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Transcript of Module 1 YOU TO YA

Video 1: Asking questions with the verb TO BE: Are you to Are ya?

welcome to your course How to understand native speakers the course that will teach you all the
secrets and tricks to speak and understand like an English native speaker In this first module we are
going to talk about something fundamental the word: you we all know the word you but when we
speak quickly the word you will change in sound it will change to a YA like a HIYAA like a karate chop
so let's go

first fundamental basic thing if you want to speak English fluently is about questions with the verb
TO bemaybe obvious maybe simple but if we compare you are and are you - change the word order
a lot of languages do not change the order the difference in statement speaking normally a fact and
a question many languages simply say you are? you want? you need? maybe your language is the

English is not, you must change the word order are you? here for example all of the verb TO BE you
must change the word order ok!? but you must get this we are interested in questions with are you?
and remember listen and repeat , participation is a big essential part of this course that listening
repeating and training

are you = areya

are ya?

ok? now for example it could be a simple adjective are you? are ya ok?

are ya busy? are ya? are ya interested? are ya ready?

are ya free to meet ectera

or of course it could be with the present continuous question: what are you doing what are ya? what
areya doing? why are you buying it ? why areya buying it etc are ya , this is the sound we are
interested in
VIDEO 2 How to ask questions like a native using “do you”

welcome back to video 2 so we continue looking at the word you today or in this video today
tomorrow whenever but the word YOU and specifically the do you to doya so let's go

do you is part of a question the question in English and we want to learn about do to do ya so
practise with me DO ya? do ya now I want to be very clear about DO why why is this word
necessary? what is the situation? now if we look at questions or we look at two sentences here

in English : you want

and "do" you want ?

a lot of other languages to ask ask a question you don't need another another word , you don't need
a different word in front the "you want" it's a fact the you want? you need? only changing the
intonation the problem is if you ask me a question

you want ? you need ? you like ?

I'm not sure if it's a question

but if ask me "DO you like " AHHHH ok

Do makes it clear that it is a question

now when we talk about DO

you must talk about when NOT to use do

you never use it with the verb TO BE for example

the verb TO BE will always change the order

am I? , are you? is he? etc for example you NEVER use Do I am/ Do you are?

simple basic mistake but

just be careful TO BE is a part of a group of verbs

that never use Do for a question

a group of verbs, they call them "modal verbs"

are can, must will

should, could and would

we will see all of these during the course during the classes

but look here carefully that are you, can you? must you? will you?

could you? would you? always changing the order of the words

never using DO

this is the important part

verbs like TO BE that are like can , will should are 10% of verbs

and 90% percent of verbs in the present tense, for now , you use DO

now it's important to remember that DO

is for I, you, we and they

that we have DO , I, you, we, they

want and need

to go, to buy, to talk, want and need are only examples

to show you the idea

but we don't use DO for he, she, or it

and we will see this in future lessons here

now we want to practise DO YOU questions

Do ya, DO ya? do ya?

now what is really important to remember

is that after WH words,

what , when , where , why, what time , who?

the word DO for questions is still necessary

a lot of student think or speak that

after what or when you do not need do

it's still necessary, what do ya want? when do ya want to go? where do ya want to go?

VIDEO 3 How to ask past tense questions like a native using “did you”

welcome back video three of the course

Did you to Didya

so the same idea

you to ya but

but this time with past tense questions of did you to did ya

so the first is the sound

it's about did you, are you is areya?

do you is do ya but did ya is sometimes didja?

did ya?

a little bit more ji ji didja?

just like do let's be clear about why with did and the past tense verbs

and how they work

compare again the idea you wanted to go

in English this is a fact

not a question!

in a lot of languages to ask a question

you just change the voice "you wanted to go?"

you needed to buy it?

but if you ask me a question in the past without did

I'm not sure is it a question or not?

so did makes it clear that it is a question

now did just like do , you need to be careful

you never use did with any of the verb TO BE in the

the past of "did I was " simple mistakes but be careful please

now two simple verbs, the most common verbs that change the order

the verb TO BE in the past and can in the past

can in the past is could

so were you? and could you?

so those are two big examples that do not use DID for the past

so the verbs like TO be or could are 10% and

verbs using DID in past questions are 90% of verbs

so we always understand English verbs in ideas of two categories of verbs

verbs like TO BE and the verbs using DO, DOES and DID

in the past is DID

so with the present tense, it's I, do, you do, we do they do

she does and he does

but if you look here in the past

so the present is I do, you do, we do , they do

and in the past it's I did, you did, we did, they did, he did, she did

they are all the same word

but when we have a past tense verb a simple sentence

you wanted to buy it

nice and simple. The past tense

is the did not didn't, you didn't want to buy it

so the past tense word is only in the affirmative

the fact , you wanted

if we ask questions it's "did you want to buy it ?"

now we need to be careful if we have you wanted buy it

you didn't want to buy it , now this is where you need to be careful

learn the past tense rules

that if you ask questions : did you want? NEVER did you wanted?

because many other languages in the world

do not change the past tense word like English

so the past tense word in the affirmative

you wanted ok?

we are interested in the sound of questions with Did you

very common to ask didyou

so did you to didya?

did ya?

so after wh words or

or what when where why

remember you still need did

or didja so where did ja

where did ya go? where did ya wanna buy?

what didya want to do?

VIDEO 4 can you to can ya

so welcome to the next video of the course

where we will talk about can you to canya

let's go!

sp can you to will sound like canya

so can in the positive your mouth does not open very much

can can... the big difference is in the word can't

if you watch my mouth

can.... can't

big difference so it's a closed sound

can you = canya

just like that there

so can is a little special as a verb

if we have the infinitive in English, the infinitive is the word TO plus the verb

to buy to go to talk to show etc

a lot of other languages in the world , the infinitive is one word

so careful, now after the big four examples

of I want I need I would like, I'm going

you must have the word TO plus GO

if you think about your language probably there is no "to"

after I want I need , the infinitive is just one word

so be very very careful it's an essential part

why can is special, is because it's an exception to the rule

with I can go not I can to go or I can going

you must have I can GO

so after I want, I need I would like, I'm going you must have TO

after can it's only the verb

it's very simple basic thing you must know

so the second thing about can is about the questions about can I?, can you?, can he?, can she? can
we? can they? can it?

always changing the word order just like the verb to be and the modal verbs

here for example you can't use DO with can

Never ! only can you ? can I?

so we are interested in the sound of can you to canya?

can ya practise with me!

VIDEO 5 how to use the past tense of the verb TO BE like a native speaker

In this video I want to talk about the past tense of the verb TO BE

and about how were you will become were ya

let's go

so the first fundamental part about the verb TO BE in the past is that it is two fundamental words

was is for I, He, she, and it

and the was it's like a Z, wazzzz

not wasss but wazzzz the other word is WERE

you,we, they were

in the pronunciation it's the R the werrrr

RRR down here, so train everyday if you have difficulty with the R

were , With you it's singular or plural so,

in English we don't have a difference

you're speaking to one person you or a group it's you ok?

just like the verb to be in the present

it's exactly the same in the past

you must change the word order

was I, were you, was he, was she, were we etc

be very careful because maybe in your language to ask a question you say you were..?

he was? you must change the word order

it's essential to do that

so we are interested in the sound of were you to were ya

listen and repeat

were ya were ya

very similar to are ya

maybe with just a simple adjective were ya busy?

were ya interested?

were ya ready? were ya curious etc

were ya free to meet?

or it could be with past tense verbs

something happening continuously in the past

what were you doing?

what were ya doing?

when were you going to buy it?

were ya buying it ?

why were you talking about it

why were ya? so the sound is were ya

VIDEO 6 How to use the word YOU with the verbs TO HELP, TO MEET and to CALL like a native

In this video I'm going to give you an introduction

to using YOU with verbs, specifically call help and meet

let's go

now the essential part is about where and when you are using YOU with verbs

about the big 4 I want, I need , I would like I'm going

the word TO

and call you , help you, meet you

ok, no we know that the word YOU

will be like a YA!


so the moment we say "I want TO"

call you,it will be I want to call ya

I need to I would like to help ya

to meet ya

etc, so it's using YOU with a verb

call, meet and help are just three examples

we can a lot more examples in English about

tell ya, find ya, etc

we see this later in the course

but here , it's about call ya help ya meet ya

now this YOU is always after the verb

I need to call you

different languages put this word YOU in different places

very careful not "to you call"

but the pronoun is always I need to call you alright, so the same here about using the prepositions
TO with call, meet and help the basic translation of the word TO, they would say something like call
to you

help to you, it's not necessary with these three verbs in English so it's to call you to meet you to help
you to help "to"you or call "to" you it's incorrect careful with that!

VIDEO 7 How to use the verbs TO GIVE and TO SEND like a native speaker

ok welcome to the final video of the module 1

you to Ya, congratulations you almost finished your first module

in this module we're going to talk about two essential verbs

to give and to send and about how to use it exactly with you

let's go!

now a really essential part about to send

and to give is that sometimes

We use it with the word TO

to send you an email and to

to send an email to you

pause the video and what's the difference here?

why one is like this?

can you see the difference?

well the difference is about "an email"

the object , what we are talking about

where is it the sentence?

with the first example of to send you

it's after the verb and after

and send you an email

is 80% because it's much more common in native speakers to speak

like this , "to send you an email"

it is possible to say " to send an email to YOU"

because "an email " is between SEND and YOU

send an email TO you

which is 20 percent , which is much less common

possible but less common

same idea here

with to give the verb to give , to give you the keys

the keys, because "the keys" is at the end

give the keys to you

so give you the keys is much more common

give the keys to you is twenty %

now to be completely clear

let look again at more examples

so to send you and an email

an email, the object is at the END of the sentence

and send and you are

are connected

here, if the position of "an email " changes

in the sentence, to send an email TO you

so to in front of the person YOU

the object is after the verb : to send you

with the verb TO give it's the same idea

to give you the key

the object is at the end of the sentence

it's after the YOU

and the give and you are connected : to give you the keys

if we change the position of the keys in the sentence , what happens?

give the keys TO YOU

to in front of the person YOU

so this is the basic difference

to give you the keys

to send you the email

are much more common

but when we have the change of the position

to front of the YOU is possible

but not so common

ok? now when we have here the big FOUR

I want,I need,I would like I'm going

To send you

give you, right? same idea

you to YA

like that there, so I want to send ya

I want to give ya

so listen and repeat

I want to send ya

I need to give ya

I would like to give yaok? these are the important sounds

send ya and give ya


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