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Course Outline for Written Math

Lecture Topics
01 Number theory
02 Percentage, Interest
03 Profit-Loss
04 Review Class
05 Ratio, Proportion, Partnership
06 Set theory
07 Mixture Part 01
08 Mixture Part 02
09 Review Class
10 Time & Work Part 01
11 Time & Work Part 02
12 Time & Speed Part 01
13 Time & Speed Part 02
14 Review Class
15 Probability
16 Permutation-Combination
17 Triangle, Right Triangle
18 Trigonometry
19 Quadrilateral
20 Review Class
Full Length Test 1
Full Length Test 2

Note: After each lecture you will have to give a short test and need to pass to go to next exam. You can skip
videos but not your homework and test. Also you need to secure 70% in the full length test. Suggested Reading
and sheet will be provided by the instructors

Course Outline for Focus Writing

Lecture Topics
sentence structure, simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, adjective clause,
01 apposition, dangling modifier ইত্যাদি ও সাথে োকথে রাইটিং এর বেদসক আথ াচনা part 1
sentence structure, simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, adjective clause,
02 apposition, dangling modifier ইত্যাদি ও সাথে োকথে রাইটিং এর বেদসক আথ াচনা part 2
sentence structure, simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, adjective clause,
03 apposition, dangling modifier ইত্যাদি ও সাথে োকথে রাইটিং এর বেদসক আথ াচনা part 3
adverb clause, reduced adverb clause, noun, pronoun, antecedent of pronoun এর েযােহার ও সাথে োকথে
রাইটিং এর বেদসক আথ াচনা part 1
adverb clause, reduced adverb clause, noun, pronoun, antecedent of pronoun এর েযােহার ও সাথে োকথে
রাইটিং এর বেদসক আথ াচনা part 2
noun clause, combined application of adjective clause, adverb clause and noun clause ও সাথে োকথে
রাইটিং এর বেদসক আথ াচনা

Course Schedule Bank Job Preparation

07 Tense and modals ও সাথে োকথে রাইটিং এর বেদসক আথ াচনা
08 degree of comparison ও সাথে োকথে রাইটিং এর দিন্ন আথ াচনা।
redundancy, conditionals, parallel structure, transformation of direct and indirect object, adverbials,
09 inverted sentence ও সাথে োকথে argument writing এর একট দেথেষ template
causative verbs, transitive and intransitive verb, subjunctive, inclusive, agreements, verb followed
by infinite, gerund, both etc, tag question, embedded questions etc.
11 Argument issue development.
12 Focus writing issue development.
13 translation part 1
14 translation part 2
15 translation part 3
16 translation part 4
17 translation part 5
18 translation part 6
19 translation part 7
20 Business letter writing
21 Passage solving techniques.
22 previous year question solving part 1
23 previous year question solving part 2
24 previous year question solving part 3
25 Review class.
Full Length Test 1

Course Schedule Bank Job Preparation

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