ABS/ASR D" - Cab" - Version Anti-Lock Braking System For Commercial Vehicles

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„Cab“ - Version
Anti-Lock Braking System
for Commercial Vehicles

1st Edition

 Copyright WABCO 2006

Vehicle Control Systems

An American Standard Company

The right of amendment is reserved

Version 001/12.99(en)
8150100013 815 010 001 3
Contents ABS-D






4. ABS / ASR



7. ANNEX 31

1 3
1. ABS-D Introduction

1. Introduction Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS) or mand is rising not only in Germany
- to use another common term - au- and Europe or Israel and Australia,
tomatic anti-lock systems - are used but also in the USA and in Japan.
to prevent a vehicle’s wheel from
locking as a result of excessive op- As is generally known, the EEC and
eration of the service brake, espe- other legal requirements demand
cially on a slippery road surface. automatic anti-lock braking systems
Thus lateral control on the wheels for certain types of commercial vehi-
being braked is maintained even at cles.
full brake application or in panic
braking situations to ensure the cor-
nering stability and steerability of a It is these provisions and measures
vehicle or a tractor-trailer combina- which have resulted in the even
tion to the greatest possible physical more widespread use of ABS and in
extent. greater numbers being produced;
this in turn has allowed cost reduc-
tions to be implemented, in spite of
At the same time, the objective is to
keen competition. WABCO has now
optimize the utilization of the availa-
developed the 4th generation of ABS
ble adhesion coefficient between
and ABS/ASR. The D-generation of-
tyres and the road surface and thus
fers different variants in the form of
vehicle retardation and stopping dis-
modular system designs.

High-performance ABS for commer- These are based on state-of-the-art

cial vehicles was first introduced at electronics technology with high-
the end of 1981 by Mercedes-Benz performance micro computers, in-
and WABCO after elementary sys- cluding data storage, and take into
tems had been used in the USA account recent diagnostic princi-
from the mid 70s. ples. The 4- and 6-channel ABS/
ASR systems for commercial vehi-
System design and control princi- cles offer various interfaces for
ples of this 4-channel system with working together with electronic en-
individual wheel control (4 sensors - gine control systems and the opti-
4 modulators, called 4S/4M below) mal use of an integrated speed
were subsequently highly success- limiting facility. Special functions for
ful in the European market for com- both ABS and ASR operation are
mercial vehicles and became the available for selection in off-road op-
basis for a world-wide standard for erations.
all commercial vehicles with power
brakes. This document describes the basic
elements and the operation, the de-
ABS and ASR have proved their val- sign and the system configurations
ue as 4- and 6-channel systems in of these anti-lock systems for com-
commercial vehicles. The reliability mercial vehicles. The subject of
of systems and components from drive-slip control (ASR) is men-
series production is excellent, in tioned only briefly in the section on
spite of their complexity. The de- system functions.

System Functions ABS-D 2.
2. System functions
2.1 Description of an In case of impending wheel lock, the of the wheel. For this reason the
ABS control cycle brake pressure of the correspond- brake pressure is quickly reduced
ing wheel will be decreased, held and so wheel deceleration decreas-
during expected or measured wheel es. The time taken for wheel decel-
re-acceleration and subsequently eration is determined by the
increased in steps after re-accelera- hysteresis of the wheel brake and
tion. The cycle is started again if the by the characteristic of the µ-λ slip
brake force is still too high for the curve in the unstable region.
actual friction level (adhesion).
Only after the wheel brake hystere-
Rear axle wheels are subject to indi- sis has been overcome a continued
vidual control (IR), front axle wheels reduction in pressure leads to a de-
are subject to Modified Individual crease in wheel deceleration.
Regulation (MIR).
At point 3 the wheel deceleration
Fig. 1 shows an exam- signal -b drops below the threshold
ple of a control cycle and the brake pressure is held at a
wheel speed
reference speed
with the most important constant level for a set time T1.
vehicle speed control variables, wheel
λ1 deceleration threshold Normally, wheel acceleration will
-b, wheel acceleration

λ2 exceed the acceleration threshold

threshold +b and slip +b within this set time (point 4). As
thresholds λ1 and λ2. long as this threshold is exceeded,
the brake pressure is kept constant.
As the brake pressure If (for example on a low-friction sur-
increases, the wheel is
tyre circumference

t face) the +b signal is not generated

progressively deceler- within time T1, the brake pressure is

ated. At point 1 wheel further decreased by slip signal λ 1.
t deceleration exceeds a During this control phase the higher
value that can not phys- slip threshold λ 2 is not reached.
ically be exceeded by
inlet valve vehicle deceleration. At point 5, the curve falls below the
t The reference speed, threshold +b. The wheel is now in
outlet valve
which up to this point the stable region of the µ-λ slip
had been the same as curve.
wheel brake cylinder

the wheel speed, now

Brake pressure is now rapidly ap-
diverges and is reduced
plied for time T2 to overcome the
pressure in

according to a fictitious
T2 brake hysteresis. The time T2 is
vehicle retardation from
fixed for the first control cycle and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 point 2 (exceeding the
then recalculated for each subse-
t -b threshold) with a
quent control cycle. After the initial
slower deceleration.
rapid phase, brake pressure is then
Fig. 1 increased more gradually by ”puls-
The deceleration threshold -b is ex-
es”, by alternating pressure hold
ceeded at point 2. The wheel now
and pressure increase.
moves into the unstable region of
the µ-λ slip curve at which point the The basic logic demonstrated in this
wheel has reached its maximum example is not fixed at all; it adapts
braking force and any further in- to the corresponding dynamic re-
crease in braking torque does not sponse of the wheel to varying coef-
achieve any further deceleration of ficients of friction, i.e. it implements
the vehicle but merely deceleration an adaptive type of system control.

2. ABS-D System Functions

All threshold values depend on sev- on a road surface with partially lower
eral different parameters, such as adhesion, the other wheel channel
driving speed, vehicle deceleration, regulates the brake pressure so that
etc. pressure differences are built up
(slowly, in graduated steps) to a lim-
The number of control cycles results ited maximum value.
from the dynamic response of the
overall control system composed of In the event of a 4S/3M -or 6S/3M
the ABS-control - the wheel brake - configuration being used, there is
the wheel - the road. Here, the fric- only one modulator on the front axle.
tional connection is of vital impor- The wheel locking first takes over
tance. In general, 3 to 5 cycles per ABS control of this axle. This results
second are performed, but signifi- in a control process similar to Select
cantly fewer on wet ice. Low which is called Modified Axle
Control (MAR).
If an engine brake / retarder is used
during an ABS control cycle, it is On 6x4 or 6x2 vehicles with a 6S/4M
switched on or off by the ECU. For system, the same philosophy is
the purpose of front axle Modified used on the two rear wheels of one
Individual Control (MIR), the system side which are controlled by one
compares the front wheel signals modulator. This type of system is
and modulates the pressure for both called Modified Side Control (MSR).
front wheel brakes. If, for example,
control is activated on a front wheel

2.1.1 Off-road ABS The off-road mode can be used to The mode selected is indicated to
allow more brake slip (temporary the driver by the warning lamp (WL)
wheel lock) for braking on special which will flash slowly unless other
surfaces. ECE R13 Supplement events result in a permanently lit
No. 7 requires the off-road ABS warning lamp. The speed ranges
function to be reset as soon as the and the warning light function can be
ignition is switched on again. altered via parameter settings. The
vehicle manufacturer has to record
The vehicle manufacturer decides, in the driver’s handbook that the off-
according to vehicle type and appli- road mode may not be used in ordi-
cation, whether this switch is fitted or nary road traffic because the vehicle
not. Off-Road ABS disables ABS might not meet the requirements of
control at vehicle speeds of less ECE 13 Cat.1 in these circumstanc-
than 15 km/h and allows greater es.
brake slip up to 40 km/h At speeds
above 40 km/h there is no modifica-
tion to ABS control.

System Functions ABS-D 2.
2.2 ASR In addition to ABS control, trucks pressure of the wheel which is spin-
and buses can be equipped with an ning is controlled by the correspond-
Anti Spin Regulation ASR, also ing ABS solenoid control valve.
known as drive-slip control. ASR re-
duces the amount of wheel spin
To prevent pressure building up in
(drive slip). The philosophy of ASR
the brake chamber for the driving
is based on keeping the slip of spin-
wheel which is not spinning, the
ning drive wheels compared to the
non-driven front wheels within a ABS solenoid control valve of this
range providing the best possible wheel will cut off brake pressure.
traction and stability. This cut-off function is also available
for the Z-axle modulators of a 6-
Depending on the road conditions channel system or optionally for a
ASR will start engine and/or brake separate solenoid valve in case of a
control, if excessive wheel slip has 4-channel system on a 6x2 vehicle.
been detected. On a homogeneous To prevent the foundation brake
road surface, control is mainly from overheating, the differential
achieved by reducing the speed of brake threshold is subject to a linear
the engine, and differential brake increase at vehicle speeds over 35
control will be limited to synchroniz- km/h, thus increasingly controlling
ing the wheels. If µ-split conditions slip by means of slowing the engine
apply, differential brake control will speed. When the vehicle’s speed
put pressure only to the brake cylin- exceeds 50 km/h, differential brake
ders of the wheel which is spinning. control will not commence although
The engine torque is thus trans- any brake control in process will
ferred to the other wheel. continue.
ASR for 6x4 vehicles with a 6S/4M
Engine control will not commence or 6S/6M system takes the speeds
until both wheels spin or the slip of and accelerations of both wheels of
the spinning wheel exceeds a cer- one side into account. In compari-
tain threshold. During differential son to a 4S/4M system, this system
brake control, the pressure is sup- is able to avoid spinning or locking of
plied by way of actuation of the dif- the driving wheels which have no
ferential brake valve. The brake sensors.

2.2.1 Traction mode In deep snow or comparable condi- brake distribution to allow higher slip
tions the traction can be increased ratios. Depending on the parame-
by activating a special mode. By ters set on the ECU, an ordinary
temporarily pushing the traction switch may be used for this purpose.
mode button for at least 150 milli- Activation of the ASR traction mode
seconds, the ECU switches to a type is confirmed by slow flashing of the
of ASR control with different thresh- ASR lamp to inform the driver that
olds and different engine/differential vehicle’s stability might be impaired.

2.3 Speed limiter with The auxiliary output can be used for The speed limiter meets ECE re-
proportional valve limiting the speed using a propor- quirements. The speed limiting value
tional valve and an ASR operating is part of the parameter record and is
cylinder. These components actuate stored in the EEPROM. The stand-
an injection pump and consequently ard parameter record has a default
modulate the speed of the vehicle. speed limiting value set to 160 km/h

An idle stop cylinder is needed for This value can be changed via the
certain single-lever injection pumps. diagnostic interface. The minimum

3. ABS-D System Design and Components

value is 20 km/h For vehicles with is required to give off between 2,400
non-synchronized gearboxes, the and 24,000 pulses per kilometre.
neutral position has to be allocated Suitable appliances are, for in-
to the related input or additional stance, the KIENZLE tachographs
equipment is necessary. 1314 or 1318.

A second speed limiting value can

The ECU checks the input signal for
be defined as part of the procedure
plausibility and signalling errors.
for setting the parameters (lowest
Any error is indicated by the warning
speed setting). When the speed set-
lamp or ASR lamp if the vehicle is
ting switch is actuated, the current
moving at a speed faster than 3 km/
speed is stored and compared to the
parameter value for the speed set-
ting. The vehicle’s speed is limited
to the higher of the two values as If no C3 signal is available, the
long as the speed setting switch is wheel speed signals from the ABS/
actuated. ASR system are used to limit the
speed (does not comply with EC
The signal from a tachograph which regulations!).
is connected to the C3/B7 input port

3. System design
and components
3.1 System description The Anti Lock Braking System In addition, Anti Spin Regulation
(ABS) for commercial vehicles com- (ASR), also known as drive slip con-
prises the following components: trol, comprises:

q 4 or 6 wheel sensors, sensor q differential brake valve

clamping bushes and pole
wheels q double check valve

q between 3 and 6 solenoid control q ASR Lamp

q push-button switch or normal
q Electronic Control Unit (ECU) switch for the ASR (ATC) traction
mode function
q Warning lamp, diagnostic inter-
face, relay or data interface for q engine control interface (SAE J
retarder control 1922, SAE J 1939, PWM in/out,
PRIO/PWM out) or depending on
q switch for the ABS off-road func- the ECU variant used
q proportional valve
q harness for cab, frame, ground
(3), power supply (fused) q control (operating) cylinder

q idle stop cylinder

System Design and Components ABS-D 3.
The following may also be included:

q a normal switch or push-button

for the speed-setting function
446 004 .0

q a switch for temporarily switch-
ing of the limiting speed if the ve-
hicle does not have a synchro-
mesh gearbox.

For vehicles with two axles, the 4S-

4M system is the best choice. For
vehicles with three axles, the 6S-
6M system is available. A compro-
mise regarding system cost and
performance is achieved if not eve-
ry wheel has a sensor, i.e. is not in-
dividually controlled. Different ECU
variants are available for this pur-

44 600 4.0



Fig. 2

Vehicle 4x2 6x2 6x4 8x4

ABS - System
front axle: MAR
4S - 3M
rear axle: IR
front axle: MIR front axle: MIR front axle: MIR 1st front axle: MIR
rear axle: IR 1st rear axle: IR 1st rear axle: IR 2nd front axle second-
2nd rear axle: second- 2nd rear axle: secondary ary control by sides
4S - 4M
ary control by sides control by sides 1st rear axle: IR
2nd rear axle: second-
ary control by sides
front axle: MIR front axle: MIR
6S - 4M – –
rear axles: MSR rear axles: MSR
front axle: MIR front axle: MIR front axle: MIR
1st rear axle: IR 1st rear axle: IR 2nd front axle: second-
6S - 6M 2nd rear axle: IR 2nd rear axle: IR ary control by sides

6x2 ASR without ASR function 1st rear axle: IR
2nd rear axle: IR
without ASR function
front axle: MIR front axle: MIR front axle: MIR
1st rear axle: IR 1st rear axle: IR 2nd front axle: second-
6S - 6M nd
– 2 rear axle: IR 2nd rear axle: IR ary control by sides
6x4 ASR
without ASR function 1st rear axle: IR
2nd rear axle: IR

4. ABS-D ABS / ASR System Description

4. ABS / ASR system

4.1 Compatibility
The D-Version is not compatible and plugs of the ECU have been
with any of the A-, B or C-Ver- modified.
sions because the cable harness

4.2 Electronic Control For the 4S/4M (4S/3M) system, an For installation, either screws or a
Unit (ECU) ECU with 4 AMP Junior Power Tim- rack (not shown) may be used. Dif-
er plugs is used; for the 6-channel ferent variants are available for
application, an ECU with 5 plugs is nominal voltages of 12 volt and 24
required. These plugs have been al- volt.
located to the power supply, the di-
agnostic and dashboard connec- Any voltage or ground problems re-
tions, and to the components of the garding the ABS-D ECU cause the
cable harness for the wheels or ax- whole system to be switched off.

For dimensions of the ECU’s hous-

ing and the recommended fitting po-
sition, please refer to the outline
drawing (see Annex). Any water in-
gress must be prevented. The ECU
should not be sited near any heating

4.2.1 Description of A special transistor grounds the voltage supply, because bulb
warning lamp warning lamp’s output, either tempo- checks might be affected and inter-
rarily for bulb testing, or permanently preted as flash-code activation.
if an error has been detected.
The bulb should have a maximum of
Test pulses check whether a load is 5 W. The system is capable of de-
connected. Dimming of the bulb for tecting a defective bulb.
reduced brightness must not be
done, especially not by switched

ABS / ASR System Description ABS-D 4.
4.2.2 Function when igni- In the normal mode (on-road ABS) detected when the ignition was first
tion is switched on the warning lamp goes off in keeping switched on.
with ECE R 13 Supplement 07 while
and vehicle is still
the vehicle is stationary. The warn-
stationary ing lamp indicates defective sensors
It is possible that maintenance work
(changing the lining) increases the
clearance of the sensors because
the workshop staff failed to re-adjust
them (pushing sensors home).
actual faults : WARNING-LAMP ON
In order to prevent that the vehicle is
STREET- driven before this has been put right,
WABCO recommends that the error
WARNINGLAMP with stored sensor-fault or memory of the ECU is deleted when
OFF first time after fault clearance. maintenance work has been done.
This puts the ECU into its workshop
OFFROAD- mode. To leave this mode, the
ON speed signals received from all
WARNINGLAMP wheels have to be measured again.
When this has been achieved suc-
cessfully, the ECU will automatically
v = 0 km/h return to the normal mode.
v = 7 km/h

4.2.3 Sensor input ports Different types of inductive sensors D-version has been designed in
can be connected. In order to pre- such a way that the peak-peak volt-
vent any interference potential, the age is measured and its highest and
induced sinusoidal sensor voltage is lowest readings stored in the RAM
filtered. for at least one wheel revolution.
Different types of errors are detect- This is designed for the inspection
ed to permit selective deactivation. after installation; the ECU should not
be disconnected from the system for
Types of errors: interrupt and short this purpose.
circuit to ground or plus and crossed It is important to know that the fil-
or wrong connections are detected tered sensor voltages may result in
even before the vehicle has moved different values being measured us-
off and stored in the error memory. ing an oscilloscope or a multimeter.
Dynamic sensor defects are detect- In normal operation, measuring sup-
ed by analysing the signalling fre- ports the safety functions and helps
quency (implausible signals such as identify any errors in the installation,
erratic changes). such as excessive clearances,
To allow the ECU to detect any wrong installation of a pole wheel, or
clearance or wheel wobble on the a soiled pole wheel.
brake test bench, the ECU for the

4.2.4 Grounding of output Every solenoid is connected be- ABS to be switched off. If there is a
stage for modulators tween a switching (+) transistor and defect inside the ECU, the system is
one of the two (diagonal) discon- partially or fully shut down. The tran-
necting (ground) transistors. sistors are checked periodically. A
This allows redundant interruption of distinction is made between parting
the valve current, thereby ensuring of a cable and a defective output
that a single defect does not cause stage.

4. ABS-D ABS / ASR System Description

4.2.5 Power output stage The ECU concept is designed for Defects which might cause the mod-
for modulators between 3 and 6 modulators. The ulator coils to be energized (transis-
vehicle manufacturer chooses one tor failure, external short circuit to
of the different versions for the type battery) are identified within 100 mil-
of vehicle in question. Connection of liseconds and the corresponding di-
a harness with a larger number of agonal is switched off. Open circuit
modulators causes the warning or short circuit conditions without ac-
lamp to come on because the mod- tive ABS control are identified within
ulator output port which is not pro- 10 seconds causing wheels to be
vided for is shorted to the warning selectively switched off.
lamp output port. Any cable har-
nesses with fewer modulators than
the number defined for the respec-
tive system also causes the warning
lamp to come on because the ab-
sence of these components is per-
ceived as a defect.

4.2.6 Controlling engine When ABS control is taking place, a the other output ports. The parame-
brake or retarder switching transistor connects the in- ters set on the ECU determine
put port of the engine’s ECU or an whether a parted cable can be de-
external relay to ground. The tran- tected.
sistor is checked periodically with

4.2.7 ASR lamp While ASR control is taking place, defects in the ASR components, de-
the ASR lamp is used to indicate any pending on the parameters set.

4.2.8 ASR shut-off The D-version ABS allows the ASR the parameters have been set ac-
function to be shut off via a switch if cordingly.

4.2.9 Output port of ASR A switching transistor supplies the This particularly applies if a voltage
lamp ASR lamp and briefly grounds the supply is connected. Dimming could
output port for testing. Test pulses be taken to mean that the flash code
can now check whether a load is has been activated.
connected. No dimmer may be used
to reduce the lamp’s brightness.

4.2.10 Output port of ASR Depending on the speed and slip valve and applies the brake force via
DIF brake values, this function is supported by the differential brake valve (DIF).
engine control. When both wheels
slip, the engine speed is reduced. In Parted cables can be detected auto-
the event of any difference in the matically or by an appropriate facto-
speeds of the wheels on the driving ry setting. Short to battery or ground
axle, the ECU connects battery volt- is also detected.
age to the output port of the DIF

12 1
ABS / ASR System Description ABS-D 4.
4.2.11 Engine control Different versions are provided with If the ECU of the ABS/ASR system
finds a defect in engine control, the
q SAE J1939 (CAN), differential function is inhibited in or-
der to prevent excessive strain on
q SAE J1922 the brakes.

q PWM on/off (EDC, E-GAS) and

q PWM for PROP valve

4.2.12 Neutral switch of On vehicles which do not have a ving up for the purpose of changing
transmission synchromesh transmission, the gear. Any manipulation is perceived
speed limiting facility via the PROP and stored.
valve is temporarily inhibited by this
input signal in order to permit rev-

4.3 Automatic recognition of periphery and setting of parameters for ASR

and sustained-action brake (retarder)

4.3.1 Automatic learning In its original factory setting, the q A differential brake valve with
function of the ASR ECU can be used both for ABS ap- one of the above-mentioned en-
plications only and for ABS with gine control systems means that
ASR and/or an integrated speed lim- this is an ASR system which is
iting facility. In order to ensure prop- stored as such.
er operation for all applications, the
ECU stores any ASR components Other systems are not permissible
upon becoming aware of a ‘permis- and are thus displayed as an ‘ASR
sible system’ being used since it configuration error’.
was first installed. This happens as
soon as the expected component is Previously installed components
recognized by the ECU connected. can be reset by means of a flash
code or other diagnostic equipment.
The following systems have been This does not, however, apply to the
defined as permissible systems: proportional valve as a component
of the speed limiting facility (first
q A J1939/SAE interface by itself is threshold value less than 160 km/h).
an ABS component (i. e. retarder
control) and is stored.

q A proportional valve by itself can

be one component of the speed
limiting facility. The system is
stored as ‘permissible’ if the first
threshold speed is less than the
preset value of 160 km/h

1 13
4. ABS-D ABS / ASR System Description

4.3.2 Wheel sensors A wheel’s revolution is picked up by The permissible range for the dy-
means of a pole wheel which turns namic tire circumference/tooth
with the wheel, and a pulse-generat- number ratio is:
ing sensor.
q 2.74 ... 3.68 mm/tooth on all ax-
The inductive sensor (fig. 3) com- les (-15 ... + 15 % to standard
prises a permanent magnet, core tyre, see pole wheel spec.)
and coil. The magnetic flux sur-
rounding the coil is cut by the rotat- q 14% maximum deviation be-
ing motion of the toothed wheel tween front, rear and third axle
inducing an AC voltage whose fre-
quency is directly proportional to the
This means:
wheel speed.
With a pole wheel with 100 teeth, the
circumference can be between
The WABCO sensor has been spe-
2740 mm and 3680 mm if the axle
cifically developed for the arduous
deviation is < 14%.
conditions of commercial vehicles
use. The sensor is held in position
by a special clamping bush made To accommodate smaller tyre sizes,
from corrosion-resistant spring ma- pole wheels with 80 teeth can be
terial. This allows the sensor to be used. The range of permissible
pushed up against the pole wheel wheel circumference can then be
during assembly. No clearance between 2190 mm and 2940 mm. If
needs to be set. The action of the front axle and rear axles have differ-
bush also provides tolerance for ent pole wheels or tyres, none of the
axle elasticity etc. combinations may deviate from the
tolerance range.
Fig. 3 shows a typical installation of
toothed wheel (1), clamping bush The sensor / pole wheel combina-
(2) and sensor (3) on a front wheel. tions generate signals with a fre-
In such an arrangement the clamp- quency proportional to the wheel
ing bush should be mounted with a speed. ABS / ASR computes wheel
temperature-resistant and water- speed and vehicle speed from these
proof grease (e. g. silicone grease) signals. Hub-type as well as minia-
in order to protect the hole in the ture-type sensors or versions inte-
steering knuckle from corrosion and grated in the bearings may be used
dirt. The toothed wheel is installed in provided they have been approved
a similar fashion on the hub of the by WABCO for the ABS/ASR appli-
rear wheel. The sensor is securely cation.
mounted on the axle beam with a
special stiff bracket.


stub axle
Fig. 3: ABS sensor installation
– front axle –

14 1
ABS / ASR System Description ABS-D 4.
4.3.3 ABS solenoid valve When control is not active, the input control performance while reducing
pressure is passed on in full. During air consumption to a minimum for
active control the pressure is modu- ABS-controlled braking and ASR
lated according to the wheel behav- operation.
Pressure Increase
Several solenoid valve types are
available. When not activated by the ECU of
the ABS system, the diaphragm pilot
The solenoid control valve, fig. 4, chamber (2) of the inlet valve is
permits precise, graduated brake open to atmosphere. The brake
pressure modulation for ABS brake pressure at port 1 lifts diaphragm 3
control. It is usually mounted on the and reaches the brake chamber in
frame of the vehicle, or, in excep- full through port connection 4. At the
tional cases, mounted on the axle. It same time, the brake pressure flows
comprises a double solenoid ar- past the non-energized armature (8)
rangement and two diaphragm into diaphragm pilot chamber 6 and
valves. The extremely fast-acting prevents the outlet valve from open-
solenoid valves merely affect the pi- ing. When the driver reduces the
lot chambers of the diaphragms. brake pressure, air flows from of the
brake chamber and back through
port 1. In certain conditions the out-
These control the pressure in the
let diaphragm is also opened which
brake chamber by virtue of the valve
allows the foundation brake to be re-
leased quickly.
The short reaction times and the
ABS functions Pressure hold:
When the solenoid at 10 is ener-
q pressure increase gized, brake pressure is admitted
into control chamber 2 via the clos-
q pressure hold ing seal of armature 11. This causes
the diaphragm valve to close, sepa-
q pressure reduction rating connection 4 from port 1,
thereby preventing any further pres-
are basic requirements for a high sure increase in the brake cylinder.

Pressure increase Pressure hold Pressure reduction

Fig. 4: Solenoid control valve

1 15
4. ABS-D ABS / ASR System Description

Pressure reduction: In the meantime, nearly all Europe-

Both solenoids are energized in the an competitors have adopted a sim-
pressure-reduction phase. The acti- ilar design for their solenoid valves
vation of solenoid 10 as described in in an effort to achieve interchangea-
”pressure hold” causes the air sup- bility. WABCO has also developed
ply to be cut off. At the same time, solenoid valve variants for special
solenoid 9 is energized so that the applications. One such variant has
diaphragm control area of the outlet an adapter which can have a ”snor-
valve is evacuated to atmosphere kel” device fitted that gives the vehi-
past the seal of armature 6. Now the cle a wading capability. The same
brake pressure remaining in the adapter can also accept an exhaust
brake chamber reaches the seal of silencer when required.
diaphragm 5 and is evacuated. This
process is muffled.

The principles of design and func-

tion of the solenoid control valve
have remained virtually unchanged
in all four generations of WABCO
ABS systems (A, B, C and D ver-
sions) for two- and multi-axle com-
mercial vehicles.

4.3.4 Extension cables for To reduce the risk of installation er- nectors on the sensors / modulator
sensors and modula- rors WABCO offers different ver- side are moulded.
sions of extension cables. The con-

DIN-Bayonet (left) 449 513 000 0
DIN-Bayonet (right) 449 514 000 0
M24x1 (left) 449 523 000 0
M24x1 (right) 449 524 000 0 outline drawing,
see Annex
ASR-valve from page 38 on
DIN-Bayonet 449 515 000 0
M27x1 449 521 000 0
Sensor 449 751 000 0

16 1
Other Components ABS-D 5.
5. Other The components on the cab such as The plugs of the ECU are AMP Jun-
components the warning lamp, push-buttons etc. ior Power Timers.
are widely known.
For the cable harness of ABS D, ei-
ther 4 or 5 connector housings must
Regarding the cable harness, an im- be provided.
portant point must be taken into ac-

4 channel 6 channel
WABCO No. 894 110 091 4
AMP No. 964 561 - 1
WABCO No. 894 110 092 4
AMP No. 964 561 - 2
WABCO No. 894 110 093 4
AMP No. 964 561 - 3
WABCO No. 894 110 094 4
AMP No. 964 561 - 4
WABCO No. 894 110 095 4
AMP No. 964 561 - 5

and Junior Power Timer contacts for

cable dimension WABCO AMP

0.5 to 1 mm2 894 070 734 4 927 779 - 3
> 1 to 2.5 mm2 894 070 829 4 927 777 - 3
0.5 to 1 PIN 15
894 070 831 4 927 771 - 9
> 1 to 2.5 on 18 PIN
894 070 832 4 927 768 - 9

1 17
5. ABS-D Other Components

5.1 ASR components In addition to the ABS system com- These are the ASR lamp which
ponents: sensor, solenoid control shows the driver that the ASR mode
valve, ECU, warning lamp, Fig. 5 is active and thus indicates that the
shows the additional components road surface is slippery, or that an
for drive-slip control (ASR) integrat- ASR component may be defective;
ed in ABS for commercial vehicles the differential brake valve (8)
with air brakes. which, when required, actuates the
foundation brake via a double check
valve (7) for a wheel which may oth-
erwise be spinning, the

q engine control cylinder (12) and

q the proportional valve (10)

which automatically control engine

output to reduce engine power, irre-
spective of driver control.

These engine components are not

required if the vehicle in question is
equipped with an electronic engine
control system which the ABS / ASR
system ECU can communicate with
via a specific interface.

Fig. 5: 4-channel-ABS/ASR
2-axle commercial vehicle
with rear-wheel drive (4 x 2)

5.2 Data interfaces The ABS D versions have different onds after ‘ignition on’. Other-
interfaces which are also used for wise the ABS control unit detects
the purpose of diagnostics. The fol- an error and the ASR control
lowing defined interfaces are being functions are inhibited. ASR en-
looked at in more detail: gine control uses the ‘torque lim-
iting mode’. The engine’s elec-
1) SAE J 1922 tronic control unit should follow
the torque limiting requirements
2) SAE J 1939 with a delay of no more than 150
3) SAE J 1587
The transmission rate, hardware
4) ISO 9141 Mode 8 (JED 677) and protocol are defined in SAE
J 1922 and SAE J 1708.
– SAE J 1922
This standard defines a local net- Electronic control units with this
work for heavy-duty commercial interface only exist together with
vehicles with a maximum of 4 the SAE J1587 interface used for
electronic control units which ex- diagnostics. This type of inter-
change data on the network. face with 10 kBaud has been
The electronic control unit for en- used for engines for years. SAE
gine control has to begin its J1922 will be replaced by the
transmission no later than 2 sec- SAE J1939 interface.

18 1
Other Components ABS-D 5.
– ABS/ASR functions – SAE J 1587 and ISO 9141
via J1922: Mode 8
retarder control These standards define the hard-
ASR engine control ware requirements and the ex-
change of data in terms of
– SAE J 1939
diagnostics. External or on-
This standard defines an elec-
board diagnostics can be
tronic bus system on commercial
achieved with this standard.
vehicles (network). A common
abbreviation for this is CAN – SAE J 1922
(Controller Area Network). This The electronic engine interface
modern interface is used for ex- uses pins 1 and 3 of the 17-pin
changing data at 250 kBaud be- plug.
tween the electronic control units
of a vehicle.

5.3 Diagnostic WABCO supplies ABS control units defines the parameter (stored sys-
interfaces with diagnostic interfaces to tem) ”ASR permitted”. If the output
ISO9141 or SAE J1587. of the differential brake valve de-
ISO 9141 Mode 8 (bi-directional tects an electrical load, it sets the
mode) in combination with JED-677 parameter (stored system) ”looking
(WABCO works standard) defines for parted cable active”.
the exchange of diagnostic data be-
tween the ECU and onboard or ex- All components are detected auto-
ternal diagnostic equipment with an matically and added to the system
SAE J 1587 interface. being monitored. Only valid ASR
The D version of ABS transmits a systems are stored.
signal with an updating rate of The retarder relay is always stored.
500 ms. Any errors are automatical- ASR without a differential brake
ly transmitted via SAE J 1587 with- function (engine control only) re-
out any query. quires special parameters to be set.
The same applies to simulating dif-
Configuration if SAE J 1939 ver- ferential lock (differential brake func-
sion is used tion without engine control).
If signals are transmitted via the
SAE J 1939 interface, the ECU rec- SAE J 1587 versions
ognizes the system configuration
The standard ABS version for the
which is then monitored during any
SAE diagnostic system to SAE J
switch-on phase. The connection
1587 is available at present with the
with a proportional valve is detected
engine interfaces to
automatically. If no parameter has
been set for the speed limiting value,
q SAE J 1922 interface version or
any proportional valve without a dif-
ferential brake valve is perceived as
an error. The differential brake valve q SAE J 1939 (CAS) interface ver-
without one of the above interfaces sion
also causes an error to be reported.
in 12 and 24 volt types.
The differential brake valve, togeth-
er with one of the above interfaces,

1 19
5. ABS-D Other Components

If the ABS control unit is being re-

placed on a vehicle that has no
ASR, the following must be taken
into account:

Interface Control / Function

ABS without
DBR relay sustained-action brake on/off
SAE J1922 – control retarder moment
SAE J1587 – status message (dashboard)
SAE J1939 (CAN) – control retarder moment
– wheel speed message
– status message (dashboard)
ABS+ASR (ATC) DIF + SAE J1922 additional differential brake and
engine control
DIF + SAE J1939 see above

spare part on vehicle with

desired system on engine / retarder DIFF brake recogni- comments
vehicle interface tion
ABS interrupt interrupt permitted
ABS + SAE J1922 interrupt interrupt 2) 1)accepted, ABS interface is stored
once recognized
2) 1)
ABS + SAE J1939 interrupt interrupt accepted, ABS interface is stored
once recognized

ABS + DIF + SAE J1922 interrupt connected error 3)

ABS + DIF + SAE J1939 interrupt connected error 3)
ABS + DIF + SAE J1922 connected interrupt accepted (ABS + SAE J1922)
ABS + DIF + SAE J1939 connected interrupt accepted (ABS + SAE J1939)

DBR relay (retarder) DBR load interrupt storage of load once recognized,
irrespective of ASR

Please note: 1) filament test, ASR-L on for shorter 3) ASR configuration.

than ABS: no ASR
4) sustained-action brake relay (DBR)
2) parted cable recognition if interface / cable break if relay was recognized
load was recognized previously. previously.

20 1
Other Components ABS-D 5.

spare part on vehicle with

desired system on engine / retarder DIFF brake recogni- comments
vehicle interface tion
ABS (v-limit = 160) interrupt interrupt permitted
2) 4)
ABS + SAE J1939 interrupt interrupt accepted, ABS interface is stored
once recognized
5) 4)
ABS + PWM in / out interrupt interrupt accepted, ABS interface is stored
v-limit < 160 km/h once recognized
ABS + PWM in / out interrupt interrupt recognized PWM interface is not
v-limit = 160 km/h stored but 4)
ABS + GBPROP < 160 km/h interrupt interrupt error 3) 1)
end-of-production line / service

ABS + DIF + SAE J1939 interrupt error 4).

ABS + DIF + PWM in / out interrupt error 4) irrespective of v-limit
ABS + DIF + GBPROP interrupt error 3)
v-limit < 160 km/h
ABS + DIF + GBPROP interrupt error 4)
v-limit = 160 km/h
ABS + DIF + SAE J1939 interrupt accepted (ABS+SAE J1939)
ABS + DIF + PWM in / out interrupt accepted (ABS + PWM in / out)
v-limit < 160 km/h
ABS + DIF + PWM in / out interrupt error 4)
v-limit = 160 km/h
ABS + DIF + GBPROP interrupt accepted (ABS + SL)
v-limit < 160 km/h
ABS + DIF + GBPROP interrupt error 4) v-limit parameter must be set
v-limit = 160 km/h
WABCO standard setting for v-limit = 160 km/h (see ECU product spec.)
DBR relay (Retarder) DBR load inter- 5) storage of load once recognized,
rupt irrespective of ASR

Please note: 1) filament test, ASR-L on for shorter 4) ASR configuration

than ABS: no ASR
5) sustained-action brake relay (DBR)
2) cable break recognition if interface cable break if relay was recognized
was recognized previously. previously.

3) cable break

1 21
5. ABS-D Other Components

5.4 Diagnostic Any errors detected are immediately tion on’. Any errors relating to an in-
functions stored in a non-volatile memory. terface are deleted as soon as data
can again be exchanged via that in-
The system’s reactions depend on terface.
the type of error detected. Selective
shut-down is not changed until ‘igni-

5.4.1 Organisation of The error memory section of the whole area of the error memory, the
error memory EEPROM comprises 16 error ad- storage of errors in addresses 9 to
dresses. It is used like a stack. If the 16 is different. In this area, only one
EEPROM is empty initially, the first defect per component may be
error is stored at the first address, stored. In addition, every error ad-
the second error at the second ad- dress has a time counter which re-
dress, etc. Similar errors do not re- turns to its original setting when the
quire a new address; they increment error address is being set. When all
the respective counter values. Up to addresses are occupied, any new
address 8, different errors applica- error is stored at the address whose
ble to the same component (SID) time counter shows the highest val-
can be stored. ue (longest time without any repeti-
tion). Information pertaining to the
In order to prevent that one or sever- final 4 addresses are stored irre-
al defective components fill the spective of error repetition.

5.4.2 Automatic deletion An error which has been stored is which standardises the numbers for
error marking deleted automatically if this compo- the components which a part of the
nent does not show any renewed er- system (SID = Subsystem Identifier),
error readout
ror for 250 hours (resolution 1 h). provides another number for different
error types (FMI = Fault Mode Identi-
Benefits of automatic deletion: fier). A number for the error frequen-
q The error memory is then empty cy is also stored and read out via
if errors created during vehicle diagnostics.
manufacture or maintenance
were not deleted (although WA-
BCO recommends to clear the Error readout
error memory after production). Using diagnostic equipment, infor-
mation on errors and defects can be
Numbers marking errors read out and deleted. The time
Numbers which mark errors are used counter for automatic deletion can
in accordance with SAE J 1587 be read out and reset.

5.4.3 Functional testing by By addressing only one modulator tween 12 volt and 24 volt relays or
diagnostics per diagnostics and measuring the modulator coils. Their resistance de-
brake force or pressure, any mix-up pends on the actual temperature.
in the area of the valves and any The maximum tolerance for 12 volt
leakage of an inlet valve can be de- components with a maximum tem-
tected. Leakages of the outlet valve perature and the minimum tolerance
can be detected like any other leak- for 24 volt components with a maxi-
age within the braking system. mum temperature at -40°C could
show the same readings. Integrated
The ECU is unable to distinguish be- resistance measurement would also

22 1
Other Components ABS-D 5.
have to take into account the wide mum voltages of the sensor. For this
range of voltages. purpose it is necessary to turn the
wheel at a consistently slow speed,
WABCO recommends to measure and the size of the pole wheel must
these components and the resist- be known.
ance of the sensor insulation at least
while the vehicle is being manufac- The output voltage of the sensor de-
tured (cab, axles). pends on the clearance and the size
of the pole wheel. The monitoring fa-
By turning only one wheel and read- cility integrated in the ECU takes
ing out the wheel speed, the proper into account any excessive clear-
allocation of sensors can be ance in combination with small pole
checked. wheel sizes. In production, the
clearance between the sensor and
Any run-out deviation of the pole the pole wheel should be set proper-
wheel and the clearance between ly.
sensor and pole wheel can be com- WABCO offers different types of
puted by reading out the analogue equipment for testing after final as-
values of the minimum and maxi- sembly.

5.4.4 Flash code To activate the flash code, the warn- If an error is perceived, or if the lamp
ing lamp or the ASR lamp has to be is grounded for longer than 6.3 sec-
grounded for a certain time by push- onds, the flash code is ended. If the
ing a button. The type of lamp used flash code is stimulated (via the
depends on the type of ECU or the warning lamp) for longer than 15
parameters set for it. The length of seconds, a warning lamp defect
time the push-button is held down might be perceived.
determines the mode. After releas-
ing that push-button, the lamp is on Testing equipment that grounds
for another 0.5 second to confirm all dashboard lamps activates the
that the push-button has been rec- flash code. ABS ECUs for such
ognized and that the ECU has ac- vehicles usually inhibit the flash
cepted stimulation of the flash code. code.
Electronic Control Unit = ECU.

1 23
5. ABS-D Other Components

Diagnostic mode: In order to activate the diagnostic held down for between 0.5 and 3.0
mode, the push-button has to be seconds.

FC: error code // 1 to 8 // switched off and then on again, or

a: first part; b: second part the vehicle has to move off (speed
see flash code list, page 27 measured on more than one axle).
FC1 is repeated continuously if the
error was detected after the ECU If no current fault is detected, the
was switched on. last fault detected is the first one to
If an error is detected during the ”ig- be flashed out. Any subsequent indi-
nition on” phase (current error), this cations may not show the errors in
is flashed out. If several errors were the order in which they occurred.
detected within that phase, only the The flash cycle ends when the last
last one is flashed out. To end the one of the errors stored has been
flash code, the ignition has to be flashed out.

FC: error code // 1 to 8 // see flash code list, page 27

a: first part; b: second part

Flash code timing: mode: The system mode is activated if the has to move off (speed measured on
deleting errors push-button was pressed for be- more than one axle).
tween 3 and 6.3 seconds. All errors The system code (a number) shows
stored are deleted only if there is the system expected by the ECU
currently no error. To end the flash and should be used to verify that the
code, the ignition has to be switched right ECU version is being used.
off and then on again, or the vehicle

24 1
Other Components ABS-D 5.
After activating the system mode, > 0.5 sec [ASR(ATC) reduces
ASR (ATC) is inhibited to prevent the engine torque for 10 sec.].
ASR (ATC) errors being detected on
the roller dynamometer and to per- 2. A recognized ASR (ATC) or re-
mit higher differences in the speeds tarder system can be reset
of the driving and steering axles. If (reconfiguration) by pressing the
an ECU is used which provides for push-button three times > 0.5
stimulation of the flash code via the sec. (the absence of components
warning lamp, the ASR (ATC) lamp is confirmed). Reconfiguration is
comes on to show that ASR (ATC) confirmed by four brief flashing
has been inhibited. pulses.

Two seconds after the system mode No current error:

has been activated, other functions DELETION OF ALL ER-
are possible: RORS STORED

1. ASR (ATC) engine control can Deletion is confirmed by 8 brief

be tested by pressing the push- flashing pulses; this is followed by
button twice for the system code being flashed out.

Current error: ”DELETION OF ALL ER-

like ”no current error”, RORS STORED” is not

1 X 6S/6M (6x2 ASR) 6 X 4S/3M (VAR rear)
2 X 4S/4M 7 X 4S/2M (VAR both)
3 X 4S/3M (MAR/VAR front)
4 X 6S/4M
5 X 6S/6M (6x4 ASR)

1 25
5. ABS-D Other Components Functional testing of After pressing the push-button two actuations must be shorter than 3
engine control more times, the ABS/ASR ECU seconds.
causes the engine to idle for 10 sec- The 10 seconds begin 3 seconds af-
onds. The push-button has to be ac- ter the last actuation. At the same
tuated twice for longer than 0.5 time, the system code is being
seconds, and the interval between flashed out. Reconfiguration q The ECU changes its basic set- monitoring feature cannot be used
ting (without ASR/ATC) to ABS/ on a vehicle that does not contain
ASR(ATC) if a differential brake these components. Diagnostic
valve and engine control have equipment or the flash code can be
been detected. used for reconfiguration.

q Once an SAE J1939 (CAN) inter-

To prevent unintentional reconfigu-
face has been detected without
ration, this function must be con-
a differential brake valve, this in-
firmed by pressing the push-button
terface is monitored as an ex-
three times, as described above for
tended ABS component.
functional testing of engine control.
Before the system code is flashed
q Once a sustained-action brake
out, 4 brief flash pulses confirm that
relay (DBR outlet) has been de-
the parameters are being changed.
tected or a retarder message re-
ceived from the SAE J1939
interface (irrespective of param- The length of the ASR/ATC filament
eter setting), this is also stored test shows whether the configura-
and monitored. tion includes ASR/ATC: no ASR/
ATC - 1.5 sec., with ASR/ATC 3 sec.
Unless it has been subject to recon- (similar to warning lamp).
figuration, an ECU with an extended

26 1
Other Components ABS-D 5.
Roller dynamometer function: In order to prevent hazardous situa-
tions caused by brake force after ig-
On some roller dynamometers it is nition off/on, ASR/ATC is inhibited
necessary to inhibit ASR/ATC to as long as there is such a difference
permit higher differences in the in speeds after switching on the igni-
speeds between the driving axle and tion. If this is the case, the ASR/ATC
the steering axle. By activating the lamp will be on.
system mode, ASR/ATC is inhibited.
If the flash code via the warning On vehicles without ASR/ATC, the
lamp is used, the ASR/ATC lamp detection of some errors is inhibited.
comes on to indicate that ASR/ATC
has been inhibited. code list First part of error code Second part of error code
(FC. a) (FC. b)
4 SENSOR short circuit/ 3 REAR RIGHT
5 SENSOR defective / tyre size 4 REAR LEFT

1 27
5. ABS-D Other Components

Error code Repairinstructions

2.n Check modulator cable. Inlet (IV) or outlet (OV) or joint cable is continuously or
temporarily disconnected to shorted to ground or plus.

3.n Amplitude of sensor signal is too low. Check wheel bearing clearance, wheel
wobble, push sensor in further. Check sensor wiring and plug-in connections for
intermittent contact. Another possible cause: gear was engaged on slippery road
surface causing a driving wheel to slip for 16 seconds.

4.n Check sensor cable. Interrupt, short to plus or ground or between cables IG/IGM
has been detected.

5.n Check sensor cables and plugs for intermittent contact. Check pole wheel for any
damage. Check if cables of two sensors have been confused.
Tyres or number of teeth on pole wheel are different.

6-n Check pole wheel for any damage, missing teeth. Check for wobble. Check
using WABCO Sensor Probe. Replace pole wheel as required.
If clearance errors have also been stored, adjust the clearance (pushing in the

7 -1 ECU with PROP: Check cable and speedometer signal. C3/B7 signal
check tyre sizes.
gear lever shows ”neutral” or has been manipulated.
Electronic engine control: check interface wiring or other ECUs.
High slip / dynamometer? One axle was much faster than others?

7 -2 Check cable. Output interrupt or shorted to ground or battery voltage.

7 -3 Check cable. Output interrupt or shorted to ground or battery voltage.

ECU with SAE J1922 or SAE J1939: Check other ECUs. No communication via

7 -4 Check cable and bulb. Was flash code button pushed down for longer than
16 sec?

7 -5 Check cable and parameters. A differential brake valve has been detected but no
engine control feature. If ”ASR self-learning” is inhibited, engine control feature
CAN, PWM, PROP has been detected.

7 -6 Check cable. Output interrupt or shorted to ground or battery voltage.

8 -1 Check voltage supply and fuses. Supply voltage is too low at times.

8 -2 Check generator and battery. Supply voltage was too high for longer than 5 sec.

8 -3 Replace the ABS (ASR) ECU if the error occurs repeatedly.

8 -4 Wrong ECU or wrong parameter settings on the ECU.

8 -5 Check ECU ground wiring and shared valve lines IV/OV.

28 1
Installation ABS-D 6.
6. Installation Some comments on installation: The solenoid valve and the sensor
on the left-hand side of the front axle
Circuit schematic 841 801 277 0 on are connected to the 6-pin plug.
page 33 shows a 4S/4M-ABS/ASR
system on a vehicle moving from left The 9-pin plug comprises the right-
to right. hand side of the front axle, the signal
for a proportional valve and the C3
input port (speedo).
The 18-pin plug is provided for driv-
er’s cab functions and connected to The 15-pin plug connects the rear
the warning lamp, power supply, etc. axle components including the ASR
solenoid valve.
The circuit schematic for 6S/6M is
included in the Annex.

6.1 Important for If the ABS valve is to be mounted on Grease must be used for fitting
installation part of the steel frame which has not bush and sensors.
been surface-treated, the holes Approved types of grease:
used to fasten the valve should be
deburred and treated with a protec- Staborags NBU
tive coating to prevent contact corro- (1 Kg) 830 502 063 4
5 g tube 068 4
The output port (3) must point down-
wards. There must be a distance of Complete Sensor Set ... 578 0
50 mm between the vent and any (clamping bush + grease)
adjacent components to allow the 441 032 921 2
pressure to escape.
Complete Sensor Set ... 579 0
(clamping bush + grease)
441 032 922 2
The product specifications for the in-
dividual components must always
be adhered to.


ABS-D 7.


7. ABS-D Circuit Schematic 841 801 277 0

Circuit Schematic 841 801 278 0 ABS-D 7.

7. ABS-D Bremsschema 841 000 401 0

Brake Diagram 841 000 402 0 ABS-D 7.

7. ABS-D Brake Diagram 841 000 403 0

Cable for ABS Solenoid Control Valve
Plug “DIN Bayonet“
ABS-D 7.

7. ABS-D Cable for ABS Solenoid Control Valve
Plug “DIN Bayonet“

Cable for ABS Solenoid Control Valve
Plug “M 24x1“
ABS-D 7.

Cable for ASR Valve
7. ABS-D
Plug “DIN Bayonet“

Cable for ASR Valve
Plug “M 27x1“
ABS-D 7.

7. ABS-D Sensor Extension Cable

Inductive Sensor with Socket ABS-D 7.

7. ABS-D Electronic 446 004 311 0

Electronic 446 004 404 0 ABS-D 7.

7. ABS-D Electronic 446 003 404 0

Solenoid Modulator Valve ABS-D 7.


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