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6 3) ay oO en 2 (65) (2) 60) Des ‘, oy (2) (8) 66) United States Patent METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPERSING A VOLATILE COMPOSITION Inventors: John Farrell Hughes, Southampton (GB; Rodney Thomas Fox, Cottingham (GB); Jennifer Jane Knapp, Southampion (GB), Neale ‘Mark Harrison, Burton-on-Trent (GB); Lindsey Faye Whitmore, Winchester (GB) Assignees: Reckitt Benekiver (UK) Limited, Slough (GB); University of Southampton, Southampton (GB) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the tem ofthis patent is extended ot adjusted under 35 USC. 154(b) by 26 days. Appl. No. 1O/774,875 Filed: Feb, 10, 2008 Prior Publication Data US 20080154214 AL Avg, 12, 2004 Related U.S. Application Data Division of aplication No, 00868,125, ied ow Sep. 25, Do, ow PAN 670163, Foreign Application Priority Data 24,1998 @B) os2s728 19, 1999 (GB) So015 Int. C17 AIM 13/00 US. cL 43/124; 43/1321 Fleld of Search 49/128, 125, 13241 361/225, 226, 230, 231, 232 References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS. 3.538088 A» wre ritcus aaa US00687727182 (20) Patent No. (5) Date of Patent: US 6,877,271 B2 Apr. 12, 2005 4$2381,706 8+ 11/1980 Spargin 9979 Sanssis & + 101984 Cotte 4017236 A5eri29 & > "71995 Kliment ‘anis3t Slomtsss A * 11991 Torok otal as SO77s0 A 121991 To etl Siar SUMMA A + 1/1903 Locth etal 656 SHS8A97 A * 1/1995 Kataida “aos Ssas? A * 1907 .O slashed ac “aT S005 A S/H Matin a Dat FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS rR aosmeso gust AnINYAn on eis 11940 on. dows 7/1961 AoiLas RU ims7l 31193, PHF 300 Wo woo21ssi9 91902 2 WO WowesssI) La iorras00 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Copy of GB Search Report for GB 9901146 2 dated Feb. 1999, Copy of GBS 1999, Copy of PCT Search Report for PCT/GB99INSI2 dated Mar. 27, 2000. arch Repor for GB 98287287 dated Feb, Primary Esaminer Tesi . Law Assistant Examiner—T. Nguyen (78) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Fish & Richardson PC. 6 ABSTRACT. ‘An apparatus and method for dispersing « volatile ‘composition, which method comprises dispersing the vase tile composition into an sir steam; and generating. an ion Wind, thereby causing the molecules of the composition to become electrically charged. The composition can be an insect repellent, an insecticide, an antimmirobial, an ani- allergenic or a room-fragraneing composition 7 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets US 6,877,271 B2 Sheet 1 of 2 Apr. 12, 2005 U.S. Patent U.S. Patent Apr. 12, 2005 Sheet 2 of 2 US 6,877,271 B2 US 6,877,271 B2 1 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISPERSING A VOLATILE COMPOSITION ‘This application is a Div of Ser. No. 09/868,125 filed Sep. 25, 2K US. Pat. No, 6,701,663 BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ‘The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for dispersing a volatile composition into the air and, in particular, to a melbod and apparatus which relies upon sa Jon wind fo feiitate the dispersal into the air of one or more volatile compounds from a soures ofa volatile composition. Compositions which are frequently dispersed into the ait include insect repellents, insecticides and air freshening or room fragrancing compositions. ‘Chemical insect repellents are known ia the ar and ate ‘widely used, For example, N,Nediethylem-toluamide (DEET) is widely used as an invect repellent for use on, ‘lothing and the skin to repel insects which bite, such as ‘mosuiioes, Citronella oil ax eucalyptus oil are also used for the same purpose. However, the application of such ‘chemicals has disadvantages in that they need to be fre ‘quently reapplied and they ean produce allergic responses in ‘some people. Pesticides, such as synthetic pyrethroids also have a repellent andor inseciccal action and can be used o teal ‘clothing, mosquito nes ete, However, prolonged or feequent ‘exposure 1o synthetic insecticides may be hazardous to heath, ‘Allermatively, insects can be exeluded from contact with hhuman beings by providing physical barriers, such as netting ‘or fly sereens, over windows and doors, of mosquito netting around beds, The disadvantage of such physical barriers is that the entry of airs severely restricted when the barriers ane in place beeause of the small mesh size required 10 ‘exclude the insects, This leads to discomfort in hot lim: ‘Another allemative for use in enclosed spaces, particu larly for use ovemight, is to burn an insect coil for example ‘containing an insecticidal composition containing a pyre throid active agent which may also have a repellent effec. Alematvely, an elecrical device may be used in which insecticidal tablets containing an insecticidal composition such as a pyrelroid active ageat which may also have a repellent effect are heated electrically so that the insecticide) repellent evaporates into the airspace and repels andlor kills insets, in patiuler mosquitoes. Ulirsound devices have also been sold for repelling mosquitoes, but their elficacy has not been scientifically proven. Various methods are known for the dispersion of fas _grance compesitions sich aste fresheners, ito a space. For ‘example, an aerosol device may be used 10 dispense a1 scronol spray of the fragrance composition, A disadvantage ‘of suet: devices is thatthe fragrance generally only bas an ‘effect within the direction of the line of spray and does a0 Iast for very long, Other methods of delivering fragrance ‘composition into-a space inch: (@) natural evaporation ofa liquid fragrance eomposito

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