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Introduction: Basic objective of cryptography, secret-key and public key cryptography,

classical cryptography, one-way and trapdoor functions, attack models, modular

arithmetics, gcd, primality testing, Chinese remainder theorem, modular square roots.
Symmetric-key Ciphers: Modes of operations, DES & its variants, RC5, IDEA,
Blowfish, AES, Cryptanalysis.
Asymmetric-key Ciphers: RSA, Rabin & ElGamal schemes, Diffie-Hellman Key
Message Digest, Digital Signatures: Properties of Hash functions, MD5, SHA-1, keyed
hash functions, MAC, attacks on hash functions, Digital Signatures, RSA and DSA
signature schemes
Key Management & Entity Authentication: KDC, Kerberos, Passwords, Challenge
Response Algorithms, Zero-knowledge Protocols.
Advanced Topics: Elliptic curve cryptography, Quantum cryptography, DNA

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