Our Town August 13, 1927

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Vol. XIII, Number 45 Narberth, Pa., S~turday, August 13, 1927 Price, fHREE CEN1~

John A. Mll1er's car, parked in
BRIDGE APPROACH Voters Registered lor Primary' }.---TO MUZZLE DOGS front of his roofing establishment
at 111 Forrest avenue, has a smashed
mudguard as a result of the antics
.. Narberth Ave, Bridge Cross- LOWER MERION Frye Will Enforce Ordinance.
of a runaway car Monday afternoon.
Bearing an Ohio llcense, the visiting Refuses to Consider Pike Res~
car had been pa.rked up the hill on
ing Is One of Highway DISTRICT Republlcan Democrats Not Enrolled ,', Pike Numbering Muddle Forrest avenue. Perhaps because It idents' Petition
Changes. ' . Attacked. felt llke going West to Its home, Now.
s:l s:l ... the car SUddenly commenced mov-
0; ing down Forrest avenue, in the
8'0" 80'" 80 til
.., general direction of Lancaster Pike.
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
I~USY COUNCIL SESSION At Windsor avenue it did not hesi-
tate, but kept right on going. For-
t Gladwyne .................. 359 316 28 .25 3 4 735 tunately, 110 Wtndsor avenue traffic
• Change of contour of the junction Merion ..................... 744 754 28 34 56 69 1685 Rccurrence of the annual dog prob- was crossing Forrest avenue at the Latest devclopments in Narberth's
of Narberth and Elmwood avenues, at General Wayne ............. 287 219 17 14 33 26 596 le.m, and a request for bettcr number- time, and there was no accident at zoning agitation include the rcftlsal by
thc dangcrous south approach to the Haverford .................. 403 449 79 121 4 1056 ing of houses in the borough, were two the Intersection. Down the street Borough Council to consider the pcti-
• railroad bridge, was authorizcd by Rosemont .................. 257 229 17 16 29 14 562 of the miscellaneous matters brought It continued, keeping In the middle
of the street until it passed a sedan
tion of 30 Montgomery pike property
Borough Council at its August meet- East Bryn Mawr ....... , ..... 395 394 30 51 5 1 876 to the attention of Borough Council owners prcscnted last month; al1(l the
ing hcld Monday night in Elm H'all, West Bryn Mawr ............ 350 264 39 45 39 31 768 parked just above Mr. Mll1er's car. Circulation of additional petitions for
............. at its August meeting, held Monday
.0 following rccommcndations made by North Ardmore
South Ardmore .............
1768 night in Elm Hall. Burgess Henry A.
Crash I went the visiting Ohioan,
as It nosed none too gently to the change of classification of zoning. onc
of which was presentcd to Council at
the Highway and Sewer Committee. West Ardmore .............. 477 368 65 49 29 17 1005 Frye \Viti proceed with a more strict side of the street, and locked horns
The "thank-you-ma'm" at the intersec- Pencoyd .................... 428 290 13 22 37 58 848 el1forcement of the borough dog oral- (or fenders. less metaphorically its mecting Monday night.
tion of Wynnewood and Sabine avc- BaJa ........ ..... ........
., " 445 455 2 4 906 nance, as a rcsult. speaking) with Mr. Mlller's car. Now Borough Council has failcd to con-
nues' was also called to the attention
of Council, and will be eliminates!,
Purchase of a car to replace the
High way Department's WOr!l-out
Cynwyd 640
L. M. Totals ............ 6415
Narbcrth's dog problem is caused by
the failure of thc surrounding township
to pass an ordinance to corrcspond
I Constable Mlller is lOOking for the
owner of a car with a bent fender.
Both he and It departed fOl' parts
west, before the constable knew the
sider the Montgomery pike petition
prescntcd to it at its July mecting, as a
result of an unfavorable report by thc
Building Committee, to which the mat-
with Narberth's, which wiII give the crash occurred,
Ford was authorized hy CouncIl on
recommendation of the committee.
The report of Robert Fellows \\Tood, District No. 1
............... 357 368 54 50 59 75 963
Lowcr Mcrion police powcr to im-
pound any 1!nmuzzlcd dog. which is.at,
FIND C-A-N-n-I-O-A-TE tcr had been referred. Thc report
simply states that the committee "docs
loose, on Sight. TownshIp dogs 111-' not see thc advisability of opening up
Chairman of the Highway Commit-
tee, citing much \vork recently com-
District No.2 ....... , ....... 392
District No.3 ............... .247
627 v~de the borough.. and take advanta~e
01 Narbcrth dogs muzzlcd state to nIP,'
FOR SCHOOL BOARD this section at this time," referring to
changlllg the classification of Nar-
pleted or now under way follows:
"The contractors who wcrc gIVcn Narberth Totals ........ 996 1109 ]54 163 105 129 2656 them in a fashion which is not al- berth's south side of the pike from
thc orders to repair certain sidewalks together too friendly. So borough d~g- 'Mr
owners remove the muzzles to glVC S.
Harvey W " Monks Will residential to busincss purposcs.
Joseph Quadl Mackey, of 2a nIont-
and curbs in the Borough completcd
Seek Mrs. Batchelor s gomery avenue, madc a pIca at Monday
thcir work during the month of July
and the bills for each of these 42 johs
were served on the pro»erty owners
16,766 Voters on Registry Lists
dogs a better chance to protect them-:
r n thc future Lowcr Merion police I Post •
night's Council mceting for a gencral
changc of classification in large l>arts
of the borough, bounded by Narberth
.. as of August 1. Attached to each bill
was a notification that in accordance
lor Primary in Township and Bora assigned to duty in Narberth wiII be.
instructcd to impound all do~s that PETITIONS ARE FI LED avenue, Haverford avenue and ~Iont­
gomcry pike, on the grounds that rcal
with a vote of Council at the July have no muzzles on, and whIch arc
meeting the property owner could de- Lo\ver Merion has 14,110 registered out-of-doors. \\Tarnirigs will he posted, estatc valucs are not incrcasing in this
'J is smallest, with only 27 el1l~olled. and a more strict enforccmcnt of the Mrs. Grace E. Batchelor's successor section, and a zoning changc would
duct thc ]0 pcr cent. penalty if the voters and Narberth has 2(;56 listed
for thc primary clcction of September Last ycar's enrollment showcd !J(;O in borough ordinancc is promiscd. as memher of the Narberth School aid in the salc of propcrty.
bill was paid within BO days from the
datc thereof. These hills totaled ap- 20, according to the tahulation of District No.2, 89.; in District No.1, Action is bcing taken as the result Board has been found. Mrs. Harvey Presents Petition.
• proximately $!J50 hefore the addition votcrs completed in Norristown last and 587 in District Xo. 3. District No. of five cases within ]0 days of children 'vV. Monks, of ;WO Grayling avenue.
wcek under supervision of County hcing bitten hy dogs. As one council- has consented to acccpt the post, if "\'Vhen the pike is widencd, with four
of the 10 pcr cent. pcnalty. :! shows the greatest percentagc of in-
"Complaints have been reccived Clerk Harry S. Shain line. crease this year. man expressed it, "If we must choosc plans to have her nominated and elect- lanes of traffic, the disadvantage. 01
from time to timc regarding the de- Of those registcrcd, ]2,457 are Re- bctween the safety of children or dogs, ed are successful. ncarby residential property owncrs
\.yomen outnumher thc men in Nar- the dogs will have to go muzzled." will become even greater than at pres-
pressed concrete gutter at the inter- publicans and ]085 are Democrats in bcrth in both major parties. There Following thc decision of Mrs. ent," :'ir. Mackey contended. He prc-
section of Wynnewood and Sabine the township and in Narbcrth 2105 The BurgcS's has been authorized to Batchelor, who is vice presidcnt of thc sented a petition which had been
are l10!J women cnrolled as Repub- employ a dog catcher to make periodic school board. not to scek the post tris brought to Council mceting by Miss
" avenues. During the past month, the
members of the Highway Committee
are Republicans and 3]7 are Dcmo- licans, as comparcd with 9!J6 men. roundups of alI roaming unmuzzled fall, efforts wcrc madc to find a qn- l'
crats. Thus one out of I:! are Demo- Dcmocratic enrollment shows 163 didate to succeeed her, one who would Katherine obin, of 204 Montgomcry
have personally viewed that gutter crats in the township while in the canines.
women and 154 men. Not enrolled arc hc willing not only to acccpt thc hon- avenue, which sought the changing of
and it is our opinion that it is a dan- borough one out of every seven voters 12!l women and ] 05 men. CoO:STl:\UED ON THJ~ 'fIll ltD l'AGl~
gerous menace to automobile traffic. is a Democrat. or, but to undertake the responsibility Montgomery avenue to a business dis-
of the position. trict for its entire length' in Narberth.
I t is our recommendation therefore,
that we he authorhed to make this
Haverford has the largest enroll-
ment of Democrats, with 200, out of
Elizabeth M. Posey Freight Rams Electric A report that the Mothcrs' Coun~il, This petition is more sweeping than
season such changes as will remove its its ]056 voters. Herc, one out of evcry Funeral sen'iccs for Miss Elizabeth A crash which nearly resulted in ser- which has intercstcd intself in N,lr- the one presented last month, which
dangerous characteristics. five is a Jeffcrsonian. Bala has only :\/. Posey, proprietress of the \\Tind- ious cesualtics delayed Main Line berth educational affairs, would SPC;>ll- sought a change only between Havcr-
"We recommend that we he author- shoppers ycsterday. An electric train sor a candidatc for the board, was ford and Narberth avenues on Ihe pike.
". ized ,to change the contour of the
six cnrolled, of which four are men.
South Ardmore has thc largest elec-
sor-Essex, who died last Thursday in
an automobilc accidcnt ncar Lancas- standing at Bryn Mawr station at ]OAO dcnied in a statemcnt made last w~ek Thc pctition has been signed by 111any
junction of Narberth and Elmwood tion district, with ]768 enrolIed. Northter, were held at the home of her sister, was rammcd by an east-bound freight. by Mrs. Bates, vice president of thc propcrty owners. It was referrcd to
avenues, at the south approach of thc Ardmore is second, with 1700, Mcrion ;"Irs. H. \\T_ Crawford, ](Hi:, Columbia The freight was seen bearing down M~thers' Council, on request of M.rs. the Building Committec.
railroad overpass, in such a way as is third, with 1685, and Cynwyd is avenue, Lancastcr, Monday aherno.on on thc electric train hy the rear brake- Aungst, prcsident. This left no pros- It is understood that an additional
may be necessary to improve the flow fourth, with 1605. The smallcst electionat 1.:10. r ntcrment was at Bethcl M. E. man who warned the passengcrs te' pect of a candidacy in the lit!ld, uI)til petition is bcing circulatcd, seeking
of both vehicular and pedestrian traf- district is Rosemont, which has only Church Ccmetery in Lancaster, follow- move forwarl. r n thc rear car were word was receil'ed that Mrs. :'<Jonks further zoning changes in the area
fic and to ohviate if possible had con- 562 registered voters. . ing' further services in the cburch. ao children retnrning from a camp at would Iun. bounded by Haverford, Narberth and
ditions of ice and water which usu- Cynwyd, although :?8 voters ahcad Miss Poscy, who was 5;; years of Paradisc. Pa. Thcy werc thrown to Pctitions on both tickcts-Repub- M?ntgomery :,-venues. T~ cor.rect a
.HCO~'"TINUED ON THE FOURTH PAGEl of last year, when it 'was second on thc'age, met her death when the car which til<: floor of· thd· car and· ·liberally lican 'and Demtlcratic-ha\'e ·becn_-cir_:,·11l!.swlder stand111g" ,tha,!; .eXlsts' 10 the·
list, dropped to fourth place this ycar shc was driving skidded from the wet sprinkled with glass by thc impact. culated for O\'er a fortnight for other m1l1ds of some reSidents, Burg~ss
surface of the Lincoln Highway to The engineman of the freight train borough posts. They must hc filed at Henry A. Frye states that no zonlllg
NINE CATCH 125 when South Ardmorc Icapcd from 1634
to ]768; North Ardmore from H8] to trolIcy tracks. on which the car ovcr- threw on the emergency brakc, but Xorristown hy Tuesday. August ](i. CO:\TI:\VED ON' THE l"OURTH PAGE
]700, and Merion from 1;W3 to 1(;85. turned, Miss Hclen Hatcher. also oi with a down grade he could not hring Petitions have becn filcd for all three
.. Narberth Fishermen Land 13 8-9
Each-Use Wet Lines.
Merion shows a 25 per cent. increase.
but it is seldom a heavy voting dis-
Narberth, who was riding in the front
seat with Miss Poscy, escapcd with
the heavy train to a halt in time to Councilmen whose terms expire this
pre"cnt the collision. LOSES
year. They arc: E. C. Griswold. presi-
trict. comparatively few of its votcrs hruiscs. They wcre returning' from a As the locomotive plowed into the dent of Council; William H. Fretz
Littlc Creek, on the Jersey coast, was visit to Miss Posey's sister. Mrs. H. \\T. standing train. the rear vestihulc and Clifford \\T. Bates, who was ap- Wayne Takes Narberth Over, 12-1.
' infested Sunday with ninc of Nar- turning out at the polls. In the figures
for thc September primary it has the Crawford, when the mishap occurred. crum plcd and thc pilot of thc locomo- pointed this spring to . fill the post Game Today Is at Home.
berth's worst fishermen. Commenc- Tal·aon to thc Lancaster Gencral tive was smashed.
ing early in the day, they worked in largest number of voters not enrolled, made Yacant by thc dcath of A. Perry
with its total of 125. Hospital, Miss Poscy was found to be An ambulance with cmergency doc- R.edifcr. Coloned I. A. Miller, presi- Narberth was no match for \Vayne
• shifts of fivc each, hauling in the fin-
Bala is thc only district whcrc no suffering from intcrnal injurics, in- tors was rushed to the scene from dcnt of the Narberth School Board. last Saturday, when it was trollnced
ny denizens of the deep. Only a short- c1uding- puncturc of hath lungs. Her Bryn Mawr HospitaL All of thc in- and Frank J. O'Bricn, tax assessor, are 12-1, at the spot made famous by Gen-
age of bait prevented them from de- voters are marked as not enrolled for
populating an entirc school. In addi- thc primarics. The only other election mother. Dr. Silas R. Poscy, who re- jured were ahle to resumc their jour- others for who111 pctitions have bcen eral "Mad" Anthony. Whitey Die-
district with ncarly as good a showing sides in Letitz. near Lancaster, was ncy aftcr treatment hy ambulance circulatcd for re-election. trich, pitching for 'VIfaync, ga\'e Kar-
tion to a kindergarten class, the lish- sum1l1oned to the hospital and attcnd- surgeons. bcrth only five hits, of which George
ers caught ]25 scholars, ranging from as Township Leader Petcr C. Hess is Threc candidates for the post of tax Fleck's homer constituted Narberth's
the first to the eighth grades. Haverford, where all arc cnrollcd but ed his sister to the last. Besides the childrcn returning from
Ernest Boulay and "Gyp" Gillespie four womcn. Incidentally, this is the Contrary to reports published in city camp, passengers for the most p~rt collector havc filed their petitions. lone tally.
drove to the shore with the following sccond year in which Mr. Hess' Bala papers. Dr. Poscy did not arrive by were women shoppers from Maiu LIne They are Edwin P. Dold, appoint~d in McClure, Quinn and Shadcl helped
chancc at thc hospital on a profession- towns. the spring to succeed Mrs, J. B. DIVen; Dictrich keep down Narberth's scor-
crew: Richard G. L. Moritz, Taylor district has had a 100 per cent. cnroll-
Henry, Charles F. Ebert, M. Jenkins, mcnt. al visit. at the same time his sistcr was The electric train was a local from Mrs. Mary M. Li\·ingston. South Side ing, while Zartarian starred for Kar-
C. Wolff, P. Miesen and Joe Dold. There are more men enrollcd as Re- admitcd. As soon as hc was informed Paoli into Broad Street Station. Thc rcgistry assessor, and William J. bcrth, cutting down two sharp drives
P. Miesen was awarded a fish-lined publicans in the township at largc of thc accident. he rushed to thc hos- frcight was made up at Harrisburg. Kirkpatrick. who was a candidate in which were labeled for hits.
)ital and aidcd staff physicians in an hound for Philadelphia. the primary of 1!J2.; also. Wayne jumped to the lead in the
vanity case by the other fishermen, than thcre arc womcn, but in four of
thc ]3 districts the female voters ont- attempt to sa\'c his sister's life: Miss Gladys Moon, of Philadclphia. third inning with thrce runs. From
for having caught the hcavicst fish. then on not an inning went by that
"A wet line did it!" he cxclaimed. number the male and in one of thc Three brothers an(] four sisters sur- in chargc of the :10 childrcn, sa'id shc ATTEND LEGION MEET the homc tcam did not pile up at least
He cxplained that he always uses a others, East Bryn Mawr, thc men are vive Miss Poscy. AlI li"e in York glauced back along the rails a few mo-
wct line when he goes fishing, bccause in the Icad only by thc scant margin county. Thcy arc: Mrs. \\Tilliam D. ~llents hcfore. thc crash came and saw Seven Represent Narberth at York onc additional tallv. Narberth's lone
of one. Thc greatest predominancc of Tones. Delta; John J. Posey al.ld the oncoming locollloti,·e. run was cored by' Fleck in thc sixth
it makes thc bait more tempting to Conve ntion. ilJlling.
thc fish. women R.epublicans is in Cynwyd. George Posey, Chancellor: ;"1 rs. WIl- As thc conductor shouted a warn-
where there are ]3:1 more enrolled liam Patton. Altoona; Mrs. H. ~\T. ing, she seized scveral of thc youngcr Fivc womcn and two mcn from N ar· "\layne's victory can be attrihuted to
The heaviest fish, which won for
Micsen his magnificcnt tro!>hy, was than thcre are men. The women's lead Crawford. Lancaster; Dr. S. R. Posey, childrcn at the rcar of thc coach and berth attcnded Ihe joint sixth annual a streak of hitting luck, good pitch-
weighcd by him on its own scales. in Haverford is 46 and in Merion and Letitz, and Mrs. R. V. Stcwart, Hal- was helping them to the forward end convention of the Amcrican Legion ing and good tcam work. No substi-
Although its net weight would prob- Bala is 10. lam, when the impact knockcd her down. Auxiliary and the ninth annual convcn· tutc's wcre placed in the game against
ably have been less, its total weight, Among the Democrats, the women The 'VITindsor- Essex was founded Thc engineman of the freight train tion of the American Legion of Penn, Narbcrth, while the local team lIscd
including fin, heads, etc., was found lead by a margin of 11 in the township over ]5 ycars ago by Miss Posey, declared he had received the right-of- sylvania, hcld Wcdnesday, ThursdaY three additional playcrs before the
to be at least one and threc-quarter, at large. In sevcn districts there are following the establishmcnt of her way at the hlock signal station. The Friday, Saturday of la'st week, at York game was finished. In errors, N'ilr-
fahrenhcit. more WOmcn Democrats than men. privatc residence in Narberth. For signals are automatically opcrated. They arc Mrs. Margneritc Dickic, Mrs berth was not far bchind, Wayne mak-
Narberth's district No. ;! is larg- ycars it 'has heen a landmark at the Aftel' a delay of nearly half an hour Margarct Derby, Miss Edith Hewit ing one, while Narberth was charged
est, with 1066 registered. District No: corner of Windsor and Essex avcnucs, while the injured received medical at- Mrs. Ed. H. \\Tipf, Miss Emma Mucllel with two.
AT HISTORIC SPOT for which it was named. Many Nar- tention. the clectric train continucd to and Allan Shubert and John Mowrer Managcr Frcd 'VITalzer was not prcs-
berth people make it their home. Broad Strect Station. Both inspiring and entertaining wa~ ent at thc game. Martin replaced
Friends Gather in Old Meeting House
FOUR FROM NARBERTH The business will be carried on in- The locomotive of the freight train the convcntion, according to Narberth'~ Burns as catcher in the sixth inning-.
for Quarterly Session. (Ielinitely in the namc of the Elizabeth was put out of commissi~n hy the c~l­ representatives. They learned that Burns' arms has been troubling him
Friends from all ovcr this part of Are Called for Jury Duty in Septem- :'L Poscy Estate, and witl be in charge lision, and No. 1 track of the l\[~l1n York was once the capital of the and has been under treatment aU sea-
the State attended the Philadelphia of Mrs. Anna Posey Crawford, a sister Line was blocked until a relief locomo- United States, and were addressed by son.
ber Court. of Miss Posey, and one of the execu- tive was sent to the scene. Townsend was followed by Rawling
Quarterly Meeting of Fricnds held General Summerall, Past Commander
Saturday afternoon in thc Old Merion Namcs of 1!J Lower Merion and four tors of her will, which will soon he An investigation was begun immedi- MacNidcr, Commandcr McVeyl and at the monnd in the sixth. \Vayne
got sevcn runs from Townsend, and
Meeting House at Narbcrth. Here's Narberth residcnts have hecn drawn probated in Norristown. ately to fix responsibility. ncw Commander HoUenback, of Phila· live from Rawling.
where William Penn once worshippcd, for judy duty, commencing Septembcr delphia, in addition to the Mayor of Berwyn continued its lead of thc
Friends discussed matters of philan- 12, whcn the Septcmber term of Crim- York and other dignitaries.
thropy and of peace. inal Court at Norristown begins. The
The Meeting House was foundcd by Grand Jury witl sit the first wcek of
Pike Now Undergoing Repairs second half of the Main Line League
John A. Mowrer was "wrecked" by season, when it defeated Paoli, l:i-~.
the "40 and 8," the fun-loving branch Schulcr led at the bat for Berwyn
Friends from Merionethshire, North Court, and two weeks of criminal
\\Tales, in 1682 and is at the corner trials commence the following wcek.
. ,Was First, Lancaster Highway of the Legion, which bears the same with two doublcs and two sing-Ics.
relation to the order as the Shriners de Frost contributed a homer. Heckel,
of Montgomery avellue and Meeting Septcmber 1!J. to the Masonic Fratcrnity. Nar· Umbach and Verna had three hits
House lane which was namcd after it. At the conclusion of these Civil Ten feet of additiol)al paving is also turn piked, the corporation being berth's women were honored when the each. Trost pitched.
Court sessions witl begin and witl con- being constructed on each side of the named the Blockley and Merion Turn- Montgomery county initiation team of The scores of Saturday's games fol-
IMPROVES STREETS, B'UT- tinue into October. Of the 24 residents existing paving on Montgomery ave- pike Company. which they are members was called low:
of Montgomery county drawn for nue for its length of five miles through Both roads were freed about 10 upon to perform an initiation for the
With muttered imprccations, Nar- Grand Jury duty, three are from Lower Merion, thus making the paving years ago. CONTINUED ON THE THIRD PAGE
berth pedestrians and motorists are Lower Merion. Two hundrcd names, 40 feet wide. entire State in the Auxiliary's "8 and
. ·Some of Lower Mer.ion's oldest land- 40:'
expressing their gratitude for the beau- 100 for each of the two weeks, have Montgomery avenue almost par- marks are along Montgomery avenue,
tifUl job of resurfacing of the borough been drawn throughout the county al1els the Lancaster pike, known in re- thus attesting its great age. Some old "40 and 8" stands for the French COME OUT AND ROOTI
<treets which is now beillg completed, for service on the Petit Jury. Of these. cent years as the Lincoln highway. milestones also remain. designation of freight cars for trans·
Beginning over a week ago, the streets 16 are from Lower Merion and four The widening of this latter highway porting 40 men or 8 horses., The wom· Narberth plays the second-half
have been coated with tar, and covered from Narberth. Opposite Narberth at Meeting House league leaders today at the COnJ-
with slag, as part of the annual work
was <:ompleted last year. Lane is the Merion Friends Meeting en's organization the "8 and 40," stands munity Playground. Fans are
The compilation of names, which Montgomery avenue is in reality the Honse, .which· is believed to have been for the same thing only approximately, urged to cheer the home team on
of prescrvation. The rattle of the grav- was completed this week, foIlows: old Lancaster road. As early as 1690 it built about 16!J5. _If the date be correct it would seem. to Victory. At present, Narberth
el on the mudguards of passing auto- Grand J ttrors, September 12: Frank was opened from the Middle Ferry this is the oldest place of worship in Is tied for rock-bottom third place
mobiles reminds one of the clanking C. Harmstad, Redfern Mason and]. L. on the Schuylkitl, in Philadelphia, now Pennsylvania. RELEASE PROWLERS In the league, while unbeaten Ber-
of chains on slipping tires on snow- W~atherly, Lower Merion. wyn leads. Wayne Is second, as R
covered roads in winter. Market street, to the Merion Friends Nearby is the picturesque old Gen- Prowlers in the cel1ar of Vincent result of last Saturday's Victory
Petit Jury, September 19: John P. Meeting House and later it was contino eral Wayne Inn, said to have been Mariani, 336 Woodbine avenue, July over Narberth.
PRAISES· SCOUT WORK Bretherton, David Carr, Florellc(' ued, usually along old Indian trails. opened in 1704. But of course it was :11, were given a further hearing by The standing of the teams alld
Chancc, Florence Carlton, William H. westward into Lancaster county. not cal1ed the General Wayne until Magistrate Arthur in the Township schedUle of today's games follow:
Boys' Work. one of the active depart- Kane, Lower Merion, and Elizabeth The highway known in later times after the Revolution. - Building at Ardmore Monday and dis-
ments of the Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Ro- Magarrity, Narberth. W. L. PC.
as the Lancaster roa'd or Lancaster Farther on Montgomery avenue missed for lack of evidence, ,The names Berwyn 3 0 1.000
tary Clu'b formed the topic at the weekly Petit Jury, September 2Q: E. Bruce pike was opened about 1770, chiefly to passes through the most beautiful part of the two were staled incorrectly last Wayne ,.. 2 2 .500
meeting Tuesday. In the absence of Dr. ByaIl, Louis T. Byers, Henry L. Bal- avoid some of the curves and steep of Lower Merion, along magnificent week. They are not "Steve" Alexander Narberth 1 2 .333
Raymon M. Staley, Rev. Frank M. Gray derston, Annie Barr, James Driscoll, grades of the older road. country estates and by houses costing and Arnold Nelson, but Edward Nel- Paoli 1 2 .333
spoke briefly on the topic, Charles Hawley, John McIntyre, EIIen The new Lanca~ter road was made millions of dol1ars. Gladwyne , 1 2 .333
The value of the Boy Scouts in build- G. Newhatl, Thomas Scanlan, Mary a turnpike between 1791 and 1796, be- son, 328 Iona avenue. and Louis Duffy,
The environs of Lancaster pike, or 4521 Hoopes street, Philadelphia. They Berwyn aat Narberth
ing character was stressed. The speaker J. Vaux and Edward Wilson, Lower ing the first turnpike in the United the Lincoln highway, are different, for will not be held for September Court Gladwyne at Paoli
urged the club to offer prizes for prog- Merion; Isabel1a K. Haws, George W, States. it constitutes the main business street at Norristown, as a result of Monday's Wayne not scheduled
ress in Scout wOI'k to local troops. Light and Sherman LiIlard, Narberth Later the old Lancaster road was "f Ardmore and Bryn Mawr. hearing. '
PAGE TWO o OJ[{ ~r()WN
~, UR '11'
~ OWN '\
Miss Grace Moffatt, of Haverford
Il:J1 .Jl.
avennt;, wa.s secn. on the boardwalk in
AtlantIc CIty Fnday. J. R. COOK Drive Yourself! The Oldest Store in Narberth


1914 b
--,-.- . '
Mrs. Mary E. GIllIs and MISs Jean-
nettc Gillis, of 246 Dudley avenue, have
the Narberth rcturned from a fortnight in the
'RADIO SERVICE- Dodge Sedans for Hire
by the Hour or Day
Invites You
Cliquot Club, Canada Dry, S. and S. Ginger Ale.
to Keep Cool
Foun d e d 1D y.
Civic Association and publIshed every
Phone Narberth 2656-W White Rock and Vichy water.

Saturday at Narberth, Pa. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Narberth· Crane's Ice Cream in the Aristocrat package.

published by the
LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING CO. From Lower Merion and Narberth
419-429.431 Church Lane
T · 'c b' C"o.
aXl a DAVIS'
PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, Editor Filed at Norristown. Yeadon, Delaware Co., Pa. The Oldest Sto?'e In Na,rbe?'th '60
THOMAS A. ELWOOD, Ass't Editor The following rcal estate transfer~ 215 Haverford Ave.
Office, 258 Haverford Avenue
Narberth 2545
from Lower Merion and Narberth
werc fi e1 d rece n t1 y at Nor ri stown:
Apartments with gaT-
ages, and stores, suit-
a ble for millinery, hab-
I (Walter Roser)
224 Haverford Avenue Narberth 4035
.;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I •
C. Foster Browning to Albert L erdasher, hardware or ~ t b

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Mulford, lot and building, \Vynne, tailor shops. New, ._ _ ..
One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Year in wood. prosperous location. ' R S TOUHILL '
Advance U BAN REALTY , ..
John A. Dillman to Branson V
Scrale, lot and building, Leedom ave- . R : Elect1'ical Contractor
lll~t~seph P. White to .1. Baird Cald- CORP. : 7U;S~~'~~c~\:.~:~;' .:;~'~'~E :
well, lot, Narberth. FREDK. HERMANN, Pres. I /.:.lilllllt,·. F",,,iR',r.rl I Having been appointed by ·the Bor~
1'110~E )lEIUO~ lOS!!
Mcrion Title and Trust Company of 1632 Land Title Bldg., PhUa., P a . :
A rdmore to J amcs J. I'inlcy, lot, N aI'- ~~~:~~:~~;;~~=~~~~I;- ~.~.a:~~-~.~.~.~ ~~.~ ~-~.~.~.~ ~~~~~ i:ej-•
berth, $:i800. 0
.. . :
. . . . . . . .;;.. ough Council and the School Board to' col~
lect taxes for the year 1927 and being fa~
Edward E. Harding to :Martha L
miliar with the necessary procedure of this •
Harding, lot, Bryn ),1 awl' avenue, Cyn-
Entered as second class matter, October 15, Nyd. important position, I am asking the sup~
1914, at the Post Office at Narberth, pa., under
the Act of March 3, 1819.
Zenith Building and Loan Associa-
tion to John R. Greenhalgh. lot and
huildiugs, Narberth.
Build a Home First port of the men and women of Narberth
at the primaries for election as Tax Col~
Mary E. Hill to Lewis J. Smith, lot r,
Saturday, August 13, 1927 :lnd buildings, Conshohocken road, lector.
Thomas G. Harris to Zenith Builu-
;ng and Loan Association, lot and
:ntildings, Xarberth.
:\11', and Mrs. J. H. R. Roherts, of
40:! Essex avenuc, are guests of the
vVilliam T. Harris to Zcnith Build-
ing and Loan Association, lot and ~
buildings, Narberth.
Southern Hotel, Ocean City. 1frs, James J. Finley to Robcrt J. Nash,
K. R. Dunne, of Narbcrth, is a guest
at the Oxford H otcl.
lot and buildings, Narberth.
John :\1. Ycdger to Narbrook Park
1tilprove111cnt Association. lot, Nar-
-:-Irs. ),f. J. Claffey, of 10na a Vel!Ue, bcrth.
and her nieee and daughter Catharllle, Alcxander M unchweller to J oscph
made a trip up the Hudson last week. Caplan. two lots and buildings, Love's
court, Vvynncwood.
Be Modern-Preserve Your Foods in a
:-1 r. and 11rs. Albert \V. Fredcrick.s, Donald ~r. Love to Alexandcr
of Ha\'edord road, are homc agam M unchweiler. two lots and buildings •
aftcr enjoying scveral weeks at Pocono Love's court, \Vynnewood. . Model M-5-2 On Display
Don Pcters ·to Henry \V. Young".
:\1 allOI- Inn.
lots and buildings. \Vistcr road. HAPPINESS and PROSPERJTY WILL FOLLOW f,'"

111'5. Charles E. Funk and family, of Louis Hanison to the Bryn Mawr
:!:!:l ]ona avcnue, are stayil.lg at Ocean Hospital. lot and buildings.

City for two wceks. Durtng .thc pa:t
.\\"(~ek they have had as thClr gue~t ANNOUNCES SALE ALEXBE ELECTRIC
1brit' ),lcG,lrry, of Old Gulph road. Frederick Hermann, of i\ arberth.
:\11', Funl, 1110tors down evcry week- with officcs in Philadelphia. announccs
cnd, thc sale of a residcnce at 64:! Ovcrhill 301 Haverford Avenue
road, Havcrford township, for Frank
:-1 iss h'y R. )'lcLcan. formerly of Coradctti, of Narberth. De\Vitt C. ~ 29 Bala Ave., Bala_Cynwyd
Narberth informs us that she has Suplce is the purchaser of the prop- NARBERTH 1635
tinalh' s~ttled in Glcndale !nstead ot crty, which inclndes a two-car stone
l'asac1cna. "] t's a bcautlful town g"arage. Thc consideration is rcportcd
nesthn" in betwecn such wonde~ful at $;;0,000.
fOOlbill.~," shc writcs, "ju~t sev;n.11111es
I Cynwyd 662
out of Los Angelcs, :!O mmutes rtde to ~o~,):(p):a:o;l:co:a:ro:oil:@:e:ro~:B:8:l~:a:e:l~:e:8:l:oO
Hoilywood, half an hour to Pasadena, Mrs. Howard Davis and Mrs. (~ene
l:j minntes to Burbank and an hour ~o H. Davis. of Narberth, werc crashed
Santa :\lonica, where the. ocean IS. into by a truck at Occan City lasl
\\' cather wonderful. Enoymg eye.ry- \~'ednesdav and in order to avoid run- General Contractor
thing-including a small, but thnlhn.g ning over -a pedestrian at the scene of
eartbquake recently." Miss McLean IS the collision, fill'S. Gene Davis dro','e

proprietress of the "3 Steps Up Tea hcr car through ];j fect of Coast Estimates Furnished for Grading and Excavation
Room" in Glendale. Guard's fence at Fourth and Asbury '.
streets. Keither of thc 11rs. Davis'
Mr. Charles L. McKee, of 224 \Vayne were injured by the accident, which
avcnue, left with a party of friends for was caused bv a reckless turn into MEN and BOYS-WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY •
an extendcd motor t1'lP to l\Iontrcal their right of \vay by thc driver of the .'_~-L--- RE-SURFACING OF PRIVATE DRIVES
and Qucbec, this week. truck. Under the Supervi~ion of the Y. M. C A.
ARDMORE 1159-W I••
),liss Nancy M. LeFevre, of .Wil- ADMISSION-25 CENTS
mington, Del., is the gucst of h~r SIster,
11rs. Charlcs L. McKce, of Narberth CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS •
11is5 A, C. Nesper, of 120 Merion I·e
avenue, has gone to Grand Isle, Ver-
mont, for the rcst of thc summer.

Miss Ellen Shaw, of Narberth, was SPECIAL-Writing Paper, 23c a Box

seen on thc beach at Cape :May last Plt:NTING-Distlllctlve Job prlntin~. Tick·
etc, cards, announcemenls. programs, etc.
Dothard & Taylor. Call Narberth 2692. 9-24.
The Oldest Store in Narberth
has all kinds of writing materials. Hig-hland Writing
111'. and Mrs. .I ohn J. Kelly and their 550FOR RENT-102 Merion avenue, Narberth,
month. Eight rooms. electric light, steam
two daughters, of :!ll Price avenue, arc neat. porch; ali In good order. Doyle. 20
Paper is 25c, 35e and 50c a box. Ingersoll Fountain Pens
are $1 up.
Cause and Effect
at Cape May for the rest of the sum- 30uth Dewey street. Philadelphia, or local
agents. New style desk blotters. Come in and look them over.
mer. OF~'FICES for rent in Ardmore, $15 imd . Sanford's and Waterman's Inks-all colors.
$20 a month. Phone Ardmore 3253. (tf.)
Mr. Albert H. Nulty, of Mceti!lg Leaking skies cause leaking roofs.
House lane, spent the week-end WIth
his family at Cape 1'1ay. ESTATE NOTICE DAVIS'
Mr. and Mrs. \Vinthrup Derby, of 224 Haverford Avenue NARBERTH 4035 Leaking roofs cause mined furniture,
\Vynl1cdale road; 1'1'11'. and Mrs. Frank- Estate of Elizabeth R. McCarter, late of
Borough of Narberth, deceased.
lin vVedgc, of Iona avenue. and Mr.
and Mrs, Lcon Melcher, of Meeting
Letters Testamentary on the above estate
ilav!llll been granted to The Merion Title and . '---"-- ----_.- I rugs and walls.
rrust Company of Ardmore, all persons In- ,
I·louse lane, are cnjoying the ocean ;Iebted to said estate al'e requested to mak~
breezes at Stone Harbor, N. J. mmediate payment, and those having legal
~lal111s. to present the same without delay at
the office of said company. No. 5 East Lan-
We cannot prevent the leaking skies, but
fI! r, John Maguirc, of Pittsburgh, caster avenue, Ardmore, Pa.
1'a., is visiting his parents on Grayling
avenuc for sevcral days. (9-3-27)
President. we can prevent the damage done by leaking
11 r, and :Mrs. Frederick Raker, of
eara- M'GinleY 10 roofs.
11erion avenuc, are receiving congratu-
tions upon the birth of a s~n bo~n
UI 218 N.13ij\S~Phila:l~
-Monday, 'Mrs: Raker ·was· MISS MIl- 1i~1I I'hu"e. ISpruce 3M-lHJ and 38-~

dred Graham. 'KI·~·.1 On" l'hono, Race 70-54

Tile, slate or asbestos shingles make at-
Miss Georgiana Hoffsten is visiting
in Chicago and Miss Ruth Hoffsten is
GARAnteed ,Roofs tractive, durable, leak-proof and fireproof
vacationing in Stone Harbor. roofs when built by
Miss Sophia Miesen and Elizabeth
Ma!-\"uire are in Ncw York for the
week-end. . w. L. and C. R. Humphries YOUR NEW GARAGE
1\[ r, and Mrs. John Marsh, of Gray-
ling avenue, motored to Wildwood,
wllere they will remain until Septem-
Phone, Narberth 3779
where building restrictions permit, will be constructed with
less expense with lumber. We also carry other building
material which will g-ive you a fireproof building.
ber 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Griest, of CHAS. F. EBERT JOSEPH;'MILES SONS Phone: Narberth 3684 :: 111 Forrest Ave., Narberth
Meeting House lane, are visitiug Mr.
Griest's parents in Philipsburg, Pa. Jobbing Carpenter Lumbm' :: .MillwO?'k . . Coa,l.
Orange, N. J.• was the guest of Mr. 103 Dudley Avenue BELMONT AVE., WEST MANAYUNK-MANAYUNK 0105
aud Mrs. A. Perry Re9.i£el" .. ov~r ~he


Church Notes Cape May County

Cape May County-AMERICA'S

Greatest Family Resort-has some
wonderful investments and home
Reduce Your Heating Expense
sites reasonably priced. For im-
., :nedlate service and complete In-
[ormation write to ~ Burn Buckwheat
DUDLEY O. T. SLEATER Returned In 7 daYs, guaranteed.
Real Estate Broker Called for and delivered. Phone Baring 0924
before 10 A. M. or after 6 P. M.
By adding a "Coppus" Blower to
t Beesley's Point
Cape May County, N. J. C. M. FRIES your heating equipment, without
~28 North May Street, West Phila.
change of grate, you can burn
...,. Phone Narberth 2'133-J
..... , WALTER NEWRUCK Justice of the Peace Buckwheat and effect a saving of
Carpenter and Builder
17 Schiller Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
REAL ESTATE $7.00 a ton in your coal bills.

Fire Insurance-Best Companie!!.
Screens and Weather Stripping
I Phone 4049·W 2111 Haverford Ave. The "Coppus" Blower can, be
seen and its advantages explain-

Inferior and Exterior Painting
. \\'11.1. liE GI.AIl TO E~TIl\IATE
. ed at our office NOW!
! 407 Essex Ave., Narberth, Pa. '.

CENOL " I-hone, Narberth 2637

FLYDIST QUR ,'Phone, Narberth 3790
.i Hauling of All Kinds COAL· COMPANY
Moving and Hauling Narberth 3675
Cclla1' Cleaning
R.lJ)SEN~ 238 Woodbine Avenue
Narberth, Pa.
,) llOOM or fLIES
Fight flies with CENOL FLY
DESTROYER. Wipe out a
whole army of them in a few
minutes. Simply spray the room and
the flies fall dead. CENOL FLY DE-
STROYER is quick, sure, safe to use.
.... , Pleasing odor•

8 Montgomery Ave. r.RANE'S'
Cenol Agency ···• DRUGSTORE
Zartarlan, ss. . . o 1 0 3 0
Burns, c . o 0 400 GEORGE A. WITTE Keeping baby well is the surest way of keeping him
Durbin, rf. . o 1 1 0 0
Paperhanging and happy. There are so many things in this shop that bring
Humph, 3b . o 1 1 3 1 Narberth and:ij&verford Avenues
joy to everyone we couldn't list them in a page advertise-
G. Fleck, If. . 1 100 0
. o 0 200 $2.05 Decorating ment. Come and see. Narb~h1620
V. Fleck, cf. • SUNDAY
Devlin, 2b . o 1 111 ESTIMATING aE aE
. o 0 10 0 0
Round JF=)C aE ac x be
Clark, lb Trip Excursion NARBERTH 4135 W
Townsend. p. .
Martin. c
. o 0 020
. o 0 1 1 0
Hanke, cf. . o 0 200 FOR
Raleigh, p . o 022 0
------ Atlantic City BRASSY WORN-OFF

R. H.
5 24 12

O. A. E.
THURSDAY, August 18
Bath Room Faucets
Brassy Auto Parts, Reflectors, ete., The Way to Use This Bank
• :McCue, c .............•. 3 2 8 0 0 SP.ECI~L THROUGH TRAIN USE
Stradle. ss. . . 2 . 1 240 "Ia Delaware Uh'C1' Br1l1ge
\ Ne~soll, rf . o 1 200 Eastern Standard Time f][ REAL GROWTH for individuals, for communi-,
I:orsaneo. lb. . . 2 2 8 0 0
Pickup, cf . o 1 200
Leans X,\UBEIt'J'H 8.13 A. l\I. ties, as well as the bank is the result of the spirit of

Bel'l'~. If. .
Benedict. 2b. .
. 1 2
. 2 1
2 0 0 Retnrnlng, I,eaves Atlantic City
1 1 1
Co-operation and Helpfulness.
(80nth Carolina Ave.). 6.00 I'. l\I. It Silver-Plates. Use It as a Pobsh
Quinn, 3b . 2 1 2 2 0
f][ WE BELIEVE that our service can be a real fac-
.' Dietrick, p. .

. o 1
12 12 27 8 1
0 1 0
Pennsylvania LOOK LII{E NEW
Vz ·Pint, $1; Pint, $1.65
See Demonstration
tor in your financial growth.. We
invite you to use
Narberth 000001000-- 1 this bank as you would a strong and resourceful
VVayne 00322 122 x--12
A. R. Justice Co., 904 Walnut Street [ friend.
R. H. O. A. E.
Heckel, 3b. 3 3 1 1 0
Shank. p. 2 2 5 0 0 • !!"llii' "liii iII"li !tIl!iilli I"lII!iiililiI!!!iitilliliiiiiitlii iiiiill!lii!l! iii i!!tt1liil!!! rill !i!liii 1IiI!Iii",i1UnmUUllllll'
Umbach, rf. 1 3 1 1 0
Verna, 2b. 1 3 5 3 2
Higgins, cf.
Trost, p.
Doyle, If.
Schuler, c. .
0 1 0 0 0
1 2 0 0 0
1 1 2 0 0
2 4 8 1 0
The Merion Title S Trust Co.
Mayo. 55. ..•••••••••••• 2 1 1 3 1
Redmond, lb. .
Hoyes, ss.
0 0 4 0 0
Kelly, cr 0 0 0 0 0
talces pleasure in announcing the, appointment of
132027 8 3
Narberth Bala-Cynwy4
R. H. O. A. E.
Smith, cf. ...•.......... 1 2 1 0 0 'E
Potter, 2b 1 0 1 4 0 as sales manager in charge of new and used cal's
Lieb'an, lb. . 0 0 10 2 0
Montgomery Avenue and Pembroke Road ~¥¥~¥~~~~¥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

= !
Girard, If. 1 1 2 0 0
McCann, c. 0 2 4 0 0
Henry, ss. BALA-CYNWYD
McRln'y, 3b
Noblitt, rf. . ..........•.
2 3
0 2
1 1
Schedule of Montgomery Bus Co., Inc.
Higgins, p.
Burton. p.
0 0
1 0
0 ~ -~
Beachus, l·f. 0 0 0 0 0 ~ Montgomery Avenue Line Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- until 10.30 P. M. '~
VVearer, 3b. . 0 0 0 0 0 ~ tion in Narberth 7 minutes later Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until~
Doyle, If. . 0 0 0 0 0 ~~ EastboUJld than the above-mentioned times. 12.30 A. M. ~
W Leaving Anderson and Montgomery Leaving 64th Street and City Line Then 1.00,2.00 and 3.00 A. M. .&l
Total ......•.......... 4 9 24 11 1 Fo,' ~ Avenues 21 minutes later than the above- Leaving 54th and City Line 5 min- "G1
Berwyn ......•.. 2 0 0 4 2 1 4 0 x--13 i.fu. mentioned times. utes later"than the above-men- ~
Paol! 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-- 4 W WEEKDAYS tioned times. ~
~ Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- ~
Starting at 5.30 A. 1\1.
Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until
Then every 15 min. until 9.00 A. M. Leaving 62d and Lancaster Avenue tion in Narberth 19 minutes later ~
than the above-mentioned. tiJ!1 es . ~
loCl"" 3.00 P. M. WEEKDAYS N b ...@ i
~~ Then 3.15 and every 1" min. until Starting at 6.00 A. 1\'1. a1' erth Short Line ~
Would Change Numbers, ~1)T 10 00 P M Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A. M. .&l
Inexact and confusing numbering of I have announced my candidacy for the ~ The~ 10.20 ~nd every 20 min. until Then 9.50 A. M. apd every 20 min. Eastbound "G1
houses along l\]ontgomery pike and ~ 12.00 P. M. until 3.30 P. 1\1•. ' Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Station ~
other parts of Narberth camc in for nomination and election to the position of ~ Then nUIO. 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. Then 3.45 P. lU. and every 15 min. Narberth ~.
W until 10.30 P. M.
criticism by Tax Collector Edwin P. ~ SATURDAYS Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until WEIUmAYS AND SUNDAYS ~
Dole\. who asserted that thcrc is no Tax Collector of the Borough of Narberth w· Starting at 5.30 A. M. :Ehen 12.30 A. M. Starting at 5.50 A. M. ~
way' at present of proving that all
~ Then every 15 min. until 9.00 A. M. Then 1.00, 2.00 and 3.09 A. M. Then 6 30 7 10 7 50 8 30 9 10
propertics are assessed. "There are
threc numbcr :H's on Montgomery ave-
in the belief that I can render a careful and rn;:
Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until
. , . , • , . , • , .I.@i
9.50, 10.30, 11.10 and 11.50 A. M. 'C6'l
nue," he said. "Only one that I know
of has been assessed."
businesslike service in the performance of !w Th~~0~2~5~~d every 15 min. until~'~e~~~e~;~~~~: ~til 9.30 A. M. Th:'~O,l~~~, k;~, k~~: ::~~: ~Jg: ~
Postmaster ]. Bertram Nesper ob-
the duties relating to the post. Having no Thle~010.20 a~d every 20 min. until Then 9.50 A. M. 'lnd every 20 min. 7.50, 8.30, 9.10, 9.50, 10.30, U.10 .&l
jected on behalf of his baffled mail- until 12.30 P. M. and 11.50 P. M . · "G1
carricrs last year, to this condition, and 12.00 P. M. Then 12.45 P. M. and every 15 min. Leaving 54th and City Line ~
Councilman R. F. V-lood, chairman of oth~r position or out-of-Narberth activity, ~' Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. until 10.30 P. M . · .&l
. the Highway Committee, rcquested the ~ SUNDAYS Then 10.50 P. M. and every 20 min. Westbound "G1
Township Commissioners to take a I will be able to give the work undivided ~ Starting at 5.30 A. M. until 12.30 A. M. . ~
hand in the muddle; hut to date notIi- W Then every 'AI-bour until 9.00 A. M. Then 1.00, 2.00 and 4.00 A. M. WEEIWAYS ~J). SUNDAYS .&l
ing has been done. attention. ~ Then 9.20, and every 20 min. until Starting at 6.10 A. M. "G1
-Properties almost facing or adjoin- ~ 1.00 P. M. SUNDAYS Then 6.50, 7.30,' 8.10, 8.50, 9.30, ~
ing one anothcr arc numbered 287, 702 Then 1.15 and every 15 min. until Starting at 6.00 A. M. 10.10, 10.50 and 11.30 A. M. ...@i
and 308, on Montgomery pike, as a re- ~ 10.00 P. M. Then every 3h-hour until 9.31l A. M. Then 12.10, 12.50, .1.30, 2.10," 2.50.]1
sult of the township-borough muddle ~ Then 10.20 P. M. and every 20 min. until 1.30 P. M. 3.30, 4.10, 4.50,' 5~30, 6.10, 6.50,~
in numbering. Across fro111 No.1, at
the COTncr of Woodbine and Mont-
gomery avenues, is No. 204. on the
until 12.00 P. M.
'l'hen12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M.
Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min.
Then l.45 P. M. and every 15 min.
7.30, 8.10, 8.50, 9.30, 10.10, 10.50~
and 11.30 P. M. and 12.30 A. M. ~
township's side of the pike.
No relief on .the pike can be given Candidate at Primaries, Tuesday, September
~ ~
borough residents until the township
gives its co-operation, because the 20th, on both party ballots
borough numbers depend on the town-
ship's, on hoth ends of Narberth. ,The
111 Narberth Avenue
changes can be made by Councilor. Light Hauling ....-For Women
by the Board of Adjustment without
a public hearing.
"Vhen the pike is widened, according
Loads to Ocean City
to some Councilmen, the matter of zon- Every Saturday To women who seek a place where .J
ing changes can be threshed out better.
N ow, they assert, is no time for making Return Trip Monday they cap have their money kept with
sweeping adjustments which work on
the pike will only subject to further Phone. NARBERTH 4102-W
assurance of absolute safety-to
change. Therefore it is purposed to let ~ matrons who desire a Household
the matter rest until the pike paving is ;,
completed, some time this fall. Account-to all women who desire
The plea of Mrs. Mary A. Fleming
for a permit to change her proper~y
Elm Gift and banking connections with a conserv-
to a gasoline service station is sUll
being considered by the Narberth Hemstitching Shop ative institution, we offer the facili-
Board of Adjustment, of which P. B.
Krout is chairman. Until some legal Beaded Bags and Bags of ties of our Bank.
technicalities are· ironed out,' Mrs. All Kinds Repaired.
Fleming's petition is hapging fir.e. A Advice on profitable investments for ~
decision is expected Without fall the Beads Restrung •
first part of next week, and will be an- your money is yours for the askipg.
nounced in all probability in next 242 Haverford Avenue Our courtesy is given to the individ-
week's issue of Our Town.
Phone: Narbertll 2510 and 3771-W ual and not to the size of her deposit.
ally develop at that point in the win- THE ESSEX KANDY
ter. We estimate that the cost of
The Narberth National 'Bank
these changes will not be more than
"Your chairman has receIVe
. d f
Mulford and Dilks, of Bryn :Mawr, a
The Cool & Cozy Store
August Special
written proposal to supply the Bor- Where You Can Enjoy That During August an allowance of $10 will be made on
ough of Narberth one latest model Good
Chevrolet coupe for $692, and to a11o\\' the old coal, wood, oil or gas range which you trade
the borough $100 for our old Ford ABBOTT'S in when buying a new
coupe. If front and rear bl.!mpers and ICE CREAM
spare tire and tube are ,:eqtllr~d on ~?:
Chevrolet coupe, the price Will be $.~"
additional. In view of the fact. thaI
107 Essex Ave.
the Ford coupe has reached a ponlt C?f
age and deterioration at which repau Phone, Narberth 9971
With Oven Heat Control
and maintenance charges are becom-
ing el'cessive. we recol1ll1lel~d that the
All ranges offered in this sale are brand new-the .',
proposal of Mulford and Dilks be ac- very latest models of well-known manufacturers.
cepted and acted upon.
"During the month of July, .. the Ye Oddity Shoppe Your old, worn-out range can now help you to own a
Highway Dep~rtment spent . $1\)~.16 "The Gift Center of the lIIaln Line"
for street c1eanmg: $171 for collcctmg Is always at your service with
·beautiful new one with the wonderful oven-heat con-
186 cubic yards of ashes: $:14.20 for an attractive and unique line of trol feature-if you act quickly.
cutting the grass on the ,Playg:ound: Gifts, Cards, Tallys and Candles.
$11.88 labor cost for IIlstalhng a
drinking fountain at the rear of the
Antiques and Reproductions, This Offer Positively Ends
Picture Framing and Circulat-
Comn1t1nitv Building: $285.48 labor
cost and $722 material C?s.t for patch-
ing Library. Wednesday, August 31
ing the strects and repamng thc hre- O~n Friday Evenings 12 MONTHLY PAYMENTS .• 1

housc sidewalk.
"Durhig July, thc Maple avenue N. E. Corner Call at a Philadelphia Suburban Counties Gas and Electric Co.
sewer was complcted at a total cost
of $!169.60, of which $a74.S4, was. for
Store or Send for a Representative ....-Whatever You Want!
labor and $594.76 was for matenals. Haverford & Forest Ave.
This makes total expenditur~s of the ==c====coo=====~
Highway Departmcnt. dUring the
month of July, for th~ Items ~nul11cr:
ated of $1081 for labor and $la48.8;> Rear of 250 Haverford Ave. Ardmore 3500 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47
for ;naterials. . House and Decorative Painting or nuts, you will find WHITE'S SWEET
"The Ramsdell Construction Com- Mail Orders and Jobbing Promptly Hilltop 233 Upper Darby Boulevard 1600
pany on August 1, started the res~lr­ Attended te
SHOP has it. "

facing of streets in accordance WIth 6912 Market Street

the contract which was awardcd ~o Phone, Narberth 3639-W
them at the April meeting of CouncIl. Ice Cream-home made, 111 fifteen
"During the month of J u!y, the
~treet Commissioner issued SIX per- delicious flavors.
~its for dumping materials on the pub-
lic streets. The fees for these totaled
$48, which amount was "turned over Pastry-made in the finest bakery I
to thc borough treasurer.


on the Main Line-you've noticed it,
Two new two-cent stamps-one
along the railroad, near the station. ".
COl1ltnemoratinl! the Sesquicentennial ......
of the Independence of Vermont and
the other commemorating the battles
of Fort Stanwix, Benningto~l, Sara-
toga and Oriskany, all of whIch took
place in 1777-were placed on sale at
tIle Narberth post office Saturday, ac-
cording to an announcement l~lade
yesterday by Postmaster Nesper.
has never known Candies-made right here in Nar-
berth;·in a delicious assortment of tooth-
some varieties.

Sealed proposals will be received and
opened at a special meeting of the
Councll of the Borough of Narberth, to
be held in the Borough Hall on August
29. 1927. at 7.30 P. M .• standard time; to
suchValue •I •

cover the furniShing and installation of All former standards of motor car value fell when Buick
a domestic type oil burner equipment to For Delivery-Phone Narberth 4005
replace the present gas burner equip-
ment In the Community Building, lo-
for 1928 swept into view.
cated on Windsor avenue west of Dudley
avenue, In the Borough of Narberth.
The equipment to be of a type ap- Here are listed all 16 Buick models for 1928, with their 11IIIIDIIIiIiIDBiiIIllUDlllDlJll1_lIJ1JI1J!IIIID!nnlllllllUJl!llllllJ1llll1Ul_UIDI_,mlil'lllilllliAliINiM ,P""""UMQlijftUMH• •IUI0tlil

proved by the Board of Fire Underwriters

and SUitable for burning dlstUlate of a
specific gravity.' not less than 34.5 de-
prices, so that you may see for yourself how little Buick
grees Baume, and Is to be of adequate
capacity for use wIth the present hot costs, when you consider how much Buick gives.
water heater. . High Grade Coal at Low Prices
The proposal must include the Instal-
,lation of an 011 storage tank of not less
tllan one thousand (1000) gallon capac-
Five-passenger 2-door
Sedan, Series 115 •
• $1195 Five-passenger 4-door
Sedan, Series 120

Ity and a thermostatIc control from three Egg $14.50 gross ton, chuted
,points as directed.
:' The proposals submitted must cover
ePrPlficatlon of the proposed plant and
Four-passenger Sport
Roadster, Series 115 $1195 Five-passenger Town
Brougham, Series 120
$1575 Stove 15.00 " " "
of ·the complete installation.
'The building and present equIpment Nut 14.50 " " "
m!l~- be Inspected by making arrange-
ments with .George B.· Suplee, bUilding
inspector. for., the Borough of Narberth.
Two-passenger Coupe,
Series 115 • • 1-1195 Four-passenger Sport
Roadster, Series 128 ;'1495 Pea 11.50 " " "
Council reserves the rIght to reject any
or all bids.
Borough Clerk.
Five-passenger Sport
Touring, Series 115
• $1225 Five-passenger Sport '
Touring, Series 128 .$1525 Buckwheat ~.. 8.00 " " "
Discount of 50 cents a ton on cash deliveries.
Four-passenger Country ;,
Club Coupe, Series 115
1275 ,Four-passenger Country
Club Coupe, Series 128
1-1765 Charge customers, 50 cents a ton discount

HIGHLAND Five-passenger 4-door

Sedan, Series 1 1 5 .
$1295 .
Five-passenger Coupe,
Series 128 • •

when paid within 30 days.

Five-passenger Town
Brougham, Series 115

Four-passenger Coupe, •

Brougham, Series 128

Sedan, $1995
Clean coal screened over electric shaker screens
758 LAN CASTER AVE. Series 120 •. • Series 128 • • •
, , BRYN MAWR,'" AU price. E. o. b. Flint, Mich., Government Ta" to be ..tded. Oeneral Office and Yard: Branch Office and Show Boom:
PHONE. BRYN MAWR 882 8300 Lansdowne A.,e. 126 West Ohester Pike, Llanerch

for 1928 Phones, Hllltop~ 2i71-2172 Telephone, Hilltop 1987.

Jobbing Carpenter Iti.···· iIIOllUl1!l!!!Jllll!DJ11JUl!DJ!tilII.,IDIIPDlUUllumnUUlliDUlIIID_W1D1IDIIIIUUUbJ!!llllllU!lwnuuUIIUIIlDl1ll_


Plumbing, Ga8 Fitting
and Heating WAYNE 400 ARDMORE 189C Where the Apothecary Has Held Forth.
NARBERTH, PA. • For the 24th "ear Buick has again fulfilled thi& promise' For the Last Qua1·tetr-Century
,·PHONE, NARBERTH ·3652-1\1 ..·When. better. automObiles4 are .bullt, Buick·· will.. build'them, Telephones: Narberth 28-38 and 28-39

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