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You're the owner of a software engineering company. Your employees (engineers)

want you to buy them to attend training. How would you respond in a very way that's legal,
moral, and ethical?


If you would like to require part, you'll must buy a legal, moral and ethical presence.
If there's something that they are doing not have to participate, and that they do their own,
you're not capable to pay them, however, if you would like to try and do so, it'll definitely
encourage. , Or if you refuse it, it'll surely reduce the motivation.


You're the owner of a software engineering company. Your employees (engineers)

want you to allow them to do unpaid work for an area non-profit organization on company
time.How would you respond in an exceedingly way that's legal, moral, and ethical?


Now since you say that your employees want to try to to it on ‘company time’, it's
best that you just tell them that they ought to get laid after hours. Be blunt, but not rude. Now its
a decent thing that your employees are willing to try to to pro-bono work. Shows that they care.
So appreciate them for it. But at the identical time make them understand that it can not be at
the value of the corporate. you'll want to permit them to use your office on Sundays for his or
her pro-bono assignment. PS: it's legal,moral, ethical for workers of a corporation to try to to
pro-bono consulting work, as long as they are doing it after office hours and on weekends,
without using the corporate resources.


You are a coder at an organization where management routinely encourages you

and your colleagues to use pirated software. How would you respond in a very way that's legal,
moral, and ethical?

Tell your management that if the corporate is employing a pirated software at no
cost, it'd be only honest to freely distribute all the software produced by the corporate. Of
course, it still would n,t be ethical, the identical way it's not ethical to allow away the things you
steal in a very shop, but a minimum of it might be equal.

Professional Practice




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