LBJ Campus Improvement Plan 2020-2021

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El Paso Independent School District

Johnson Elementary School

Campus Improvement Plan

Johnson Elementary School Campus #155

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Mission Statement
We will provide education in a supportive and secure environment so that all students can demonstrate skills of a successful member of

Johnson is united in our commitment to ensure the academic and social success of our diverse children.

Value Statement
1. We will provide a safe, creative, and challenging learning environment that prepares our students for the future by instilling 21st century learning
skills and embedding opportunities for students and teachers to access and use advancing technologies.
2. We will inspire students to be life-long learners who can thrive as independent learners in a collaborative environment while also preparing them to
be productive, accountable, and responsible citizens.
3. We will utilize multi-sensory teaching styles and strategies that will connect with students and will teach relevant content that is driven by the Texas
Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
4. We will offer a positive and caring school culture that teaches students the ability to recognize and manage emotions, solve problems effectively and
establish positive relationships with others, by using Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (P.B.I.S) and Collaborative Academics, Social and
Emotional Learning (CASEL), activities on campus.
5. We will foster professional development, teacher collaboration, and teacher input to attain maximum achievement for our students and school.
6. We will offer a collaborative community environment that will allow teachers, students, administration, parents and other stakeholders to work

Johnson Elementary School Campus #155

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Table of Contents
Comprehensive Needs Assessment 4
Demographics 4
Student Learning 6
School Processes & Programs 8
Perceptions 9
Priority Problem Statements 10
Goals 11
Goal 1: Active Learning El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages
and prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success. Directly Supports: Board Goals 1-3 11
Goal 2: Great Community Schools El Paso ISD will ensure that our students and community are served by effective employees in safe and supportive learning
environments. 24
Goal 3: Lead with Character and Ethics El Paso ISD will demonstrate fiscal and ethical responsibility as well as a deep commitment to service and support in all district
operations. 31
Goal 4: Community Partnerships El Paso ISD will maintain positive and productive partnerships with parents and state and community organizations to facilitate the
success of all students. 32
Comprehensive Support Strategies 36
Additional Targeted Support Strategies 37
State Compensatory 38
Personnel for Johnson Elementary School 38
2020-2021 Campus BLT 39
Campus Funding Summary 40
Addendums 42

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Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Demographics Summary


Enrollment By Grade
PK 3
PK4 34
Kinder 35
1st Grade 32
2nd Grade 35
3rd Grade 51
4th Grade 54
5th Grade 59
Total Enrollment 304

Johnson is an open enrollment public school that offers All Day PreKinder, Dual Language and the Active Learning Instructional Framework. We use the Sanford Harmony
Social Emotional Learning Curriculum. We are in our 3rd year of implementation and we are still working and at this stage, we are developing instructional practices that
incoporate the Active Learning.


The following represents our 2018-2019 student body by ethnicity/race:

African American 0.7%
Asian 0.0%
Hispanic 93.1%
Two or More 0.7%
White 5.6%


Our sub-populations by 2018-2019 Enrollment Type are as follows:

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Enrollment Type
Economically Disadvantaged 91.3%
English Language Learners 70%
Students Receiving Spec. Ed Services 12.8%


In the 2019-2020 school year 196 requests to transfer from Johnson were submitted with 100% being approved. By contrast, 68 requests to transfer to Johnson were made with
100% approved.


Our school serves an area with diverse housing and residential options. A number of public housing units are located near our campus. In addition, our community has older
neighborhoods with aging residents. Our school boundaries also include a number of appartment style residences with a large population capacity but not necessarily catering to
families. With space for residential expansion, our stakeholders have an interest in having a school with a safe, highperforming culture.

Our school is located near two busy commercial streets surrounded by banks, restaraunts, medical offices and an entertainment area.


In 2019-2020, the number of full time staff members was 42.8, with 32.8 full time teachers. In the 2020-2021 school year, there are 42.8__ fulltime staff and __31.8 full time

Demographics Strengths

Presently our strengths are that we offer all day Pre-K program to our community. In addition, we implement Sanford and Harmony on a daily basis and rovide social provide
strategies for our studen'ts diverse needs.

Problem Statements Identifying Demographics Needs

Problem Statement 1: Declining enrollment estimating 100 students less each school year. Root Cause: Public housing is closing in our neighborhood and families ae being
relocated to other parts of the city. Presently Covid 19 Issues have affected decline in enrollment this past 2019-2020.

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Student Learning
Student Learning Summary


Johnson Elementary School has an Overall Rating of C and an Overall Score of 78 on a 100 point scale which is in the state accountablility rating system for the academic year
2018-2019. This rating is considered acceptable, while many of our students do well, there are still many students who need more support to succeed academically. This is a
rating that is determinied by grades in three different areas. Due to Covid 19 Closures, there will be no STAAR testing in 2019-2020, so our accountability status will remain the
same for the coming year.

The current overall score of 78 represents a decrease from 88 out of a hundred in 2017-2018.


The rating for Student Achievement is 73 out of 100 with a letter rating of C. This is a measure of the number of students that perform at or above grade level.

18% of students at Johnson Master Grade Level as compared to a 21% average for the District.

39% of students at Johnson Meet Grade Level as compared to 47% average for the District.

78% of students at Johnson are Approaching Grade Level as compared to 77% average for the District.

Based on the performance of students in Math and Reading in significant sub-groups, Johnson is not identified for comprehensive support and improvement, targeted support or
additional targeted support. However there are three areas of concern that if trends are not reversed, additional targeted support may be required.


School Progress measures how much better students performed on the STAAR test this year versus last year and compares how Johnson students are doing academically
compared to similar schools.

A rating is determined by the better of two areas: the Relative Performance, which rates how Johnson did in comparrison to schools with similar demographics and Academic

Relative Performance Score Academic Growth

82 65 (66% of Johnson students had 1 years growth)

Academic Growth measures how many students gained a year in reading and math skills over the course of the school year. A full or half point is given for each student who
grew academically, depending upon how much growth occurred. The resulting point total is generally equivalent to the percentage of students who gained a full year of academic
skills, and the point total is converted to a final score.


The closing the gap domain looks at each group of students separately and sets achievement targets for those groups along four different areas. The more targets that are met, the
more points are awarded.
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In these areas Johnson currently scored the following in each:

Components Score % of Score

Grade Level Performance 29 30%
Academic Growth 50 50%
English Language Proficiency 100 10%
Student Achievement 57 57%

Clossing the Gaps looks at the performance of every major group of students that exist in a school. These groups can include racial/ethnic groups, students in special education,
economically disadvantaged students, and others. Each group is compared to the state target.

Student Groups Reading Math

Target Outcome Goal Met? Target Outcome Goal Met?
All Students 66 59 X 71 73 YES
Hispanic 65 59 X 69 73 YES
Economically Disadvantaged 64 59 X 68 74 YES
English Learners 64 58 X 68 75 YES
Continuously Enrolled 66 62 X 71 78 YES


At Johnson we use weekly PLC meetings to analyze student data and student work to determine the academic needs of struggling students. Students are addressed during math
and reading during centers in small groups taylored to the needs of each group. Instructional tutors are provided to create smaller group sizes during intervention time.

Student Learning Strengths

For all student groups, in Math, student performance meets the State Targets.

Problem Statements Identifying Student Learning Needs

Problem Statement 1: The overall closing the Gaps rating decreased from 83 to 66 as measured by STAAR Performance Root Cause: There has been a lack of stability in
administration therefore the lack of consistence in learning processes and preparation have been affected.

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School Processes & Programs
School Processes & Programs Summary

The teachers have been using TEXguide to find resources that relate with TEK-RS system the last 2 years. The leadership team determined that 1 planning day was needed every
4-6 weeks to help the teachers with planning for all subjects, and finding the best resources. In addition the teachers started using a new lesson plan template and grouping mats
for guided reading and workstations. The teachers are relying heavily on teacher’s edition manuals, test preparation materials, especially in mathematics (CIT voted for Sharon
Wells resources), worksheets and students’ textbooks as resources. As a result, teaching the TEKS at the rigor necessary for achieving Meeting and Masters on STAAR
assessments is not happening. The teachers are required to turn in a lesson plan for each subject. Teachers are required to plan as a team. One teacher to plan reading, one plans
math, and one plans science and social studies. Based on those documents it is evident that teachers are following the district curriculum with fidelity, however some classrooms
are not doing what is specified for that day on the lesson plan. As a campus, all staff needs to improve communication and work as a team. Many funds are spent on tutoring and
tutoring materials. LBJ begins tutoring in October and have tutoring 3 days a week. Kinder to second grade teachers tutor students from 3:30-4:00. 3 rd-5th teachers tutor from
3:30-4:30. Many students qualify for tutoring because they are not meeting expectations on progress checks. Tutoring begins in September and ends in May. In addition to
tutoring during the week there are Saturday STAAR camps beginning in February and ending in May. All students are invited attend All staff members need to work together to
improve the first teach so that more students are Succeeding It is our goal to spend the funds proactively instead of reactively. This would be in place if we wouldn't be pending
per COVID 19 for the fall and spring semester.

School Processes & Programs Strengths

Teachers are efficiently utilizing their planning days and working together as a professional learning community to complete lesson plans, discuss data, and share ideas. 100% of
our teachers have completed all 6 of the required ALF projects and are incorporating more active learning strategies for the students in their lessons. Teachers are using PBIS and
SEL strategies more efficiently. Student engagement in the classroom has increased. Students are taking ownership by doing goal setting and tracking their progress after all
assessments and conferencing with the teacher on what strategies they can do to accomplish their goals. There is a strong sense of urgency in all teachers to improve student
achievement, scores, or in the very least show growth and progress. Johnson prek program partners with Headstart and this is the third year for our prek3 program that are campus
was selected to pilot. Students are rewarded with maverick of the month certificates and two teachers, one in the upper grade and one in the lower grades, are selected for teachers
of the month. One student from every class are honored every month and celebrate by eating lunch with the principal. This year LBJ started to have monthly grade level
presentations for the parents to improve parent engagement. In addition to grade level performances, LBJ had curriculum nights by every grade level at the beginning of the year
to inform parents about what their child is learning. We have hired a new Parent Engagement leader this year who is connecting with the community and offering new and
different classes. These activities will be done virtually as per COVID 19.

Problem Statements Identifying School Processes & Programs Needs

Problem Statement 1: Lack of funding for programs as well as personnel to facilitate programs. Root Cause: Insufficient funding, lack of budgeting in order to facilitate
programs. In addition, 100%commitment from facilitator.

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Perceptions Summary

The Casel Poll, which reflects the implementation of social emotional learning, states that LBJ has many processes and supports in place to promote staff and student emotional
learning. On average LBJ performed higher that district, however results also indicted that we have regressed since the previous year. Discipline policies and practices continue
to problematic. Getting parents involved in our programs is a number one priority for teachers and staff at LBJ. While some staff believe that the translations are not exactly
accurate in our phone messages or literature sent home, all information is sent home in English and Spanish in an effort to involve more of the community.

Perceptions Strengths

The Gallup student poll data stated that 93% of the student at LBJ feel safe at school. That is a 5% increase from previous years. Student feeling bullied has gone down 12%.
Overall, students are feeling positive about their learning climate and the innovation being used in the classroom. Parents responses about the school climate at LBJ greatly
increased as did responses about the learning climate.

Problem Statements Identifying Perceptions Needs

Problem Statement 1: Parental involvement in their child's education and overall school involvement. Root Cause: Lack of educational background for parents involvement

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Priority Problem Statements

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 1: Student overall performance in all subject areas will improve 15% in the meets grade level standard 40% as recorded on the
2019 STAAR Performance accountability data.

Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR results 2019

DRA/EDL EOY reports
REN360 data
Freckle (Math and Reading)
Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: 1) Provide instructional materials, equipment, technology/computers/iPads and resources /online subscriptions to Reviews
teachers and staff ex: smart music etc. in order to increase student achievement and support curriculum.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Fiscal records of expenditures, Curriculum Documents
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Teachers, ALLs, Secretary Nov Feb Apr June
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math, Improve low-
performing schools - ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5:
Effective Instruction
Funding Sources: On Line resources - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6299. - $350, Instructional
materials and resources - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6399. - $2,000, Instructional Supplies and
Materials - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6399.155.24.801.155 - $43,650, Testing Materials - 185 SCE (Campus)
- 185.11.6339. - $5,000, Technology Equipment - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.11.6395. -
$5,000, Technology Equipment - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6395.155.24.801.155

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Strategy 2: Provide faculty Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings in order for members to review student data, Reviews
create intervention plans, discuss best practices and share/obtain appropriate resources to use for instruction. There will be at
Formative Summative
least one 90 minute PLC monthly and at least two 45 minute PLCs monthly.
Provide planning days for teachers to plan appropriate aligned TEKS and staff development needed at Region 19. Participate in Nov Feb Apr June
PLC at Work Institute. Provide substitutes when needed for the activities listed above.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Agendas, Sign In Sheets, Planning Products, Student Data from multiple sources
(DRA/EDL, REN360, CCRP, unit assessments, 9 weeks assessments, mock tests, & rubrics)
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, CTC, ALL, Grade Level Representatives, PBIS/SEL team, RTI
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - ESF Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning,
Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Comprehensive Support Strategy
Funding Sources: Substitutes for Planning Days - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6112., Region 19
- 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.13.6239.155.24.801.155, Registration Fee and travel costs - 211 ESEA Title I
(Campus) - 211.13.6411.155.24.801.155 - $3,000, Registration Fee and Travel Cost - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) -
211.23.6411.155.24.801..155, Substitutes for PLC training, Data days and other Professional Development - 211 ESEA
Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6112.24.362.155
Strategy 3: Employ Certified Reading Tutors and Campus Teaching Coach that support classroom teachers and at risk students Reviews
by assisting with small group instruction in and out of the classroom and during Response to Intervention (RTI) time, for at risk
Formative Summative
and economically disadvantaged students
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student Reading and Math performance will improve due to small group Nov Feb Apr June
interventions by tutors and tutoring interventions for TIER 2 and 3 students as identified in data measures.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math,
Improve low-performing schools - ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture, Lever 5: Effective Instruction -
Comprehensive Support Strategy
Funding Sources: Substitutes SS/Medicare - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6141.155.24.362.155 - $51, Salary for
Reading Tutors and Tutoring - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.6117. - $25,000, Benefits for Tutors - 185 SCE
(Campus) - 185.614X. - $926
Strategy 4: Teachers will provide effective Tier 1 instruction through the use of researched based strategies (such as Balanced Reviews
Literacy with emphasis of guided reading and workstations, TEKS Resources System, Schoology, Thinking Maps.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student Achievement Data will improve
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Administrators, ALLs Nov Feb Apr June
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Improve low-performing schools - ESF
Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum
Funding Sources: Substitute Teachers/Profs - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6112.155.24.362.155 - $3,500,
Training for Systematic Thinking Maps Writing Program - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.13.6229.155.24.801.155 -
$11,000, Thinking Maps Writing Program Resources - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.13.6329.155.24.801.155 - $500

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Strategy 5: Teachers will continue to implement the Active Learning Framework (ALF) and use eStudio to document lessons Reviews
and activities. This will include at least monthly G.R.O.W.E conversations with the ALLs.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: ALF will successfully engage and prepare LBJ students for the next grade level,
while also practicing future ready skills. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, ALLs, Administrators
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math, Improve low-
performing schools - ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction
Strategy 6: Purchase testing materials and workbooks to enhance teaching and learning as assessed on STAAR testing. Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Expenditure reports, inventories and increased student achievement. Formative Summative
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Secretary, Administrators, ALLs
Nov Feb Apr June
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math, Improve low-
performing schools - ESF Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 5: Effective Instruction
Funding Sources: Testing Materials - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6339.155.24.801.155 - $15,000, Testing
Materials - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.6339.
Strategy 7: Teachers will provide opportunities during the school day for students to utilize the Accelerated Reader program Reviews
in order to encourage/incentivize independent reading at during the school day.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Accelerated Reading Reports and increased student achievement on all data
sources. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Administrators, LIbrarian
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5
Strategy 8: Purchase instructional reading materials and supplies for the library and classroom libraries to include English and Reviews
Spanish resources.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Purchase orders for reading materials, Library inventory records.
Nov Feb Apr June
Students will be checking out more books and library participation will increase
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Librarian, Secretary
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5
Funding Sources: Reading Materials for Library - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.12.6329.155.24.801.155 - $3,000,
General Supplies for library - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.12.6399.155.24.801.155, Reading Materials for
Classroom use - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.11.6329.155.24.801.155
Strategy 9: Provide an Early Education Program for 3 year old students. Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The first learning experience deeply impact students physical, cognitive, emotional Formative Summative
and social development. We will keep track by looking at expenditure reports and inventories
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Teachers, Secretary Nov Feb Apr June
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6

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Strategy 10: All sections of kindergarten to 5th grade will be scheduled to visit the library one a week Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The students at Johnson will learn to enjoy reading and begin to read for enjoyment Formative Summative
as well as to learn about new topics and ideas.
Nov Feb Apr June
Librarian Calendar/Schedule
Teacher Visitiation
Student Checkout
Accelerated Reader Reports
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5
Strategy 11: Provide a Science Lab Campus Teaching Coach in order to conduct science labs for grades 3-5 and set up labs for Reviews
grade K-2
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: This well help to ensure that science is being taught in all grade levels with the
intent of meeting system safeguards on 5th grade Science STAAR test. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Improve low-performing schools - ESF
Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective
Instruction - Comprehensive Support Strategy
Funding Sources: Salary for teachers/professionals - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6119.155.24.801.155 -
$36,179, Salary for Science Campus Coach - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.13.6119.155.24.801.155 - $10,650, Salary
for Science Campus Teaching Coach - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.614X.155.24.801.155 - $16,300, Salary for
Science Campus Teaching Coach for Teacher Coaching - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.13.61XX.155.24.801.155 -
Strategy 12: There will be a science committee to act as a liaison with the science lab coach in order to improve tier 1 Reviews
instruction, align science labs to TEKS resource system, and to help with the December science fair.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: This will help to ensure that science is being taught in all grade levels with the
intent of meeting system safeguards on 5th grade STAAR science test. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrator, Science Coach, ALLs
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Improve low-performing schools - ESF
Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction -
Comprehensive Support Strategy
Funding Sources: Professional Salaries for Science Coach - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6142X155.24.801.155
- $15,278

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Strategy 13: Kindergarten through Second grade will be responsible for turning in sight word assessments monthly and Reviews
fluency checks will be done weekly during RTI?Fluency Block.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: LBJ student will be reading on grade level by the end of second grade.
Nov Feb Apr June
PLC data presentations
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators
Reading Teacher
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5
Strategy 14: All teachers will use 30-45 minutes out of the school day for Response to Intervention/Fluency Block and Social Reviews
Emotional Learning Morning Circles
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: LBJ students will be reading on grade level or above.
Nov Feb Apr June

REN360 scores
STAAR tests
9 weeks assessments
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6
Strategy 15: Purchase reading materials such as leveled readers to be utilized in the classroom for small group instruction. Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will be provided adequate instructional readers that they can utilize in Formative Summative
small group in library center.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators Nov Feb Apr June
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math, Improve low-
performing schools - ESF Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 5: Effective Instruction
Funding Sources: Reading Materials for teachers to be used in classroom setting - 185 SCE (Campus) -
185.11.6329. - $1,000, Instructional materials for teachers and students - 185 SCE (Campus) -
185.11.6399. - $1,000, Reading Materials - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6329.155.24.801.155 -

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Strategy 16: The leadership team will provide training on differentiation for students (Tier 1-3 including SPED) by also Reviews
providing a tool to track student progress.
Formative Summative
Nov Feb Apr June
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: None
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: ALL
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6
Strategy 17: Teachers will track the progress of students in Data Binders to include afterschool tutoring and during the RTI Reviews
block to determine if interventions are effective. Leadership team will followup with feedback and supported by Istation and
Formative Summative
progress monitor (Tier 1-3 including SPED)
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Tracking system that is a constant feedback for teachers to analyze if interventions Nov Feb Apr June
are effective or not for students.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: ALL
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 2: Increase student overall attendance by 1% from the previous year 95.57% by the end of May 2021
Evaluation Data Sources: Monthly attendance reports, Student attendance, attendance meeting minutes, and attendance plans.
Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: Assistant principal and attendance committee will do monthly review of attendance reports and ensure conferences Reviews
with parents are being made after the 3rd absence.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student attendance will be monitored and action can be taken to encourage better
attendance for students who are frequently absent Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Assistant Principal
Attendance Committee
FCF intervention specialist
Strategy 2: The attendance committee will implement the team of the week using data to track student tardiness, attendance Reviews
and discipline referrals
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Encourage student attendance with initiatives and encouragement. Traveling trophy
for winning teams. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Assistant Principal
Attendance Committee
FCF intervention specialist
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
Strategy 3: Hold attendance meetings with parents of students with chronic attendance issue, including partial day absences Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Encourage student attendance with initiatives and encouragement Formative Summative
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Assistant Principal
PEIMS Clerk Nov Feb Apr June
Attendance Committee
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5 - Comprehensive Support Strategy

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Strategy 4: Teachers will receive weekly attendance reports in order to make initial contact with parents Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student attendance will be monitored and action can be taken to encourage better Formative Summative
attendance for students who are frequently absent
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Assistant Principal Nov Feb Apr June
Attendance Committee
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

Johnson Elementary School Campus #155

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 3: Student performance in the SPED demographic group will improve by at least 20% or at least one years growth on the STAAR
reading 3rd, 4th, and 5th. In addition SPED students in K-2 will show at least 1 years growth in DRA/EDL reading level.
Targeted or ESF High Priority
Evaluation Data Sources: DRA/EDL
9 week district benchmarks
Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: SPED teacher will check SPED students and evaluate them based on IEP and grade level goals biweekly. Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teachers will ensure that SPED students are progressing towards their IEP goals Formative Summative
and school goals. SPED teacher and Homeroom teacher will understand that there is a collective responsibility between
the homeroom teacher, resource para, and SPED teacher. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers
SPED Teacher
IEP Goal monitoring sheet
Strategy 2: Administration will ensure that a DRD teacher is provided for all students who qualify. DRD teacher will check Reviews
DRD students and evaluate them based on DRD and grade level goals biweekly.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: DRD students are progressing toward reading goals in the classroom and the DRD
and homeroom teacher will understand that there is a collective responsibility between the homeroom teacher and DRD Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers
DRD Monitoring Sheet
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy

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Strategy 3: Special Education Teacher will provide IEP training during STAFF meetings and PLC. The purpose is to ensure Reviews
that teachers are implementing the IEP with fidelity especially with assessments, accommodations, grading, interventions,
Formative Summative
ensuring that teachers are educating students on how to use their supplemental aids.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Data Tracking Folers Nov Feb Apr June
PLC agenda/Minutes
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: SPED Teacher
General Ed Teacher
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.6, 2.6

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 4: Dual Language/bilingual ESL: Provide opportunities to achieve literacy/biliteracy and proficiency in English and Spanish for
Dual Language and ELL students with an increase in TELPAS scores for all ELL students
Evaluation Data Sources: Increased enrollment in the dual language program classes
LEP/Bilingual student listing
HMH Rigby Level Readers
Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: Encourage students who are not limited english proficient to participate in the dual language program for students Reviews
in preK3-5th grade.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased enrollment in Dual Language Classes
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Parent Engagement Leader Nov Feb Apr June
PIEMS clerk
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
Strategy 2: Provide Bilingual program for Limited English Proficient students in the 5th grade. Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Provide English language learners scaffolding for students who are learning English Formative Summative
as a second Language
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators Nov Feb Apr June
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
Strategy 3: Dual Language will provided in using a one way or two way model that ensures students success and mastery in Reviews
both languages
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will make one years growth in their TELPAS composite score and
reading at grade level in their dominant language by the end of second grade. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 5: Student performance in the Special Education, English Language Learners, Migrant, Economically Disadvantaged and At-Risk
Sub demographic group will improve by 20% on the STAAR Reading 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade. In Kinder-2nd student in the above mentioned demographic
groups will make at least one years growth on REN 360 or increase by at least 2 levels in DRA/EDL by May 2021.
Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR 2019 Results
REN 360
Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: In order to support teachers in designing engaging and meaningful instruction, professional development Reviews
opportunities will be provided through campus PLCs,district PLCs, and professional development sessions.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teachers will attend professional development sessions where they will learn best
practices for specific demographic groups of students and teachers will ensure implementation with fidelity to the best of Nov Feb Apr June
their ability.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, District Staff, Administration, and ALLs
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
Funding Sources: Misc. Operating Costs - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.13.6499.155.24.801.155.2019.155, Reading
Materials - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.13.6329.155.24.801.155.2019.155
Strategy 2: Teachers will implement balanced literacy in their daily instruction and differentiate to better meet the needs of all Reviews
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Small group instruction will be targeted to meet the needs of all students and all
students will gain 1 years worth of growth Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers
Reading Teacher
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5

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Strategy 3: Teachers will identify At-Risk, RTI students and provide TIER II interventions that are researched based during Reviews
the RTI/Fluency block.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students needing intervention will be identified through multiple sources of data
and will be instructed at least 4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5
Strategy 4: identify students with dyslexia and provide a full time reading specialist and part time intervention tutor/teacher to Reviews
assist them in small groups.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students with Dyslexia will receive target instruction and interventions in order to
be more successful in the classroom. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
Reading Specialist Tutor/Teacher
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
Strategy 5: Identify students (Hispanic, LEP, Economically Disadvantaged) in need of small group instruction/tutoring, Reviews
focusing on reading, math, writing and science in order to plan/develop tiered instruction action plans based upon student data.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students needing intervention will be identified through multiple sources of data
and will be instructed at least 4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 6: Faculty and Staff in the Active Learning Framework Diamond Cohort will continue to expand on the knowledge and skill they
learned last year from EGROWE conversations with their coach and impact student learning on the campus
Evaluation Data Sources: estudio data
Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: Teachers will complete one Active Learning Projects every nine weeks. Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Classrooms at Johnson will become student centered building a more autonomous Formative Summative
learning environment.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators Nov Feb Apr June
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6
Strategy 2: ALLs will meet with teachers to have GROWE conversations at least 7 times during the school year. Provide staff Reviews
development materials, supplies, technology equipment and copies to support training in active learning and interventions.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The Diamond Cohort Staff will still feel supported through the process of
implementing the Active Learning Framework by the Active Learning Leaders Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: ALLs
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5
Funding Sources: Technology Printer - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.13.6395.155.24.801.155

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

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Goal 2: Great Community Schools

El Paso ISD will ensure that our students and community are served by effective employees in safe and supportive learning environments.

Performance Objective 1: Encourage the GT and ESL certification of all teachers due to the high demand in ELL population in our school and to better
service them.

Evaluation Data Sources: Certification training and certification records.

Summative Evaluation: None

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Goal 2: Great Community Schools

El Paso ISD will ensure that our students and community are served by effective employees in safe and supportive learning environments.

Performance Objective 2: Dual language department and district has set new parameters for the dual language implementation within the district. Teachers
will receive various PD in Dual language components, expectations and aligned lesson plans with new SLAR/ELAR TEKS by our Campus Mentors.

Evaluation Data Sources: Dual language implementation checklist and walkthroughs.

Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: Teachers will continue to receive training in Social Emotional Learning Practices using CASEL protocols and Reviews
Sanford Harmony Protocols
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Decline in referrals
Improved student happiness as reported through district surveys and Teachers will build relationship with students which Nov Feb Apr June
will improve classroom management
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: SEL team
Strategy 2: The Leadership Team will ensure that all teachers are using schoology, TEKSrs in order to conduct biweekly Reviews
check ins to monitor the use of rigors resources and fidelity to the scope and sequence
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: None
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Nov Feb Apr June
Strategy 3: Teachers will meet, by grade level, following benchmark assessments to create lesson plans with rigorous Reviews
resources and use data to drive instruction. Planning Days will be intentional and specific to the demand of the curriculum.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will be provided with a quality education in which they visible progress on
all learning goals that they are tracking Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
Strategy 4: Faculty and Staff will participate in a book study of "Culturize" by Jimmy Casas which will promote a positive Reviews
culture environment.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The team will be fully present and committed to the goals of the CIP
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Nov Feb Apr June

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Strategy 5: Faculty and Staff will understand TTESS expectations during faculty meetings and will be provided walkthrough Reviews
feedback by administration for effective recommendations of implementation.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teachers will be aware of TTESS and expectations of administration
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Nov Feb Apr June

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

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Goal 2: Great Community Schools

El Paso ISD will ensure that our students and community are served by effective employees in safe and supportive learning environments.

Performance Objective 3: Implementation of strategies to provide a safer more secure learning environement throughout the 2020-2021 school year.

Evaluation Data Sources: Discipline/PBIS Meeting Minutes

Referral Data
Counselor Class Schedule
Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: All students, faculty, and staff will implement PBIS strategies including the M.A.V.S. and Check in and Check out Reviews
for tier 3 behavior students. 3 good remarks to 1 negative remark
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Decline in referrals
Improved student happiness as reported through district surveys Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: All faculty and Staff
PBIS campus Coach
Assistant Principal
Strategy 2: All students, faculty and staff will incorporate Social Emotional Learning (SEL), adhere to the CASEL protocols Reviews
for morning meetings, Meet up/Buddy up pair up will be implemented for a week through the Sanford Harmony program
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teachers will build relationship with students which will improve classroom
management Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers
SEL Leadership Team
Sanford Harmony Trainers of Trainers
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5
Strategy 3: Provide Nurse with essential supplies when needed to care for our students Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will be well cared for Formative Summative
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Secretary
Administration Nov Feb Apr June
Strategy 4: Continue to employ and provide our campus social worker with needed supplies and technology to maintain an Reviews
organized and consistent tracking system for identified students
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: None
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Nov Feb Apr June
FCF intervention specialist
Funding Sources: Salary for FCF - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.32.6116., provide technology for Social
Worker - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.32.6395. - $500

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Strategy 5: Provide student field trips and entrance fees to allow hands on quality, rich educational opportunities Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will have the opportunity to participate in virtual field trips. For example, Formative Summative
El Paso ISD Planetarium, museums offered through Nearpod.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers Nov Feb Apr June
Strategy 6: Consistently monitor student record transfers for students enrolling and withdrawing Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: This is done in order to follow board policies and expectations. Formative Summative
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
PEIMS Clerk Nov Feb Apr June
LPAC Clerk
Comprehensive Support Strategy
Strategy 7: Create an incentive program (Maverick of the Month & Student Poster Display) Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: This will promote a positive learning environment that encourages academic, as Formative Summative
well as emotional success.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Nov Feb Apr June
Strategy 8: End of the year award ceremony will be held in each grade level for students Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: This will promote a positive learning environment that encourages academic, as Formative Summative
well as emotional success
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor Nov Feb Apr June
Strategy 9: Provide guidance services for students in need of assistance emotionally, socially, and/or academically Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: This will promote a positive learning environment that encourages academic, as Formative Summative
well as emotional success
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor Nov Feb Apr June
Strategy 10: Counselor will provide Core Essentials Curriculum lessons to all classes monthly Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: This will promote a positive learning environment that encourages academic, as Formative Summative
well as emotional success
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Nov Feb Apr June

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Strategy 11: Students in the 4th grade will participate in the Kids Excel Program Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will gain social benefits through the act of collaboration with other Formative Summative
students. In addition students will become physically fit through participation and gain an appreciation for movement and
fine arts. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
4th Grade Teachers
No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

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Goal 2: Great Community Schools

El Paso ISD will ensure that our students and community are served by effective employees in safe and supportive learning environments.

Performance Objective 4: Teachers will be receiving continous feedback of balanced literacy components and utilizing the Jan Richardson Guided
Reading Book.

Evaluation Data Sources: Guided Reading will be done with fidelity and student reading level will increase.
Summative Evaluation: None

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Goal 3: Lead with Character and Ethics

El Paso ISD will demonstrate fiscal and ethical responsibility as well as a deep commitment to service and support in all district operations.

Performance Objective 1: Budget Management -

Strategies should describe the campus budget management framework/process for ensuring that resources are distributed in a timely and equitable manner.

Strategy 1: Ensure that instructional resources are distributed in a timely and equitable manner for all students included. Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teachers will have the resources needed to provide effective instruction Formative Summative
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators
Secretary Nov Feb Apr June
TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math, Improve low-performing schools - Additional Targeted
Support Strategy
Strategy 2: CIT members will be informed as to how the Budget is distributed and will be taken into consideration as to what Reviews
is essential to change to meet the needs of the students.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Transperancy of budget expenditures will create a trustworthy environment within
staff members. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, CIT members.
TEA Priorities: Improve low-performing schools

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

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Goal 4: Community Partnerships

El Paso ISD will maintain positive and productive partnerships with parents and state and community organizations to facilitate the success of all students.

Performance Objective 1: Family Engagement

Evaluation Data Sources: Strategies should reflect campus family and community engagement process/framework/activities virtually.
Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: The parents of economically disadvantaged and at-risk students will be provided with a variety of training sessions, Reviews
instructional supplies and programs on a monthly basis to help them assist their students with academic, emotional and social
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Parents will be informed of all educational programs and opportunities for their Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Parent Engagement Leader
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2
Strategy 2: Conduct virtual evening family involvement events in coordination with the PTA. Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Parents will have a variety of opportunities to be involved with the school Formative Summative
community and learn what is expected of their children at school or virtually.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators Nov Feb Apr June
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2
Strategy 3: Provide parents opportunities to voice suggestions and concerns through Virtual Coffee with the Principal sessions Reviews
at least 6 times during the school year. These meetings will include Title 1 meetings and educational virtual programs.
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Parents will be given the opportunity to have an open communication system with
the administrators to address concerns, ideas, and activities to help the school community as a whole Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.2, 3.2 - Comprehensive Support Strategy

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Strategy 4: Provide Parents with the home school connection newsletters reading materials and school event monthly Reviews
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Parents are provided with constant communication from administrators and teachers
to keep informed of monthly activities through Johnson's social media outlets. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrator
Strategy 5: Region 19 Head Start Program wil collaborate with Johnson to allow Head Start students to attend Johnson's half Reviews
day pre-kindergarten program. (Pending Covid-19)
Formative Summative
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6
Nov Feb Apr June

Strategy 6: Johnson will collaborate with Morehead to allow 5th grade students and parents to participate in transition Reviews
activities that will prepare the students for middle school. (Pending Covid-19)
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will be provided with transitional opportunities to prepare for the transition
to middle school. Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor
5th Grade Teachers
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5
Strategy 7: Continue to fund Parent Engagement Leader who will coordinate parent meetings, work with PTA, parent Reviews
workshops, coordinate coffee with the principal and schedule parent classes to build community and increase student
Formative Summative
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Effective School Survey will show higher levels of community and parent Nov Feb Apr June
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2
Funding Sources: Supplies for PEL - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.61.6399.155.24.801.155 - $1,150, Refreshments
for PEL Activities - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.61.6499.155.24.801.155 - $250, Reading Materials Parents - 211
ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.61.6329.155.24.801.155
Strategy 8: Johnson will fund a Focus on Family Social Worker one third of time and district will fund the two thirds of FCF Reviews
interventionist salary. She will continue to coordinate counseling for students and families in order to meet additional needs.
Formative Summative
She will also do other duties as assigned as long as they impact student social emotional growth. Provide resources for case
management and social work activities. Nov Feb Apr June
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students and Families will get the support from the Focus on Family programs and
therapies to meet their social emotional needs.
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators
Social Worker
Funding Sources: Provide benefits for Social Worker - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.32.614X. - $2,567,
Provide a social worker - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.32.6119. - $18,034, Supplies and Materials for
interventions - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.32.6399. - $8,698
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Strategy 9: Physical Education Teachers will invite parents virtual monthly wellness activities. Reviews
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased Parent Involvement Formative Summative
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
Physical Education Teachers Nov Feb Apr June
Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.2, 3.2

No Progress Accomplished Continue/Modify Discontinue

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Comprehensive Support Strategies
Goal Objective Strategy Description
Provide faculty Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings in order for members to review student data, create
intervention plans, discuss best practices and share/obtain appropriate resources to use for instruction. There will be at least
1 1 2 one 90 minute PLC monthly and at least two 45 minute PLCs monthly. Provide planning days for teachers to plan
appropriate aligned TEKS and staff development needed at Region 19. Participate in PLC at Work Institute. Provide
substitutes when needed for the activities listed above.
Employ Certified Reading Tutors and Campus Teaching Coach that support classroom teachers and at risk students by
1 1 3 assisting with small group instruction in and out of the classroom and during Response to Intervention (RTI) time, for at
risk and economically disadvantaged students
Provide a Science Lab Campus Teaching Coach in order to conduct science labs for grades 3-5 and set up labs for grade
1 1 11
There will be a science committee to act as a liaison with the science lab coach in order to improve tier 1 instruction, align
1 1 12
science labs to TEKS resource system, and to help with the December science fair.
The attendance committee will implement the team of the week using data to track student tardiness, attendance and
1 2 2
discipline referrals
1 2 3 Hold attendance meetings with parents of students with chronic attendance issue, including partial day absences
Administration will ensure that a DRD teacher is provided for all students who qualify. DRD teacher will check DRD
1 3 2
students and evaluate them based on DRD and grade level goals biweekly.
Encourage students who are not limited english proficient to participate in the dual language program for students in
1 4 1
preK3-5th grade.
1 4 2 Provide Bilingual program for Limited English Proficient students in the 5th grade.
In order to support teachers in designing engaging and meaningful instruction, professional development opportunities will
1 5 1
be provided through campus PLCs,district PLCs, and professional development sessions.
identify students with dyslexia and provide a full time reading specialist and part time intervention tutor/teacher to assist
1 5 4
them in small groups.
Teachers will meet, by grade level, following benchmark assessments to create lesson plans with rigorous resources and
2 2 3
use data to drive instruction. Planning Days will be intentional and specific to the demand of the curriculum.
2 3 6 Consistently monitor student record transfers for students enrolling and withdrawing
Provide parents opportunities to voice suggestions and concerns through Virtual Coffee with the Principal sessions at least
4 1 3
6 times during the school year. These meetings will include Title 1 meetings and educational virtual programs.

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Additional Targeted Support Strategies
Goal Objective Strategy Description
3 1 1 Ensure that instructional resources are distributed in a timely and equitable manner for all students included.

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State Compensatory
Personnel for Johnson Elementary School

Name Position Program FTE

Zaaretha Pina FCF .16

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2020-2021 Campus BLT
Committee Role Name Position
Administrator Luz Perez Interim Principal
Non-Teacher Michelle Elias All Math
Non-Teacher Sylvia Lopez School Counselor
Classroom Teacher Amber Fox Classroom Teacher
Classroom Teacher Vanessa Anchondo classroom teacher
Classroom Teacher Ruth Negrete classroom teacher
Classroom Teacher Erika Roque classroom teacher
Classroom Teacher David Montoya classroom teacher
Non-Teacher Kara Curlin Science Coach
Non-Teacher Meagan Bray All Reading
Administrator Elvia Craver temp assistant principal
Non-Teacher Rebecca Hernandez Secretary to the Principal
Business Representative Scott Stein Business Representative
Parent Elvia Mendoza Parent
Parent Consuelo Chavez Parent

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Campus Funding Summary
185 SCE (Campus)
Goal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Account Code Amount
1 1 1 Testing Materials 185.11.6339. $5,000.00
1 1 1 Technology Equipment 185.11.6395. $5,000.00
1 1 3 Salary for Reading Tutors and Tutoring 185.6117. $25,000.00
1 1 3 Benefits for Tutors 185.614X. $926.00
1 1 6 Testing Materials 185.6339. $0.00
1 1 8 Reading Materials for Classroom use 185.11.6329.155.24.801.155 $0.00
1 1 15 Reading Materials for teachers to be used in classroom setting 185.11.6329. $1,000.00
1 1 15 Instructional materials for teachers and students 185.11.6399. $1,000.00
2 3 4 Salary for FCF 185.32.6116. $0.00
2 3 4 provide technology for Social Worker 185.32.6395. $500.00
4 1 8 Provide benefits for Social Worker 185.32.614X. $2,567.00
4 1 8 Provide a social worker 185.32.6119. $18,034.00
4 1 8 Supplies and Materials for interventions 185.32.6399. $8,698.00
Sub-Total $67,725.00
Budgeted Fund Source Amount $98,411.00
+/- Difference $30,686.00
211 ESEA Title I (Campus)
Goal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Account Code Amount
1 1 1 On Line resources 211.11.6299. $350.00
1 1 1 Instructional materials and resources 211.11.6399. $2,000.00
1 1 1 Instructional Supplies and Materials 211.11.6399.155.24.801.155 $43,650.00
1 1 1 Technology Equipment 211.11.6395.155.24.801.155 $0.00
1 1 2 Substitutes for Planning Days 211.11.6112. $0.00
1 1 2 Region 19 211.13.6239.155.24.801.155 $0.00
1 1 2 Registration Fee and travel costs 211.13.6411.155.24.801.155 $3,000.00
1 1 2 Registration Fee and Travel Cost 211.23.6411.155.24.801..155 $0.00

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211 ESEA Title I (Campus)
Goal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Account Code Amount
1 1 2 Substitutes for PLC training, Data days and other Professional Development 211.11.6112.24.362.155 $0.00
1 1 3 Substitutes SS/Medicare 211.11.6141.155.24.362.155 $51.00
1 1 4 Substitute Teachers/Profs 211.11.6112.155.24.362.155 $3,500.00
1 1 4 Training for Systematic Thinking Maps Writing Program 211.13.6229.155.24.801.155 $11,000.00
1 1 4 Thinking Maps Writing Program Resources 211.13.6329.155.24.801.155 $500.00
1 1 6 Testing Materials 211.11.6339.155.24.801.155 $15,000.00
1 1 8 Reading Materials for Library 211.12.6329.155.24.801.155 $3,000.00
1 1 8 General Supplies for library 211.12.6399.155.24.801.155 $0.00
1 1 11 Salary for teachers/professionals 211.11.6119.155.24.801.155 $36,179.00
1 1 11 Salary for Science Campus Coach 211.13.6119.155.24.801.155 $10,650.00
1 1 11 Salary for Science Campus Teaching Coach 211.11.614X.155.24.801.155 $16,300.00
1 1 11 Salary for Science Campus Teaching Coach for Teacher Coaching 211.13.61XX.155.24.801.155 $2,385.00
1 1 12 Professional Salaries for Science Coach 211.11.6142X155.24.801.155 $15,278.00
1 1 15 Reading Materials 211.11.6329.155.24.801.155 $4,895.00
1 5 1 Misc. Operating Costs 211.13.6499.155.24.801.155.2019.155 $0.00
1 5 1 Reading Materials 211.13.6329.155.24.801.155.2019.155 $0.00
1 6 2 Technology Printer 211.13.6395.155.24.801.155 $0.00
4 1 7 Supplies for PEL 211.61.6399.155.24.801.155 $1,150.00
4 1 7 Refreshments for PEL Activities 211.61.6499.155.24.801.155 $250.00
4 1 7 Reading Materials Parents 211.61.6329.155.24.801.155 $0.00
Sub-Total $169,138.00
Budgeted Fund Source Amount $186,798.00
+/- Difference $17,660.00
Grand Total $236,863.00

Johnson Elementary School Campus #155

Generated by 41 of 42 October 21, 2020 11:18 PM

Johnson Elementary School Campus #155

Generated by 42 of 42 October 21, 2020 11:18 PM

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