Commercial Dispatch Eedition 10-27-20

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

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Tuesday | October 27, 2020

Suspect ignites mop to swipe Lowe’s pressure washer

Shelton: ‘Why would you commit a felony to commit a misdemeanor?’
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN 10:30 or 11 a.m. the store at about the same Andrews said it time.
was a small fire While police do not have a
Columbus Po- set on the mop suspect yet, Shelton said inves-
lice Department aisle — investi- tigators are currently reviewing
is investigating gators believe store surveillance footage. The
what authorities to an actual mop suspect will face charges of
believe to have — that automat- felony arson and misdemeanor
been an inten- ically triggered Andrews shoplifting.
tional fire set in the store’s sprinkler system, “It’s kind of extreme,” Shel-
Lowe’s Sunday which had mostly put the fire ton said. “Why would you com-
morning. out by the time firefighters ar- mit a felony to commit a misde-
CPD Chief Fred Shelton rived. meanor?”
Courtesy photo
and Columbus Fire and Res- Authorities believe some- No one was injured during
Investigators in Columbus are searching for a suspect who set a
cue Chief Martin Andrews one set the fire to create a the incident, and Lowe’s closed fire in the mop aisle of Lowe’s on Military Road Sunday morning.
said firefighters responded distraction so he or she could for the rest of the day, Andrews Columbus Police Chief Fred Shelton and Columbus Fire and Rescue
to a call about the fire at the shoplift. Shelton said a pres- said. It reopened Monday. Chief Martin Andrews said authorities believe the suspect set the
Military Road store at around sure washer was taken from See FIRE, 6A fire as a distraction so he or she could steal a pressure washer.

Absentee voting FAMILY WALK

up more than
50 percent
from 2016 in
Golden Triangle
With 7 days to election
day, nearly 6K area
voters have already
cast ballots

Months ago, long

before absentee vot-
ing for the Nov. 3
election began, Clay
County Circuit Clerk
Kim Brown Hood
was notified by the
Secretary of State’s
office to expect a lot Hood
more people to vote
by absentee than
during the 2016 presi-
dential election.
“We were told be-
fore the start to esti-
mate 25 percent more Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
absentee votes,” LaDrae White, left, and Mia Vaughn take a walk with Vaughn’s 7-month-old daughter, Leilani Jackson, at the Collegiate
Hood said. Rook
Heights apartment complex Monday evening. The three of them go on family walks around the complex in southern Starkville
While Hood isn’t regularly, Vaughn said.
sure what the fi-
nal absentee voting
numbers were in her
county in 2016, she’s
pretty sure the num-
bers are substantially
higher than 25 per-
Barksdale Two arrested for felony domestic
violence in separate shootings
“We’ve had more absentee votes
than I ever imagined,” she said
With seven days to go before
the election, 1,264 Clay County
voters have already cast their ab- Shelton: Incidents are isolated, unrelated aggravated assault. Shelton
said McCaa shot an individu-
sentee ballots, some by mail, most
by in-person voting, which has kept to shootings from previous weekend al on Gregory Road at about
10 p.m. Saturday. The shoot-
her office extremely busy for weeks BY ISABELLE ALTMAN assault-domestic violence. ing was in retaliation for the
now. She is accused of shooting victim apparently beating up
What’s happening with absentee
ballots in Clay County is hardly an a romantic partner in her his girlfriend, a family mem-
Two people have been ar-
anomaly. Forrest Boulevard home ber of McCaa’s.
rested for domestic violence
According to a Secretary of after two separate Saturday Saturday at 8 p.m. after the Whitmore McCaa “(He) was giving him
State’s Office update Monday, night shootings in Colum- two argued, Columbus Po- juries. some of what he was giving
169,000 Mississippians have cast bus. lice Chief Fred Shelton said. Then on Monday, Devario his girlfriend,” Shelton said.
absentee ballots, 58,000 more than Breeze Whitmore, 22, The victim was flown to an McCaa, 29, of Columbus, Shelton said in that case,
in 2016. That’s a 52-percent in- was arrested Sunday and out-of-town hospital and is turned himself in to Colum- the victim was treated and
See VOTING, 6A charged with aggravated still being treated for his in- bus Police Department for See SHOOTINGS, 6A


1 Colors directly opposite each other Today through Saturday MEETINGS
on the color wheel are called what? Nov. 2: Lown-
■ Radio drama: MSU’s Shack-
2 Which type of flower do vanilla des County
beans come from? ouls Honors College presents “A
Board of Super-
3 The pole vault was originally a Halloween Feast with Seneca’s
visors meet-
means of passing over bogs and Oedipus” online at
ing, 9 a.m.,
marshes in which country — Argenti- and broadcast at vary-
na, the Netherlands or Zambia? Lowndes County
Liana Cotman ing times on MSU’s radio station
4 The islands of which former Yugosla- Courthouse,
Third grade, Annunciation 91.1 FM and EMCC’s 92.7.
vian nation are popular tourist destina-

78 Low 67
tions for northern Europeans? LowndesCounty-
High 5 The famous line, “Frankly, my dear, Thursday Mississippi/
Mostly cloudy, chance p.m. rain
I don’t give a damn,” was almost cen- ■ Loaves & Fishes: This Com- Nov. 16:
sored from which classic film? munity Soup Kitchen fundraiser Lowndes County
Full forecast on
page 3A. Answers, 6B features pork loin take-out Board of Super-
meals, $15 or two for $25, from visors meet-
First United Methodist Church ing, 9 a.m.,
INSIDE Family Life Center, 602 College Lowndes County
Classifieds 6B Health 6A St. City limits delivery avail- Courthouse,
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A able. Tickets at Columbus Arts Liz Bulter, a stay-at-home mom of
Crossword 3B Opinions 4A Council, FUMC, other churches. four, moved to Columbus 14 years LowndesCounty-
141st Year, No. 1 95 Dear Abby 4B 662-425-6408. ago from her native California. Mississippi/


2A TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020 The Dispatch •

Issues important to Trump

await Barrett on Supreme Court
Amy Coney Barrett, confirmed on Monday by Obama-era law. “I hope they end
it,” he said in an interview with CBS
the Senate in a 52-48 virtual party line vote, is News’ “60 Minutes.”
On Friday, Barrett, the most
expected to begin work as a justice today open opponent of abortion rights
to join the court in decades, also
BY MARK SHERMAN will make that call. could be called upon to weigh in on
The Associated Press Barrett was confirmed Monday Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban.
by the Senate in a 52-48 virtual par- The state is appealing lower court
WA S H I N G T O N ty line vote. She is expected to begin rulings invalidating the ban. Abor-
— Amy Coney Bar-
work as a justice on Tuesday after tion opponents in Pittsburgh also
rett’s first votes on
taking the second of two oaths re- are challenging a so-called bubble
the Supreme Court
quired of judges by federal law. No zone that prevents protesters from
could include two big
justice has assumed office so close getting too close to abortion clinics.
topics affecting the
man who appointed to a presidential election or immedi- The court put off acting on both
her. ately confronted issues so directly cases before Barrett joined the
The court is weigh- Barrett tied to the incumbent president’s court, without offering any expla-
ing a plea from President Donald political and personal fortunes. nation in the Mississippi case. It or-
Trump to prevent the Manhattan At 48, she’s the youngest justice dered Pittsburgh to file a response
district attorney from acquiring his since Clarence Thomas joined the to the appeal filed by the protesters,
tax returns. It is also considering court in 1991 at age 43. who call themselves sidewalk coun-
appeals from the Trump campaign Other election-related issues are selors.
and Republicans to shorten the pending at the high court, which It’s not clear that the public will
deadline for receiving and counting next week also will hear a clash of know how Barrett voted in the two
absentee ballots in the battleground LGBTQ rights and religious free- abortion cases because the court
states of North Carolina and Penn- doms. The fate of the Affordable typically doesn’t make the vote
sylvania. Care Act is on the agenda on Nov. counts public when it is consider-
It’s not certain Barrett will take 10, and Trump himself last week ing whether to grant full review to
part in any of these issues, but she reiterated his opposition to the cases.

Biden goes on offense in Georgia, Trump targets Midwest

President is staying focused on states more paths to 270 elector-
al college votes. But after
gia of 2008, 2012, I think
there’s no way we would
that he flipped in 2016: Pennsylvania, Democrats flirted with
GOP territory in 2016,
have seen a Biden come
this late,” said Nsé Ufot,
Michigan and Wisconsin only to lose those states
as well as their traditional
chief executive officer of
the New Georgia Project,
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to travel to Iowa, which Midwestern strongholds, which aims to increase
Trump took by 10 points Biden’s campaign is voter registration, espe-
WASHINGTON — in 2016, later in the mindful of overreaching. cially among young peo-
One week until Election week. His running mate, The former vice presi- ple and minorities. “It’s a
Day, Joe Biden is going California Sen. Kamala dent will also visit in the
on offense, heading Tues- loud signal and acknowl-
Harris, is heading to Ar- coming days Wisconsin,
day to Georgia — which edgment of Georgia as a
izona and Texas, where Michigan and Florida.
hasn’t backed a Democrat Republicans haven’t lost Georgia, where Biden battleground state.”
for president since 1992 any statewide office since will make two stops on Trump is staying fo-
— and pushing into other 1994 — the nation’s lon- Tuesday, has increasingly cused on the so-called
territory where President gest political winning become a draw for Dem- “blue wall” states that he
Donald Trump was once streak. ocrats in recent years, as flipped in 2016: Pennsyl-
expected to easily repeat The aggressive sched- turnout increases among vania, Michigan and Wis-
his wins from four years ule is a sign of confidence Black voters and the At- consin, where he’ll return
ago. by the Biden team, which lanta suburbs tilt away on Tuesday to hit West Sa-
The Democratic presi- is trying to stretch the from the GOP. lem just three days after
dential nominee planned electoral map and open up “If this was the Geor- holding a Janesville rally.

Counting the vote: Will we know who won on election night?

DAYS UNTIL Trump has repeatedly
warned of voting fraud
right now in Pennsylva-
nia, votes that arrive by
Millions of Americans
THE ELECTION without offering any ev- mail three days after Nov.

have already voted, but idence. Because of that, 3 will be counted, after an
each state has different there are concerns that intense legal battle that
rules on when it’s allowed he will use delays in went all the way to the
to actually start count- vote-counting to declare U.S. Supreme Court last
ing those ballots. That is results illegitimate. While week. Republicans have
going to produce results But it’s not that simple. results might come in lat- filed another suit against
coming in at very differ- In some of the most crit- er than usual this year, the extension. Also, Penn-
ent times — perhaps days ical battleground states, that’s because of a change sylvania doesn’t allow ear-
or even weeks after Elec- laws prevent the early pro- in how people are voting, ly processing of mail-in
tion Day. cessing of ballots. So on not malfeasance or fraud. ballots, further complicat-
In some places, elec- Here is another wrin- ing matters.
Nov. 3, Election Day, of-
tion officials can begin kle: Nationwide delivery In Michigan, anoth-
ficials will have to run an
processing ballots weeks delays at the U.S. Postal er hotly contested state,
in-person election while
before Election Day. That Service are sparking fears an appeals court has
means workers can start also working through the
that ballots might not ar- struck down a 14-day bal-
verifying voter informa- unprecedented number rive in time to be count- lot-counting extension,
tion while also removing of mail-in votes. This dy- ed. Republicans, includ- leading the state’s top
ballots from their enve- namic is likely to delay ing Trump’s campaign, election official to urge
lopes to physically get results and heighten the have been filing lawsuits voters to drop off their
them ready for tabulation. potential for big shifts if to stop election officials ballots in person rather
Doing so readies ballots in-person vote tallies are from counting ballots that than use the Postal Ser-
for counting on Election upended by the counting are delivered after Elec- vice. Courts have also
Day and will speed up the of mail-in ballots. tion Day. nixed similar extensions
release of results. President Donald For example: As of in Wisconsin and Indiana.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020 3A

Mississippi governor’s mask mandate expands to 16 counties

Reeves said he does not anticipate setting a in the state, Harrison and Mad-
ison, along with the less-pop-
reduce the risk of spread and
overwhelming the health care
wear a mask,” Reeves said.
Mississippi confirmed its
statewide mandate for people to wear masks ulated Benton, Carroll, Jones,
Leake and Marshall counties.
system — you go out in pub-
lic, wear a mask,” Reeves said
first cases of COVID-19 in
March. For the first few months,
to polling places on or before the election Those with restrictions he set during a news conference. Reeves set county-by-county
last week are DeSoto, Jackson, “Stay socially distanced. Don’t mask mandates only in places
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS Wednesday and lasts until at Lee, Forrest, Lamar, Itawamba, get close to one another. Don’t with rapidly increasing case
The Associated Press least Nov. 11. When it is in place, Neshoba, Claiborne and Chick- have big events ... for social pur- numbers. His only statewide
16 of Mississippi’s 82 counties asaw counties. poses.” mask mandate was in place
JACKSON — Mississippi will have a requirement for peo- Reeves said the restrictions The Republican governor from Aug. 4 to Sept. 30.
Gov. Tate Reeves said Monday ple to wear face coverings when are in counties that have had at said he does not anticipate that The state health department
that he is extending a mask they are indoors away from least 200 confirmed virus cases he will set a statewide mandate said Monday that Mississip-
mandate to seven additional their homes. Social gatherings or at least 500 confirmed cases for people to wear masks to poll- pi, with a population of about
counties to try to control the in those 16 counties also will be per 100,000 residents during a ing places on or before the Nov. 3 million, has reported more
spread of the coronavirus as limited to 10 people indoors or recent two-week period. 3 election. than 115,000 confirmed cases
cases increase rapidly in some 50 people outdoors. “If you live anywhere in “I do anticipate that the vast and at least 3,263 deaths from
areas. The counties Reeves is add- Mississippi and you want to majority of Mississippians, COVID-19 as of Sunday eve-
His new order takes effect ing are two of the larger ones be in the game and help us when they go vote, are going to ning.

The following arrests

Hurricane warning
were made by Lowndes
County Sheriff’s Office: for New Orleans as Zeta
n Armando Barry, 41,
was charged with posses-
sion of cocaine and three
swirls over Mexico
counts possession of a BY GABRIEL ALCOCER
controlled substance. The Associated Press
n Anthony Crathin, Barry Crathin Dean Johnson Nethery Pierson
24, was charged with ag- CANCUN, Mexico — Storm-weary Louisi-
gravated assault with a ana is once again under a hurricane warning,
weapon or other means to with Zeta leaving Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula
produce death. on a path that could hit New Orleans Wednesday
n William Dean, 44, night.
was charged with posses- Zeta, the 27th named storm in a very busy At-
sion of distillery. lantic season, made landfall as a hurricane just
n Javaris Johnson, 36, north of the ancient Mayan city of Tulum with
was charged with two Prather Walker Juan Davis Burkis Hodges maximum sustained winds of 80 mph. It weak-
counts trafficking of con- ened to a tropical storm as it crossed over land,
trolled substances, con- but it was expected to regain its strength over the
tempt of court and failure Gulf of Mexico.
to appear. Zeta’s top winds were 70 mph early Tuesday,
n William Nethery, centered about 560 miles south of the mouth of
46, was charged with sex the Mississippi River. If Zeta makes landfall in
offender registration fail- Louisiana, it will be the fifth named storm to hit
ure. the state this year, joining Cristobal, Laura, Mar-
n Kristen Pierson, co and Delta.
24, was charged with Hill Bell Norwood Thompson Phillips J. Evans Zeta was still drenching the northern Yucatan
two counts possession of as its center moved over the water. Quintana Roo
methamphetamine and state Gov. Carlos Joaquín warned that “nobody
felony taking of a motor should be on the streets ... you shouldn’t go out
vehicle. anymore” until the storm passed.
n Donavan Prather,
18, was charged with pos-
session of methamphet-
n Tarcari Walker, 42, Tucker Dobbins Reed Young Wright Black
was charged with bur-
glary of inhabited dwell-
ing at night with deadly

The following arrests

were made by the Oktib-
beha County Sheriff’s Of-
n Alex Juan, 27, was Bush Miller Neal L. Evans Peterson Hagens
charged with hold for oth- n Elmer Norwood, 37, with aggravated assault. hold.
er agency and DUI first was charged with was n Rachel Reed, 33, n Timothy Neal, 37,
offense. charged with a circuit was charged with proba- was charged with a DUI
n Jaylon Davis, 22, court order. tion violation. 3rd offense.
was charged with receiv- n Jamaunte Thomp- n Braxton Young, 27, n Lela Evans, 21, was
ing stolen property and son, 34, was charged with was charged with shots charged with possession
no seatbelt. a circuit court order. fired. of a stolen firearm, ex-
n Todd Burkis, 51, was n Kennedy Phillips, n Kelly Wright, 39, pired drivers license and
charged with a circuit
23, was charged with em- was charged with a cir- no seatbelt.
court order.
n Tevin Hodges, 29, bezzlement. cuit court order. n George Peterson,
was charged with a parole n Jakava Evans, 24, n Roy Black 59, was 34, was charged with
violation. was charged with posses- charged with an indict- possession of marijuana
n Fajion Hill, 22, was sion of a stolen firearm. ment. more than 30 grams and
charged with a circuit n Lamarcus Tucker, n Alex Bush, 39, was sale of marijuana.
court order. 21, was charged with charged with an indict- n Johnathan Hagens,
n Derrick Bell, 42, grand larceny. ment. 19, was charged with
was charged with a cir- n Macklwayne Dob- n Jacquet Miller, 45, armed robbery and carry-
cuit court order. bins, 53, was charged was charged with MDOC ing a concealed weapon.

10 shot, 2 fatally, at post-

funeral gathering in Mississippi
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lice a semiautomatic rifle been made as of Sunday.
was used, and officers Hammond did not im-
GREENWOOD — Ten picked up shell casings mediately respond to a
people were shot, two from an AR-15. Hammond telephone message Mon-
fatally, during a post-fu- said the assailant was day from The Associated
neral gathering in Missis- gone by the time officers Press seeking additional
sippi over the weekend, arrived. No arrests had information.
police said.
Jonathan Pitts, 42, and
his sister Katrina Pitts,
41, died at the scene of the
shooting late Saturday in
Greenwood, the Green-
wood Commonwealth re-
The siblings and oth-
er relatives from Chicago
were in Greenwood to at-
tend their grandmother’s
funeral, investigators
said. A gathering with SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates
family from both cities peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tues. Wed.
was held after the ser- Major 9:50p 10:33p
Minor 5:09p 5:36p
vices. Major 10:12a 10:53a
Greenwood Depu- Minor 4:05a 5:01a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department

ty Police Chief Marvin of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

Hammond said he could

not immediately provide
an age range of the other
shooting victims or their
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
conditions. Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Eyewitnesses told po- Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website: Report a news tip:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Believes polling places
should enforce mask mandates
One of the stated reasons for not enforcing
the local mask mandate at the polls is that
some people might be disenfranchised. An
interesting reason. Some people might be in-
convenienced by wearing a mask and choose
not to vote to avoid the inconvenience. Other
people, many at high risk of terrible outcomes
from infection, may choose not to vote to pro-
tect their lives and the health of their families.
It seems to me that someone in one group or
the other is going to be disenfranchised. I
cannot believe that anyone thinks that these
two obstacles are equivalent.
Mississippi has already denied people the
right to absentee ballots unless they can clear
a high hurdle, forcing them to the polls to vote
at all. This Columbus ruling makes voting a
life-threatening event.
Then, consider the poll workers, inhaling
the aerosols of hundreds of barefaced people,
most of whom have done nothing to avoid in-
fection to this point. There they will sit, in an
enclosed space, for hours on end as aerosols
concentrate, at a time when COVID-19 cases
are at record highs.
The other stated reason for the ruling is
wrong on the face of it. The lack of a Feder-
al mandate to wear a mask is not an order
against local mandates. Further, this is not a
Federal election. It is a local election for fed-
eral offices, with ballot initiatives for medical
marijuana and on acceptance of a flag design
that are for Mississippi alone. President
Trump himself obeyed the local mandate to
wear a mask at his polling place, so apparently

Will medical marijuana go up in smoke?

the Department of Justice has no objection.
My cynical side tells me that there may be
a partisan motive in all this. Bare-faces tend
to be Republicans, and wearing a mask will

not stop many from voting in such a charged t is almost comical ceeded past this point, Ok, then, but what about the
election. Mask-wearers tend to be Democrats, the lengths Missis- you can proceed to children?
and since they wear masks, they will see the sippi’s establish- choose whether you In case you were wondering, 65
decision to vote in an enclosed space around ment has gone to make prefer 65 or 65A. dictates that dispensaries cannot
those not wearing masks as having much sure Mississippi does If 65 attracts more be located within 500 feet of a
more serious potential consequences, and too not have a medical mar- of the “EEE/KNEE” school, which is the zoning that
many will opt for safety first. This issue needs ijuana program. votes than 65A receives already applies to places that trade
examination, and in a hurry. This week will After years of watch- in “EYE/NIGH” votes, in powerful mind- and mood-al-
pass quickly. ing the Mississippi medical marijuana tering, highly-addictive products.
Bill Parker Legislature ignore bills will be permitted in We call those places pharmacies. I
Columbus to establish a medical a handful of random don’t see anybody getting out the
marijuana program counties selected by the tape measure to figure out how
Slim Smith
Moody’s Analytics releases in the state, citizens Governor based on “the close Walgreens is to the neigh-
GDP projections took the matter in their
As if the
advice of experts while borhood elementary school.
I could talk about what Wall Street own hands through being careful to avoid Another big flaw of 65, say the
the petition process. the perils of imposing detractors, is that it allows for no
(Moody’s Analytics, to be specific) thinks of
our economic future but here are the numbers Needing the signature intentional the “heavy hand of oversight by the Legislature.
that really matter for sure right now:
n 545 — the number of children separated
of 100,000 registered
voters to place the issue
ballot government.”
If 65A attracts the
They say that like it’s a bad
from their parents at the US - Mexico border
still in US custody and whose parents have so
before the voters, the
petition drive accumu-
confusion isn’t most votes from the
“EEE/KNEE” crowd,
So the Legislature wants to do
for medical marijuana what it has
far not been found;
n 29.8 million — the number of people
lated 220,000 signa- enough, the 65A will allow the done for public education, roads/
tures. Legislature to craft bridges infrastructure, foster care
who will lose their health insurance if the Suffice to say, the Legislature a medical marijuana or mental health?
Trump administration successfully convinc- legislators did not take program in a timely Forget medical marijuana for a
es the Supreme Court to get rid of the ACA it well and took steps to and their fashion, which for the second. I want to know what these
(Obamacare) during this year’s Supreme put these people back Legislature is roughly legislators are smoking.
Court session (case #19-840/19-1019, to be in their place, starting cronies have the year 2080. These In truth, 65 deserves our votes,
considered by the SC on Nov. 10th);
n 226,345 — the number of people who
with the way the issue
would be presented to
embarked on a things cannot be
rushed, after all.
despite the intentionally convo-
luted way medical marijuana will
have died of Covid-19 as of Friday, 10/23/20; a
projected 385,000 by February 1;
voters. The ballot is
constructed to confuse
misinformation As if the intentional
ballot confusion isn’t
appear on the ballot and despite
the ludicrous misinformation cam-
n 77,640 — the number of new Covid-19
infections reported Thursday, 10/22 — the
just enough voters to campaign enough, the Legislature paigns orchestrated by those who
ensure that medical and their cronies have don’t care that 81 percent of Mis-
highest number of new cases reported in a day
yet for the US. This does not bode well for the marijuana doesn’t pass. that makes embarked on a misin- sissippians (according to a May
In a fair process, formation campaign poll of 600 likely Mississippi vot-
projection above. October 23’s number was
even higher — over 79,000 (and Sunday, over there would be a single the 1936 that makes the 1936 ers), believe that a doctor should
ballot question asking film “Reefer Madness” be able to prescribe marijuana to
n 45 — the number of states experiencing voters to choose among film ‘Reefer seem like a documen- patients suffering from qualifying
an increase in Covid-19 cases including eight
states experiencing increases more than 500/
three options: Yes to
Initiative 65. Yes to
Madness’ tary.
Some, but not all,
medical conditions.
Two-thirds of the states have
day greater than 2 weeks, mostly in the upper Initiative 65A. No to
medical marijuana.
seem like a law enforcement in the
state have said that
medical marijuana programs,
including a bunch of “red” states.
n 5 — the number of Vice-President That is not what we documentary. medical marijuana will School kids there aren’t using
Pence’s staffers that have tested positive for have, though. lead to an increase in their lunch money to score weed
Covid-19 as of Monday, October 26. First, you must choose whether crime, despite the fact that virtual- at the pot shop next door. Blood
Further, over the weekend, Mark Meadows, to vote for either or neither of the ly every study going back 20 years is not flowing down the streets
President Trump’s Chief of Staff, said, “We are two initiatives. shows no credible link between because Aunt Martha is using
not going to control the pandemic.” Instead, Then, you must choose whether medical marijuana and increased marijuana instead of opioids for
both the President and Vice-President have “either” is pronounced “EYE-ther” crime rates. pain relief.
chosen to help spread it by continuing to hold or “EEE-ther.” There is also the fear-monger- But I think the best reason of
rallies where social distancing and masks are If you choose, the EYE-ther ing about how 65, which allows for all to vote for 65 is to teach these
largely absent. pronunciation, you must decide privately-owned dispensaries, will legislators and their cronies a
In view of the above, it actually does seem whether “neither” is pronounced mean a “pot shop” on every corner, lesson.
relevant to discuss the Wall Street projections “KNEE-ther” or “NIGH-ther.” especially corners near schools. So vote FOR “either” then vote
if Democrats retain the House, flip the Senate If you choose “EEE-ther” and Arkansas established a medical FOR 65.
and win the White House after all, since the “NIGH-ther,” your vote is on the marijuana program 1½ years ago. And, by the way, it’s “EYE-ther”
pandemic has such a huge impact on the state
basis of inconsistent pronunci- The state has 39 dispensaries in and “NIGH-ther.”
of the economy.
ation. It has to be “EEE” and the whole state. So either Arkan- Slim Smith is a columnist and
Moody’s Analytics recently released pro-
“KNEE” or “EYE” and “NIGH.” sas is pretty close to being round feature writer for The Dispatch. His
jections for US GDP growth over the next four
years under different scenarios.
You cannot have it both ways. (few corners) or somebody is email address is ssmith@cdispatch.
n Democrats Sweep: +4.2% If you have successfully pro- doing some serious exaggerating. com.
n Biden wins/Congress split: +3.5%;
n Trump wins/Congress split: +3.2%;
n Republicans sweep: +3.1%.
There is still something you can do here
at home — vote! In particular, we have the Debbie Foster Zack Plair Bobby Williams
chance to make a change in one of our US Sen- EDITOR/PUBLISHER
Peter Imes Mary Ann Hardy Ben Portnoy
ate seats. Senator Hyde-Smith has consistent- Eddie Johnson Slim Smith
ly backed the President and has done nothing Courtney Laury Jan Swoope
publicly to challenge his failure to develop a Tess Vrbin
Claudi Arrington William Hudson
coherent national plan to combat coronavirus CIRCULATION Yue Stella Yu
Mike Lindsey
Kelly Ervin Michael Floyd
in this country. I urge you to cast your vote for Melissa Johnson Jamie Morrison
Kadee Holmes MAILROOM
Mike Espy, former Secretary of Agriculture, Beth Proffitt Anne Murphy
Deanna Robinson-Pugh Christina Boyd
who is challenging Senator Hyde-Smith. Sec- Tina Perry
Mary Jane Runnels Joseph Ellis
retary Espy will work in a bipartisan way to Luther Shields NEWS Jeffrey Gore
help us contain the virus and reach that +4.2% Jackie Taylor Isabelle Altman Katrina Guyton
growth that Moody’s predicts. Theo Derosa Doris Hill
Paul Mack BUSINESS OFFICE Matt Garner Quaylon Jones
Columbus Lindsey Beck Garrick Hodge Marquisto Miller
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020 5A

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Mr. Perrigin was Mr. Swoope was death by his wife, Ruby al Chapel, with Lloyd ra Byrd of Smithville;
OBITUARY POLICY born July 18, 1951, born Sept. 29, 1933, in Pitts Kennedy; siblings, Sweat officiating. Burial siblings, Leon, James,
Obituaries with basic informa-
in Columbus, to the Columbus, to the late Helen Chandler, Mary will follow in Oaklawn Bobby, Dale, Beiddie
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided free late John M. Perrigin Carrie Prowell and Lee Gilmer and Julia Memorial Gardens. Cantrell all of Texas,
of charge. Extended obituaries and Pauline Mabelle Lafayette Swoope. he Maddox; and step-son Visitation will be one Mary Ann Stapp,
with a photograph, detailed Smith. He was previ- was a graduate of SD Danny McLeroy. hour prior to services Virginia Patrick both of
biographical information and ously employed with Lee High School and He is survived by his at the funeral home. Alabama and Sue Mer-
other details families may wish Lamar Manufacturing, attended Mississippi daughter, Nancy Kenne- Tisdale-Lann Memo- chant of Columbus; 10
to include, are available for a Generations of Vernon, State University. He was dy of Vernon. rial Funeral Home of
fee. Obituaries must be sub-
grandchildren; and 14
Fayette Cotton Mill and formerly employed with Aberdeen is in charge of great-grandchildren.
mitted through funeral homes
unless the deceased’s body Wal-Mart. He attended Farmers Home Admin- Estella Harris arrangements.
Fountain of Life Church. istration and The Point. Mrs. Gill was born
has been donated to science.
He is survived by his In addition to his par-
Oct. 20, 1936, in Lamar
Robert Reagh
If the deceased’s body was telle Harris died Oct. COLUMBUS — Rob-
donated to science, the family daughter Tracy Barnes ents, he was preceded in 25, 2020, at Vineyard County, Alabama, to the
late Emmett and Clara ert Reagh, 72, died Oct.
must provide official proof of of Vernon; brother, death by his wife, Mary Court Nursing Center.
death. Please submit all obitu- Drake Batton Swoope; Mae Gilmore. She was 24, 2020, at Baptist Me-
Roger Dale Perrigin Arrangements are
aries on the form provided by
and siblings, James formerly employed with morial Hospital-Golden
of Columbus; and one incomplete and will be
The Commercial Dispatch. Free
Prowell Swoope, Celeste Action Industries and Triangle.
notices must be submitted to grandchild. announced by Carter’s
“Boo” Swoope William was a member of Mead- A private graveside
the newspaper no later than 3 Funeral Services of service will be held at
p.m. the day prior for publica- James Woodard and Elizabeth “Sister” Columbus. owood Baptist Church.
tion Tuesday through Friday; Swoope Reid. In addition to her a later date. Lowndes
COLUMBUS — Funeral Home of Co-
no later than 4 p.m. Saturday He is survived by parents, she was pre-
for the Sunday edition; and no
James Woodard, 39,
his son, James “Jim”
Yuvonda Jones ceded in death by her lumbus is in charge of
later than 7:30 a.m. for the died Oct. 26, 2020, at his COLUMBUS — Yu- arrangements.
residence. Prowell Swoope; husband, James Reuben
Monday edition. Incomplete no-
siblings, Lafayette vonda J. Jones, 55, died Gill; siblings, James, Mr. Reagh was born
tices must be received no later Arrangements are Oct. 26, 2020, at her
“Teeny” F. Swoope Jr., Johnny, Linda Brack Dec. 10, 1947, in Fay-
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday incomplete and will be residence.
through Friday editions. Paid Thomas “Dake” K. and Gladys Gray. ette, Alabama, to the
announced by Lown- Arrangements are
notices must be finalized by 3 Swoope, William “Bill” She is survived by late Robert D. and Augie
des Funeral Home of incomplete and will be
p.m. for inclusion the next day M. Swoope, Frank G. her children, James B. Dillard Reagh. He
Columbus. announced by Carter’s
Monday through Thursday; and
Swoope, Warren “Oop” R. Gill Jr. of Michigan, was formerly employed
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday
D. Swoope, Walter “Pen- Funeral Services of David Gill of Atlanta, as a florist.
and Monday publication. For Darrell Estes ny” W. Swoope, Charles Columbus. Georgia, Thomas Gill He is survived by his
more information, call 662-328- MILLPORT, Ala. —
2471. M. Swoope, Burton of Michigan and Barba- sister, Joan Tipton.
Darrell Anthony Estes,
C. Swoope, Eleanor Helon Gill
53, died Oct. 24, 2020. AMORY — Helon R.
Swoope Hairston and
Nellie Bonman Funeral services will
Lucy “Boopie” Swoope Gilmore Gill, 84, died
SULLIGENT, Ala. be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2020, at her
Beard; and two grand-
— Nellie Mae Cannon ad Dowdle Funeral residence.
Bomman, 68, died Oct. Home, with Roy Bush Pallbearers will be Services will be at
24, 2020, at her resi- officiating. Burial will Trip Hairston, Will 2 p.m. Thursday, at
dence. follow in Springhill Gavin, Joseph Salmon, Tisdale-Lann Memori-
Burial will be in Cemetery. Visitation Johnny Hancock, Kevin
the Gilmer Addition of is from 6-8 p.m. today, Boatner and Jimmy
Sulligent City Cemetery. at the funeral home Bell.
Otts Funeral Home of chapel. Dowdle Funeral Memorials may be
Sulligent is in charge of Home of Millport is in made to West Point/
arrangements. charge of arrangements. Clay County Animal
Mrs. Bonman was Mr. Estes was born

Helen Mize Douglas

Shelter 5122 Old Tibbee
born Dec. 5, 1951, in June 6, 1967, in Tuscalo- Rd West Point, MS
Sulligent, to the late osa, Alabama, to Mary 39773 or Sally Kate
Robert Hewitt and Ann Estes and the late Winters Children’s
Dessie Lee Johnson Glen Edward Estes. He Helen Mize Douglas, 89, of Starkville, MS,
Home PO Box 1233 died October 23, 2020, with her family near and
Cannon. She was a grad- was formerly employed West Point, MS 39773.
uate of Sulligent High with Columbus Machine daughter and granddaughter by her side.
School. She was former- Works and Welding. Helen Marie Fulgham, the fifth daughter of
ly employed in the cafe- In addition to his Hunter Kennedy Lisa Heath James Alvero Fulgham and Myrtle Templeton
VERNON, Ala. — Memorial Services:
teria of NACCO and was mother, he is survived Friday, Oct. 30 • 11 AM
was born on the family farm August 27, 1931, in
a member of Moscow by his half brother, Kurt Hunter Kennedy, 93, Calvary Baptist Church the Center Grove Community just east of Maben,
died Oct. 25, 2020, at Burial MS.
Holy City Church. Estes of Vernon, Ala- Houston City Cemetery
She is survived by bama. Generations of Vernon. College St. Locaiton Helen is survived by her daughter, Janet
her husband, Larry Pallbearers will Graveside services Judson (Ted) of West Point and three sons,
Bonman; son, Antho- be Ray Estes, Dennis are at 11 a.m. today, in Katherine Norris Danny (Kathy) Mize of Starkville, Murray
Morton Chapel Ceme- Incomplete (Mary) Mize of West Point and Johnny
ny Cannon of Fulton; Rainwater, Joe Elinburg, College St. Locaiton
brother, Mitchell Allen Ricky Gentry, Don tery, with Glen Boman (Deborah) Mize of Ozark, AL; one brother,
officiating. Chandler Fu- James A Fulgham Jr. of Center Grove; and one
Cannon of California; Crowell and I.V. Gunter.
neral Home of Vernon
Betty Fancher
and two grandchildren. Visitation: sister, Deleslyn (Cameron) Dakin of Cleveland,
is in charge of arrange- Friday, Oct. 30 • 6-8 PM MS. She is survived by seven grandchildren and
Edward Swoope ments. 2nd Ave N Location eleven great-grandchildren.
Kenneth Perrigin WEST POINT — Mr. Kennedy was Services:
Saturday, Oct. 31 • 11 AM She was preceded in death by five sisters,
VERNON, Ala. — Edward “Ed” Ashby born Feb. 9, 1927, in La- 2nd Ave N Chapel Lucille Johnson and Christine Douglas of
Kenneth Perrigin, 69, Swoope, 87, died Oct. mar County, Alabama, Burial
Starkville, Vivian Crowley of Center Grove,
Friendship Cemetery
died Oct. 22, 2020, at his 25, 2020, at Waverly to the late Clinton Leroy Evelyn Boyd of Birmingham, AL and Robbie Sue
2nd Ave N Location
residence. Care Home. and Rachel Adeline Ken- Peay of Verona, MS.
Funeral services Funeral services will nedy. He was a veteran She graduated from Maben High School in
were at 2 p.m. Saturday, be at 11 a.m. Wednes- of the U.S. Army and 1949 and married James Luther Mize, Jr. on
at Fountain Life Church, day, at First Presbyteri- was formerly employed May 31, 1949. She had a challenging career of
with Paul Barham offici- an Church, EPC, with as a dairy and row crop raising four children, while helping her husband
ating. Burial followed in the Rev. Brandon Dates
farmer. manage the family business, Mize Restaurant.
Furnace Hill Cemetery. officiating. Burial will In addition to his par- She enjoyed remodeling her family home in West
Visitation was one hour follow in Friendship ents, he was preceded in Point, MS, playing Bridge with her friends and
prior to services at the Cemetery. Visitation will visiting with family in the Starkville-Maben area.

Bobby Beasley
church. Otts Funeral be one hour prior to ser- Her driving adventures during those years was
Home of Sulligent was vices. Robinson Funeral most entertaining for her children during the
in charge of arrange- Home of West Point is in summers as she took them to the farm. Her father
ments. charge of arrangements. Bobby Gene Beasley, 59 of Columbus, MS had cows and row crops and ample areas of forest
passed away Sunday, October 25, 2020, at Baptist

Robert Camp
to educate her city kids to the remembrances of
Memorial Hospita –Golden Triangle, Columbus, her childhood. Once she took the kids on a fun
MS. ride around the field roads of her dad’s place
Visitation will be Tuesday, October 27, 2020, and had the bull chasing her red car across the
Robert Daniel Camp was born on April 13, 1941, from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at Bartahatchie Baptist pastures and through the woods with the kids
and died on October 25, 2020, from complications Church. A funeral service will be Wednesday, yelling “Mom the cows are coming to get us!”.
due to Covid-19. His parents, Dewey W. and Opal October 28, 2020, at 2:00 PM at Bartahatchie After James’ passed in 1975, she returned
Q. Camp, preceded him in death. Baptist Church with Bro. Robert Fowlkes to school to learn a new career and found
A graduate of Mississippi State University, Dan officiating. Interment will be at Egger Cemetery, employment with the Division of Plant Industry
taught for a time in the Vicksburg public schools Caledonia, MS with Lowndes Funeral Home located on the MSU campus. After retirement
but returned to Starkville. He joined the faculty directing. she was blessed with the companionship of
of Mississippi State before devoting full time to Mr. Beasley was born on February 16, 1961, James Arvle Douglas and they married on July
creating and managing the Cotton District, a in Columbus, MS to Buddy Beasley and the late 10, 1997. They enjoyed six years of
nationally recognized residential and commercial Dorothy Louise Honeycutt Bradley. He attended traveling and exploring the southeast until
development. Dan remained committed to public Bartahatchee Baptist Church and was employed Arvle was no longer able to travel. After Arvle’s
education and served for many years on the Board with Baldor Electric as a supervisor for the passing in 2006, Helen spent her remaining
of Trustees for the Starkville School District. In past 37 years. Mr. Beasley enjoyed hunting and years enjoying her nearby grandchildren, telling
that role he was a champion for the arts. He also fishing but mostly he loved spending time with them entertaining stories of the people she met
supported the Starkville Arts Council and was his family and helping his friends. over the years. Her yardwork kept her busy as
the guiding light behind the Cotton District Arts In addition to his mother, Mr. Beasley her daughter Janet and next-door neighbor and
Festival. From 2005 to 2009, he was mayor of was preceded in death by his brother, Randy nephew, Myron Johnson, kept a watchful eye on
Starkville and brought his business expertise to Honeycutt; and sister, Cindy Simpson; step- her during the last few years.
city government. father, Earl Honeycutt. The family would like to acknowledge and
His many friends praised Dan for his intellectual Mr. Beasley is survived by his wife, Kathy thank Dr. Emily Landrum and Joanne Clark,
curiosity and wide-ranging knowledge, for his Beasley, Columbus, MS; father, Buddy (Hazel) director of the Bee Hive in Starkville for their
keen wit and ready laugh, for his innovative Beasley, Avendale, LA; children, Brandy Beasley, continued care, as well as each of the staff
ideas, for his open mind and generous spirit, Courtney Beasley, David (Victoria) Holliman, members and the sitter who lovingly met her
and for his willingness to take a stand on issues Katelyn Holliman, Jennifer (Michael) Parker needs each day.
of importance. Dr. M. L. (“Twinkie”) Lawhon, and William Haughton; brothers, Eddie (Sophie) A graveside service will be at 10 AM Tuesday,
his friend from childhood, spoke for a legion of Honeycutt, Ricky (Brenda) Honeycutt, James at Memorial Gardens Cemetery with Rev. Eric
admirers when she called Dan a “genius.” (Angie) Beasley, Terry (Ashley) Beasley, Bobby Ross officiating. The family will visit with friends
Dan is survived by his wife, Gemma T. Camp; Beasley; grandchildren, Abby Manzolillo, Faith from 9:30-10 AM Tuesday, at the cemetery.
his son Robert A. Camp, daughter-in-law Emily, Manzolillo, Byron Channels, Zackary Channels, Honorary pallbearers will be James Lee Mize,
and their daughter Corban; by his son Bonn Melissa Turner, Ariel Holliman, Alex Morgan Lucas Judson, Matthew Judson, Myron Johnson,
Camp, daughter-in-law Jessica and their daughter and Kinsley Parker. Levette Johnson, Steven Fulgham, Michael
Josephine; by his brother, Dewey W. Camp; and Pallbearers will be Randy Barksdale, Jeremy Fulgham and Pat Peay.
sister Bonnie W. Camp; and by multiple nieces Boykin, Allen Boykin, Joseph Richardson, Ray Robinson Funeral Home is assisting the family
and nephews. Hollis and Phil Moore. with arrangements.
A private memorial service will be held at a The honorary pallbearer will be Doug Memorials may be made to Center Grove
later date. Nickoles. Baptist Church, 146 Center Grove Rd Maben, MS
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that Memorials may be made to Columbus Lowndes 39750 or Sally Kate Winters Children’s Home,
donations be made to a charity of choice. Humane Society, P.O. Box 85, Columbus, MS PO Box 1233 West Point, MS 39773.
You can leave the family a condolence at: www. 39703. Friends may leave an online condolence to the family at
Compliments of
Paid Obituary - Welch Funeral Home Lowndes Funeral Home Paid Obituary - Robinson Funeral Home
6A TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Replace your favorite “fast food” restaurant:
There are many healthy fast food restaurants offering
delicious and healthy meals. They may just be a great
replacement for your favorite burger or pizza joint.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Do air filters make indoor aerosolized drop- (the top number)
lets containing measurably over 18
get-togethers safer? viruses are up to 5 months.
When Phil Collins sings, “I can microns and may Then there’s the
feel it coming in the air tonight,” be captured by fi- impact of loneli-
he isn’t warning you to beware of brous filters. Most ness. The lack of
the virus that causes COVID-19 as HEPA-designated calming interaction
you join friends, family or col- residential air with people can in-
leagues indoors this winter. But cleaners perform crease stress, cause
it might make you wonder about at levels compara- sleep problems and
what you can do to reduce the ble to MERV 16 — lead to overeating,
risks in closed-in environments. with an efficiency all associated with
The answer: Use a multifaceted of 99 percent or Drs. Oz and Roizen elevated blood pres-
approach. did higher. sure. One study in
extensive tests on the virus-filter- For info on per- the journal Psychol-
ing abilities of air filters. The bot- formance-verified units, check out ogy and Aging found that over a
tom line is “portable air cleaners ... the Association of Home Appliance four-year stretch, the loneliest folks
cannot protect people when used Manufacturers website at www. saw a 14.4-point increase in their
on their own, but they can be part systolic pressure number than folks
of a strategy for protecting people who were the least lonely. That can
indoors when used along with oth- 3 surprise triggers put you at high risk for a stroke. So
er recommended practices.” for high blood pressure it’s important to make an effort to
Those recommended practices New York Post gossip columnist break out of your lonely feelings.
include (temperatures permitting) Earl Wilson once said, “One way Connect online with groups of folks
opening windows, running air to get high blood pressure is to go with shared interests. Every sub-
conditioners with the outside air mountain climbing over molehills.” ject, from gardening to photogra-
vent open, in addition to wearing When it comes to high blood phy, world history and pet reptiles
masks and sitting at least 6 feet pressure, a lot of surprising fac- has a chatroom; talk on the phone
apart. As for choosing an air-filter- tors, besides making mountains with and safely see friends and
ing device, HEPA filters are best. out of molehills, can come into relatives; and volunteer to help oth-
(We’d add, it’s smart to have far- play. Did you know if you hold in ers — a new study shows increased
UVC light as part of the filtration your urine for, say, three hours, compassion counteracts loneliness.
process). your blood pressure can climb? Or And always keep tabs on your blood
Fibrous filters, including HEPA that sugar may raise your blood pressure.
filters, are rated as minimum pressure? A study in the Ameri- Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The
efficiency reporting value 1 to can Journal of Cardiology found Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen,
16. Only those rated MERV 11 or drinking over 12 ounces of sug- M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and
higher are tested for removing par- ar-sweetened beverages a day ups Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleve-
ticles 0.3 to 1 micron in size. While your risk of high blood pressure by land Clinic. To live your healthiest,
those size particles are larger than at least 6 percent and can increase tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
the virus that causes COVID-19, your systolic blood pressure

Can I celebrate Halloween during the pandemic?

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and make this year memo- to make it safer. for the virus to spread.
rable,” said Dr. Colleen S. Various devices such As Michigan health
Can I celebrate Hallow- Kraft, who specializes in as plastic grabbers can officials put it: “The only
een during the pandemic? infectious diseases at Em- help you hand out can- thing scary about Hal-
Yes, but probably not ory University Hospital in dy without any physical loween should be the cos-
like you normally would. Atlanta. contact, says Dr. Nipunie tumes.”
Health experts say some If you’re venturing Rajapakse, a pediatric spe-
Halloween traditions like out, experts say to keep a cialist at the Mayo Clinic
crowding on doorsteps 6-foot distance from oth- in Minnesota.
for candy and inching ers and sanitize hands Marking 6-foot spacing
your way through haunted regularly as you normally on sidewalks and drive-
houses heighten the risk would. ways with duct tape or
of spreading COVID-19 Protective face cover- chalk can also discourage
and should be avoided. ings — plastic costume people from gathering at
But there are ways to masks don’t count — the front door.
adapt celebrations. should also be a part of Those with any
Outdoor pumpkin carv- every Halloween get-up, COVID-19 symptoms,
ing, a virtual or neighbor- according to the U.S. Cen- known exposures to the
hood costume parade or ters for Disease Control virus or pending tests re-
a scary movie marathon and Prevention. sults should stay home, ac-
at home are some options Some cities have dis- cording to the CDC. And
that minimize contact couraged or even banned experts say to avoid indoor
with strangers. door-to-door trick-or- parties and haunted hous-
“There are lots of cre- treating. In places where es since a lack of ventila-
ative ways to approach this it’s allowed, there are ways tion could make it easier

Continued from Page 1A
crease, more than double ty Circuit Clerk Teresa “Just today (Monday)
the projections. Barksdale reported 3,071 we had 252 absentee bal-
Oktibbeha County Cir- absentee ballots cast. In lots cast. It was a steady
cuit Clerk Tony Rook es- 2016, there were 2,304 stream all day. I expected
timated 2,500 voters have absentee ballots cast in that to continue through
turned in absentee ballots the county. the week.”
this year, an increase of 56 Barksdale suggested The deadline to cast an
percent over the 1,600 ab- those numbers will con- in-person absentee ballot
sentee ballots cast in 2016. tinue to swell in the re- is noon Saturday. Mail-in
As of Monday after- maining week of voting. absentees must be post-
noon, Lowndes Coun- “Definitely,’ she said. marked by Nov. 3.

Continued from Page 1A
released from Baptist place the weekend of Oct. nights, to help curb vio-
Memorial Hospital-Gold- 16-18 — one on Brown lence. That special detail
en Triangle for non Street and one near East helped respond to both
life-threatening injuries. Columbus Gym — which domestic violence shoot-
Investigators are still police are still actively in- ings over the weekend,
determining whether to vestigating. he said.
charge him with domes- He said he has de- Both Whitmore and
tic violence. ployed a special four-of- McCaa are currently
Shelton stressed that ficer unit on weekends to in custody at Lowndes
these were isolated inci- back up the regular shift County Adult Detention
dents not related to mul- of police officers on Fri- Center with no bond set
tiple shootings that took day, Saturday and Sunday at this time.

Continued from Page 1A
Andrews said he does was in that area, all the water in that store.”
not know how much wa- water that was in that sys- A manager at Lowe’s
ter damage the sprinkler tem goes to that one sprin- referred The Dispatch to
caused. kler head and dumps it. So the store’s corporate head-
“It put out a massive until it drains all of the wa- quarters, but no corporate
amount of water,” he said. ter that is standing there representative returned
“What people don’t under- ready to be used, they said The Dispatch’s calls by
stand, even though it just it was about six inches of press time.

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
662-241-5000 B


MSU’s Ron Polk regales Starkville Rotary Club with tales of past and present
BY BEN PORTNOY what I made the noon, Polk regaled the crowd tours of the museum of Bulldog verly Golf Club last week to first year as head with tales of his years upon memorabilia he’s built into his attend The Ally — a home
coach at Missis- years in college baseball and home in the Browning Creek tournament hosted by the
STARKVILLE — Ron sippi State.” what it means to be back in neighborhood of Starkville. As Bulldogs’ women’s golf pro-
Polk’s arrival at Mississippi In the decades Starkville following an unsanc- of Monday, he estimates he’s gram. Once there, he was
State in 1976 was anything but since his hiring, timonious departure from the given 28 hour-and-a-half long greeted by MSU sophomore
glamorous. Polk’s become a school in 2008. tours thus far. golfer Abbey Daniel, whose
For a school that boasts 11 living legend of Hired by MSU in an admin- “At one time I knew the father, Chuck, was recruited
College World Series Appear- sorts. He’s spent Polk istrative capacity in January, creed for every civic club in by Polk as a baseball player
ances and 15 NCA A Regional 56 years in coaching, just re- Polk has spent the past few the state of Mississippi,” he during the late 1980s.
Championships, Polk’s hiring cently ending a 12-year spell months amid the COVID-19 boasted in reference to his long Trading barbs with the
was an afterthought. So much as a volunteer assistant at the pandemic attending MSU ath- speaking career that ran paral- younger Daniel, Polk quipped
so, the story announcing his University of Alabama-Bir- letic events when possible, lel to his time on the diamond.
that had he not convinced
appointment in The Clari- mingham to become a special smoking anywhere from sev- “But this is the first one I’ve
on-Ledger was relegated to the Chuck to attend MSU, he and
assistant to MSU Athletic Di- en to eight cigars per day and been at where you’ve had to be
11th page of that day’s paper. his wife may never have met
rector John Cohen — one of his coaching summer collegiate spaced out.”
“I thought my contract was former players. baseball in the Honor the Game Making the rounds among and Abbey may never have
really good,” Polk said. “Fif- Speaking with the Starkville Wood Bat League in Meridian. MSU’s varying fall sports, been born.
teen thousand dollars, that’s Rotary Club on Monday after- He’s also begun offering Polk headed out to Old Wa- See POLK, 3B


Dodgers one
win from title

ARLINGTON, Texas — Since Orel

Hershiser struck out Oakland’s Tony
Phillips for the final out of the 1988
World Series, the Los Angeles Dodgers
have played 5,014 regular-season games
and 113 more in the postseason in pur-
suit of their next title. They have spent
$3.69 billion in player payroll over 32
One more win and that elusive sev-
enth championship will be theirs.
“I think it’s going to be really wel-
coming to the players, this generation,”
Hershiser said Monday, a day before
the Dodgers take a 3-2 World Series
lead into Game 6 against the Tampa Bay
Rays. “It’s definitely a generational win
for this group of guys and I’m thinking
of the Kenley Jansens, the Clayton Ker-
shaws, the Justin Turners, the guys that
have been here through all the division
Kershaw got his second win of the
Series on Sunday, and Tony Gonsolin
starts Tuesday against the Rays’ Blake
Snell. The rookie right-hander hopes to
keep the World Series from reaching a
Game 7 for the fourth time in five years.
If Tampa Bay manages to win, Walk-
er Buehler would start Game 7 for the
Dodgers on Wednesday and Charlie
Morton for the Rays in the finale of the
first neutral-site Series.
Gonsolin was used as an opener in

No. 2 Bama striving
to replace (some of)
Waddle’s production

Alabama isn’t looking for Slade Bold-

en to be another Jaylen Waddle.
Not even the second-ranked Crimson
Tide has that kind of depth. Alabama
(5-0) must carry on without Waddle
starting Saturday against Mississippi
Mansel Guerry/Mississippi State Athletics State after losing one of the nation’s top
Mississippi State freshman quarterback Will Rogers drops back to pass against Texas A&M on Oct. 17 at Davis Wade receivers to a broken right ankle on the
Stadium in Starkville. The Bulldogs lost 28-14. opening kickoff of the Tennessee game.
“You can’t replace a guy like Jaylen

Costello and Rogers continue to split Waddle in terms of what his ability is,”
Tide coach Nick Saban said. “It’s no dif-
ferent than losing Allen Iverson, a guy

No. 1 reps ahead of Alabama game that scores 30-40 points a game. He’s
that kind of impact player.”
Bolden, a sophomore who had had
BY BEN PORTNOY Kentucky and No. 8 Texas A&M, he’s terbacks Luke Falk and Tyler Hilinski few passes thrown his way, replaced completed 66.9 percent of his throws throughout the 2017 season at Wash- Waddle at receiver and on punt returns
for a meager 644 yards, one touch- ington State. Just a sophomore at against the Volunteers. The former high
STARKVILLE — The Mississip- down and eight interceptions. Costello school quarterback wound up with six
the time, Hilinski appeared in eight
pi State quarterback conundrum re- was also benched in contests against catches for 94 yards after logging just
games, attempting 178 passes for sev-
mains ongoing. Kentucky and Texas A&M for his in- two catches in his first 18 career games.
en touchdowns and seven intercep-
Speaking with the media Monday, ability to move the MSU offense. Waddle had surgery in Birmingham
tions, while Falk shouldered the heavi-
head coach Mike Leach revealed In response, Rogers proved mildly Saturday night after the game and Sa-
er load with 534 passes to his name.
that he anticipates Stanford graduate effective in mop-up duty against the ban said it “was very, very successful.”
Leach said Monday the parallel
transfer K.J. Costello and freshman Wildcats and Aggies. Through parts The junior is expected to miss the rest of
isn’t exact, but there are some simi-
Will Rogers will continue sharing No. of two career games, the Brandon na- the season and may not play for Alabama
1 reps for at least the next few days larities between the 2017 conundrum
tive has completed 24 of 33 passes for again since he’s a highly rated NFL pros-
ahead of MSU’s meeting with No. 2 Al- and what he’s facing in his first year in pect.
one touchdown and two interceptions.
abama on Saturday in Tuscaloosa. Starkville. Saban said it’s the same procedure
“I look at Will as a young guy that
“I think they’re neck and neck,” “I mean you’re looking for the guy former Tide tailbacks Derrick Henry
has a lot of leadership in him,” senior
Leach said. “We’ll continue to split the that can run the unit the best,” he said. and Kenyan Drake had during their
linebacker Erroll Thompson said fol-
reps this week for the first couple of lowing MSU’s loss to Texas A&M. “You don’t want to go out there and college careers. He said it will likely be
practices.” “He’s a great player. I expect that from have some stagnant effort on offense. 6-8 weeks before Waddle can start “real
While Costello burst onto the na- him.” Not really uninspired, but just not play- heavy rehab.”
tional scene with a Southeastern Though it’s unclear on who becomes ing together as well. So, you’re always “The long-term prognosis for his sur-
Conference-record 623 yards passing the starter Saturday at Alabama, past looking for something to spark that. I gery is very good,” Saban said.
against then-No. 6 LSU in Week 1, the precedent suggests the battle between think from that standpoint it’s similar.” The long-term prognosis for Ala-
former Cardinal signal-caller has been Costello and Rogers could carry deep Through five weeks of the 2020 sea- bama’s offense remains good too. The
inconsistent at best over the past three into the 2020 campaign. son, Leach has yet to update the depth Tide still has quarterback Mac Jones
weeks. In starts against Arkansas, Leach flip-flopped between quar- See MSU, 3B See ALABAMA, 3B
2B TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020 The Dispatch •

Dodgers hope Gonsolin more than an opener in Game 6

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS clinching Game 7 of the Game 7,” Roberts said. Wii dance club. season environment be- innings before Muncy
National League Champi- “There’s a blister com- “I was just trying to cause of concerns after when Joc Pederson went
ARLINGTON, Texas onship Series against the ponent that we’ve dealt make as much money the coronavirus delayed deep.
— Tony Gonsolin found Atlanta Braves. with, that it just brings as I could so I could af- and shortened the regu- Shortstop Corey Sea-
out after Game 2 that he “With the extra day, it that more into play with ford training, and I was lar season. ger and third baseman
would be starting Game 6 worked out nicely, I took that extra day.” in Triple-A,” Thompson “I just wish that I could Justin Turner both have
as well for the Los Ange- the next day off and then Buehler was the win- said Monday. “The minor hug them. I just wish two homers in this Fall
les Dodgers. got my two lifts and my ner in Game 3 on Friday league life is not easy. that I could run up into Classic for LA. The rest
This time, they plan bullpen and on would night, when he struck out When I had my surgery, the stands and say, ‘Hi.’
of the Dodgers homers
for the rookie right- have been Game 4,” Gon- 10 while allowing one run you know, everything Or even after the game,
hander to be more than vs. the Rays have come
solin said. “And ready to and three hits over six in- was up in the air.” meet him out for dinner
an opener with the Dodg- or something,” Thomp- from Mookie Betts, Cody
go for tomorrow.” nings. Thompson, who had
ers having a chance to After Clayton Ker- Tommy John surgery son said. “That’s the part Bellinger, Chris Taylor,
clinch their first World shaw won his second in 2018, made his big that sucks for us, is that Austin Barnes and Will
Series title since 1988. game against the Rays
Ray of hope league debut this season there’s a disconnect. Our Smith.
Eleven of the last 14 parents get to feel this
“Tony’s a starting on Sunday night for a 3-2 when he appeared in 25
teams that trailed going
pitcher tomorrow.” man- Series advantage, Los
into Game 6, and then
regular-season games. emotion, and we get feel Short hops
ager Dave Roberts said Angeles opted against He has a 1.93 ER A in nine emotion, but we don’t get A run has been scored
Monday. “I’m going to forced a Game 7, went on to embrace and feel this
trying to use right-hand- postseason appearances, in the top half of the first
watch him pitch and then to win the World Series. moment together.”
ed ace Walker Buehler to including 2 2/3 scoreless inning in the last four
we’ll see what we do after start on short rest Tues- innings in this World Se- games. That hadn’t hap-
that. ... I want to go as day night. Sub pitcher ries. Deep nine pened since the 1932
long as he possibly can, Roberts, who hopes Ryan Thompson has His family didn’t get When Max Muncy hit World Series, when the
that’d be great.” to get five or six innings pitched in relief for the to see him pitch in the a no-doubt homer in the
Tampa Bay Rays in three New York Yankees swept
Gonsolin went 1 1/3 from Gonsolin, said regular season, which fifth inning of Game 5, he
consecutive World Series the Chicago Cubs during
innings against Tampa the Dodgers thought Thompson said was a became the ninth differ-
Bay in Game 2, a planned through that option, but games. struggle since he was the Series where Babe
ent Dodgers player to go
bullpen game for the decided it didn’t make A year ago, the 6-foot- not able to share those Ruth called his home
deep in this World Series.
Dodgers. He was the los- sense. 5 right-hander from Or- moments. They have That broke the record run shot. ... Muncy has
er after giving up only “You’re putting your- egon with the unusual been at some postsea- of eight different Oakland walked 20 times, match-
one run — the one that self in a situation where delivery — part sidearm, son games, including players who homered for ing Gary Sheffield in
put the Rays ahead to after winning a game to part submarine — was a the World Series, though the Athletics in a Series 1997 for the second-most
stay in the 6-4 win — two put him in a tough sit- substitute teacher and they can’t see each other sweep of San Francis- in postseason history.
days after he pitched two uation. There’s already sometimes working with after games with players co in 1989. Los Angeles Barry Bonds got a record
innings in relief in the guaranteed, at worse, a his mother overseeing a in MLB’s bubbled post- had tied the mark three 27 free passes in 2002.

Rams dominate matchup of tough defenses, beat Bears 24-10

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Eddie Jackson re- Jalen Ramsey’s first inter- best drive immediately turned it for the sixth de- the field on a cart in the
turned a fumble 8 yards ception of the season near thereafter, but its 71-yard fensive touchdown of his fourth quarter with an air
INGLEWOOD, Calif. for Chicago’s only touch- midfield to clinch the vic- march ended when Hill four-year career. cast around his left leg.
— Josh Reynolds and Ger- down with 7:30 to play, tory with 3:13 to play. deflected a pass intend- He has an ankle injury.
ald Everett caught touch-
down passes from Jared
but Los Angeles’ defense
stayed in control, yielding
Even punter Johnny
Hekker dominated the
ed for Darnell Mooney
in the end zone and Rapp
Reunion game ... TE Tyler Higbee was
Leonard Floyd had inactive with a hand in-
Goff, and the Los Angeles 279 total yards and three Bears, pinning them in- snagged it for an intercep- two sacks and six tackles jury, missing his second
Rams won a matchup of points. The Rams have side their 10 with all five tion. in his first game against game since 2016. Johnny
dominant defenses, beat- won twice in three de- of his punts in a superb The Rams followed Chicago since the Bears Mundt had a career-high
ing the Chicago Bears 24- fense-dominated games performance by the four- with a crisp 80-yard drive
released him last offsea- 47 yards receiving in his
10 on Monday night. between these longtime time Pro Bowler. capped by a 12-yard TD
son. After his sack, Floyd absence, including a ca-
Goff passed for 219 rivals over the past three The Rams led 10-3 at catch-and-run by Everett,
jumped up and went to-
yards and Malcolm seasons. halftime after holding the their big-play tight end. reer-best 34-yard catch in
ward the Bears sideline,
Brown rushed for a score Nick Foles passed for Bears to 126 yards. Reyn- Chicago got to the the second quarter.
shouting and gesticulat-
for the Rams (5-2), who 261 yards for the Bears, olds made his 4-yard TD Rams 4 with just over
remained unbeaten at ing.
who dropped out of the reception on the second nine minutes to play, but
brand-new SoFi Stadium NFC North lead and fell drive for just the second Aaron Donald flushed
Up next
and reasserted them- to 3-1 on the road with scoring catch by a wide Foles from the pocket and Injury report Bears: Host New Orle-
selves as NFC contend- their latest discouraging receiver against Chica- into Justin Hollins’ arms Bears: C Cody White- ans on Sunday.
ers with a rebound per- offensive performance. go’s stingy secondary for a fourth-down sack. hair injured his calf in the Rams: Visit Miami on
formance one week after Chicago managed just all season, but the Bears Robert Woods fumbled second half. Sunday as the opponent
a rough loss at San Fran- 49 yards rushing and has stopped two additional three plays later on a jet Rams: Rookie S Terrell in Tua Tagovailoa’s debut
cisco. 175 yards on the ground drives just outside field sweep, and Jackson re- Burgess was taken off start.
Taylor Rapp made an in the past four games. goal range to keep the
end-zone interception The Rams’ defense, deficit manageable.
on a pass deflection by now coordinated by for- The Rams went up 17-3
Troy Hill while the Rams mer Bears outside line- midway through the third
held Chicago (5-2) to 182 backers coach Brandon quarter on a TD drive
yards in the first three Staley, sacked Foles four capped by Brown’s 1-yard
quarters and built a 24-3 times and picked off two run.
lead. of his passes, including Chicago mounted its

SEC fines Lane Kiffin power yoga class” to help sure that we brought ev-
him control his words to erything possible to come
over officiating reporters after the call out with a victory.”
complaints with McDaid. It’s difficult to judge
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. “I really wish for our McCarthy’s first season
— The Southeastern Con- players, for our fans, that in Dallas because the
ference has fined Missis- they could hear what I Cowboys could be on
sippi coach Lane Kiffin was just told,” he said. “I their third starting quar-
$25,000 for his complaints think they deserve to. But terback Sunday in Phila-
about officiating on social I asked. They made sure delphia. Dalton was mak-
media. to tell me there’s a policy ing his second start in
The league announced that I can’t tell you, the place of Dak Prescott, out
the fine on Monday, but players or the fans what for the year with a broken
also said the replay official their, if you want to call it, ankle.
should have stopped play explanation for that situa- The offensive line is in
to review the call after tion and how TV copy and shambles, and the pan-
Mississippi’s fourth-quar- everybody in the country demic ruined the offsea-
ter kickoff appeared to can see it hit him.” son for a defense mak-
have touched the right Public criticism of offi- ing a significant scheme
hand of Shaun Shivers. cials “is absolutely prohib- change. But the defense
The Rebels recovered in ited” under SEC bylaws. has been so bad, ques-
the end zone but the on- tions about defensive co-
field call was that Shivers Cowboys question their ordinator Mike Nolan’s
didn’t touch it and play own fight in rapidly future won’t go away.
wasn’t halted for a review. McCarthy again dis-
It’s unclear which so-
spiraling season missed the suggestion of
Dallas receiver Amari
cial-media posts drew the dumping Nolan in the fi-
Cooper had no answer for
fine but Kiffin did retweet nal answer with reporters
why the Cowboys didn’t
one calling the officiating respond when Andy Dal- after the Washington loss.
“a disgrace.” ton ended up with a con- Still, this is the first time
Earlier Monday, Kif- cussion after the quarter- for McCarthy and Nolan
fin said he had spoken to back was hit while sliding to coach together since
SEC coordinator of offi- on a play that led to the 2005 in San Francisco.
cials John McDaid about ejection of Washington’s Those 49ers, with No-
the play. He said he was Jon Bostic. lan as head coach and
instructed not to publicly Coach Mike McCar- McCarthy running the
disclose the explanation thy didn’t hide his disap- offense, had one of the
given by McDaid. pointment in the rest of worst defenses in the NFL
“I asked the side judge, the players on offense. for a team that went 4-12.
‘Why aren’t they replay- Defensive end DeMarcus These Cowboys are head-
ing it? Do I need to chal- Lawrence fit the theme ed that direction fast, and
lenge?’” Kiffin said before perfectly when answer- there were never ques-
the fine was announced. ing an unrelated question tions about the team’s re-
“He said, ‘They’ve already about whether Dallas (2- solve in nine-plus seasons
looked at it. There’s noth- 5) could turn its season under Jason Garrett.
ing there.’ I’m not allowed around after a demoraliz- “We knew there would
to say anything about the ing 25-3 loss to Washing- be adjustments through-
conversation but I real- ton. out as a football team,”
ly wish that our fans and “We need more belief McCarthy said. “We’ve
players could hear what I and more high spirits been hit with a number
was told.” around this team, and of challenges that we are
Auburn went on to win really more fight,” Law- just not pushing through
35-28 on Bo Nix’s 42-yard rence said. “That’s real- right now. So, we need to
touchdown pass to Seth ly, I feel like, one of our continue to work and I be-
Williams with 1:11 left. weaknesses. We need lieve we’ll push through
Kiffin said he want- to build a stronger back- the other end.”
ed “to take a five-minute bone, fight and also make SOURCE: AP
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020 3B

Continued from Page 1B
Game 2, allowing Bran- (3 for 21, three homers, Tampa Bay won its 1950, the Dodgers were
don Lowe’s first-inning six RBIs) has been hit first division title since sold to the Fox division
homer, lasting just four and miss. 2010 and is in the Series of Rupert Murdoch’s
outs and taking the Rays manager Kevin for the second time, fol- News Corp. in 1998,
loss as the Rays won Cash said he plans on lowing a five-game loss then to Frank McCourt
6 -4. Dodgers manager formulating his lineup to Philadelphia in 2008. in 2004 and to Guggen-
Dave Roberts said he to guard against a short The Rays and Cash heim Baseball Manage-
views the 25 -year-old outing by Gonsolin fol- have impressed Rob- ment in 2012. An owner-
right-hander as a tradi- lowed by righty-lefty erts with their relent- ship group led by Mark
tional starter this time switches. He hopes lessness, evidenced by Walter includes former
through and hopes for Snell pitches aggres- their ninth-inning rally Lakers star Magic John-
five or six innings from sively. to win Game 4. son, women’s tennis
him. “We just haven’t done “They play the game champion Billie Jean
“It’s mostly an eye a good enough job of the right way. They’re King and entertainment
test because he’s shown establishing that we’re grinders,” Roberts said. executive Peter Guber.
that when he’s rolling,
he gets lefties, righties
going to get outs with-
in the zone early in the
“He balances analytics
with just watching his
Los Angeles lost
to Houston in a sev-

out. When he’s not, you count,” he said. “But players. He trust his en-game Series in 2017, Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
can see that he’s not on the Dodgers do a tre- players. His players are and then was eliminated Sudoku 6 2 9 8 3 1 5 4 7
a 9x9 gridis witha several
point,” Roberts said. “I mendous job of seeing kind of very unselfish.” by Boston in five games ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 8 1 7 4 5 2 6 9 3

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

think for me, it’s just let pitches, getting deep in The Dodgers have the following year. based onthe a 9x9
is to place numbers 3 5 4 7 9 6 8 1 2
Tony go until he’s not the count, pretty fear- won a record 24 NL pen- Hershiser, the 1988 grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 4 6 2 5 1 9 3 7 8
being as effective as we less with hitting with nants, half since leav- World Series MVP, says given
feel he should be.” two strikes.” ing Brooklyn for Los each time the postsea- so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 1 8 3 2 6 7 4 5 9
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
Los Angeles, with Mookie Betts is 5 Angeles after the 1957 son is lengthened it numbers 7 9 5 3 8 4 2 6 1
a big league-leading for 22 (.227) but has season, but are sixth in adds another level of contains the1same to 9 number
9 3 6 1 4 8 7 2 5
the empty spaces so
payroll of $95.6 million sparked the Dodgers World Series titles be- uncertainty to the com- only once. The difficulty 5 7 1 6 2 3 9 8 4
that each row, each
in the pandemic-short- with superior defense hind the New York Yan- petition. level increases from
column and each 2 4 8 9 7 5 1 3 6
ened season, has out- and four stolen bas- kees (27), St. Louis Car- “It’s going to be a Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 10/26

played the low-budget es — three shy of Lou dinals (11), Boston Red culmination of a lot of the same number only once. The difficulty level
Rays, 28th among the Brock’s Series record Sox and Philadelphia/ things because there’s increases from Monday to Sunday.
30 teams at $29.3 mil- A fter beating the Dodg- Oakland Athletics (nine so much buildup with
lion. The Dodgers have ers with Boston in the apiece) and New York/ the fan base and with
outscored the Rays 29 - 2018 Series, Betts was San Francisco Giants the organization and
21, outhit them .264 to acquired by Los An- (eight). with the players,” said
.228 and outhomered geles in a trade last Kershaw made his Hershiser, now a broad-
them 11-8 with an of- February and signed a Dodgers debut in 2008 caster for the Dodgers’
fense led by Corey Sea- $365 million contract and has helped them Spectrum SportsNet L A
ger (.471, two homers, through 2032. win eight straight NL network. “Even if it was
four RBIs), Max Muncy “We got a steal,” Rob- West titles and NL pen- won in ’17, it would’ve
(.389, six RBIs) and Jus- erts said. “And I’m just nants in 2017, ’18 and been a long time. I
tin Turner (.364). so grateful that the deal this year. Jansen has think it’s very hard as
While Manuel Mar- was done because it’s been with Los Angeles far as the playoffs are
got (.400), Kevin Kier- not only helping us this since 2010, Turner, Joc concerned. In no way
maier (.375, two hom- year, it’s going to help Pederson and Pedro was the ’88 Dodger
ers, three RBIs) and us for the next wave of Baez since 2014, Co- team supposed to win
Randy Arozarena (.333, young players and re- rey Seager, and Kiké against the mighty Mets
two homers, three ally enhance what we Hernández and Alex and against the Bash
RBIs) have produced, have as a culture going Wood since 2015. Brother Oakland A’s.
Austin Meadows (.154), forward. And it’s going A model of stabili- So sometimes maybe
Joey Wendle (.133) and to affect players that ty under the O’Malley the best team on paper
Mike Zunino (0 for 13) haven’t been drafted by family for nearly a half and talent on the field
have struggled. Lowe the Dodgers yet.” century starting in doesn’t always win.”

Continued from Page 1B
“She got up and gave me a hug,” nearly six decades of coaching, it hockey in hell — there are many
Polk reminisced. remains among the nation’s best ways things could go wrong in
While Polk’s official duties un- collections of collegiate baseball a hurry,” he continued through
der MSU’s banner vary, it’s on the talent. a laugh. “So I tell them all this
baseball field where his love still “This is by far the best ath- we’ve got to be positive — I’ve al-
persists. At Dudy Noble Field, the letic conference in the country,” ways been a positive person — I
Ron Polk Ring of Honor wraps its he said. “After watching all our
want you to be as positive as the
way around the grandstand. This teams practice and watching the
guy in Alabama last year, he was
spring, the second and third class- coaches coach, we’re blessed with
es will be inducted after the 2020 outstanding coaches and athletes 85 years of age, and he married
celebrations were brought to a and continue to support them a 25-year-old woman and moved
halt amid the pandemic. as citizens of this great city of right next door to the elementary
Polk also readily bragged on Starkville.” school and bought a five-bedroom
the talent around the Southeast- “I kind of compare coaching house. That’s how positive I want
ern Conference and why, after his in the SEC a lot like coaching ice these people to be.” ACROSS

1 Church doctrine
6 Yell “boo!” at
11 Snowy wader
Continued from Page 1B 12 Lost color
13 Spooky
chart since MSU’s season opener have performed well in practice. 17. It remains unclear as to when 15 Toe count
against LSU. Monday, that same I don’t really like splitting reps he will return to the field. 16 Squeak
roster was distributed to media with quarterbacks. I like to set- n It’s expected MSU will use stopper
members, offering little insight tle on one. I would prefer that ap- a handful of options to replace 17 Plaything
as to who might take the first proach, but we’ve been awfully up safety Fred Peters, who is expect- 18 Odor
snap under center. and down. We need to figure out ed to miss the rest of the season 20 Tremble
Leach noted he’d like to settle who gives us the best spark. It’s due to an undisclosed injury for 23 Party prep
the competition for the foresee- definitely competitive at the posi- which he had surgery last week 27 Llama’s land
able future, but whether that hap- tion this week.” according to Leach.
28 Arbor climber
“We’ve got a committee doing
29 In a fitting way
pens this week or in the games to
31 Evil spirit
come remains to be seen. Other notes pretty good,” Leach said Monday.
32 Clothing brand
“Long story short, I think the n Leach did not afford any “I don’t know if [defensive coor-
34 Money 4 Sister of Jo, 26 Farm enclo-
more exposure they have, the update on senior running back dinator] Zach [Arnett]’s going to machine
better,” Leach said of how patient maintain the committee or if he’s
Amy and Beth sure
and Columbus native Kylin Hill 37 Beanie or 5 Not out 30 Marina boats
he is with quarterbacks that are on Monday. Hill did not dress for got a specific one. I suspect it’ll beret 6 Hexes 31 Rely
new to his system. “Both guys MSU’s loss to Texas A&M on Oct. be a couple of guys.” 38 Farrow of 7 Soup buy 33 Halloween

8 Stepped down flyer
Baby” 9 Nevada city 34 Basics
41 Heading 10 Tense 35 Easy run
toward dawn 14 Suit accessory 36 Silent per-
Continued from Page 1B
44 Astronomer’s 18 Skeleton part former
and no shortage of weap- 21 catches and has been ing to bounce back from said, adding that “the find 19 Flat 38 Lode setting
ons surrounding him. another deep threat. something like this. guy knows a lot about 45 Time being 20 Masseur’s 39 Machu Picchu
Bolden joins receiv- Saban said he ex- “That’s kind of what I football.” 46 Flower parts place native
ers DeVonta Smith and pected to visit with told him.” “I always like watch- 47 Intense fear 21 Cool, to 40 Like some
John Metchie III as Waddle later Monday or Alabama has several ing his (high school) DOWN jazzmen wines
key cogs in one of the on Tuesday. Jones and freshman receivers who highlights because it 1 Skilled 22 Museum focus 42 Ruby or garnet
nation’s top passing other teammates spoke could vie for playing gets me pretty fired 2 Storybook 24 Director 43 Neither
games. Alabama also with Waddle after the time, including Javon up. He’s making plays,” monster Burton follower
has standout tailback game. Baker, Traeshon Holden Jones said. “So when 3 Amused look 25 One, for Juan
Najee Harris to anchor “I got to say a few and Thaiu Jones-Bell. you have somebody that
an effective running words to him, but it’s But Bolden figures to can make plays like that
game. hard to go walk up to one assume much of Wad- and put him wherever
Waddle still leads the of your closest friends dle’s role on both of- you want on the field,
team with 557 yards and and see him crying like fense and in the return he’s super versatile.
ranked as one of the na- that just knowing that game. He had been used “I’ve got a lot of
tion’s top punt returners his season’s kind of a few times last season banked reps with him.
the past two seasons, over,” the quarterback as a Wildcat quarter- He’s a guy if I ever need
though he seldom got said. “He doesn’t know back. Saban praised his to throw, whether it’s at
the chance the first half what his path looks like quickness, hands and 12 at night or 6 in the
of this season. going forward, but just instincts. morning, he’ll be there.
Smith is close behind knowing Jaylen for the Bolden is versatile So I always appreciate
with 45 catches for 556 past couple of years, he’s enough to have even Slade and he’s going to
yards while Metchie is one of the hardest work- lined up on defense in do a good job. He’s just
averaging 23.8 yards on ers I know, and he’s go- spring practice, Jones getting started.”

Game Coverage / Results

High school football coaches who don’t speak to a reporter from The Dispatch are asked to email information
to the sports department from their games. The Dispatch will include its prep football coverage in Sunday’s
edition, so we will contact coaches Friday night or Saturday to get details. Coaches, please let us know what is
the best time for us to contact you.
4B TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020 The Dispatch •

Beckham’s season over, Browns star WR tears knee ligament

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS win over the Cincinnati was trying to make a tack- directly to the locker room Nick Chubb, tight end Beckham’s presence
Bengals. le after Baker Mayfield’s and didn’t return. Austin Hooper and Landry alone made defenses ac-
CLEVELAND — Odell Beckham’s injury is a first pass was intercepted The Browns (5-2) played with a broken rib. count for him on every
Beckham Jr. was in a much devastating personal blow by Bengals cornerback played well without Beck- But the third-year QB had snap.
better place emotionally and a potentially major Darius Phillips. ham, who for all his talent one of his best games by “Odell, the energy he
and physically. This was setback to the Browns, An MRI taken Monday hasn’t been able to make making plays with rookie brings to practice, the en-
going to be the season he who are off to their best in Cleveland confirmed a strong connection with tight end Harrison Bry- ergy he brings to games.
changed minds. start since 1994 and eye- the diagnosis of the torn Mayfield since arriving ant (two TDs), Rashard No one else is going to
He was determined to ing their first postseason ACL, an injury that typical- in a blockbuster trade Higgins (six catches) and be able to bring that type
make 2020 — and its many
appearance in 18 years. ly requires nine months to from the New York Giants rookie receiver Donovan of juice,” Stefanski said.
obstacles — a special year,
They’ll have to get one year of recovery time. before last season. The Peoples-Jones, who en- “But it’s our job to find the
re-establish himself as
there without Beckham. The team said Beckham three-time Pro Bowler tered the game without a guys that can go compete
one of the NFL’s best play-
ers and lead the Browns “Obviously, it’s a big will be placed on injured played most of 2019 with catch and grabbed May- and we’ll put them in spots
back to the playoffs, along loss,” coach Kevin Ste- reserve, but Stefanski did an injury that required off- field’s winning TD pass where they can succeed
with with best friend and fanski said. “He’s a huge not have a timetable on season surgery. with 11 seconds left and think we’ll be able to
teammate Jarvis Landry. part of what we do, so now when he will have surgery. After Beckham went Cleveland, which hasn’t do that.
Beckham won’t get the we just have to huddle up On what became his out Sunday, Mayfield made the postseason “It’s not easy. I don’t
chance. and find some different final play of 2020, Beck- completed 21 consecu- since 2002, will have to go want to have to do it and
The star receiver’s sec- ways and find some differ- ham, who was slowed last tive passes and threw five the rest of the way without I’m very disappointed for
ond season with Cleveland ent people and put them season by a core muscle TD passes — matching a Beckham, who turns 28 Odell, but that’s the na-
ended on Monday after in that role. ... I’m sick for injury, was chasing Phil- franchise record — as the on Nov. 5. He had 23 catch- ture of this beast. Injuries
an MRI confirmed he Odell.” lips down the sideline Browns outlasted Joe Bur- es for 319 yards and three are part of this thing and
sustained a torn left knee The three-time Pro when his leg got twisted row and the Bengals. touchdowns this season that doesn’t mean any of
ligament in the opening Bowler got hurt when his awkwardly. He immedi- Mayfield was also with- and scored on a 50-yard us have to like it, but we
minutes of Sunday’s 37-34 left leg buckled while he ately grabbed it, was taken out injured running back touchdown run. do have to deal with it.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I the rest of my life, nothing wrong. Your husband
am a young and I have given could just as easily be the
woman who him material to unwell spouse, if fate hadn’t
has battled rheu- read, but he dis- decided otherwise.
matoid arthritis misses it. At this DEAR ABBY: My friend just
and Sjogren’s point, I feel like ended a relationship with her
syndrome for the packing up and boyfriend of over two years that
past eight years. leaving because had progressed to them moving
My aunt passed I’m a burden to in together. About eight months
away from compli- him and I don’t ago, she found out he was hav-
cations of it at the know what else ing an online relationship, but
age of 43, and I’m to do anymore. they talked it out and decided
ZITS getting close to Advice? — FULL to give it another try. Now, after
that age. OF PAIN learning he has another woman
Since the DEAR FULL on the line, she kicked him out.
beginning of the OF PAIN: Packing Abby, he is working to get
pandemic, I have up and leaving her back, and she seems
become increas- Dear Abby right now is not to want to give him another
ingly disabled. I advisable. When chance. I think it’s a losing
can barely get out of bed with- couples promise each other game for her and more disap-
out being in pain and cannot they will stick together “in sick- pointment down the line. My
sleep. Household chores have ness and in health,” situations question is, how honest should
become impossible, and I can like the one in which you find I be about my unwillingness
get things done only near the yourself is what’s meant. to go along with giving him a
end of the day when the swell- Does your doctor know the third chance? It seems like this
ing in my joints goes down. degree to which your health leopard won’t change his spots.
I saw how this disease has declined in the last several — CRYSTAL BALL IN MISSOURI
GARFIELD robbed my aunt of her liveli-
hood, but I also saw how my
months? If not, put the person
on notice! Schedule a consulta-
haven’t already expressed your
uncle helped her with almost tion, if possible, and when you feelings to your friend, AND SHE
everything. I love my husband, do, your husband should be with ASKS YOU FOR YOUR OPINION,
but he seems to think that I can you so he can fully understand be fully honest regarding your
just take a pill and instantly what’s going on and help you if concerns about her ex-boy-
and magically be fine, which is you need it. If he isn’t capable friend’s character. I agree that
not true. He has unrealistic ex- of doing that, you will have to having cheated on her not
pectations of me that I cannot make other arrangements for once but twice, the likelihood
meet. your care and for the housework of him doing it again is almost
I have tried to get him to you can no longer manage. guaranteed. That said, you can’t
understand this is a chronic Please stop beating yourself live your friend’s life for her, and
disease that will be with me for up over this. You have done some people are slow to learn.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. Wherever you go, you cultivate LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You
27). So much more is possible a sense of belonging meant for set out knowing what you want
than before, and opportunities everyone around you, not just at the end of the journey. Get-
crop up all around you. You the few you know or the few that ting that specific prize will not,
can take next month’s exciting are similar to you. In this way, in the end, be very important.
outcome as a sign to stay that you are a light in the world. It’s the hope of a prize that
path. This early success is only GEMINI (May 21-June 21). opens the world, not the prize
the first nugget in a bag of gold. No state of being is intrinsically itself.
Keep it all rolling by making sure better than another, though VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
you have helpful partners and you have your preferences. You Your social network is as unique
a system of accountability and wouldn’t willingly choose to be a possession as can be. Shar-
support. Cancer and Capricorn inconvenienced or uncomfort- ing it will help you see this much
adore you. Your lucky numbers able, though what you gain will more clearly and will inspire
BABY BLUES are: 7, 33, 10, 28 and 41. make the trouble worthwhile. you to continue cultivating new
ARIES (March 21-April 19). CANCER (June 22-July 22). connections.
Associative memories will play a You probably don’t realize how LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
role in today’s decision-making important it is that you show up. Everyone you come into contact
process, although not all of the You are bringing something of with is living a vividly complex
memories are vivid, many being value to the table, though be- life, though some are more in-
as faint as ghosts and yet still cause it is also integral to who clined to give you a peek into it
powerfully influential. you are, you don’t experience it than others. You’re lucky today
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). as anything out of the ordinary. because you do not assume
to know anything about other
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Keep track of those
strange details that don’t readily
fit. Things that seem unrelat-
BEETLE BAILEY ed on the surface, you’ll find,
are quite related indeed if you
dig but a little deeper into the
21). Some are afraid that put-
ting together a bucket list will
cause too much focus on their
own demise when the opposite
effect will occur. Living gets
more exciting. The longer the
list, the more life it represents.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). No two relationships
are the same, so there’s no
MALLARD FILLMORE single approach to relationship
success. However, today, your
way of learning about others
before you decide where to take
things will work beautifully and
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). We all have feelings
that we’re not sure how to or
whether to express; you’re not
alone in that. What does set
you apart today is your exquisite
instinct and follow-through in
this regard.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
FAMILY CIRCUS 20). You don’t need to know
everything about a person to
make a relationship work, but
do try to find out a little more
about where the other person
is coming from. That will make
today’s interaction much

In one’s good books

The Dispatch • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020 5B

CEASED Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
CASE NO. 2020-0102


The Starkville Dispatch and Online

To place ads starting at only $12,
Letters Testamentary have
call 662-328-2424 or visit
been granted and issued to
or of the Estate of MARIE R. THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020 n 6B
HOLLIS, deceased, by the
Chancery Court of Lowndes
County, Mississippi, on the 6th
day of October, 2020. This is
notice to all persons Apts For Rent: West Houses For Sale: Other

LEGALS Employment Merchandise Vehicles

having claims against said es-

tate to Probate and Register FSBO: 4BR/4.5BA
same with the Chancery Clerk 10,000+sqft, situated on
of Lowndes County, Missis-

13 ac in South Lowndes Co
Call us: 662-328-2424 sippi, within ninety (90) days
from this date. A failure to so
Call us: 662-328-2424 @ 627 Canfield Rd. New Ads starting at $12 Ads starting at $12
Probate and Register said Hope school district. 50x
Legal Notices claim will forever bar the same. General Help Wanted Apartments & Houses 100 shop, in ground pool Bargain Column Autos For Sale
w/pool house & 1.5 acre
TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE THIS the 7th day of October,
2020. 1 Bedrooms stock pond. Ideal place for 4 Covid face shields Wear
mini farm! $675,000.
3.8 liter engine, 4 door,
2 Bedroooms
to polls or Church. Clear
WHEREAS, on July 23, 2007, 662−327−3477 plastic. Can be worn over automatic, leather interior,
Dawanda O. Elliott and Mi- /s/ Roy Winston Hollis
3 Bedrooms
ROY WINSTON HOLLIS, Execut- glasses. $13.00 for all. sunroof, & AM/FM/
chael E. Elliott executed a Lots & Acreage
Deed of Trust to T. Harris Colli- or 662−497−4626 or 662− cassette. $2,000.
er, III, as Trustee for Trust-
PUBLISH: 10/13, 10/20 & Furnished & Unfurnished 1.75 ACRE LOTS Good/
mark National Bank, as Lender,
1, 2, & 3 Baths
with Mortgage Electronic Regis- Bad Credit Options. Good
tration Systems, Inc., credit as low as 20% down, Firewood / Fuel
(“MERS”), as Beneficiary,
which is recorded in the office
of the Chancery Clerk of

Notice of Sale of contents of

Lease, Deposit
& Credit Check
$499/mo. Eaton Land,
662−361−7711. FIREWOOD FOR SALE.
Various lengths.
Lowndes County, MS, in Book
2007 at Page 22309;
self storage unit. Pursuant to Approx. 7 acres located
Ads starting at $12
Mississippi Code Ann. Section
85-7-125, U-stor Inside will of- between Dale Road and
WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust fer for sale and sell to the Buck Egger Road at end of General Merchandise Travel & Entertainment
was assigned to Trustmark Na- highest bidder, for cash, the Renon Lane. $30,000
tional Bank in Book MORT contents of the following cli- Apts For Rent: Other Call; leave message. Mobile Home Frames
2012 at Page 14424; mate controlled storage units: 662−549−0696 2 Mobile Home Frames for PUBLIC CATFISH POND
WHEREAS, on March 9, 2020,
$500 Each. 30 Free 130 Hillcrest Dr
Unit E2, Kevin Washington Concrete Blocks w/ Each Catfish contest Oct. 1−
Trustmark National Bank sub- 705 18th St North PICKENS COUNTY, AL
stituted James Eldred Renfroe 180 acres in Liberty Frame 31. $200 for most
Columbus, Ms 39701,
as Trustee in the aforemen- Community. Good hunting weight. $100 for Big
tioned deed of trust with this the aforementioned Lessees & road systems. $850/ac. 2 Electric Tongue Jacks Fish. 2 drawings for
recorded in Book MORT 2020 have rent due on the self stor- Other tracts available. Call $150 Each $50 valued prizes. Call
at Page 5339; age unit which remains unpaid For More Info. Contact 662−386−8591 for
205−799−9846 or 205−
and to whom proper notice has 695−2248. Jessie Brooks @ details.
WHEREAS, there being a de- been given according to law. 662−272−8711
fault in the terms and condi- The contents of the above unit
tions of the Deed of Trust and will be sold at public auction on

Garage Sales
entire debt secured having November 7th at 213 Alabama Pets
been declared to be due and St, Columbus MS 39702 at ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIDES
payable in accordance with its 9:00 AM Winner bidder will Leather chaps, genuine Big Puppies For Sale:
terms, Trustmark National clean out said Unit at U-stor In- buffalo, XL, new. $40.
Bank, the holder of the debt
Two large breed Standard
has requested the Trustee to
side, 213 Alabama St, Colum- Two free signs Motorcycle riding boots, Poodle cross, 12 wk old
bus, Ms 39702 waterproof/insulated, worn puppies for sale. Wormed,
execute the trust and sell said
land and property pursuant to Estate Sales very little, size 10. $70. vaccinated, vet checked
PUBLISH: 10/27/2020
its terms in order to raise the One piece rain suit by and very healthy. They have
sums due, with attorney’s and BIG SALE: Oct 30−31. Gear, L, new. $35. long white curly hair with
trustee’s fees, and expenses IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF For sale locally. tan and gray spots around
of sale; LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- OFFICE MANAGER needed Fri 9−6, Sat 8−4. Oil paint
for local Construction com- −ings, glassware, chalk 501−545−7750. the face and ears. 1 male,
NOW, THEREFORE, I, James pany. Job includes man- ware, furn, h/h items, 1 female, very smart with
Eldred Renfroe, Trustee for IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- aging Pay Roll, QuickBooks, clothing, many quilts & Sporting Goods gentle temperament and
said Deed of Trust, will on Oc- TATE OF RICHARD J. COREY, Spreadsheets, Accounts collectibles. 10469 Hwy 12 lots of energy. Located in
The Military Square
tober 28, 2020, offer for sale SR., DECEASED Payable & Receivable, Pur- E, across from Cedar Hill. Crawford Army Surplus Crawford, MS. $350.
Apartments are now
at public outcry, and sell with- chasing & Social Media. on Main in Crawford. 626−590−2584
in legal hours (being between RICHARD J. COREY, JR, AND accepting applicants!
the hours of 11:00 a.m., and RENEE BOBITT PETITIONER Single position in small We have 1, 2, and 3 Now for sale: Metal Ammo
4:00 p.m.) at the main front business with nice atmo- bedroom units available. Orr Estate Sale cans 30&50 cal, $10;
door of the Lowndes County
Courthouse in Columbus, MS,
CAUSE NO. 2020-0197DE sphere. Mail resume to
Blind Box 677 c/o The
All apartments are newly
remodeled, and include:
810 1st St. North
Reform, AL 35481
.155mm Howitzer treated
wood ammo boxes,
Read local.
to the highest and best bidder NOTICE TO CREDITORS Commercial Dispatch New Washer/Dryer, New Fri. Oct. 30, 9am−5pm $5&10; Army steel
for cash, the following de- PO Box 511 Refrigerator, New A/C Unit! Sat. Oct. 31, 9am−5pm bunkbeds, $125; Field
scribed property situated in Letters Testamentary having
been granted and issued to the
Columbus MS 39703. Sun. Nov. 1, 1pm−5pm Artillery camo nets with
Lowndes County, MS, to-wit:

Lot No. Forty (40) of Diamond

undersigned upon the Estate of
Richard J. Corey, Sr., de-
We also offer rent
discounts for:
Mon. Nov.2, 9am−1pm
Selling the estate of
spreader poles, $225;
Unissued camo (BDU/ Five Questions:
Estates, a subdivision of ceased, by the Chancery Court THE COMMERCIAL −Active Military Leon & Shirley Orr, ACU/ABU) military 6−
Lowndes County, Mississippi, of Lowndes County, Missis- DISPATCH seeks a motiv- −Veterans See photos pocket fatigues, $35 & M−

1 Complemen-
as recorded in Plat Book 3 at sippi on the 21st day of Octo- ated, contracted carrier for −Seniors 65 field coats & fire−
Page 48 in the Chancery ber, 2020. This is to give no- the Caledonia area. Excel- Call us at: 662−205−0005 Stewart’s Antiques & retardant coveralls, $50;
Clerk’s office of Lowndes tice to all persons having
lent opportunity to earn Estate Sales polypro col weather under
County, Mississippi. Said con- claims against said estate to Benny Shelton
money for college. Must garment, $18;
veyance is made subject to all probate and register same with
covenants, easements, restric- the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes have good transportation,
tions, reservations, conditions County, Mississippi within 90 valid driver's license & in-
COLEMAN Columbus, MS
OCP T−shirts, $5.
Call 662.769.1889
2 Orchid
and rights of record and sub- days from the date of the first surance. Delivers on
ject to any state of facts which publication of this notice. A fail- Sunday morning and Mon-

Did you
an accurate survey would ure to probate and register this Fri afternoons. Apply at The

show. Together with all and sin- claim will forever bar the same. Commercial Dispatch, 516 Open for season!
gular the rights, easements,
3 Netherlands
This the 23rd day of October, Main Street in Columbus. Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
herediments and appurten-
ances there into belonging. Be- 2020. No phone calls please. 3 BEDROOMS Over 50 years experience!
ing the same property ac- Repairs, cleaning, refin−
quired by the Grantor pursuant /s/ RICHARD J. COREY, JR
LEASE, ishing, scopes mounted &
© The Dispatch

4 Croatia
to the provisions of the Nation- RICHARD J. COREY, JR., Co-Ex- zeroed, handmade knives.
al Housing Act, as amended
(12 USC 1701 et seq.) and the
Department of Housing and


Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
of West Point, turn right on
Urban Development Act (79 RENEE BOBITT, Co-Executor CREDIT CHECK Our website is the Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
Ads starting at $25
5 “Gone with
left on Darracott Rd, will
Stat. 667). The above de-
PUBLISH: 10/27, 11/3 & most-visited news website see sign, 2.5mi ahead
scribed property in conveyed
in the Golden Triangle.
the Wind”
Subject to protective coven- 11/10/2020 shop on left.
Apts For Rent: North 662−494−6218.
ants, restrictive covenants,
easements, conditions and lim-
itations, if any now of record af-
1 & 2 BR near hospital.
fecting the use or enjoyment of
said property, and to the lines
$595−$645 monthly. COLUMBUS, MS
of all taxes, special assess- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Military discount, pet area,
ments and levies of every kind TATE OF SAMUEL ALAN SMITH, pet friendly, and furnished Houses For Rent: East
and nature. DECEASED corporate apts.
24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL 3BR/1BA, stove, refrig−
40, Diamond Estates, Lowndes GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. erator, fresh paint & hard−
County, Mississippi. ON SITE MAINTENANCE. wood floors. Available
I will convey only such title as STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
24−HOUR CAMERA dep. No HUD, no pets.
is vested in me as Trustee, COUNTY OF LOWNDES SURVEILLANCE. Benji & 662−295−3022.
with no warranties. Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
Letters Testamentary have
WITNESS my signature this

Real Estate
been granted and issued to the Apts For Rent: South
25th day of September, 2020. undersigned upon the Estate of
Samuel Alan Smith, deceased,
JAMES ELDRED RENFROE, by the Chancery Court of Downtown Loft: Very nice 1
Trustee bdrm loft, wood floors, tall
Lowndes County, Mississippi,
on the 7th day of October ceilings, above a downtown Ads starting at $25
James Eldred Renfroe, 648 2020. This is to give notice to business. Great location.
Lakeland East Dr., Ste A, Flo- all persons having claims Farms & Timberland
wood, MS 39232, Phone 601- Call before 9:00 p.m.
against said estate to Probate $650. 662−364−1610
932-1011 and Register same with the LAMAR CO. AL, 197 Acres.
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes Good timber. Good hunting.
Publish: 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, County, Mississippi, within
& 10/27/20 ninety (90) days from the first Large 2−bedrm apartment. Road frontage. South of
publication date of this Notice Recently renovated, very Millport. $1,325/ac. 205−
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF to Creditors. A failure to so Pro- nice, includes washer / 799−9846 or 205−695−
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- bate and Register said claim dryer, lots of closets, great 2248.
SIPPI will forever bar the same. location. Must see inside.
$850. 662−364−1610 Houses For Sale: East
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- This the 7th day of October
CEASED 3BR/2BA in 55+
/s/ Susan Bowen Smith, Exec- community of Plantation
CAUSE NO. 2020 – 0202-F utrix Pointe. For more info call
after 5pm, 662−251−
MICHAEL RONALD BURKS, EX- PUBLISH: 10/13, 10/20 & 7664.
ECUTOR 10/27/2020
Houses For Sale: Southside

Letters Testamentary have 1512 WASHINGTON AVE

been granted and issued to MI- 3BR/1.5BA, living room w/
CHAEL RONALD BURKS, Ex- All notices must be gas log−heat, dining room,
ecutor of the Estate of ISOM B. front/back porch, natural
BURKS, deceased, by the emailed to You’ll find the best deals gas heat, window units−
Chancery Court of Lowndes
County, Mississippi, on the 8th classifieds@ when you advertise cooling, storage bldg &
day of October, 2020. This is and shop here! carport. 1,230 sq ft.
Call 662−425−9451.
to give notice to all persons
having claims against said es-

Service Directory
tate to Probate and Register
same with the Chancery Clerk
of Lowndes County, Missis-
sippi, within ninety (90) days
from this date. A failure to so
Probate and Register said
claim will forever bar the same.

THIS the 9th day of October,

Promote your small business starting at only $25
/s/ Michael Ronald Burks Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Painting & Papering

Place an ad safely
Bucket truck & stump Ext/Int Painting.
PUBLISH: 10/13, 10/20 & removal. Free est. Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
10/27/2020 Serving Columbus Repair. Pressure Washing.
since 1987. Senior Free Estimates. Ask for

from home with

IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF citizen disc. Call Alvin @ specials! Larry Webber,
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 242−0324/241−4447 662−242−4932.
SIPPI "We’ll go out on a limb for

the Classifieds.
CEASED Fall Special: 4 Rms $99 Special Prices.
1 Room − $50 WORK WANTED: Licensed
& Bonded. Carpentry, minor Interior & Exterior Painting.
CASE NO. 2020-0102 2 Room − $70 662−435−6528
3 Rooms − $90 electrical, minor plumbing,
ROY WINSTON HOLLIS, EX- Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars insulation, painting, demo−
ECUTOR lition, gutters cleaned, Plumbing
UPHOLSTERY pressure washing, land−
NOTICE TO CREDITORS scaping, cleanup work.
Call for more info! 662−242−3608.
Letters Testamentary have Stan McCown
been granted and issued to 662−722−1758 Lawn Care / Landscaping "We fix leaks."
ROY WINSTON HOLLIS, Execut- Natural gas & water.
or of the Estate of MARIE R. JESSE & BEVERLY’S 662−386−2915
HOLLIS, deceased, by the
Chancery Court of Lowndes
Got leaky pipes? LAWN SERVICE
Don’t have time Find a plumber in the Mowing, cleanup, tree
County, Mississippi, on the 6th
day of October, 2020. This is to cut your lawn? classifieds. cutting, landscaping,
Are you a painter?
to give notice to all persons sodding & bush hogging.
having claims against said es- Find help here! 662−356−6525 Advertise here!
tate to Probate and Register
same with the Chancery Clerk

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