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Course content/syllabus

4 25%
Module I: Preliminaries

Concept & kinds of law; sources of law in India: central & state legislation:
subordinate legislation: statutory rules & regulations, making of rules and their
approval by legislature; notifications & byelaws; religious & customary laws;
Judicial precedent: courts of record, status of Supreme Court, Privy Council &
High Court decisions, foreign judgments, major law reports of India and how to
consult them; major foreign law reports.

5 25%
Module II : Legislation and Interpretation

Legislative techniques: structure of legislative enactments: chapters, sections,

sub-sections, clauses & sub-clauses; definition clauses, non-obstante clauses,
marginal headings, repealing clauses; General Clauses Act; Interpretation of
Statutes; theories of interpretation; special rules for interpretation of
Constitution, interpretation of legislation & subordinate legislation; position of
statements of objects and reasons, select committee reports & legislative
debates; legal maxims; non-English legal expressions used in legal documents

6 25%
Module III : Legal Writing and Documentation

Techniques of legal writing articles; notes, case comments, book reviews, etc;
Techniques of preparing legal documents: agreements & contracts; complaints,
plaints & written statements, petitions and their replies, appeals & SLPs; wills
& gift deeds, RTI applications. etc.

7 25%
Module IV : Preparation and Presentation of Research

Master’s degree dissertations: selection of topic, methodology, headings & sub-

headings, standard reference system, footnotes & endnotes; M Phil or PhD
research proposals: how to prepare, selection of topic, hypothesis, narrative,
theoretical and empirical research, chapter plan, bibliography, proposal;
comparative research, questionnaire; abstract & keyword

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