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as) United States 2) Patent Application Publication co, puv.N Kalra et al. US 2013001525741 US 2013/0015257 Al Jan. 17, 2013 (a3) Pub, Date: os as) Glenville, NY (US); ey, Niskayuna, NY (US): Dmytro Floriyovyeh Opaits, Gleaville, NY (US): Sunitkumar Onkarnath Soni, Albany, NY (US) ary Lee Leonard, Sarsioga Springs. NY(US) (3) Assiunee: GE ECTRIC COMPANY SCHENECTADY, NY (US) (21) Appl. Nos 139992,394 (22) Filed: Dec. 24,2011 Publication Classification (1) mec. B0sB 083 (2006.01) (2) USC 23918; 2391699; 239/700; 289608 on ABSTRACT An electr-hyddynamie wind enenzy conversion system is presented, Thesystm inclesa wind passageallowing wind How: Further, the system includes reservoir having an open: ing in communication with the wind passage and configured to hold figuid. The system also includes an agitator coupled to the reservoir and configured to convert the Kiguid imo ropes. Additionally, the systom includes charging system disposed substantially opposite the reservoir opening aad configured to deposit an clectrostatic charge onthe droplets tnd draw the droplets into the wind passage, Moreover, he system inclades «charge collector disposed at a distal end of the wind passage and configured to collect the electostatic charge from the droplets, _-100 Patent Application Publication Jan. 17, 2013 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2013/0015257 Al _-100 200 FIG. 1 K [PROVIDE A WIND PASSAGE |~-202 ! 204 STORE A LIQUID IN A RESERVOIR | AGITATE THE LIQUID INTHE | 206 RESERVOIR TO FORM DROPLETS I DEPOSIT AN ELECTROSTATIC | 208 CHARGE ON THE DROPLETS. I CARRY THE CHARGED DROPLETS | _210 TOWARDS A CHARGE COLLECTOR] | COLLECT THE CHARGE FROM THE CHARGED DROPLETS OR THE LIQUID IN THE RESERVOIR FIG. 2 212 Patent Application Publication Jan. 17, 2013. Sheet 2 of 3 US 2013/0015257 Al ~317 FIG. 4 Patent Application Publication Jan. 17, 2013 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2013/0015257 Al 608 S 60s 606 «616 618 612 614 FIG. 6 US 2013/0015257 AL SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR ELECTRO-HYDRODYNAMIC WIND ENERGY CONVERSION BACKGROUND [0001] Embodiments of the present disslosure relate to wind energy conversion deviees, and more particularly 10 lectno-hylodynamic wind enengy conversion devices [0002] Troditional wind energy conversion devices like ‘wind turbines include nutiple mechanical rotating or mov- Ing part soch as rotor blade, shafs, generators, gearboxes, brakes and the like, Wind impinging onthe Blades causes the blades to rota, This mtaton is converted into eletrical energy by « generator that is coupled to the blades. Although these wind turbines have proved to be highly suceessfl in ‘onshore and offshore windy regions, they tequire expensive parts and are often viewed as unacsthetic objects. Moreover, fs the mechanical wind turbines include noisy rotating ad ‘moving pat, they ate unsuitable for certain areas. {0903}, Recently, as an alternative wo the mechanical wind Turbines, wind enenzy conversion devices that Work on the principles of eletro-hydodynamics (FIID) have been devel- ped. These devies do not generate electricity through the ‘botion of any moving parts; instead, they generate electricity by generating smal electrically charged liquid droplets and’ or solid particles and inducing them ino the wind path. ‘The wind carries the charged droplets and/or particles towards « collection rid, where the electric charge of the droplets is deposited. In there systems, te wind spocd dete- ‘ines the number of liquid droplets andor solid particles ‘aried away from theinjoetion point per uit ime, and there ore the amount of electrical energy generated bythe deviee. ‘These EHD wind energy conversion devices are capable of neat electricity akin tothe mechanical wind turbines ‘without the added noise or moving parts. Moreover, these devices are inexpensive, aesthetically more pleasing, and Simple to construct. [0004] Existing EHD wind enengy conversion devices, however, may not be very efficient. Curent technologies use nore of electrospray to convert & liquid into charged droplets. In these technologies, water is pressurized and sprayed out of a point source to form droplets, {lowever, a thenozzles are point souees, thy may not beable to produce ‘large numberof droplets or droplets having small dimen: sons optimal for HD power conversion. The number and Size of droplets ae important factors affecting the efiieney Dfthese deviees as these factors drcetly aac the cumulative poser generated by the devee, For example, ifthe drops are too lage, the drag force of low speed winds may be insulli- cient to carry the droplets effectively, and if the number of Aroples is oo low, it may lead o Tower power generation, BRIEF DESCRIPTION 10005] Inaccordance with aspects of the present disclosure, an clecuo-hydredynamic wind energy comverson syst is presented. Thesystom includes a wind passageallowing Wind Flow. The system also inchades a reservoir having an opening in communication withthe wind passage and configured 10 hold Tiguid Further, the system includes an agitator coupled to the reservoir and conflzured to conver the liquid into droplets. In addition, the system includes a charging system disposed substantially opposite the reservoir opening and configured to deposit an elctostatie charge onthe droplets Jan. 17, 2013 snd draw the droplets into the wind passage, Moreover, the system includes charge collector disposed ata distal end of the wind passage and configured to collet the electrostatic charge from the droplets may also be present 10006] In accordance with another aspoct of the present disclosure, a method for coaverting wind energy into ele: tecty is presented. The method includes toring a igud ina reservoir having a! least one opening in communication with f wind passage, where the wind passage allows wind How fom a proximal direction to a distal diection. Punher, the ‘method includes agitating the Tigud in the reservoir 1a foem droplets ona ligud surface. The method also includes depos- ing an eletrostate charge onthe droplets, In aditon, the method includes drawing the lectrostatcally charged drop- Jets towards the wind passage. Also, the method includes transporting the electrotatially changed droplets towards a charge collector disposed atthe distal end of the wind pas= sage. Moroover the method includes collecting the electro: Ste charge present on the doplets atthe charge collector. 10007] Inaccordance with yt another aspect ofthe present dislosure an eletro-hyirodynamic wind turbine system is presented, The system includes wind passage allowing wind Fw. Furthermore the systom includes a substantially tubular guiding structure in line with the wind passage having proximal end and 2 distal end and configed to alls The ‘wind flow. The system further includes reservoir having an ‘opening in communication with the wind passage coupled 10 a sidewall of the guiding structure snd configured to hold a liquid. Moreover. the system includes an agitator coupled 19 the reservoir and configored to conver the liquid into dop- Jets The system also includes charging system coupled 1 the guiding stecture. Additonaly, te system includes the charging system is configured 10 deposit an electrostatic cage onthe droplets, and draw the droplets ito the guiding structure. Also, the system includes a charg collector dis- posedat the distal endof the guiding stroctureand configured to collec the electrostatic charge fom the droplets. DRAWINGS 10008] These ndother features, aspects, and advantages of the present disclosure will become beter understood when the following detailed description is read withreference tothe scompanying drawings in which like characters represent Tike parts throughout the drawings, wherein: 10009] FIG. 1 is 9 block diagram of an exemplary EHD system for use in wind turbine, in aecordance with aspects ofthe present disclosure; [0010] FIG. 2 is a flowchart illustrating an exemplary ‘method for converting wind energy ito electricity, in acc0e- dance with aspects ofthe present disclosure, [0011] FG. 3isadingrammati representation oFanexem- plary EHD system, in aocordance with aspects ofthe present Aisclosure 10012] FIG. 4 sa diggrammatic representation of another exemplary EHD system, in accordance with aspects of the present disclosure: 10013] FIG. § is a diagrammatic representation of yet mother exemplary EHD system, in aevordance with aspects ofthe present disclosure: and 10014] FIG. 6 is a diagrammatic representation of yet nother exemplary EHD system, in accordance with aspects ofthe present disclosure, US 2013/0015257 AL DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0015] _Fmboxtimentsofite preset disclosure are relatedto 18 sytem and method for electo-hydrodyaamicallyextrct- ing electrical energy from wind. The systems described here Inafter generate a large number of micronized droplets, ‘hich increase the cumulative charge generated by the sys- ‘em, and in tim enbance the efficiency ofthe sytem, 10016] Conveatonal solutions tha lize clectosprays or roves to generate charged droplets fil to produce a lage ‘umber of droplets. In particular, in a conventional electro spray system pressurized liquid is dispensed through a pointedend ofanozzletopreiuce droplets, thereby resting {nthe generation of limited anmber af droplets. To increase the umber of droplets uenerated, these systems ean inerease the size of the orifices. However increasing the sizeof the oifces results in an inercase i the droplet size. It may be ‘noted that in certain cases no droplets may be formed because fof the large orifice size. Aliematvels, these systems may Increase the number of nozzles. However, ineease in the number of nozzles inereases design and manufacturing coa- plexites, and induces high drag. Consequently these conven ional systems fil to generate sullicient number of droplet and therefore filo generate sullicint cumulativecharge. To Increase their elficency, these systems may attempt o place aTorgr charge on each droplet by inteoducing a large ele: trosttic Field. However, the amount of charge that ean be effectively placed on a droplet is governed by Rayleih's limit. Beyond acertain charge vale, increasing the charge on the droplets reduces the efliiency of the system. Therefore, the efficiency ofthese conventional systems is limited by their design. [0017] The shortcomings ofthe presently available toc nologies may be circumvented by an exemplary EHD system. In secordance with various embodiments of the exeapaey EHD stem, droplets are generated from the surlace of a Tiguid though iquid agitation, thereby substantially inezeas- ing the number of droplets generated at any given time, For example, embodiments of the FHD system generate droplets Ina ange from about 10 milion droplets per second per em” to about 1000 million droplets per second percm® Marcoves, thesize of the droplets sa funetionaf he agitating frequency, and therefore may be configurable. With the large number of “droplets penerated, voltae levels may be lowered charge per droplet may be reed, and the system may still achieve a higher cumlative chase [0018] FIG. 1 iustrtes an exemplary embodiment of an ‘ectno-hydodynamio (EHD) sytem 100, Ina presently com ‘templated configuration, the EHD system 100 may include a reservoir 104. The reservoir 104 may include an opening 106 that is in commnaeation witha wind passage 102 ia Which wind blows in a particular direction (in FIG. 1, the aro indiates the direction of wind flow). In some embodiments, the wind passage 102 may inchade a guiding simcture (aot shosim in FIG. 1) that guides wind from a proximal end to a distal end: while inher embodiments the wind passsge 102 ‘may not include any guiding strcture and may merely include space above the reservoir opening 106 where Wind ‘may pass, For the purpose ofthis diselostre the term peoxi- smal diretion is wed to refer oa direction Irom whiek wind blows and the tem distal direction is used ta referto a dirce- ton inlo which the wind blows. In similar fashion, the tem proximal endisusedto refertoanendof the windpassage 102 Jan. 17, 2013 Jno which the wind blows, while the term distal end is used 19 refertoanend ofthe wind passage 102 at which thewindeits the wind passage 102 10019] Farber, the system 100 may also include an ele: teostatic charging system 108 tht is operatively coupled to the reservoir 104 or the guiding structure. Altratively, the charging system 108 may not he couple! tothe reservoir 1b fr the guiding structure. Instead, it may be a standalone ‘device placed relatively opposite the reservoir opening 106. ‘Additonal, the system 100 may also include a ehargecol- lector 110 disposed distalof se reservoir opening 106d The charging system 108 inthe wind passage 102 such that a face of the charge collector 110 is substantially in the wind path. ‘The weservoir 104 may be filled with lguid 122. Purher an agitator 112 may be coupled to the reservoir 104 and config tured to suficiently agitate the liguid 122 such that stall droplets form on surtace ofthe Tiguid 122 0020] In one example, the wind passage 102 may be the sqaoe between the reservoir opening 106 and the charging system 108 through which wind blows, In some embod iments, the puiding structure may be present in this passage 4102 to guide the wind along a xed pa. In other embod mens, no physical guiding stracture may be present in the ‘wind passage 102. Moreover, n some embodiments, the ervoir 104 and the charging system 108 may be normal tothe ‘wind passage 102 (as illustrated in FIGS. 3-5); while in other embodiments, the reservoir 14 and the charging system 108 ‘may bein Hine with the wind passage 102 (es ilustrated in FIG. 6). [0021] Also the reservoir 1M may have any shape or size. For example. the rservoir 104 may be cylindrical, cuboidal, or polygonal. Furthemore, the reservoir 104 may have 8 Tiguid intake opening (not shown in FIG. 1)in addition tothe reservoir opening 106. The liquid intake opening may be Situated ang the surface ofthe reservoir 104, For example, the liquid intake opening may be situated on one or more of the sidewalls ofthe reservoir 104 In oer embodiments, The liquid intake opening may be situated atthe bottom of the reservoir 1M. Depending on the level of the lgaid 12 inthe reservoir 104 the liquid intake opening may automatically ‘pen allowing the liquid 122 10 enter the rescrvoir 108 Alternatively, anoperatormay monitor the guid level, andin, particular, when the quid level falls bolow a threshold value, the operator may opea the intake opeaing, allowing te lid 122 to cater the reservoir 1M. In other embodiments iui ‘aay be eontiquously filled in the reservoir 104 at particular fate, It will be understood that various means ant mecha nismsexsttfillareservoirwith quid ndmonitor the gui levels. Any of these known mechanisms may be employed in this system 100 without departing from the scope of the present disclosure, 10022] Moreover, thereservoit 104 may be formed using an electrically insulative material sch thatthe reservoir 104 does not interfere with the working of the EHD system 100. "Example materials may ncinde glass plastic, or polymers. In some instances, the reservoir 104 may’be coated witha lbri- ous or non-stick material such as Teflon™ (polyteatiu- rosthylene) to prevent the liquid 122 from adhering to the reservoie walls, Itmay be noted that the reseevoi 104 may be temporarily or permanently coupled to the guiding stencture inthe wind passage 102. Temporary coupling allows oper tors to remove the reservoir 1M for cleaning, maintenance andor replacement. Example temporary coupling. means inchade serew fit arrangements, Iner-locks, snap-fit arrange: US 2013/0015257 AL ‘ments, snd so on, Permanent attachment ensures that aft between the reservoir 104 and the guiding structure i sure such thatthe reservoir 14 may not be inadvertently detached from the guiding structure during operation. Means of pee ‘manentlyfiting therosorvoir 104 othe guidingstruciare may include welding, ghuing. or molding [023], The charging system 108 may be an electrostatic ring, aro ora plate, in some embodiments. Inher embod ‘ments, the charging system 108 may be plasma oran electron bam, Further. as previously noted, the changing system 108 sy be disposed at location substantially opposite he res fervor opening 106 [0024] » Thecharge collector 10 maybe a charge colletion tridor mesh coupledto electrical circuit. Alteratively, the ‘change collector 110 may simply be connection to grond. Considerable flexibility is afforded inthe size and shape of the charge collector 110. For example, the change collector 110 may be shaped asa rectangular grid placed normal othe longitudinal axis ofthe wind passage 102, Positioning the charge collector 110 as described hereinabove enhances ‘charge collection from droplet exiting the wind passe 102, nother examples, the charge collector 110 may be shaped as ‘a concave or convex mesh without departing from the seope ofthe preset diselosure Incase the charge collector 10 ita ‘round connection, the charge on the droplets is simply {riven to ground and the charge inthe fig remaining in the reservoit 104 may be utilized to produce 2 working current. [0025] In addition to the elements described hereinabove, ‘various othersystems, modules, ordevies may he coupled 10 lore par ofthe FHD system 100 contributing ots function. Forexample, a yaw sensormay'becoupledte the BHD system 190t0 monitor wind direction and align the wind passage 102 andthe charge colletor 10in ine with the wind and distal of the reservoir 104, respectively Similarly, « power supply may be coupled to the charging system 108, where the power supply may be configured to provide the charging sytem 108 the roquiredclecrosatie potential to cause change separation intheliguid 122. Inaddition to these elements the system 100 ‘may also include electrical connections between the various ‘elements to completea charging ere. For example, in case the change collecoe 110 accumulates charge, the charge col- lector 110 may be coupled toa load 118 0 proluce working current. Also, the charging system 108 may be coupled toone fend of power supply 120 configured to supply a eletro= Static poteatial to the charging system 108. Moreover the ther ena the power supply 120 may also be coupled tothe Jad 118 complete the electrical eirevit between the charg- ing sytem 108, the power supply 120, the charge collector 110, and the lod 118, In case the change collector 110 is, ‘oafigured to simply ground the droplet charge the load 118 may be coupled betveen the reservoir 104 and ground (aot shown) and the power supply 120 may be coupled tthe charging system 108 and berween the reserir 104 and the Jad 118. The EHD system 100 may furherinlude humidity sensors (not shown in FIG. 1) to monitor the operating con ditions, wind speed sensors to monitor wind speed, ightening protection bars andthe like {0026} -Irmy benoted hat although FIGS, 13-6 depict se bof one reseroirand one reservoir opening use of multiple reservoirs and/or eservoiropeningsin he EHD system 100is also envisaged. Depending on the required power outpat. the umber of reservoirs and reservoir openings may be varied [0027] FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary method for convert- ing wind energy into electricity using the exemplary EHD Jan. 17, 2013 system 100 of FIG. 1. Itmay be noted that the method of FIG, 2isdescribed with referencetothe componentsof FIG. 1. The ‘mthod begins at sep 202 where a wind passage, sich asthe ind passage 102 is provided. Subsequently. at stp 204, iquid such asthe lighid 12 is stored in the reservoir 104, where the reservoir 104 hast least one reservoir opening 16 Jn communication with the wind passage 102. Tiguid agi- ‘ato, suchas thequitator 112 may beconfigured to agitate the Tiguid 122 at a determined frequency, as indicated by step 206. In one embodiment, the frequency may be inthe range fom about 1 MHz to about 1000 Mite. Such an agitation vibrates the guid 122 causing small droplets to form on the Tiguid surface 10028] Moreover, at step 208, the charging system 108 applies sn electrostatic Held on the liquid sirice causing change separation. The change separation causes the liquid droplets to accumulate «postive or negative charge on cir surface. Also, a charge thats opposite tothe charge on the droplets is accumulated inthe figui left behind inthe reser ‘ir 104. For example, ifthe changing system 108 is a positive potential, negative charge accumulates along the surface ofthe droplets and a postive charge accumulates in the liquidremsiningin the reservoir 104 Thisnegativecharye causes the droplets to drift towards the charging system 108, ‘whic sata positive potential, as depicted by step 210. The drag force ofthe wind blowing in the wind passage 102, however, exceeds the force of the electrostatic fold botsoon the changing system 108 having a postive potenti and the negatively charged droplets, thereby curing the movement ofthe droplets towards the charging system 108, Instead, the droplets are carried towards distal end of the wind passage 102. Additionally, at step 212, the charge collector 110 may either collec the negative charge ofthe droplets or drive the negative charge to ground. In ease the charge collector 10 ‘socunulates the negative charge of the droplets, a oad may be soanecte tothe charge collector 110 to pradce a working 10029] The following sections describe some exemplary embodiments ofthe FHD system 100 of FIG. 1. It will be lunderstood thot other configurations may’ jst ax easily be considered without departing frm the scone of the present disclosure. 10030] Turning now to FIG. 3, an exemplary EHD system 300 is presented In this example, the system 300 inclodes ‘wind passage 302 with a guiding structure 303, anda resee- vir 304 disposed substantially normal to the guiding struc ture 303. Also, the reservoir 304 includes an opening 306, ‘which is coupled to the guiding stmcture 303 and may be substantially as lange as the width othe reservoir 304, in one example, In aditon, charging system 308 such as an elec- trostate plate may be disposed over the reservoir opening 306, In other eases, the charging system 308 may’ be an electrostatic rng having a diameter substantially equal tthe diameter of the reservoir opening 306. Moreover, anagitatr, In this embodiment, may inelude one or more piezoelectnic crystals 312. Furthermore, in one example, the one or more pieanelectric crystals 312 may be disposed atthe bottom of | the reservoir 304 snd in contsct with liquid $18 present in the reservoir 304. power supply 316 may provide charging vollage or curent tothe charging system 308, Moreover, charge collector 310 such asa collction grid may be placed ta distal end ofthe guiding stracture 303, This gid 310 may further be coupledto the power supply 316 through load 314, US 2013/0015257 AL ‘o complete the charging circuit A ground connection 317 may be provided between the change collector 310 and the Joad 314 [0031] The guiding strctue 303 may be a substantially hollow cylindrical ube baving a proximal end 321 anda distal fend 322. For purposes of this disclosure, the proximal end ‘ofers tan end ofthe guiding sraeture 303 fom where wind fenters the wind passage 302 and the distal end refers to the fend of the guiding structure 303 from where wind exits the ‘wind passage 302. Moreover, the guiding structure 303 my be large enough to allow Large amounts of wind pass throngh the EHD system 300. [nation the aiding stoc- ‘ure 308 may have a substantially circular, ellipical recta gular, polygonal, or randomly shaped cross-section without ing trom the scope of the present disclosure. In other embodiments to increase wind velocity the guiding structure $303 may havea onicalor tapered shape. Iwi be understood thatthe shape and size ofthe guiding structure 308 may vary considerably from application to application and therefore ‘embodiments of the present disclosure donot limit the seope ofthe size and shape of the guiding structure 303, [0032] Further, the guiding structure 308 may be formed using a eroded plastic or polymer material. Example mater als include stel, carbon fiber, PVC. aluminum, Teflon™ (polytewaftuoroethylene), plastics, nylon, or glass (metals, ‘organic and inorganic materials. [0033] With continuing reference to FIG. 3, the reservoir 1304 my be coupled normal tothe longitudinal axis of the guiding stricture 303, In other embodiments, however, the placement of the reservoir 304 with respect to the guiding structure 303 may vary. For instance, the reservoir 344 maybe Aisposed outside the guiding streture 303 and normal to a longitudinal axis of the guiding steueture 308. Inthisease, the reservoir opening 306 may be coupled toa sie wall of the hiding strpeture 303. Altematively. the longitudinal axis of the reservoir 304 may be parallel and substanally coincident ‘with he longiadinal axis ofthe guiding structure 303. In this ease, the reservoir 304 may be placed within the guiding Sractore 308 or atthe proximal end 321 or the distal end 322 ofthe guiding structure 308 [034] In the system 300, the wide reservoir opening 306 allows lagenuberof droplets to exit the reservoir 304 and travel towards the charging system 308. Moreover, the reser- ‘voit 304 may itself be wider than aller insomeembodiments Greater wid allows greater amount ofthe iid 318 (0 be converted ino droplets and subsequently be cared t0 the collection grid 310. It may be noted thatthe tems change collector and collection grid may be used interchangeably [0035] Thepiezpeletic crystals 12, when subjected toan fectrical fel, vibrate at frequency dependent on the elec- ‘real eld and te innate properties ofthe piezoelectric erys- tals 312. To generate these vibrations, the piemoelectrcerys- {al B2maybe couples to one or more oF an electric generator, nescilloscope.a transducer andloranamplifiet Thesecom ponents generate appropriate sinusoidal signals to induce ‘ibeations in the pieaoeloctric crystals 312. In other embod ‘nents, a power supply may be coupled tothe piezoelectric cexystals 312 along with systems that are configured to convert the powerinto appropriate sinusoidal signals, Since the vibe- ions ofthe pievoelecci erystals 312 are dependent om the amplitude ofthe electri field the frequency ofthe vibrations can easily be altered during operation by varying the eloctic field connected tothe piezoelectric erystals 312, Jan. 17, 2013 10036] | Moreover, during operation, the piezoelectric enys- tals 312. vibrated ata determined frequency and the charg ing system 308 may be energized. Vibrations from the piezo- electric crystals 312 cary into the liquid 318 and vibrate the Surface ofthe liquid 318. When the vibration energy a the Tiquid surface exeoeds the surface tension ofthe liquid 318, droplets 320 are formed atthe liquid surface. Sizes of these “droplets 320 depend on the vibration Frequency ofthe piezo: clectrie crystals 312, Therefore, by varying the clctical field applied to the picaoelectrc crystals 312, the vibrating fre- quency of the piezoelectric crystals 312 may change. whichin tum alters the size ofthe droplets 320. In some instances, he frequency of the pieznelectiecrystals 312 sinthe Megahers2 range and such a frequency may ficiltate formation of dop- Jets 320 wit diameters na range from about I sub-micron to sour 100 microns 10037] Inthe present example, the charging system 308 is coupled to the guiding stracare 303 ata location that is Substantially opposite the reservoir opening 306. Also, the charging system 308 is configured to generate an electric field trod the Tiguid 318 inthe reservoir 304 to cause charge Separation atthe liquid surface. This charge separation in addition to generating changed droplets, aids in reducing the surface tension of te liguid 318 and thereby increasing the droplet production mate- The charge of the droplets 320 is ‘opposite that ofthe charging system 308 and the lover in the reservoir 304. Hsing oppositely charge tothe charging system 308, the droplets 820 move towards the charging s)stem 308. The wind passage 302 aod guid Saicture 303, however, re normal othe path ofthe droplets 320, Wind in the wind passage 302 drags the droplets 320 ‘owards the collection gd 310, where the elecirostaticcharze ofthe droplets $20 is collected, The system 300 may form droplets 320 in a range from about 0.10 Billion droplets per ‘second to aout 100 billion droplets per second from approx ‘mately 10 eme10 em eros-section of quid surface. This droplet formation rate is expected be substantially higher than the rte of any conventional systems hecause in the system 300, the droplets 320 are formed using the entire liquid surface 10038] _Inanotherembodimen, instead ofthe piezoelectic exystals 312, the agitator may be a spinning nonconductive dis. FIG-4ilustrates an embodiment of system 400 where the agitator i a spinning non-conductive dise 402, Here, the changing system 308s coupled to thepuiding sincture 308 at 1 Jocation that is substantially opposite the reservoir opening 306, the dse 402 is disposed the reservoir opening 306 and ‘coupled tothe guiding strcture 303, and the charge collector $10 is cisposed tthe distal end ofthe guiding structure 303 The electrical circuit remains similar to that described with respect o FIG. 3, 10039] The liquid 318 from the reservoir 304s provided 19 ‘surface of the dise 402 that sin communication with The ‘wind passage 102, none embodiment the disc 402 my have ‘small central aperture 403 connected to the reservoir open- jing 306. Further, liquid delivery tube 405 may be connected between the aperture 403 and the reservoir opening 306 10 provide the iguid 318 from the reservoit 404 to the dise Surface, Iwill bo understood that n ther embodiments, the Tiguid 318 may be transported to the dise sfice through other means, sch as multiple apertures onthe dise 402, ora Pipe that transports the isd 318 from the reservoir 304 19 the dise surface. Funher, the amount of liquid transported to US 2013/0015257 AL the dse surfaces controlled seh that at any given time atin layer ofthe liquid 318 is present on te dive surfae, 10040] | Thedise 402 may be coupled toa power supply (aot shown) and a motor (aot shown that rotate the dise 402 at a high speed. When the dise 402 rotates ata particular fre quency the centrifugal foree athe dise 402 spins the quid $1 off the edges of the disc 402 to form droplets 320, The ‘umber of droplets and thie size may be a function of the rotation speed, size ofthe dse 402, thickness of liquid layer, or iguid type It will be understood thatthe numberof drop Jets 320 may be a fonction of any other parameter just 3s easly without departing fom the scone ofthe present dsclo- sure. For example, the size of the droplets 420 may be a Tinetion of the power of the charging system 308. Further, the ise 402 may be disposed ina horizontal orientation, having upward or downward curved edges. In addition, the dse 402 say havea semi-paraboli or any ether shape that assists in droplet formation. In some embodiments, a lubricious or ‘om-stick coating may be applied on the dive 402 to assist the Tiquid 318 i sliding off the edges ofthe dise 402 and pre- venting any Tiguid from adhering to the dse surface. {00$1] The charging system 308 deposits a charge on the Aroplets 320 generated by the rotating disc 402, and the charged droplets move towards the charging system 308. ‘When these droplets 320 reach the wind passage 802 and the guiding strcture 303 the droplets 320 are dragged by the ‘wind in the direction of the charge collector MO where the ‘charge on the droplets 320 is accumulated. [0042] FIG. 5 illustrates another exemplary embostiment S00of an FID system in socordance with some aspectsof the rosea disclosure. The system S00 includes a wind passage 502, a guiding structure 503, a reservoir S04, a reservoir ‘opening 506 in communication with the guiding structure 503, charging system $08, anda chargecollectoe S10. Inthe presen example, the reservoir opening S06 is substantially “smaller than te widihof ie reservoir 804, Forexaple ithe reservoir widths ina range from about I mmo about 10am, the width of the reservoir opening 506 in this embodiment ‘may be in a range from about 0.01 mm to about I mn. In puiticular, the reservoir opening $06 may be narow and tapered like a nozzle 12 er eilice. In ether embodiments, ‘more thanone nozzle $12 may be provided, Further, incertain other embodiments, multiple reservoirs $04 and nozzles S12 ‘may be coupled along the guiding structure $03 or the wind passage 802. For example, to increase the power output pro Ahueed by the EHD syst S00, two or more reservoirs SO and nozzles $12 may be incorporated. [0043] The nore $12 may be in communication withthe ‘guiding structure $03. In addition, the nozzle S12 may be a ee a eee ae charging system $08 may be operationally coupled to the fiding smeture S03 aa locaton that ssubstantally oppo: Sieh nozzle 12, Morewer the reservoir 06 may inclide ‘mechanism to pressurize aliquid $160 force the igi S16 intothe nozzle S12, These pressuring clement may inclide pumps, motors or other stich means without departing from the scope ofthe present disclosure [0044] In addition, one or more piezoelectric erystals S14 ‘may’ be coupled to 4 neck of the nozele $12 and within the reservoie 50, These piezeletic crystals S14 may be con- figured to agitate the pressurized liquid a5 the Liguid $16 travels towards the nozzle S12, When the liguid SU6 reaches the nozzle opening, the liquid S16 fons convex meniscus The vibrations induced by the piezoelectric erytals S14 Jan. 17, 2013 vibrate this meniseus before the meniscus forms a dsop, thereby breaking up the meniscus int a plurality of smaller droplets 818. By breaking the meniscus into the plurality of smaller droplets 818, dhe system $00 generates an ineressed umber of droplets S1¥ and also reduces the size of the droplets S18 10045] In conventional clecrosprays, the droplet size is wemned by the size ofthe opening and the velocity ofthe quid exiting the opening In this system 800, however. the Aroplet sie salvo aovemed bythe vibration requeney ofthe piezpeectric crystals $14. Consequently, thesizeor the dop- lets S1R exiting the nozzle S12 may be controlled by ads the frequency of the pieracoctric crystals S14, In this wy, the system $00 can generate an increased number of droplets fs compared to 8 conventional clotspray system, 10046] Moreover, the carging system S08 deposits a charge on the droplets S18 forcing the droplets $18 to move toward the charging system S08, The wind passage 802 that fs disposed between the charging systom S08 andthe nozzle 512 draws the droplets S18 towards the charge collector 510 disposed at distal end ofthe wind passage 502 10047] Another exemplary embodiment 600 of the EHD system is illustrated in FIG, 6. The system 600 includes a ind passage 602, a reservoir 604, a nozzle 606, a charging ‘stem 608, a charge collector 610, one or more piezoelectric exysals 612, anda power supply 614. Ina presently conten ited configuration, the nozle 606 is coincident with the ‘wind passage 602, Additionally, the charging system 608 my be disposed at a locaton that is approximately/substntally ‘opposite the nozzle 606 and at adistance fom the nozze 606. Farther, de charging system 608 may bea in with the wind passage 602 10048} Ttmay benoted that inthe illustrated embodiment, uiding stacture is not present in the wind passage 602. Tc Will be undersiood, however, that nother confiratons, the 2uiding structure maybe present inthe wind passage 602. For «example, the reservoir 604 may be present within the guiding Structure and ata distal end ofthe guiding stracture. Further, the guiding structure may be sufficiently larger in diameter than the reservoir 604 such that suiciot wind is allowed 10 pss around the seri 604. 10049] Moroover, inthe example depicted in FIG. 6, the charging system 608 isan electrostatic ring having diameter substantially equal to or greater than the diameter of the nozzle 606. Further, it willbe noted that moltiple reservoir 604 and nozzle 606 systems may be wtlized in this system 600, The muliple reservoir and nozzle systems may be ranged in parallel to each othe. In tat ese, the charging system 608 may’ hive u diameter substantially equal 1a the combined diameter ofan arangement ofthe lip reser voir and nozzle systems. Reference numeral 616 may gence ally be representative of a distal end ofthe wind passage 62. 10050] Thechargcollecioe 640 maybe placed ata location thatis distal ofthe electrostatic ring, Farber the piemelectic crystals 612 may be coupled tothe nozzle 606 and the power supply 614 may be coupled tothe charging system 608 and the reservoir 604, Inone embodiment, the piezoelectric ery is 612 may also be present withinthe reservoir 604 to agiate the liquid. For example, the piezoelectric erystals may be prose inthe formof one ormore wites, needles, dise,oF ds Within the reservoir 604, {10051} In FIG. 6, the reservoir 604 is illustrated with one nozzle 606 for illustative purposes. However, it will be ‘understood that the FFD system 600 may include any number US 2013/0015257 AL of nozzles 606 in atl inplementaton, Droplets 620 are tcierted ina manner that issubstantlly sian tothe roplet generation mibod of HG. 8. Penaeesric estas G12 vibrate Iguid 618 i the nozzle 606 and break up a ‘enisus ito a pray of small droplets 620 The casing, ‘stem 608 deposits a charge on these droplets 620 and the ropes 620 move twas the charging system 608. As the sarge collector 610 iscisposed beyond the chang system 608 the droplets 620 move beyond the charging sytem 608 deo the force of expision fromthe nozale 606 othe free bf the wind snd impinge on the charge collector 610, where the charge ofthe droplets 620i accumulated. Altemaives, the change collector 610 may simply be a sonnection {0 ttn that grounds the charge on the dope {0052] I wil be understood thatthe wider opening rese- soir of FIGS. 3 and 4 may also be placed within the wind essa 6020 FIG. 6andwindconversion maybe performed. Ss desea erwnabove 10053] In accordance with certain aspects of the present Sisclonur, the Tid may be any id that as low surface tension aa can be eletrisly chara. Fr example, water, ‘cap solution, st solution, ethane, and methanol may’ be {Sed The wind energy conversion devices deserted herein ‘ay abe be uilize fr fsbor applications In sch cabs, the figuid may be seawater. Seawater his high contet of sodium eblorde, which aids in ionization and lowers the Surface tension ofthe water In dy of low unity cond tions the water droplets while taveling dvesteam towards the charge collection aid or ground may evaporate leaving behind a sal crystal a a charge cave, Therefore, seawates ‘which may becasily pumped fom theolshore location, my be stale fioshere apnieations [0054] nothererbodiments the iid maybe water with ‘eke impure such as dust, pollen, i, poser balls and ‘oon nspurties mde the srlce tension of water and id fn charging the water droplets 10055] The various embodiments of the exemplary EHD system and method for converting wind intoclectcal ener Using the BHD systems deserbod hereinabove ae expect {© deanatcally eres he elicency of the wind omnersion pcos. Those ystems my’ gone large amounts of dp Istepersscond pore abot LO slim opts per sesond em fo about 1000 milion droplets second per em?) t0 increase the cumlatve power generated by the Wind energy conversion device forthe sme wind spews x compare 10 curently walable. solutions. Moreover. th stems Acsribed hereinabove may generate droplets of very stall Sze (about 0.1 micron fo about 100) mitons lowing low spc winds o exert force on the droplets and ary hea 0 the charge collector. Further, because the sytem may gee. ea ge nunber of dole, ower chagemay be deposited er droplet ss compare fo conventional sysems. The lower Shige per droplet rss in Tow particle mobi hereby inewesing EHD power conversion elleieney. Also, the charge pe deoplet maybe nse much blow Rai li. 10056] Furthermore, the skilled artisan wil rcognize the Jnverchangeabiity of various Features fom diferent embodic ments Simialy, the various method steps and features tkserted aswell as other own equivalents for eoh sch smethode and fate, can be mixed and matched by eof trainaysilin histo constuetadtionalansemblis and disclosures in accordance with principles of his dclovure Jan. 17, 2013 0057] While only certain features of the invention have been illustrated and deseribed herein, many mosifieations and changes will occur to thse skilled inthe at I, there fre to be understood thatthe appended claims are intended to coverall such modifications and changes as fall within the teue spirit ofthe invention, 1. Am electro-hydrodynamic wind energy conversion sys- tom, the system comprising: ‘wind passage allowing wind ow a reservoir having an opening in communication with the ‘wind passage and configured to hold Tiguid anagitator coupled to the eservoir and configured to con vert the liquid into droplets: ‘4 chaning system disposed substantially opposite to the resennir opening and coafigred to: ‘deposit an electrostatic charge on the droplets; ‘dew te droplets into the wind passage: and 8 charge collector disposed at distal end of the wind passige and coafigured 40 collect the electrostatic ‘charge frm the droplets 2, The system of elaim 1, wherein the agitator comprises a vibrating piezoelectric crystal 3, The system of elaim 1, wherein the agitator comprises a rotating dsc 4. The system of clan 1, wherein the wind passege com: prises guiding structure having longtadinal axisalignedin ‘direction of wind Ho, 5, The systemo claim 4, wherein a longitudinal axis ofthe reservoir is normal to the longitudinal axis of the guiding structure and the reservoir opening iscoupledtoaside wall the guiding stracture, 6, The system of claim 4, wherein longitudinal axis ofthe reservoir is coincident with the longitudinal axis ofthe puid- ing sracture and the reservoir opening is coplanar with he distal end of the guiding stcture. 7. The system of claim 6, wherein the charge collector is Aisposed distal ofthe charging system. 8. The system of claim 1, wherein the liquid comprises at Jeast onc of seawater, water, ethanol, methanol, soap solution, or combinations thereof. {9 The system of claim 1, wherein the reservoir opening is approximately as lage asthe width of the reserva 10, The system of clay 1, wherein the system is contig tured to generate droplets in @ range from about 10 million droplets per second per cm to about 1000 milion droplets per second per ea 11. The system of claim 1, wherein the diameter of the droplets is ina range fom about 0.1 micron to about 100 12. The system of claim 1, wherein the reservoir opening comprises one or mare nozees, and wherein the one oF more hozaes havea diameter tat i smaller than the with ofthe 13. The system of claim 1, wherein the change collectors configured vo drive the electostatc change ofthe droplets 19 round. 14. A method for converting wind energy into electricity, the method comprising: storing liquid ina reservoir having atleast one opening in ‘communication with a wind passage; wherein the wind passage allows wind flow from s proximal direction 13 ‘lista dircetion: ing the liquid in the reservoir to form droplets on a iid surface; US 2013/0015257 AL ‘depositing an electrostatic charge on the droplets; drawing the electostaically charged droplets towards the ‘wind passage: ‘eansportng the electrostatcally changed droplets towards ‘change collector disposed atthe distal end of the wind passage: and, collecting the electrostatic charge present onthe droplets at the charge collector 15. The method oF claim 14, wherein agitating the fguid comprises vibrating piezoelectric erystal disposed in the reservoir a a determined Freuency 16. The method of claim 14, wherein sitting the liquid comprises rolating a disc, disposed at the eservir opening and in communication with the wind passape ata determined speed 17. The method of claim 14, futher comprising deawing charge from the electrostatically changed liquid remaining in the reservoir. 18, The method of claim 14, wherein agitating the liguid comprises: ‘agitating the liquid o form a convex meniscus; and breaking the convex meniscus ofthe gud to form a pu ray of droplets Jan. 17, 2013 19, An electro-hydrodynamic win turbine system, the system comprising ‘2 wind passage allowing wind flow; 2 substantially wbulor guiding strctre in line with the ‘wind passage having a proximal endand a distalend and ‘contigured to allow the wind flow; 1 reservoir having an opening in commanication with the ‘wind passage, coupled to asidewal ofthe guiding srw ture, and configured to hold liquid “anaitator coupled to the eservoir and configured to con ‘vert the lguid into droplets «changing system coupled to the guiding stuctre and contigured to: ‘deposit an electrostati charge on the droplets; and ‘aw the droplets into the ging structure; and a charge collector disposed atthe distal end ofthe guiding structure and configured to eollet the electostatie charge from the droplets 20, The system of claim 19, wherein the agitator comprises ‘one or more piezoolectricerytals

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