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Interviewer(s):___________________________ Date:____________________

Interviewee:_____________________________ Time:____________________

Summer Bridge
Peer Mentor Interview Questions

1. Briefly tell us a little bit about yourself, focusing on significant events that have
shaped your character/personality.

2. How does the Peer Mentor position fit into your personal or career goals, how would
you benefit from being a mentor? Why do you want to be a Peer Mentor?

3. What do you envision being a peer mentor will be like this summer?
4. What qualities do you have that would make you a good mentor?

5. If there was one thing you didn’t know as a freshman that you wish you knew, what
would it be?

6. What is the most recent example of something you did to improve as a student?
Please tell us why you did this, and what resulted from it?
7. Please give us an example of a time when you have failed (or received some negative
feedback) in some aspect of your life. What did you do to try to correct this failure
and what resulted from your actions?

8. What strategies do you use to work with difficult people?

9. How would you reach mentees who aren’t speaking to other students and yourself
as the mentor?
10. What if a student came to you in confidentiality with an issue (home, school,
personal) what would you do?

11. Do you have any doubts or concerns about being a mentor?

12. Pretend that you are hosting an event that is both educational and engaging for
incoming freshman, what would it be?
13. Do you have experience leading a small group of people? If so, please tell us about
that experience.

(Any questions, comments, or concerns)

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