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1. What is the main delivery of this course?

Ans: the main concern of this course is to prepare teachers in the new normal settings by using
the DepEd continuity plan and to help teachers determining to what modalities going to use.
Distance learning, Blended Learning or homeschooling.

2. How can this course help ensure that you will be able to deliver quality instruction in the new
Ans: this course will be great help for us teachers in the new normal because of the following
factors; It helps me to know different LDM’S flat forms, it guides me on how to implement this
LDM’S and it gives me ways to prepare learning materials needed for the LDM’S.

3.What are the two-support mechanism that will help you with you learning this course?
Ans: the twosupport mechanism that can help me with this course are the LDM1 and LDM2. At
LDM1 focused on the implementation and management of the alternative learning delivery
system at all levels while LDM2 is intended for the teachers and it focused on the instructional


1. How will my personal characteristics and circumstances affect (positively or negatively) my

participation in this course?

Ans: I think it will be great help especially in doing task in LDM2 my eagerness to learn with the
new things can contribute to make this work successfully.

2. How can I ensure that I am able to sustain my strengths and address the obstacles that will
hinder me from completing this course?
Ans: I think I can overcome whatever hindrances I may face, with the motivation of my
colleagues and my willingness to learn, I can ensure that I can sustain and can turn my weakness
into positive one.

Look for a colleague with whom you like to discuss your answer and reflections with to the
questions in Activities 1 and 2.


1. Reflect on the objectives for conducting LAC Sessions as listed in DO 35, s.2016
Rank the following objectives from easiest to the most difficult to achieve.
*To nurture successful teachers
*To improve the teaching -learning process to improve learning among students
*To foster a professional collaborative spirit among School Heads, teachers, and the community
as a whole
*to enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content and pedagogical
knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes.

2.What are the top three challenges to having successful LAC? List down and elaborate.
*Writing a LAC Plan
- For me, this is the most important for the successful LAC. The certain group must organize and
plan for the said activity. It will help for the smooth, easy and fast LAC sessions.

 Share your LAC session insights.


Lac Members and roles

(e.g documenter, facilitator, leader, reporter or members)
(List down all their names and cite their roles)

LAC Leader/Facilitator:


________________________________________________END OF MODULE 1


1. The closure of schools around the world due to the global pandemic posed serious challenges
on the delivery of basic education. As a teacher, what do you think are the fundamental concern
in terms of curriculum standards that need to be addressed in order to ensure the learning
continuity? Cite a specific example. Do you think these concerns could be solved by teachers
alone? Why or why not?
Ans: The global pandemic brings a huge challenge for teachers as well as the Department of
Education especially with the new normal settings. As a teacher, I think the best way to address
the problem is to shift into different learning modalities e.g. distance learning, blended learning
and modular print. By this new curriculum strategy, we ensure learning continuity.
This concerns are not for teachers alone it will be the collaborative effort of all DepEd
teaching force including non-teaching staff if we want to aim for the development of this new
normal curriculum.

2. even prior to the spread of Covid-19 that eventually led to the closure of schools nationwide,
the congested curriculum has been a perennial problem of teachers (Andaya, 2018). This
perceived to be one of the hindering factors on the poor performance of the Filipino learners. Do
you agree with this observation? Why or Why not?

Ans: Yes I agree, in the department of education several curriculum had been laid and adapt for
the purpose of achieving higher standard education and can produce a globally competitive
learner. But due to the congested curriculum we can’t achieve our goals. Students can’t cope up
with the content standards sometimes it takes time to finish a full quarter subject with a limited
time allotment.


1. What are the general and specific purpose of the development of MELC’s?
* It serves as a guide of the teachers as they address the instructional needs of the learners while
ensuring that curriculum standards are maintained and achieved.
* It assists schools in navigating the limited number of schools as they empty multiple delivery
schemes by providing them ample instructional space.

2. How does curriculum review and in the identification of essential learning competencies?
*Mapping of the essential and desirable learning competencies within the curriculum;
*Identification of prerequisite knowledge and skills needed to prepare students for essential
learning competencies and;
*Analysis of the interconnectedness of prerequisite knowledge and skills among the learning
competencies for each subject area.

3. What is the difference between essential learning competencies and desirable learning
* Essential Learning Competencies were defined as what the students need, considered
indispensable, in the teaching-learning process to build skills to equip learners for the subsequent
grade levels and consequently, for lifelong learning. On the other hand, Desirable Learning
Competencies were defined as what may enhance education but may not be necessary in
building foundational skills.

4. How were the most essential learning competencies defined? What were the decisions made in
order to trim down the number of the essential learning competencies further?
Learning competencies are identified by knowing the following characteristics:
 It is aligned with national, state, and /or local standards/ framework (e.g. scientifically-
literate Filipinos
 It connects the content to higher concepts across content areas
 It is applicable to the real-life situations
 It would be important for students to acquire the competency after he/she left that
particular grade level
 It would not be expected that most student would learn this through their
parents/communities if not taught at school
5. What is the importance of the MELC’s in ensuring the delivery of quality instruction?
 MELC’s serves as a teacher guides in preparing his/her lesson and instructional materials.
Despite that we are facing his global pandemic. Most Essential Curriculum were badly in
need. MELC’s remains with learners long after a test or unit of study is completed od if it
is useful beyond a single test or unit of study.

K-12 Learning Competencies MELC’s
Merged/Clustered Natutukoy ang mensahe at Natutukoy ang mensahe sa
layunin ng napanood na mito. napakinggang mito. Filipino
(F10PD-1a-b-61) 10 Kwarter 1.
Naipapahayag ang
mahalagang kaisipan sa
napakinggang mito. (F10PN-
Retained Naiuugnay ang mga salita Naiuugnay ang mga salita
batay sa kayarian nito. batay sa kayarian nito
Drop n/a n/a


1. In your LAC session, discuss and share your answers to Activities 1-3 in the lesson. Discuss
any questions about the MELC’s that need clarifications as well. Share your thoughts and let
your co-teachers articulate their insights regarding your questions. Jot down all the insights
shared in discussions, including your own, in your Study Notebook.

Activity 1
1. What is the importance of unpacking and combining the MELC’s?
* We need to unpacked MELC’s in order to systematize learning activities and effectively
address the varying needs of learners and the challenges of instructional deliveries.

2. What considerations must be taken in unpacking and combining the MELC’s Explain each.
* Alignment on the Content and Performance Standards-in unpacking MELC’s we must
consider this feature in order for us to achieve a quality teaching output.
*Prerequisite knowledge and Skills-curriculum objective must be hierarchy. Mastering
Fundamental knowledge is a must before going to the other level of learning.
*Logical sequence of learning objectives- we can’t give a better idea to our students if our
objective is not logically sequenced. Planning what are the most important objective is the key
frame in achieving better understanding of our learners.

3. Do all the MELC’s need to be unpacked or combined? Why or Why not?

* Yes, all MELC’s should be unpacked in order to systematized learning activities so that
delivering ideas to our student would not be congested.


1. Form a group of four within your LAC, preferably with fellow teacher’s in your respective
learning areas.
2. Using the curriculum guide and a list of the MELC’s in the first quarter and unpack these into
learning objectives.
3. Each team will present their unpacked objectives. Discussion and processing will follow each
presentation. Suggestions and insights from each group will be considered in enhancing the
learning objectives.

Unpacking MELC’s

Sample MELC’s Learning Objectives

F10PD-1a-b-64  Natutukoy ang pangunahing kaisipan
Naiuugnay ang mga kaisipang nakapaloob sa sa akdang nabasa
akda sa mga pangyayari sa paligid.  Naipapahayag ang sariling damdamin
tungkol sa mga pangyayari sa akda.
 Nakapagsasagawa ng maikling dula
patungkol sa mga mahahalagang
pangyayari sa akda.
Combining of MELC’s

Kwarter Content Standard Performance Standard MELC’s

1. napapahayag ang
1 Naipapamalas ang Ang mga mag-aaral ay mahalagang
pang-unawa at makabubuo ng Kritikal kaisipang
pagpapahalaga sa na pagsusuri tungkol sa napakinggan
mgaakdang panitikan alinmang Panitikan ng
2. naiuugnay ang
mahalagang kaisipan
nakapaloob sa
nangyari sa sarili at

3. naiuugnay ang
kabuluhan ng Salita
sa kayarian nito.

4. naipapahayag ng
malinaw ang sariling
opinion sa paksang

MELC’s Major Theme/ Topic

1,2 and 4 Pagsusuri sa Akda

3 Kayarian ng Salita

________________________________________________________END OF MODULE 2



Face- to-face (F2F) learning refers to a learning delivery modality where the teacher and
learner/s are physically in one venue There are opportunities for active engagement, immediate
feedback and socioemotional development of learners. It may be conducted in any available
physical learning space.

Distance learning refers to a learning delivery modality where a learner is given materials or
access to resources and he/she undertakes self-directed study at home or in another venue.
Learners engage in independent learning at home or in any physical learning space applicable, by
using learning materials that are accessible either online, stored on CD/DVD/USB Flash drive, or
in printed form, or by viewing TV lessons or listening to radio-based instruction while being
geographically distant from the teacher The teacher supervises and monitors the learner's
progress and provides remediation and enhancement when needed and possible. Assistance may
be provided by a learning facilitator who may be a parent or any member of the family, or a
community stakeholder.

Blended learning refers to a learning delivery modality using a combination of the features of F2
learning and distance learning. It can be (1) F2F and modular distance learning: (2) F2F and
online distance learning (6) F2F and TV-based instruction/Radio-based instruction; or (4) F2F
and any combination of the other types of distance learning.

Home schooling refers to an alternative learning delivery mode {ADM) that provides learners
with access as to formal education while staying in an out-of-school environment, with parents,
guardians, or tutors specific authorized facilitators instead of classroom teachers. This does not
preclude going to a school on and others. It periods to develop learning competencies that require
the use of laboratory, equipment, uses any oral combination of the various learning delivery
1. What is lesson designing or lesson planning?
*Lesson designing or lesson planning is the process of determining what learning
students school opportunities in will have by planning the content of instruction, select teaching
materials, designing the learning activities and grouping methods, and deciding and allocation of
instructional time" (Virginia on the pacing Department of Education, No. 42, 2016). Well
prepared as cited in DepEd Order and well-planned lessons are fundamental to ensuring the
delivery of quality teaching and learning in schools. In order for the design to be effective,
teachers need to consider the learners characteristics and be responsive to the needs of the

2. Why is lesson designing important?

Lesson designing helps ensure that:

*time is maximized for instruction and-learning

*lessons are responsive to learners needs
*teachers set learning targets for learners
*teachers carry out a lesson successfully
*teachers master their learning area content
*teachers become more reflective about their teaching
learners successfully reach the set learning goals

3. What are the 3 elements or components of well-designed lessons

1.Clearly articulated lesson objectives (What should be taught?)

2. Well-selected and logically sequenced presentation of learning resources and activities

to help leaners meet the objectives (How should it be taught?)

3.Appropriate and timely assessment activities that provide relevant information and
feedback for both teachers and learners (How should learning be assessed?

Before the Lesson Lesson Proper After the Lesson

1.Review previous lesson 1. Explain, model, 1.Wrap up activities

.2 Clarify concepts from demonstrate, and 2. Emphasize key
previous lesson illustrate the concepts, information and concepts
3.Present warm-up activities to ideas, skills, or discussed
establish interest in new lesson processes that students 3. Ask learners to recall key
4. Check learner’s prior will eventually activities and concepts
knowledge about the new lesson internalize discussed
5 Present connection between 2. Help learners 4.Reinforce what teacher
old and new lesson and establish understand and master has taught
lesson purpose for new new information 5. Assess whether lesson
objectives 3.Provide learners with has been mastered ideas and
6. State lesson as guide for feedback 6. Transfer concepts to new
learners. 4. Check for learners situations


Answer. VI. Reflection

According to DepEd Order No 42, s. 2016 The reflection part of the DLL and DELP should be
filled up after the lesson is delivered Teachers are encouraged to think about their lessons,
particularly the parts that went well and the parts that were weak and write about those briefly. In
the reflection, teachers can share their thoughts and feelings about their lessons including things
about the lesson that were successfully implemented and which ones need improvement or could
be adjusted in the future. Teachers can also take note of the number of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation, the number of learners who principal require additional activities for
remediation, and the difficulties teachers encountered that their or supervisor can help solve.


Formative Assessment Summative Assessments

Asessment for learning
assessments of learning :to measure if the
to make discussions and Learners may be
assessed individually students met performances and content
the lesson may be integrated or collaboratively standards .
Should promote self
in all parts of the lesson before -reflections and done after the lesson/end of the quarter
the lesson proper and after personal accountability
among students about
results enable teachers to describe
the lesson results must be their own learning how will the sutdents learned the
recorded to study the patterns May be written work
or a performance task standards/competencies for a
of learning demonstrated by the given quarter, which are then
students but should not be used as refelcted in the class
the basis for grading


1. These are the knowledge, understanding, demonstrate skills, and attitudes that learners need to
in every lesson and/or learning task.
Answer: c) learning competencies

2. These are the formative learning opportunities given to learners to engage them in the subject
matter and to enhance their understanding of the content.
Answer: d) learning task

3. This refers to the prescribed subject that learners take.

Answer: a) learning area preferred by the
4. This refers to the method of submission of learning outputs learner/parent based on their
Answer: b) mode of delivery


Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) Individual Monitoring Plan (IMP)

Purpose A tool to guide learners and A tool for monitoring learners who lag
learning facilitators or household behind on the results of their formative
partners in tracking the subject and summative assessments.
areas to be tackled and activities to
perform at home

For whom? Learners and learning facilitator or Teachers and learning facilitator or
household partners household partners

Components Learning area, learning Learner’s needs, intervention strategies,

competencies, learning tasks, mode monitoring date, learners status
of delivery

Has to be communicated to Yes Yes



Questions True False

1. A portfolio mainly displays the academic achievements of the learner. /

Correct statement: A learning portfolio demonstrates not just the
academic achievements but also the effort well put forward by the
learner as the progress in achieving learning outcomes.
2. Testimonies of parents/guardians and learning facilitators regarding
the learner's progress may be included in a portfolio.
3. There is a fixed list of items that should be included in a portfolio.

Correct statement: There is no hard and fast rule that states a clear list of
items that should be included in a portfolio, as it depends upon the
and students’ requirements of the learning area. Teachers,
administrators, include in (and what to even parents) may decide
collectively on student outputs, portfolios, which assessment criteria to /
use, how to evaluate result. and what to expect from the end

4. The teacher can only comment on a learner's portfolio.

Correct statement: The teacher must address the students' learning and
encourage self-assessment through their work samples. The Leaners
may also be allowed to view and comment on their peers' portfolios.

5. For asynchronous learning, teachers allow learners to work on their

outputs during their own time. The latter will submit the portfolio within /
the schedule that the teachers set.

6. The learners file sharing

may submit, store, and manage their portfolio via /
programs saved or they may submit the actual softcopies of their work
on a CD/DVD/USB flash drive.

7. Portfolios of DL learners with outputs in hard copies or physical /

forms may be handed learning over to the teacher by the parents or


1. Based on the map, what resources should you have in order to implement the LDM adopted by
your school/division?
* Our school implement Modular Distance Learning (MDL) so in order to achieve this LDM we
need to have Printed Self-Learning Modules. This SLM will be distributed to the learners.
2. Do you have the complete resources for the Discussions LDM needed in class? If the LR’s are
not complete or not available, what steps will you take to make these available? What are your
options to substitute these missing LR’s?

 Yes

3. What support will you need to maximize the use of the two DepEd-sanctioned LR Portals?
From whom can you get this support? Can you get this support?

 Using DepEd LR we can easily find and obtain our need SLM. But before we can open
the portal, we need to have an internet access and permission of the administrator.
 From our ICT coordinator designated as the admin of the portal.
4. Based on you evaluation of the materials, are they appropriate to the level and characteristics
of learners? Are there learners who might be disadvantaged by the materials (based on reading
ability, level of learning independence, level of household support, distance)?What adjustments
will you make in terms of the LR’s?

 The LR Materials are all appropriate to the level of our learners for the reason that it is
based on the MELC’s . If there’s a learner who has a disadvantage in taking the materials
so we need to have a separate LR for her/him.


1. In your LAC Sessions, share and discuss your answer from the previous activity, What support
can you provide to your colleagues and what support can you get from them in terms of LR’s
Take note of the insights that you can gather from your colleagues and write them on your Study
* After the discussions and exchange of ideas, we come up with the different ideas regarding
LR. Learning Resources and SLM are now ready to our portal given by the national for our
modular Distant learning so, the only help that my colleagues can offer is to print the SLM for
distribution to our learners.


1. Give the LDM adopted in your school, How can the two DepEd portals respond to your LR
needs and those of your learners? How do they complement the LR’s that you already have?
* In our school we adapted Modular Print learning modalities, by the help of DepEd Portals and
City Government Fund we can easily access and print necessary modules for the learners. We
can obtain learning modules via Click modules and DepEd portals so it eases the burden for us
teachers. Paperless LR fast and well- ordered process in giving LR’s.

2 What are the challenges in accessing the LR’s in the portals both for you and your learners?
How will you overcome these challenges?
 Internet connection is the main concern in accessing the portal but most of our students as
well as the teachers has slow and unfortunately no internet connectivity that can easily
access the DepEd portals. Laptops and smart phones are badly needed for us to access the
portal. As a teacher, I downloaded first specific LR and printed it for the learners to
ensure that everyone can get their module copy.
3. What support will you need to be able to maximize the use of the LR Portals? From whom you
get his support?
* First, we need the support of our ICT Coordinator designated as the admin of the Portal;
Second, we need financial support for the sustainability and the availability of internet
connection our location to access the portal; and lastly, as a teacher we should be resourceful and
think other strategies to really provide the needs of our learners. We can this support through
School Funds and Personal funds.


1. In your LAC Session, share and discuss your answers to the questions Activity 1. Explore how
you can help and support each other in using the LR portals. Jot down the insights and helpful
information regarding thee use of LR portals in your Study Notebook.



Study the LR Rapid Tool. Download an LR from either DepEd commons or LRMDS Portal and
assess the material using the too. Answer the following questions in your Study Notebook.

I downloaded Subject and Grade level Module in the DepEd Portal

Is the LR Material….. YES NO Cannot be determined

1. Connected and Relevant to the /

2. Appropriate to the grade and /

learner characteristics in terms of
language, activities?
3. easy to reproduce and/or /
4. from a credible source /author? /
5. culture- and gender-fair? /
6. free from red flags on possible /
copyright and plagiarism issues?
7. the layout and format easy to read /
and pleasing to the eyes?
Reflection Questions:

1. Was the material able to meet all the requirements?

2. Were there any questions in the assessment tool where you answered “No” or “cannot Be
Determined”? What decisions will you make on the LR material? Why?


3. Are there other aspects of the material not covered by the tool but still need to be assessed?
Specify Which aspect/s?


4. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LR’s for your lesson and
your learners?
*This assessment tool was a great help for us teachers in choosing the best LR for our subject
matter. It taught us to consider first all requirements needed in obtaining our desired LR.

1. Based on the Assessment Tool, how does the material from a non-DepEd Portal compare with
the LR from the DepEd Portal?

 DepEd prescribed LR’s are reliable and aligned in the basic requirement needed for
choosing LR’s while non-DepEd LR’s sometimes deviate form the requirements of
standard LR’s.
2. Based on the Result of the Assessment Tool, what improvements do the materials-both from
DepEd and Non-DepEd portals-still need?

 DepEd materials before posting to the DepEd portal were being examined by the DepEd
personnel, so I think there’s no revisions for that but non deped materials of course need
to be examined first and must be aligned to the assessment tool given by the department.
3. how does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LR’s for your lesson and
your learners?

 Because of this exercises and assessment too; I can now choose better Learning
Resources for my subject matter.


 Choose one of the LR materials that you have develop. Assess this material using the
same tool. Answer the following questions in your Study Notebook.
1. How does your material compare with ones that are obtained from the online portals?

 I had made learning resources in my Grade level/ Titlle of Activity. When I saw the
assessment tool I had knew that I am lacking and didn’t meet some requirements
prescribed by DepEd.
2. What improvements do you still need to make in your developed material?

 Need to improve the sources of the activity and the type of font to make it more readable
to my pupils. Also I will consider the culture and gender fair next time.


1. Share and discuss your answers to the questions in Activities 1,2 and 3 in your next LAC
Session. Jot Down insights and information that can be useful to you in choosing the appropriate

 After the LAC Session we had seen a clear vision in making our own LR’s and in
choosing and downloading LR’s in our DepEd portals.
 A member of the group, suggested that we must adapt this tool and use it every time we
make our own LR’s considering culture, gender-fair issues. And also, we must
contextualize our learner’s materials in order for them to embrace our unique culture and

________________________________________________END OF MODULE 3A & 3B



1. Assess your current capabilities and skills using the Professional Self-Assessment


I can use the modality with /
I can confidently use the /
platforms in the
I can use pedagogies /
associated with the
modalities and platforms
I can very well manage my /
learners/class in the
modality that my school
has adopted
I can very well engage /
with parents in assisting


Revisit the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) found in the LDM2 Course
Overview. Reflect on your self-assessment from Activity

1. What particular professional standards in the PPST do you need to focus on to effectively use
the LDMs in relation to the content and pedagogy of the learning area/ s you are
teaching? Write your answer and other insights in your Study Notebook
.* I need to develop and give more focus on the Domain number one, the content knowledge
Pedagogy. As my self-assessment where I got only the agree level so there's a room for my
Improvement. Also, I want to enhance the domain number six the community linkages and
professional engagement. I need to build strong relationship with the guardians/ parents of my
students to deliver the quality supervisory among them as well as with my co mentors in schools.


Answer the following questions by constructing and filling out the table in your Study Notebook.

1.How do you envision your teaching practice in the next few months as you use the LDM
adopted by your School? What is your goal in terms of your teaching practices in the modalities?
What motivates you to achieve this goal? What do you think will help you attain this goal?

What is Goal toward improving What will you push to What will help you to
your teaching practices in achieve this goal? attain this goal?
the Modalities?
To produce quality output, learners Improving my teaching Continue my professional
ready and fully equipped. strategies and practices. development

can make the best lessons Learning to unpacking and Study and apply the MELCS
for the new normal class combining the MELCS given by Deped

Provide the quality modules for my Applying the assessment Creating account in the
students the Modular tool in choosing learning in LRMDS and Deped
learning this new normal resources for the modules commons.



1. Accomplish the Individual Development Plan Template by referring from you output in
lesson 1 Activity 3 of this module.

Strengths Developmental Action Plan Timelin Resources

Needs (Recommended Developmental e Needed
Learning Intervention
Objectives of the
PD Program
Focusing Produce quality Producing quality Attending seminars Whole School Funds
teaching and output, Learners and output and about curriculum Year
learning fully equipped. lifelong learners planning, lesson round
planning and
teaching strategies
Focusing Can make Making lesson Attend orientation Whole School Funds
teaching and contextualize lessons plans align with about MELC, LAC Year
learning for the new normal the MELC’s by sessions discussing round
class DepEd. MELC based
lesson plans
Support Provide the quality Applying the Insert School Funds
curriculum modules for my assessment tool Attending seminars LAC and Personal
Management pupils in the in choosing about learning sessions
and Modular Print learning resources, LRMDS
Implementation learning this new resources for and DepEd
normal modules commons


1. Refer to your PD objectives and decide on what topics you would like to talk about in your
School Lac. Use the PD discussion Template in your discussion.


Making lesson plan align with the MELC’s by MELC’s unpacking and combining
Applying the assessment tool in choosing learning Learning resources, using LRMDS and
resources for the modules. DepEd commons

_____________________________________________END OF MODULE 4



1. Before you begin to prepare building you Portfolio, you need to make sure that you have
completed all the outputs for the course. Go over the list found inLDM2 guide for Expected
output and find out whether you have completed all the outputs required for Module 1 to 4
of this course. Submit the completed outputs to the designated Coach for final evaluation.
Keep a copy of all your outputs for your own records.

Activity 2

A Study the Reading on Portfolios from the Glossary of Education Reform. Based on your
reading, reflect on the following questions and jot down your answers in your Study Notebook.

1. How will your Portfolio help you in tracking the progress of your teaching practice in your
School's LDM?
* Portfolios are intended to evaluate learning progress and achievement in a specific course, by
completing my portfolio in LAC sessions about LDM I can now be ready for the challenge of the
new normal way of teaching. First, I will make my lessons I can scan my finished portfolio and
go to the topic about preparing MELCS. Then if I will choose what learning resources to be used
in my topic, I can refer to Learning Resources topics and how to download it in DepEd portals.

2. What evidence from the previous modules will help capture the progress of your teaching
* In the previous module which is module 4, I had learned about making individual development
plan by this I can now asses my weakness and strength in terms of my teaching practices. One of
the best examples is analyzing to what domain do I need to focus more and make a development
plan for that.

3. Why is writing down your reflections an integral part of your Portfolio

*In every work or task given it must have a reflection within. Making of it is an integral part
because It serves as a compilation of our knowledge and understanding towards the topic. It also
measures our affectively being our consciousness and even our Judgement in a certain topic.



Documentation of Lessons Activities August to November At least 2 recorded lessons
(modular output/week)
Researching and Incorporating August to November Lesson Plans (DLL/DLP) at least 2
Teaching Strategies in the Modalities per month
Participation in recognized PD’s that August to November Certification of Participation with PD
are aligned with their Professional credit units
goals anchored on Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers
Organizing the Professional Portfolio December Professional Portfolio
Submission of Portfolio to Coach/es December Certificate of Submission
Co-learning with Peers and Coach/es At least once a month starting Video recording thru zoom/goggle
September 2020 meet

 LAC discussion with colleagues (put some evidences or MOV’s)

Activity 5
Documentation of Lessons Activities August to November At least 2 recorded lessons
(modular output/week)
Researching and Incorporating August to November Lesson Plans (DLL/DLP) at least 2
Teaching Strategies in the Modalities per month
Participation in recognized PD’s that August to November Certification of Participation with PD
are aligned with their Professional credit units
goals anchored on Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers
Organizing the Professional Portfolio December Professional Portfolio
Submission of Portfolio to Coach/es December Certificate of Submission
Co-learning with Peers and Coach/es At least once a month starting Video recording thru zoom/goggle
September 2020 meet


Activity 1

1. Study the criteria and indicators found in the Evaluation Rubric. What steps will you take to
ensure that you are able to hit the criteria in the Rubric? Write down your answers and any other
thoughts about the Rubric in your Study Notebook
• In order to be successful in making the portfolio I must consider first the Demonstration
progress of the LDM Implementation which 30 % in the rubrics. Ensuring the quality of my
reflections in every topic or lesson that I tackled. Lastly, my output will be based on the
professional standard given by DepEd.

Activity 2

1. Discuss and share your thoughts on the Rubric in your LAC Session. Present your steps to
make your outputs and Portfolio responsive to the evaluation criteria and indicators. Take note of
your colleagues’ other insights as well

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