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General Outline
I. Current Marketing Situation III. Marketing Strategy
A. Market Description A. Positioning
B. Product Review B. Product Strategy
C. Competitive Review with Segment C. Pricing
Analysis D. Distribution Strategy
D. Distribution Channels and E. Market Research
Logistics Review IV. Action Programs
E. SWOT Analysis V. Budgets
II. Marketing Objectives VI. Controls
I. Current Marketing Situation
▪What industry are you venturing into?
▪How is the demand and supply?
▪Where did you base it?
▪How is the competition?
▪Who are the actors in the competition?
▪How is your target market behaving/responding?
A. Market Description
▪Who is your target market?
▪What market segmentation strategy/strategies did you
use to select your target market?
▪Why did you choose those market segmentation
▪What is/are your customer value/s?
A. Market Description
Customer Profile
1)Who buys?
2)What was bought?
3)Where was it bought?
4)When was it bought?
5)How was it bought?
6)Why was it bought?
A. Market Description
Usage, Attitude, Image (UAI)
Sections of UAI Detail Topics Probed in UAI
Brand Awareness Brand awareness, advertising awareness, sources of awareness
Usage Behavior Product category use, or why not it is used – never or not anymore, size
or variant mix, usage frequency, who uses, who else uses, when is the
product used, product usage, brands tried, brand last used, brand used
previous to last, brands used most often, brand being used presently
Purchase behavior Where it was bought, where it is most often bought, purchase frequency,
size mix purchase, quantity last bought, price paid, alternative in mind
during last purchase, brand availability, what else was bought with brand
Product experience Product attribute/s desired, likes about existing brands, dislikes about
existing brands, rating of competing brands on attributes, socio-
demographics data, media habits
B. Product Review
❑Features are simply product attributes offered by a company – they are proof of a
benefit. “reasons why”
❑Advantages are what these features can do.
❑Benefits are advantages that meet the explicit needs and wants of the customers.
“What’s in it for me?”

“Waters Bio Mineral Pot is a 3-in-1 alkaline-mineral-purified (feature) home water

system that helps ensure your family’s health (advantage) while saving you money
(advantage). It empowers you to reallocate your budget for more bonding time with
your family (benefit).” (Go, 2017)
B. Product Review
➢ Identify each product or service in terms of name, trademark, color,
shape or other characteristic, including packaging and labelling.
➢ What is your competitive advantage? How does your product or
service differ from the competition in terms of exclusive processes
or superior ingredients, or other features.
➢ What are your strengths versus your competition’s?
➢ What are your weaknesses versus your competition’s?
➢ Determine the cost of each product or service.
➢ Determine the price you charge for each product.
➢ What is your product's/service's personality?
C. Competitive Review with Segment
❑Who composes the market segment that you chose to serve?
❑Who are your competitors?
❑What are their current market position?
❑Identify competitors by divisions, product lines and markets.
❑What is your competitive advantage?
❑What are your strategies?
❑Compare your marketing techniques with those of your competitors.
D. Distribution Channels and
Logistics Review
❑Who composes your distribution channels?
❑What are the areas you cover?
❑What are the specific locations?
❑How are you going to distribute the products?
E. SWOT Analysis

Controllable Uncontrollable

Positive Negative Positive Negative

II. Marketing Objectives
• Number of distributors, Sales productivity, Sales
volume, Sales revenue, etc.
• 5-10 years
• Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,

Ex. To increase sales productivity by 5% at the end

of the company’s first year operations.

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