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Our Elevator built here uses the following

A) Cardboard box
B) popsicle sticks
C) Barbecue sticks
D) Metal rod
E) Wheel and elevator cut out of cardboard
F) Plastic gears (from toy)
The design has 2 axles - one on top and the
other one at the bottom.
2. The axle on top is attached to 2 popsicle
sticks on either side (as shown) to balance it
3. In the same manner, the axle (a metal rod) at
the bottom is attached to either sides of the
4. There are 2 wheels attached to the 2 axles in
the centre.
5.There is a piece of twine connecting the 2
wheels forming the simple pulley.
6. The Elevator itself is attached to the twine by
glue. There is an eraser in the elevator for our

Working : (Here is how the Elevator operates)

1. When the axle is rotated anti-clock wise, both
the pulleys rotate causing the twine to move
from top to bottom.
2. Likewise, when the axle is rotated in the clock
wise direction, the twine pushes the elevator
from bottom to top .
3. We used 2 gears to show an imitation of how
the actual elevator gears will look like.
4. In the actual case, a motor will move the
green gear, which in turn will move the yellow
gear and the axle attached.

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