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Module // 1 Module Test

» There are 40 marks.

» You have 60 minutes.

W riting

  Write Fill in the blanks in the conversation with the correct expressions.

how read fun photography see Hi How are you?

play volleyball always goodbye you

Catalina: (0) Hi , María, (1) ?

María: I’m good Catalina, and (2) ?

Catalina: I’m great! What do you do on your holidays?

María: I love to (3) , it keeps me in great shape and I practise a lot, (4)
about you?

Catalina: That sounds really (5) . I want to go with you some day! Well, I sometimes
(6) books but I really love (7) ! I (8) go to class after school.

María: That’s so cool! You have to show me some of your pictures one day!

Catalina: Definitely, let’s get together soon.

María: For sure! Ok, I have to go. (9) , Cata!

Catalina: (10) you María!

  Write Sara talks about her school habits. Complete her story.

I (11) my email every day to do my homework. I (12) extracurricular

classes. I take chess lessons because I play online with people all over the world. I (13)
my bike every Sunday. I go to La Calera like many people in Bogotá. I (14)
magazines about science and chemistry. I like learning about these topics. I want to
be a scientist!
Module // 1 Module Test

Re ading

Read this text on the routine of José, a student from the Embera Catio tribe.
 Read Then, choose the correct answer.

I wake up at 6 a.m. and walk to school in the centre of the village. My school is small and we
don’t have a lot of things, but we learn a lot. I like to go there because they teach us about
our language and traditions. I come back from school at noon. Then, I help my father to fish.
We live near the Atrato River, fishing and agriculture is our way of life. At 5, I go to a special
school with the old people in my community because I want to be a Jaibaná to help my tribe.
A Jaibaná is a person in the community that cures people with help from nature and the
spirits. Some days, we have special celebrations with dances and the traditional ceremonies
of our community, where we share stories of our tribe. I love being a part of my tribe!

A. hunters and farmers.

0. The Embera Catio are mostly… B. fishermen and farmers.
C. singers and teachers.
A. bring food to the village.
15. José wants to… B. sing at the celebrations.
C. cure people.
A. keep bad spirits out.
16. Their celebrations are made to… B. share the stories of the tribe.
C. have fun and party.
A. about 6 hours
17. For how long does Jose go to school? B. about 4 hours
C. about 8 hours
A. Our Way of Life
18. Choose the best name for this story. B. A Day in the Life of an Embera Student
C. A Part of My Tribe
A. A member of the Embera tribe that helps
sick people in the community
19. What does Jaibaná mean?
B. A language of the Embera tribe
C. A god of the Embera tribe

 Read Read the activities José does and choose the time.

(0) He wakes up at… A. about two in the afternoon.

(20) He goes fishing at… B. after 5 p.m.
(21) He goes home at… C. noon
(22) He goes to learn cure people… D. five o’clock
Module // 1 Module Test


16   Listen Listen to the letter that Lotte writes to Makena and answer the questions.

A. In Colombia
23. Where does Lotte live? B. in Rwanda
C. in Finland
A. cold
24. What is the weather like in this country? B. hot
C. rainy
A. after 7
25. At what time does Lotte go to school? B. 7 AM
C. 9 AM
A. chips
26. What does Lotte eat for lunch? B. fruit and vegetables
C. vegetables and meat

17   Listen Listen to the letter that Makena writes back to Lotte and answer the questions.

27.   Where does Makena live?

28.  What is the weather like in this country?
29. What does Makena drink?
30.  Does Makena like sports?
Module // 1 Module Test


  Speak In pairs, conduct a full interview with each other. Start with an
introduction, talk about what you do, and say goodbye at the end.

What’s your favourite

thing to do?

Do you have any

brothers or sisters?

Thanks a lot…

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