheap public transport system.
4. What’s the appropriate age to start driving a car? In Colombia, the correct driving age is 18 years.
5. Should we build more roads? Yes, more avenues and roads must be built.
6. Why are teenagers so often involved in car Teenagers are involved in accidents due to trust and
accidents? recklessness.
7. Do seat belts help save the lives of those involved in Many times belts save lives.
car accidents?
8. What type of car would you like to have and why? I like classic vehicles, for example, I have a 97 power
model, they are very good vehicles with simple mechanics.
9. How will transportation change in the future? Trains and public transport will be electric or solar and will
be free.
10. What’s the most congested city in your country? The most congested city is Bogotá due to the number of
Why? people and vehicles we have
1. Cars will possibly fly, but in fifty years.
2. Cars of the future will somehow communicate with other cars.
3. Car owners may not have to take their cars to the mechanic.
4. Cars will park themselves with help from new technology.
5. Cars will not produce toxic gases.
6. Car crashes will be greatly reduced in the future.
7. Cars will sound an alarm if the driver is falling asleep.
8. Cars will know what music you like to listen to.
9. Car manufacturers will send information to car owners.
10. Cars will know if the car owner is feeling hot or cold.
Are you wondering what cars will be like in the future? Well, read on, we have good and bad news for you.
The bad news is that the car of the future will not fly. The car industry might need at least another 50 years and fully self-driving
cars won’t come out anytime soon. But in the next five to ten years, new technology will help cars park themselves, monitor the
alertness of the driver and even communicate with each other to avoid car crashes. Tomorrow's cars may have long-range
headlights, external airbags and hydrogen fuel-cell engines that emit only water. How about that?

¿Te preguntas cómo serán los autos en el futuro? Bueno, sigue leyendo, tenemos buenas y malas noticias para ti.
La mala noticia es que el automóvil del futuro no volará. La industria automotriz podría necesitar al menos otros 50 años y los
autos totalmente autónomos no saldrán pronto. Pero en los próximos cinco a diez años, la nueva tecnología ayudará a los autos a
estacionarse, controlar el estado de alerta del conductor e incluso comunicarse entre sí para evitar accidentes automovilísticos.
Los automóviles del mañana pueden tener faros de largo alcance, bolsas de aire externas y motores de pila de combustible de
hidrógeno que solo emiten agua. ¿Qué hay sobre eso?

Most cars will have touchscreen console systems. Also, a connected, mobile owner’s manual could give manufacturers a built-in
way to reach out to customers to ensure they know about important product information, updates, and product recall
information. There will be opportunities to digitally document maintenance, as well as remind you when your next scheduled
service may be.
In fact, a mobile product could schedule it for you and then send you the scheduling information. You’ll expect your car to
recognize you when you enter, and the car will do more than just adjusting your seat to your preferred position. It will adjust to
your driving style. It will know where you are most likely to go, which playlist/podcast/audiobook you want to hear, how you
want your A/C set, when you last serviced your vehicle, and much more.
How about that? Cars of the future will be really cool!

La mayoría de los automóviles tendrán sistemas de consola con pantalla táctil. Además, un manual del propietario conectado y
móvil podría brindar a los fabricantes una forma integrada de comunicarse con los clientes para asegurarse de que conozcan
información importante del producto, actualizaciones e información sobre el retiro del producto. Habrá oportunidades para
documentar digitalmente el mantenimiento, así como para recordarle cuándo será su próximo servicio programado.
De hecho, un producto móvil podría programarlo para usted y luego enviarle la información de programación. Esperarás que tu
auto te reconozca cuando entres, y hará más que solo ajustar tu asiento a tu posición preferida. Se ajustará a tu estilo de
conducción. Sabrá a dónde es más probable que vaya, qué lista de reproducción / podcast / audiolibro desea escuchar, cómo
desea que se establezca su A / C, la última vez que reparó su vehículo y mucho más.
¿Qué hay sobre eso? ¡Los autos del futuro serán realmente geniales!

Worldwide.com executives have decided to buy a car for employees who will probably come to Sydney. Pablo and Evelyn go to a
recommended car dealer and Pablo ends up very impressed by Evelyn’s negotiation skills.

Los ejecutivos de Worldwide.com han decidido comprar un automóvil para los empleados que probablemente vendrán a Sydney.
Pablo y Evelyn van a un concesionario de automóviles recomendado y Pablo queda muy impresionado por las habilidades de
negociación de Evelyn.

Click on Script to read the conversation.

Saleswoman: Good morning, may I help you?
Pablo: Good morning. We’re looking for a car for our company.
Saleswoman: What type of car would you be looking for?
Evely: Perhaps a sedan?
Pablon: I’m not sure Evelyn, we’ll probably need to transport goods.
Evelyn: Well, I think that a truck would be too big but a SUV is roomy and very fuel efficient.
Saleswoman: You’re totally right. I think the new Ford Territory would be your best bet. It has a very special Touch screen that’s
possibly the most innovative feature because it can read you a text message and send a reply all through voice commands. That
means you never have to take your hands off the steering wheel, which is absolutely necessary for business people on the move.
Pablo: How much is the Ford Territory?
Saleswoman: It’s AUD $ 43.099 including taxes.
Pablo: Can we look at the car now?
Saleswoman: Of course, let’s walk this way…

Vendedora: Buenos días, ¿puedo ayudarlo?

Pablo: buenos días. Estamos buscando un auto para nuestra empresa.
Vendedora: ¿Qué tipo de automóvil estaría buscando?
Evely: ¿Quizás un sedán?
Pablon: No estoy seguro de Evelyn, probablemente necesitemos transportar mercancías.
Evelyn: Bueno, creo que un camión sería demasiado grande, pero un SUV es espacioso y de bajo consumo.
Vendedora: Tienes toda la razón. Creo que el nuevo Ford Territory sería tu mejor apuesta. Tiene una pantalla táctil muy especial
que posiblemente sea la característica más innovadora porque puede leer un mensaje de texto y enviar una respuesta a través de
comandos de voz. Eso significa que nunca tendrá que quitar las manos del volante, lo cual es absolutamente necesario para los
empresarios en movimiento.
Pablo: ¿Cuánto cuesta el territorio Ford?
Vendedora: Son AUD $ 43,099 impuestos incluidos.
Pablo: ¿Podemos mirar el auto ahora?
Vendedora: Por supuesto, caminemos por aquí ...

Saleswoman: OK, here we are. This Ford territory is comfortable and spacious, it has a 7 passenger seating capacity, dual zone air
conditioning, Premium USB audio system, and that 8” touch screen I mentioned before.
Pablo: What type of engine does it have?
Saleswoman: This one has a 2.7L Diesel Turbo powerful engine.
Evelyn: We’ll think it over and we’ll come back tomorrow.
Saleswoman: Try to make a decision soon. We can only hold that price until tomorrow. I can assure you, you’ll be making a good

Vendedora: OK, aquí estamos. Este territorio Ford es cómodo y espacioso, tiene capacidad para 7 pasajeros, aire acondicionado
de doble zona, sistema de audio USB Premium y esa pantalla táctil de 8 "que mencioné antes.
Pablo: ¿Qué tipo de motor tiene?
Vendedora: Esta tiene un potente motor Diesel Turbo de 2.7L.
Evelyn: Lo pensaremos y volveremos mañana.
Vendedora: intente tomar una decisión pronto. Solo podemos mantener ese precio hasta mañana. Te puedo asegurar que harás
un buen negocio.

Pablo: But Evelyn, we have to make a decision today!

Evelyn: I know Pablo but if they feel we really need the car they won’t offer a better deal today.
Pablo: But did you hear what she said? They can only hold that price until tomorrow!
Evelyn: They always say the same thing. Trust me, I know how Aussie negotiations work.
Pablo: Wow! You know a lot about negotiating a car!

Pablo: Pero Evelyn, ¡tenemos que tomar una decisión hoy!

Evelyn: Conozco a Pablo, pero si sienten que realmente necesitamos el auto, no ofrecerán un mejor trato hoy.
Pablo: ¿Pero escuchaste lo que dijo? ¡Solo pueden mantener ese precio hasta mañana!
Evelyn: Siempre dicen lo mismo. Confía en mí, sé cómo funcionan las negociaciones australianas.
Pablo: ¡Guau! ¡Sabes mucho sobre negociar un auto!

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