CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) : Regarding BP Oil Spill: 1/26/11 - RE Automatic Dispersant System On Seafloor

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Sunday, July 11, 2010 4:29 PM

HQS-PF-fldr-NIC-HQ-Email Archive
SUbject: RE: Automatic Dispersant System on Seafloor

Good Afternoon:

The Subsea Autonomous Disbursement Injection (SADI) project is still currently under build
out. According to the recent Operation Action Plan, parts of the SADI system will begin to
be deployed and placed on scene starting on 15 JUL. Commissioning is scheduled for 25 JUL.
Procedures are currently still being drafted and none of them have been submitted for

This information was taken from the Operation Action Plan dated 10 July 2010.
Very Respectfully,
From: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation Unit
Sent: Sun 7/11/2010 1:39 PM
TO:_ 1
Cc: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation Unit
Subject: Automatic Dispersant System on Seafloor

Good Afternoon Gentlemen,

Just received a called from the Deputy Secretary's staff with a question about the sUbject
system. The basic question is, what is the current status of the system? Is it completely
notional? Has it been constructed, but not deployed? Is it on the sea floor, but not
operating? Any information you could provide would be appreciated. And I've copied the last
text we could find on the subject. It's over a week old and was passed during a news
conference that ADM Allen was in.
Thank you again.

Very Respectfully,

Nrc Situation Unit Leader

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Good morning, I have two quick questions, one of which is BP had been
planning to install a sub-sea dispersant dispenser essentially, by about now, I wonder if
that's in place and also about the Q4000, it seems to have reduced its oil collection
capacity to about 8,000 barrels a day and I wondered if there's a reason for that?

Adm. Thad Allen: First of all BP has constructed and has proposed an is being reviewed right
now, an autonomous sub-sea dispersant delivery system that could be used in event that the
site was abandoned for hurricane and there was no way to mitigate the flow of hydrocarbons
out of the well bore. There's been no approval or any decision made on that) it's merely
been presented as an option and we are reviewing that inside the administration right now.

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