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Shipyard engineering

Lecture 1-2:
Shipyard productivity

Applied Mechanics
Marine Technology
Lecture in course contents
Production Introduction

Shipbuilding process and

ship yard productivity


Design process
and material

Hull production
Objectives, contents and literature
• Learning objective:
– Know the development levels of the shipbuilding industry
– Understand main factors affecting shipyard productivity
– Can determinate the yard's capacity for a given ship project

• Contents:
– Shipyard layout and development history
– Shipyard productivity
– Capacity (bottlenecks – critical path)
– Lead-time

• Literature
– Laivatekniikka. Räisänen toim., 2000, Kappale 30
– Ship production, Storch et al., SNAME, 1995, Chapter I-II
Shipyard layout

• Five development
levels or generation
in shipbuilding
• Difference in:
– Production
– Production
– Shipyard layout
Development of shipbuilding
• A review of shipbuilding since the introduction of steel welding shows that there have been five major changes in
construction philosophy. If these are regarded as generations of evolution then they can be described as follows:
–First Generation: The construction philosophy during this generation was one of piece-part building on open
inclined building berths. Shipyards had multiple berths employing a large workforce, Steel hulk were launched and
towed to a quay for outfitting. Outfitting and steel facilities and trades were widely separated.
–Second Generation: The method of construction changed to a unit or block building philosophy. The number of
building berths reduced to two or three and much of the assembly work was carried out in large buildings. A limited
amount of outfitting was installed prior to launch. Steel and outfit facilities remained separated with outfitting shops
generally located adjacent to an outfitting quay.
–Third Generation: The separation of steel and outfit facilities continued. The assembly of steel blocks became
mechanized and process lines were introduced for rapid steel assembly of the midship portion of a vessel. Blocks
became larger, construction times reduced and the number of building locations reduced. The level of outfitting prior
to launch increased and there was some pre-outfitting of blocks.
–Fourth Generation: Essentially steel and outfit facilities remained separated. Automated assembly of steel
increased and multiple process lines combined under a single roof creating e factory style environment. Blocks
became much larger and the level of pre-launch outfitting was maximized. The modularization of outfitting was used
in all outfit intensive areas of the ship. Construction cycle times reduced and a single high throughput construction
point was normal.
–Fifth Generation: Although still in its infancy, the fifth generation is a product oriented philosophy. Previous
generations focused on increasing efficiency and reducing cycle times ant shipyards tended to focus on a very
narrow product range and develop customized facilities for that range. The fifth generation exploits the premise that a
wide variety of end products can be constructed from different aggregations of standard interim products, A total ship
approach is adopted and steel and outfit are fully integrated. Product ranges are greatly increased and the learning
curve on a new vessel type is dramatically reduced.
Levels of technology
• The broad definitions of the levels of technology relating to shipbuilding are as below:
–Level 1: reflects shipyard practice of the early 1960s. The shipyard has several berths in use, low capacity cranes
and very little mechanisation. Outfitting is largely curried out on board ship after launch. Operating systems are
basic and manual. In summary, the yard is characterised by the most basic equipment, systems and technologies
and outdated ways of working.
–Level 2: is the technology employed in the modernised or new shipyards of the late 1960s and early 1970s, There
would be Fewer berths in use, possibly a building dock, larger cranes and a degree of mechanisation. Computing
would be applied for some operating systems and for design work. Level 2 is better than basic but is significantly
below world industry norms.
–Level 3: is good shipbuilding practice of the late 1970s, It is represented by the new or fully re-developed shipyards
in the US, Europe, South Korea and Japan. There would be a single dock or level construction area with large
capacity cranes, a high degree of mechanisation in steelwork production and more extensive use of computers in all
–Level 4: refers to shipyards that have continued to advance their technology during the 1980s. Generally a single
dock, with good environmental protection, short cycle times, high productivity, extensive early outfitting and
integration of steel and outfit, together with fully developed CAD/CAM and operating systems. Level 4 is better than
industry averages but not up to leading standards.
–Level 5: represents state-of-the-art shipbuilding technology in the 1990s, It is developed from level 4 by means of
automation and robotics in areas where they can be used effectively, and by integration of the operating systems,
for example, by the effective use of CAD/CAM/CIM. There would be a modular production philosophy in design and
production. The level is also characterised by efficient, computer-aided material control and by fully effective quality
assurance. In summary, state-of-the-art use of technology and industry-leading business processes, facilities,
systems, management and workforce.
Shipyards layout: 1st generation
First Generation: The construction philosophy during this generation was one of piece-part building on open inclined
building berths. Shipyards had multiple berths employing a large workforce, Steel hulk were launched and towed to a
quay for outfitting. Outfitting and steel facilities and trades were widely separated.
Shipyards layout: 2nd generation
Second Generation: The method of construction changed to a unit or block building philosophy. The number of
building berths reduced to two or three and much of the assembly work was carried out in large buildings. A limited
amount of outfitting was installed prior to launch. Steel and outfit facilities remained separated with outfitting shops
generally located adjacent to an outfitting quay.
Shipyards layout: 3rd generation
Third Generation: The separation of steel and outfit facilities continued. The assembly of steel blocks became
mechanized and process lines were introduced for rapid steel assembly of the midship portion of a vessel. Blocks
became larger, construction times reduced and the number of building locations reduced. The level of outfitting prior to
launch increased and there was some pre-outfitting of blocks.
Shipyards layout:4th generation
Fourth Generation: Essentially steel and outfit facilities remained separated. Automated assembly of steel
increased and multiple process lines combined under a single roof creating e factory style environment. Blocks
became much larger and the level of pre-launch outfitting was maximized. The modularization of outfitting was used
in all outfit intensive areas of the ship. Construction cycle times reduced and a single high throughput construction
point was normal.
Shipyards layout: 5th generation

 Coming ....
 Fifth Generation: Although still in its infancy, the fifth generation is a
product oriented philosophy. Previous generations focused on increasing
efficiency and reducing cycle times ant shipyards tended to focus on a
very narrow product range and develop customized facilities for that
range. The fifth generation exploits the premise that a wide variety of end
products can be constructed from different aggregations of standard
interim products. A total ship approach is adopted and steel and outfit are
fully integrated. Product ranges are greatly increased and the learning
curve on a new vessel type is dramatically reduced.
Production organisation

• Affecting
Development of shipyard productivity
Shipyard material flow
Shipyard material flow
Shipyard productivity

• The goal is the optimal

balance between
demand and capacity

• Market situation
• Earlier deliveries
• Reputation (quality, delivery)
• Special competence and skills
• Price
• Time of delivery
• Capacity • Obstacles or shortage
– Labour – Material
– Subcontracting (exterior, or in – Working place
shipyard) – Drawings
– Productivity (hours / unit) – Worker
– Development of the – Workmanship
productivity – Motivation
– Multi-skills workers – Know-how
• Bottleneck
– Machine (rarely)
– Space
• Number of employees
– Hull production
– Outfitting
• Flame cutting machine
• Number of places for block assembly
• Pipe Workshop

• Identification of the bottleneck?

– The following example, it is assume that the number of workers
is the bottleneck
Example – input data
Ship Shipyard
 Lightweight 3000 ton  Overheads 13 M€/year
 Steel weight 2000 ton  Hull production:
 Number of blocks. 20 - Maximum steel usage 12000 ton/year
- Steel work: Man-hour use 70 h/ton (see Fig.)
 Block outfitting 5640 hours
- Steel design: Man-hour use 7 h/ton
- Maximum capacity, 18000 h/week (=450 ton)
flexible capacity to outfitting 1800 h/week
- Parallel working groups 3, 6, 7, 3, 5, 4
- Time-buffer between production halls 1 week
- Steel design capacity 1800 h/week (incl. subcont.)

 Outfitting:
- Man-hour use 120 h/ton (see Fig.)
- Maximum capacity, 12000 h/week (=300 ton)
flexible capacity to hull production 600 h/week
Example – shipyard productivity
• Man-hour as a function of steel or outfitting weight
– Ship type and delivery year is recognised

Hull production Outfitting




100 140

60 80


40 60
0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 1000 2000 3000
Steel weight[ton]
[ton] Outfitting weight [ton]
Varustelupaino [ton]
Tyyppi 1, vuodet xx-yy Tyyppi 1, vuodet yy-zz Tyyppi 1, vuodet xx-yy Tyyppi 1, vuodet yy-zz
Tyyppi 2, vuodet xx-yy Esimerkkilaiva Tyyppi 2, vuodet xx-yy Esimerkkilaiva
Production turnout
• Shipyard capability, capacity:
18000 h/week (hull production) + 12000 h/week (outfitting)
= 30 000 h/week
• Ship in overall, workload:
2000 ton * 70 h/ton + 1000 ton * 120 h/ton
= 260 000 h
• Shipyard turnout:
(46 week/year) * (30000 h/week) / (260000 h)
= 5.3 ship/year
Effect on shipyard employment
• Inverse number of
1 / (5.3 ships/years) Theoretical minimum
of lead-time
= 8.7 week/ship Ship schedule
• This time is delivery
frequency of ship Optimum work load

• This is also dock time, if
the shipyard has one
building dock T t

T = Time for the full

employment of the shipyard
Turnout in different bottleneck

• Hull production:
(18000 h/week) * (46 week/year) / ...
(70 h/ton * 2000 ton/ship + 5640 h/ship) ...
= 5.7 ships / year.
• Outfitting:
(12000 h/week) * (46 week/year) / ...
(120 h/ton * 1000 ton/ships - 5640 h/ships) ...
= 4.8 ships / year
Workload balancing

• Hull and outfitting departments should have the

equal turnout.
• The methods for balancing are:
– Transfer labour between departments (1800 h / year)
– Transfer work between departments
– Increase shipyard capacity
– The use of subcontractors (2171 h / week> 5.7 ships / year)

• All department must be in balance

• Every ship, not just a year average!
Block lead-time

• Workload and production process:

– (145640 h/ship) / (20 block/ship) = 7282 h/block
– (7282 h/block) / (18000 h/week) = 0.40 week/block
– 5 halls + hull erection + 1 week buffer time for
management between production stages
– Number of groups in each hall: 3, 6, 7, 3, 5, 4
• Lead-time for a block:
0.4 week * (3 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 5 + 4) + (6-1) * 1 week
= 16.2 week
Block design lead-time

• Capacity is sufficient for 0.40 week/block -rate

(700 h/block) / (0.40 week/block) = 1750 h/week
=> 46.6 designers are needed
If 3 designers / block
=> 15.5 design groups
• Lead-time for detail design of a block:
= 0.4 week * 15.5 + 2 week for work planning = 8.2 week
• Lead-time for block design and production:
– 16.2+ 8.2 = 24.4 week
Space requirement for block production
• Based on the rate and duration
– Rate is 2.5 block/week
– For instance, Hall 3 has 7 parallel working groups, thus duration
is 7 * 0.40 week = 2.8 week
• Space requirement in Hall 3:
– 2.5 * 2.8 = 7 place for bock production
Lead-time Normal lead-time

Ship schedule


Lead-time minimum for block
production and outfitting stages
Ship schedule
Ship schedule


workload Optimal
T workload


Lead-time minimum
Lead-time in practise
Critical path
• The critical path is the longest path, which determine the ship's lead-time
– The interfaces of the shipbuilding process stages
– The factors affecting the duration of the each stage
• Critical path elements
– A: The basic design
– B: Block the design, manufacturing and assembly
– C: Assembly of all blocks
– D1: Basic design of a outfitting space and following detail design for production
– D2: Equipment installation on board
– E1: Delivery of material or equipment, which has long delivery time; ordered after agreement
– E2: Delivery of material or equipment, which has long delivery time; ordered after basic design
– F: Testing
Composition of critical path
• The critical path is a shipyard and a ship specific, but it is the
most likely composed some of the following sub paths:
– block design, manufacturing and assembly – assembly of all blocks
– design of a outfitting feature – block design, manufacturing and assembly
– equipment or material with long delivery time – assembly of all blocks
– assembly of all blocks – Equipment installation on broad
– equipment installation on broad – testing and sea trial
– equipment installation on broad – ship delivery
Example: production schedule
Example: workload chart

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