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. , l: .
Vol. XIII, Number 37 Narbedh, P~Saturday, June 18, 1927 pmCK rBREE CENTS

ADVICE OF EXPERT this afternoon. On 'Wednesday
the Jewish World, a strong band PHONES TO CYNWYD', BACK BOYS' WORK Thomas A. Elwood, assistant
editor of Our Town, will assume CLOSE FOR SUMMER
of Hiberians, w;1I visit Narberth the robe of office for the next
month, during the absence from
.', Want Impartial Opinion on
Structural Condition
to be trounced or otherwise in a
twilight game ·at the Community
Playground. The Main Line
Change Made to Aid Ardmore:Churches, Schools, Business
Office, Doubles Traffic . Men, Behind Boy Council,
town of the editor. He is thor-
oughly familiar with the work,
having published most of last
.School Board Elects Walter
, Steckbeck Treasurer at
of Move. League standing is as follows: At Cynwyd Formed Tuesday. summer's issues. Meeting.
W. L. P.C. :Mr. Elwood will be 111 the
Berwyn .. , 3 1 .750 WORK BEGAN IN SPRING WORK STARTS IN FALL office for consultation Thursdays
'. Narberth
3 1
Traflic at the CYl1\vyd exchange of :.j A new organization took its place
from 1 to 5 and irregularly
through the week. At other
A routine meeting of Council Mon- times Miss Mozzone will, as Narberth's schools closed yesterday
Bryn Mawr .. , .•.• 1 3 .250 the BeII Telephone Company was' prac- '~inong Main Line groups Tuesday usual, see that calIs and messages
day night was featured by a decision Paoli .... .. .... ... 0 4 .000 tically doubled Friday at 1.30 P. M. when flight, when the Main Line Boy Council are properly noted. for the summer, following field day

.. '
on the part of the Building Commit-
tee to have an independent, expert in-
spection made of the Narberth Thea- NARBERTH SCORES
1100 Narberth telephon.e lines were ,vas organized. It will supervise and co-
switched over from the Ardmore office. 'prdinate boys' work in Lower Merion TO HOLD BIG FOURTH
exercises last Thursday and a meeting
of the School Board last Friday. There
wil\ be 110 August meeting of the
ter Building, now under construction, Sixteen new operators, 13 of them from !township and the borough of Narberth.
• so as to assure the residents of abso-
lutely safe design and workmanship.
TWO NO-RUN GAMES the Ardmore staff were added to take . The formation of the new body is
care of the increased traffic. a~1 o?tgrowth of efforts in. the same
,"Valter Steckbeck was unanimously
A letter was sent to George VV. El- dIrectIOn by a number of I11dependent Legion and Committee of Citizens elected treasurer for the fiscal year
,.. , liott, Director of the Philadelphia De- Downs Tinicum and Garrett .Though the borough ~}10nes wer:;, and ;groups. The interest in the subject cul- Gathering Funds. beginning July 1, at Friday's meeting
partment of Public Safety, asking him shU ahe referred to as Narbert!t, they 'l11inated in Boys' Week last month, which Plans are nearing completion for of the School Board. Ida S. Munro
to send an expert on theater construc- Hill in Pitchers' were not handled by a separate Narberth 'was so successful that a permanent or- was elected to fill the vacancy in the
tion from his force, to make a thor- Duels. ex~hange, but through Ar?l11ore. The ganiztaion was deemed possible. Narberth's annual Independence Day teaching staff caused by Mrs. Elsbree's
ough examination and to submit a re- s.wltc~board was made to relIeve conges- The council will include in its mem- celebration at the playground. Baseball, decision to withdraw from teaching

·.. port.
Several weeks ago a slip on the part BOTH SCORES WERE l~O
of the steel riggers caused the frame-
work to collapse, and while the build-
Uon 111 that office. bership all organizations and individ- music and fireworks will be t~e main work.
Before ~he c~ang<:, the Cynwy~ office uals interested in boys. The central or- attractions.
.was .handlmg 1/00 hnes. and servlIIg al?- ganization wil\ be formed by the inclusion
proxImately 3000 s.ubscnbers, located 111 of one representative from each member
Miss Munro was a valued member
of the teaching force during the school
A committee of the American Legion, year 1924-1925. She returns after two
• ers, Salasin and Freed, of Ardmore. ~arberth's superb pitching continued Bala-Cynwyd, Menon, West l\ian~yu!lk, clubs, under the name of board of direc- aided by a group of citizens are work- years' work as supervising principal iiI
have quickly compiled with any cor- last Saturday afternoon against Garrett Pe!lcoyd an~ the Genera! YVayn.e ~Istnc~·tors. The Executive Committee, which ing hard on the project, planning to Reade Township near Altoona.
rective suggestions made by Building Hill and Wednesday evening against WIth the ~a~berth addlt~ons, It IS esb- \-Viii have direct control, will be made make this year's affair the best of any. Dr. King, secretary of the Board, is
Inspector George B. Suplee, Council Tinicum, when both visiting teams mated th~t It IS. now servmg nearly 6000 up of the six officers and four members The tentative program calls for a now on hIS way to Berkeley, Cali-
decided to have the examination made were blanked while Narberth clouted through ~800 hnes. at large. flag raising at 3 o'clock on the play- fornia, where he will conduct courses at
for the protection both of the theater the decisive run in its final inning of Service Not Interrupted. Although the formation of the coun- ground, using the new flagpole erected summer school. En route he will
owners and the public. lecture for one week at the University
play. Both games were sensational, The change Friday was made without cil was effected Tuesday and a consti- from funds given by the Narberth of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. D.
An ordinance was introduced mak- and made :Main Line history. - any interruption of service and the only tution drawn up, active work will not Civic Association. The ceremony wi1l
ing a special exception to the building The field day excercises arranged by
Townsend al10wed only four hits in indication that borough subscribers had 5tart until faU, when the various inter- be short, followed at 3.15 by the base- :Miss Church and Mr. Cook were held
code so as to permit of the construc- it was when cal1s were made to ested groups will be drawn together. Un- ball game with Wayne:"
tion of the marquise over the pave- Saturday's game, and struck out nine of friends in Cynwyd. Instead of "passing" 'iii then a temporary committee is in The game wil1 be enlivened by band on Thursday morning and afternoon.
ment in front of the theater. This Garrett Hill swatters. Sawyer and The Junior High School meet for boys
the number to the Cynwyd exchange as charge. The temporary officers are E. A. music, and the same band wil1 play
structure is already outlined in steel- Sherrard, opposing him, held Narberth was won by the 8B section with 340
work. down until the eighth inning, until two of old, the operator plugged in directly Carlson, chairman; Harry A. Buehler, for the evening events. These will con- points. The 7B section was second
on the line and began ringing. Though secretary, and Henry L. Reinhold, treas- sist of music and a complete fireworks
Reports were receiyed from the successive bases on balls and an errefr
by Aiken gave Humphries a chance to the Narberth cal1s are now being han- urer.
with 29 points all of which were won
display, similar to the successful ex- by William Neder who was high
various committees. That of the Hiigh- score the winning run. It was not dIed through Cynwyd, borough subscrib- hibits of other years. scorer; Sever Rose was second with 1i"
way Committee reporting the comple- The group which formed the council
tion of the Haverford avenue storm necessary to play out the ninth, after ers will still be caUed "Narberth." This included members of various service composed The American Legion Committee is points.
sewer and other work will be printed Garretf Hill was retired in its half. system is also in use for Merion sub- clubs, Legion Posts, etc. Those present of Harry A. Simpson, chair- The contest for girls was won by
in full in a later issue for the informa- A large and enthusiastic crowd of scribers whose cal1s for years have been were E. O. Carlson, Dr. R. M. Staley, man; W. Russel1 Green, Robert C. Col- the Reds with a score of 77; the Grays'
tion of our readers. fans watched the game, and waited handled through the Cynwyd office. Dr. G. P. Yocum, R. J, Boyd, P. A. lins and Roland K. Hewitt. The co- score was 41. By grades the scores
breathlessly for the outcome which re-
Council approved the report of the mained in doubt until the' very end. AU Narberth cal1s, according to in for- Livingston, H. A. Buehler, Josph Kal- operating _citizens are William J. were seventh grade, 60; eighth grade,
Bailey, Ralph S. Dunne, E. P. Dold 58.
Borough Property Committee which ;'\arberth is now second in the Main mation given at the Cynwyd exchange, denbacher, R. A. Doran, Captain C. P. and \V. P. Davies. Mr. Dunne is also
contained a reconllnendatiun that the Line are now being handled through Cynwyd. Smith, H. L. Reinhold and E. W. Bald- In the relay races the 5B girls won
a member of the local post.
Recreation Board should be author- nered League. tie for
There is a three-cor- The only new borough phones still to be win.
leadership of the league, Funds will be raised by means of a
from the 5A girls, the 5A boys won
ized to award the contract for' paint- a,dded wil1 be those .of ne~v subscribers. The organizations so far listed to be mail appeal sent to each resident. An their race with the 5B boys. In the
'. ing the Community Building to Mr. among Gladwyn, Wayne and Berwyn. The work of laymg wIres f~ll1 Nar- represented include the Delmoat Council envelope is enclosed to make it easy sixth grade relays the A girls and
N. R. Peacock, of 407 Essex avenue, vVednesday's game with Tinicum berth to Cynwyd for the sw!tch-over of Boy Scouts, American Legion Posts for the contributions of a dollar or the B boys were the winners.
whose bid of $120 was the lowest wa~'i another pitchers' epic with began over three months ago. SI:' weeks in Bala-Cynwyd, Merion, Narberth, Ard- more to be sent to the committee.
The end-ball games were won by the
which had been received. In addition, T.ownsend again .starring. Babb was ago the first change was nl~de n1 many more and Bryn Mawr, the Bala-Cyn- 6A girls, 19 to 2 and the 6A boys, 12 to
Council authorized the Recreation given a chance 111 the sixth inning, borough phone numbers. wlncl1 were the wyd Neighborhood Club, Merion Civic 6.
Board to expend not more than $25 h?:v ever, and he also held down the same as some already hsted at Cynwyd. Association, Ardmore Civic Association, KROMER IS SPEAKER
on re-pointing the brickwork of the VISItors. Townsend struck out nine Narberth Board of Trade, Ardmore Township Squire Talks to Rotarians.
Community Building wherever the in- hIs a~ld . he,ld Tinicum to one hit only, in
spector should indicate that it is nec- mn IIlgs. GIFT BUYS EQUIPMENT ~hamber of Commerce, Bryn Mawr
Franklin P. Kromer, one of the Delegates to State Conference in
essary. Holstein, pitching for Tinicum, gave --- Business Association. three Justices of the Peace in Lower . September Are Announced.
Councilman \Vood, as Chan-man of N~rberth,,8, .for -its game·.ul1til Ne)/ll Shelves arid.Lights are Insta,.~ed.., 1¥~ Bala" .1~otar~ , C:I~~, ,Merion· and ·operator 0'£ a . string of
the Borough Property Committee, in- the last inning, when the local fans The library finished instal1ing last ':".\: rd!l10re Rotary. Clu!?, Ma111 LI~e h.l- taxicabs in Cynwyd, was the principal On Tuesday, June 14, the Dr. Benja-
troduced a resolution recommending were electrified with the scoring of a week the new shelves and the lighting wams Club, Mal11 Lme F~der~tlon .~f speaker at the weekly luncheon of the min Rush Chapter, Daughters of the
that the Borough Property Committee run after two outs had been made. fixtures made possible by the gift of Churches, ~. ~1. C. J\., Mam ~me CI!J- Bala-Cynwyd Rotary Club Tuesday at American Revolution, held a special
should be abolished in order· to pre- The FleCks scored the winning run. $250 from the Civic Association at the ~ens Assocl~b~n, Itahan-Amen~an Bus- the Cynwyd Club. His topic was him- meeting at the home of the regent, Mrs.
vent duplication of effort and of re- Varney Fleck reached first while Babb time of its disbanding last winter. Both mess ASSOCIatIOn, Lower Menon and self, and he talked in compliance with Charles M. Irwin. A very interesting pro-
sPOJlsibility between that Committee was being thrown out at second base. these features have been needed for Narberth Public Schools, Narberth, a rule of the club which requires all gram commemorating Flag Day was
and the reorganized Recreation Board. He stole second and waited for re- some time. Bala-Cynwyd, Ar?1110re, Bryn Mawr and members at OJle time or another to given. '
This resolution caused a detailed and sults. The library, in the year since it has Ro.semO!lt parochIal schools, Haverford, give personal "obituaries." The Flag Day processIon of Presi-
serious discussion of the responsibility George Fleck slammed a single over been in its new quarters, has increased FrIends ~entral, ll'Iontgomery Day In giving his talk, Squire Kromer dent Coolidge was read by Mrs. Irwin.
of Council toward the playground and second base, and Varney romped home. its circulation and at the same time School, Eplsc.opal Academy. .. revealed a vein or humor which kept Some interesting facts about the birth
the buildings thereon and of the func- CON'.rINVED ON THE THIRD PAGE the number of books on its shelves to Others omitted from the prelu11Inary the Rotarians chuckling constantly. of our flag were given by Mrs. B. E.
tions of the Recreation Board in con- such an extent that further equipment list h~ve been invited to chose a rep,re- He traced briefly his history from Achenbach. :Miss Dorothy Irwin played
nection therewith. President Gris- became necessary to relieve the crowd- sentatlve tal1. The !1ext. meet111g his birth near Allentown, through ac- "Stars and Stripes Forever," -by Sousa.
wold and the Burgess were of the TENNIS CLUBS COMMENCES ed condition of the poetry, biography of the Orga111zatlOn Committee IS slated tivities as a shoe salesman, I'nanager of The program closed with the singing of
opinion that the Borough Property
Committee should be continued as a
TOURNAMENT AND DINNERS and history sections. These sections for Ardmore W. :M. C. A. on Wednes- a store and sales manager. These were "The Star-Spangled Banner" by all.
are used constantly and in the con- day, September 21. 'ended when he changed his residence The following delegates to the State
connecting link between the Recrea- Opens Summer Season With Tourna- fusion of the crowded shelves, even the - - - - - - - to Cynwyd and entered into the taxi Conference
tion Board and Borough Council. business with a brother. Married in to be held at Bedford Springs
While recognizing the desirability of ment-Honor Evans. most conscientious librarians have been HOT SPELL BROKEN 1902, he will soon celebrate his twenty- September 19-22 were elected: Mrs.
such a connection, Councilman Wood known to slip a volume of poetry on Charles 1\1. Irwin, regent; Mrs. Joseph
Summer dinners at the Tennis Club fifth wedding anniversary.
maintained that as a practical proposi- of Narberth commenCe today. One of top of the history of the world, or any- Heat Cut Month's Temperature De- "My ambition," the squire concluded. R. Aiken, Mrs. Robert Dothard, Mrs.
tion it was impossible for the Bor- the annual tournaments of club mem- where there seemed to be room, ignor- ficiency to 35 Degrees. "is not to be a millionaire. It is only Joseph H. Miller, l\Irs. H. G. Vene-
ough Property Committee to be bers starts ~lso. The membership ing for the moment the problems in- mann.
ch:irge<\.. ':witW· the responsibility for has been diVided 111tO four parts with volved the next day when that particu- Cloudy weather and cooling rain which to be so situated that I can spend all
lar book would likely to be called for. set in early this week put a damper on my winters fishing in Florida and all Alternates: Mrs. Hugh Martin, Mrs.
repairs and maintenance without hav- a captain. in cha~ge of each group.' the summers doing the same thing in John L. lUiI1er, Mrs. B. Earl Achenbach,
ing any authority over the use and oc- The new shelves, housing the poetry the steady climb the temperature which Jcrsey."
Allen IS captaIn of the Greens, Kairer Mrs. F. H. Hewitt, :Mrs. T. B. Du Ma-
cupancy of the building. It was his of. the Browns. Tyson the Blues and col1ection of about 350 books, were began last Thursday, but before the re- During the business session of the rais.
opinion that the total responsibility Wille of the Reds. Matc'h cards have placed under the windows of the adult lief set in the high point of 88 degrees club, Alex C. Shand, Jr., land devel-
should be vested in one group so that been posted in the clubhouse. Each team section on the north side, thus allow- was reached by the mercury according oper of Narberth. was admitted to The next meeting will be the second
the pUblic, who are the owners of the plays another until the team with the ing the history and biography collec- to the weekly report of local \Veather- membership in the club. Saturday in October. It was decided to
building,: would clearly understand tions in the southwest corner to ex- man Charles Decker. have a Inncheon at that time. Mrs. W. R.
who was in charge of it. On the mo- most victories wins the tournament and pand to comfortable proportions. l\'1onday the temperature began to
CHILDREN AID FUND O'Sullivan was appointed chairman of
tion of Councilman Leitch, the reso- the (prize to be al1llounced later). The new lights were. instal1ed drop and by Tuesday had fallen as low the Luncheon COl11mittee. .. _.00#'\
- ". ~
lution tabled for one m'onth. Members are urged to get -busy and through the volunteer services of Mr. as 51 degrees. The brief hot spell put
play any of the other members in the E. C. Drew, of Chestnut avenue, who June, 1927, ahead of June, 1926, as a Give Play for Mississippi Flood
same numbered position, making the is connected with the electrical end warm month however. It lowered the FORM VACATION READING
NARBERTH EIGHTH GRADE scores on the proper card. of the Bell Telephone Company, and large temperature deficiency which ex-
GIVES FAREWELL PARTY \Vives and friends are invited to come who understands the problems of the isted since June 1 and now the month is Moore, The ·Misses Jane Stevens, Dorothy
Katherine Cannon, Patricia
with members to the dinner tonight. The library because of his wife's member- just 35 degrees behind the normal mark. Stevens, Helen Kerrigan, Margaret Library and Mothers' Council Sup-
Mothers' Council Aids in Program. charge is 75 cents for adults and 50 cents ship on the staff as chief cataloguer. Last June at this time the temperature Dougherty, Emilie Kerrigan and Helen port Plan.
Make Gifts and Prophecy. for chil~ren: ¥rs. H. R. Paige, Nar- These lights are take-offs from the floor deficiency was 51 degrees. Camion gave a three-act play, "The
berth 4103, IS 1ll\ charge of reservations sockets, but are so arranged on top of The Mothers' Council has arranged
The eighth grade of the Narberth The barometer showed ,little variation Little Sister with Big Ears," and an for a Vacation Reading Club to be
If dinners prove' popular, they will b~ the book cases as to throw light down
Junior High School had their farewell given each Saturday evening throughout over the shelves. In these days when during the week. It was high at 30.08, entertainment last Wednesday. formed among Narberth girls and
party Wednesday evening in the the warm weather. . low at 29.69. Precipitation of .65 of an Proceeds of the play were given to' boys of age from the second grade to
assembly 'room.· After games and publishers so frequently print the titles inch fell during the early week rainy Father Hayes for the victims of the the eighth. All who wish to join the
dancing, refreshments were served by The Narberth Tennis Club held an en- of books in dark ink on dark binding spel1. This brings the total since June 1 Mississippi flood. The play was writ- club may do so by promising to read
the Mothers' Council iiI the lunch joyable bridge last Friday evening at the cloth such an arrangement is very im- ten and staged by Janet Stevens, 11 during the summer at least 10 books
to 1.14 inches.
room which had been beautifully clubhouse, which was attended by about portant. The library is glad to ex- years old. chosen from a selected list, and by
decorated with flowers. The tables ,iO persons. press its appreciation of the gift of the HOLY NAME MEETS Miss Dorothy Moore did a toe dance keeping in a note book provided for
with candles and school pennants lent After the bridge hands had al1 been Civic Association and of the valuable and Miss Margaret Dougherty a
a festive air to the event. played, prizes distributed and refresh- services of Mr. Drew. The Philadelphia Diocesan Union of Spanish dance, hetween acts. Patricia the purpose a list of the books which
Holy Name Societies will hold its have been read, with certain other in-
Anne VanAuken with the class his- ments served, Mr. C. B. Metzger, Sr., on Stevens, dressed as Little Boy Blue,' formation. The note books wi1l cost
tory touched many almost forgotten behalf of the club presented the former PLAN PICNIC regular quarterly meeting .at 58., :Mar- recited Eugene Fe1d's poem of the three cents apiece and may be pur-
incidents from the first grade and up. president, Mr. W. D. R. Evans, with a garet's Roman Catholic Church on same name. Jane Stevens and Helen chased before school closes. Children
Narberth avenue tomorrow
Mary Dunlap with the class prophecy humidor. The substance of Mr. Metz- Board of Trade Affair to Be Held on The Union is composed of all the Kerrigan sang "Silver Moon." Miss of grades 2-4 are to read 10 books at :l P. M.
surprised even the most assured of her ger's presentation speech has been set to Emilie Kerrigan recited "The Flag
classmates with aspirations for them rhymed couplets by the bard of the June 29. Holv Name Societies of the Diocese Goes By," while the cast stood at during the summer, and children of
grades 5-8 are to read 15.
that they tliemse1ves had not thought club. Desmond J. McTiglie, Esq. Announcement was made this week :of Phihidelphi~ .and. its meeting~ a\e attention. A certificate will be ~iven to each
possible. "The purpose of thts great event of the plans for the first annual outing attended by dIstInguIshed and ~roml­ child who completes hIS reading as
Kitty Timm with appropriate re- Is certainly qUite evident of the Narberth Board of Trade. ne~1t clergy and laymen of Pll1ladel- WILL ADMITTED shown by his notebook and a prize
marks presented the girls each with a To honor our former president, The affair, in the form of an outing phla. • The will of William HaUoway, late will be given to the one who presents
little gift to help them along at Lower A man Who's most benevolent. and feed, .will be held at the Three The ,~ocal offic.ers ?f St. ~argaret s of Narberth, was admitted to probate in the fall the best kept note book.
Merion. Fred Robb followed with, W. D. R. Evans is the name; Tuns Inn, Ambler. Baseball games, Holy Name S?clety are n~ak1llg e1ab- in Noristown last Monday and dis- The list of books wil1 be posted in
similar gifts and remarks for the boys. We call him "BlII." it's just the same. races, pink lemonade and everything orate prep~\atJons to. receIve a. large poses of an estate valued at $20,000, the Community Library after June 20,
Impromptu speeches by the teachers Thts aforementioned William Evans. that goes with such an outing will be crowd .of VISitors COI?111lg hy tram, bus which is placed in trust for the life and all the books for the :-eading may
with many oPPortunities for cheering Sent stx
to us by the gods from heavens provided under the experienced general. and pnvate automobIle.
years ago to gUide our fate benefit of his wife, Adelaide M. Hallo- be obtained there. Children wishing
made the evening .seem much too short Into its present happy state, ship of Fred Walzer. .. way, with reversionar u interest vested to join this club may leave their names
and it is safe to say that the old lunch Surounded by a group of men, at her death in a son, William Hallo- at the school. or at the library.
room never looked prettier nor did it Well-noted for their acumen, A beef steak dinner will follow at FAIRVIEW TO HAVE FAIR
the inn, which has been promised to .way, and grandchildren, Edith H.
ever harbor such a happy crowd of Set out with real determination. The Fairview Union Sunday school Snyder.' The son, William,' is named GROMSEN-H UTTON
girls and boys who al1 agreed that Combined with quite some perspiration, be all the business men can desire. The wil\ hold a fair and festival at "their as executor of the will which was ex- Reverend Cletus A. Senft, pastor of
after all there were many pleasant To bUild a club of real true worth, charge for the feed, $2. should be pre-
things to remember of their eight years A tennis club here in Narberth. sented to Secretary Nesper at once building on Fairview road on Tuesday ecuted October 26, 1926. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. solem-
at Narberth. That he did always strive his best. so that arrangements may be com· and \Vednesday evenings, June 28 and nized his first wedding Wednesday,
Our fine clay courts do now attest. pleted. . 29. There wil\ be entertainment and DIPHTHERIA PATIENT when he united Miss Florence Hutton
SUES FOR $50,000 To show his work was not In vain. The affair is open to merchants, their cakes, .candy, ice cream, groceries, fancy Pearl Hatfield, Avon Apartment, and Mr. Tohn Gormsen in the bonds
This gift we give In the club's name.
Counsel for Edith Eidenberg, of Nar- Proud of the privilege of it when clerks and friends. The committee in articles and hot dogs for sale and a fish Merion, on the fringe of Narberth, was of matrimony. Mr. Senft became
berth, began a suit against Andrew J. Saluting thus the prince of men." charge has promised transportation to pond for the children. listed as a diphtheria case by Lower pastor of the Lutheran Church June u,
aU who signify their intention to go, Mrs. Georg~ L;ltch is in charge and Merion Health Officer Marvin E. fol1owing his graduation from the
Bair, 2d, in Philadelphia Court last week with her able assistants nopes to make Lutheran Theological Sen-iinary at
to recover damages for aUeged breach LUTHER LEAGUE ELECTS The start will be made from the fire Reynolds last week. Gettysburg last month.
of promise of marriage. The plaintiff's house at 1.30 p, M., Wednesday June this fair a great success. AU are invited. Mrs. Gormsen came from Easton
The Senior Luther. League wiU hold 29. GIVE AN'NUAL PARTY
statement of claim has not yet been pre- its last meeting of the season tomorrow GIVE CAKE SALE before she resided in Narberth. The
pared setting forth the details of the at 7 P. M. at the church. Officers for running Enthusiasm for ·the affair has been The annual party for the King's bridal couple will make their residence,
case, but her claim is for $50,000 dam- the coming year will be elected. Every- for high in the business section The League of Women Voters wiU Heralds and Little Light Bearers of foUowing a honeymoon trip, at the
weeks. The final statement of the ~ive a cake sate next Saturday in the the M. E. Church wiII 'be held next home of the bride's aunt and uncle, the
. "ag~-..-. ,_ one is urged to come prepared to vote. committee is "Rain or Shine." Narberth
.,.~ ,(,".'
Fruit and Produce
"'f'''~:. . . . . . \!-'
""':~",i\!; ~
Sat~ a~. 3 ·P. M." .. _ Cummings, on 443 Vloodbine avenue.

Sunday. June 26- I

Church Notes

It HWhe~
The sacrament of Holy Communion wll be

Dissatisfied Tryj
administered at both the morning and eve-
Wynnewood. J:'a.
ning services. At 4 o'clock a baptismal serv-
Ice -will be-held. ~After .. the,morntng.servlce a
very brief congregational ,meeting wl1l·be h~ldi
The annual picnic of the Sunday dfu 0 0
Sand Toys
Rev. Gibson BeU. Rector. wl1l be held next saturday at Georges. 1hn
Whether at home or at the seashore, every youngster
.. First Sunday
8.00 A. M.-HoIYafterCommunion.
11.00 A. M.-Mornlng prayer and sermon b~
the rector.B-llat.
Te J)eum. T. T. ~~Hble.
for a .
1 IIo·clock.



wll1 races
be at are
the planned
will want to play with Sand Toys this summer. We. have
a large assortment suitable for the back-yard sand-pile or E W'I T, 'S _oct
JUbilate T. T. U-Minor.
Noble; anthem. ow the ocean side. .

LOVelY Are Tny Dwellings." Branms. plano
GAM ES WITH PITe HI NG Many other kinds of toys are to be found In our complete
'and organ accompaniment. pianist Mrs. H. G.
Veneman; soprano SOlO. "The Lord Is M~ stock. , Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers'
Light." AlIItson. Master Barnard S. MeUor. _

'. '
~::~i~a~o~~!,rgll~e~A· 'jj~~g~; t~. ~~JA~iJsM~~~
lor' attendance Henry Brooks; honorable
mention' RalPh Ross Jack Messec. Blane Ely.
'fhe cnolr tor thiS 'Sunday-SOpranos: BLar-
The. box score of Wednesday evening'S twl-
light game foUows:
DAVIS' 234 Haverford Avenue Phone: Narberth 3854 t
e T-h 0 ld est S t 0 l' e InN ar b e l' t h
nard MeUor. Blane ElY. Wl11ard Benner. elde

.. We Call and Deliver .,
Terry John Miller JImmie England. Dona rho a e F01'
Mcooimell. Ellsworth HagUe: Asbury Cow&,{eti Keyes. ss. ......•...... 0 1 ~ I 8 224 Haverford Avenue Narberth 4035
Henry Brooks. Ralph Ross. Jack Mjessec. wfl
Siegel. Jack Paden. Wallace BIO lea8' field-
lIam Watson. John King. Browndnlr att H'
Altos-Mrs. M. E. Deknatel an rs.. .
Townsend. p. •. . . . . . . • 0
Babb. 2b.. P. ...•...... ~
V. Fleck. cf. .•........ 0
G. Fleck. 3b. •......... 0
g 0
0 l,iQiilliib!@i1iDiliumaim_iuIUllDUiliPUlJmUUPIUlIUllDmmmnll!!lllllJlJJlJlUilI! "RiM"
.. ---~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... ~-~
Trotter G Mont DaVis. lb. 0 0 14 0 0
Tenors-,-Mr. W. Boileau. Mr.. - Martin. c. .. - 1 0 0
gomery and Mr. J. Ellsworth. M M Flyn. rf. . ......•......, 0 1 2 0 0
• Bass-Mr. Barry Mellor. Harry essec.
H. G. Veneman and Mr. George Wilson.
r. Hanpe. If. .....•.•.••.. 0
Lacy. rf. 0
1 0 0 -- .. --. I
Rev. W. Sheridan Dawson, MIDlster.
SundaY. June 19-
9.45 A. M.-Blble School. Han. F. W.
Stites superintendent. "Th
Totals 1 6 27 "7 1
W. Deegan. 3b. .......• 0
Brook. cf. ........•..•. 0
o 0
o 0
e High Grade Coal at Low Prices
11 00 A. M.-Mornlng worship. Theme'B e J. Holstein. p 0 2 1 2 0
• Christmas confidence." Anthem, "How eau-
tUul Upon the Mountains." Spinney; soprano
Batham. rf.
Cherry. ss.
1 0
Egg $14.50 gross ton, chuted
solo "Consider and Hear Me:' WOOdier. tl
6:45 P. M.-Epworth League evo ana
I Aaron. If.
J. Deegan. 2b.
o 0
2 0
7.45 P. M. - Evening worsh!p. AThheme,
G. Holstein. lb.
El1Is. c. . '.. . . 0
0 0
0 12
8 o
Stove ,15.00 " " "
"Strange Things About Heaven. nt em. _
"Jesus Thy Children Keep:' Ml11er; quartet.
"More'Like the Master:' Uabrlel.
Totals............... 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 1-1
24 7 1 Nut, 14.50 " " "
• The Teacher Training Class wlll meet on
Wednesday evening at 7.30 o·clock. t
Tlnlcum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0-0
Saturday's score was as follows: Pea ,1.1.50 " " "
Prayer and praise serVice on Wednesday a GARRETT HILL
8PM . ' rho a e
' The annual party or the King's Heralds and Curpln. cf. •........... 0 0 0 o o Buckwheat 8.00 " " "
Little Light Bearers will be held at the church
.on saturday. June 25. at 2.30 P. ~. I
Reed. ss. 0 1 1 2 o
The annual Sunday school p cn c w the
111 b Hempsher. c. •......... 0
Aiken. 3b, 0
2 11
0 1
o o
3 1
held on Saturday. June 18. Mee t Il.t e Farnum. If. 0 0 1 o o
church at 1 P. M. FaUlk. 2b. 0 0 1 3 n Discount of 50 cents a ton on cash deliveries.
Members who have automobiles are, re-
quested to use them and transportat~~~ will
Rothers, lb. .........•. 0 0 8 o o
Hoo:an. rf. .........•.. 0 0 1 o o
beT{f:nJ~~~~I~~r£l'J\~rsi:nas" and theI Epworth ~~~'i:r~dp.p... : : : : : : : : : : _ _~
8 8 1 o
o ,Charge customers, ,150 cents a ton discount

Fresh Rolls
" .... League wl1l have their annual p cnlcs on
,Saturday. June 25. Totals ........ NARBER9rH 4 24 11 1
when paid within 30 days.
• Woman's Club Building. P
Ardmore Al'enue. Ardmore. a.
\T. Fleck. cf.
·P."::::::::: 0o
1 l~
0 2
11 00 A. M.-SundaY services. M 3b 0 1 0 o 0
11:00 A. M.-Sunday school services.
Wednesday evening,. testlmomal meeting. 8
o'~~i~lng Room. 19' West Lancaster avenue.
each week day. 10.30 A. M, to 4.3Q P. M.
The subject for the Bible lesson sermon for
Sunday June 19. Is: "Is the UnIverse, Includ-
~eis~e,;;~: l.r: .. ::::::::::: 0
Gibson. 2b.
DaVis. lb.
Humphries. ri.
g fi
0' 1


6 27
o 0
o 0
Ing Man. Evolved bY Atomic Force?" Totals
~:~~mhHl~~. : : : : 88
0 0 0 0 0 11
0-0. .Glean coal screened over electric shaker screens Serve fresh rolls to your family every
Rev. John Van Ness. M.A.• Minister."
~~:JI~S:J~~ll,~: ~dhOOI. aUdepartme~ts.
0 0 0 0 0 1 x-I

General Oflice and Yard: Branch Oflice and Show Room:

day. They will enjoy this unusually
good bread diversion, and when you get
11 00 A M ....Mornlng worship. ' The sermon l'hone Narberth 273.'l-J 8300 Lansdowne I> 'ie.
wlll' be delivered by. Rev. Cleveland Fraine. ,
pastor of the,Holmesburg Presbyterian Church
125 West Chester PIke, Llanerch
them here, it is no extra work to have
WALTER' NEWRUCK Phones, Hilltop: 2171-2172 Telephone, Hilltop 1987.
them as often as desired.
of I r.~blat.e\t'l.'~ullior chu~ch conducted by
Mr~.o~·p~·~~~nlor Endeavor meeting con- Carpenter and Builder
duc1~~ V ~1~lJ~~f~e ;..agr~'Ki·p. Mr. Van 17 Schiller Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
Ness wlli preach on the theme, "Su!Umer-
ti~~~t Wednesday eve~tng a preoQratory
meeting wl1l be held looking forward to the
Screens and Weather Stripping , "we",,'. "UJUIliU_188mil AliiliiilmiiDdifiIillilflllIllmlll"W@QliW"hN,lhiMiBDii.dd@i!ip!'"M"ENiF'itiUiii!ldffid,M"_ WHITE'S SWEET SHOP
celebration of the Lord's Supper on the fol-
lOWing Sabbath morning. 219 HAVERFORD AVENUE
Robert E. Keh;hton. Minister. I" Phone Narberth 4005
Services for the week of June 19- ,
s3.~gal: ~~~~~~h school.
11.00 A. M.-Momlng

· "Who Is a' Church Member?"

·~~~~~I~.~\;?J~~lng ,worship.

·*~~-;n·s Association at the Choice of the Day

You can't Ii ON TOP
home of Mrs. H. Boardman Hopper In Mer-
See II
:lon8,Oo P. M. -
'fl.s Inward." '
Prayer Service.
Thoughts That Moved Jesus. VI Righteousness


, Cletus A. Senft. Pastor.
Direct Factory Dealer
look ata tire
::, lUi 1: ~:~~~~'KgS~~~$lce. 1449-51 N. 52d St.
7.00 P. M.-Senlor Luther League.
7.45 P. M.-Evenlng worship. _
Tuesday, June 21, special counCil ~eetlng, ,
Phones: Belmont 8833·8831 Ii
and tell how
HOMELI.KE far it will run
OU CAN'T SEE a tire carcass because it
Y is covered by the tread. Yet the way
Jllst as the name implies this carcass is built tells how far the tire
will run.

a home laundry service Dunlop has had 39 years to learn all the
hidden points where tires wear. Dunlop
~casseS are built from the best long fibre
,cotton; spun in Dunlop's own mills into the .: .:> ." ::~.'~,f1
~OOD nearly always has a ,!?osition on.t~p.F:>'I"
famous Dunlop cable,-twistcord.
when It comes to beauty for decorcttlve 'purpo~es"i' ,.,'
These cords are elaStic, so they give and
take as your tire runs; strong, so they resist The fence shown in the cut is an illustration of"
constant load and pounding. They build how lumber can be used to beauti~ your surround-
the best possible foundation for the Dun- mgs.
lop tread-the toughes~ rubber develop-
ment known.
We cut the lumber to the desired lengths, point
the pickets,~nd in other ~ays assist in selecting de-
'·Thus'Dun1op''S'~years of experience signs appropriate for the ,particular use intended.
build added value into· every vitai ti1'O"
part. That is why,not one Dunlop----bu'C Build an Arbor-T relIis-Pergola or Fence.
If you like to pave all yoqr 'Yashing and iron- Ask for our Book of Design~.
every DUnlop-gives you more service
ing done, and at a price that's almost unpre- than-you can reasonably ~.: . j
cedented for such complete service, you'll Closed Saturday, July 2d, and Monday, July
want'to tryour Homelike Service. ' We .recommend that,ou:'PUtDunlops.
4th..Let us take care of your orders early.
,on your C4I'
'Everything is washed sweetly' clean in pure
water. Then we iron eve,rything-Dresses, ART'S GARAGE '
Shirts, Skirts, . Childrens' Clothes-and ARTHUR KORTHAUS; Prop.
finally, such few pieces ~s need it we touch up 29 BaJa Ave., Bala-Cynwyd
around the Cuffs,' Neck, etc., with a hand Narberth
. 2850 Cynwyd 662
ii~oh. All you have to do is lay your things

away-no laundress to bother with,', no

mussy, steamy work in the kitchen or base':'
mentj a whole day for additional leisure
'Because of the very moderate charge we
make for this service we use no starch. every, ',' OPEN
THIS BETTER SERVICE 2~ second~ {' '~::-j' : :" '. ".' ",
Admission per Season 1927
somoone buys.,
« Adults, $10,00. Children, six to sixteen Years, $5.00.
All- cllUdren under twelve years must be attended by adults.
, Guest accomp",nied by member, $0.50. Swimming instruction,
$5.00 for siX'" reasons., -
Day outings may be made by auto to Gilfillan Camp, where
there. is a good camping ground, with tables and seats, play-
ground, sand beach and safe bathing. Your physical comforts
are also provided for.



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