CVS Drug Tables

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Drugs used in cardiovascular diseases

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
Beta Blocker propranolol Blocks the effect of NA Blocks conduction SNS and somatic Diabetes, heart
Short half life, and Adr on beta - and through AV node anxiety tachycardia block, heart failure,
Non-Selective beta-2 receptors, pure Blocks conduction in primarily on HR and COPD, asthma, PVD
needs to be taken
3-4 times a day antagonist, in heart, SA node SV) Angina pectoris
lungs, blood vessels Decreases (decreases O2
and liver, JG cells. Also contractility consumption)
blocks beta cells in Decrease O2 Supraventricular
brain demand by heart arrhythmia (block NA
and slow AV

Beta Blocker atenolol Blocks the effect of NA Blocks conduction Hypertension Type I diabetes,
bisoprolol and Adr on beta-1 through AV node (primarily on HR and heart block, COPD,
Long half life, able to receptors, pure Blocks conduction in SV, renin) asthma, PVD, even
be taken 1-2 a day antagonist. Also blocks SA node Angina pectoris though theoretically
beta cells in brain and Decreases (decreases O2 safe
release of renin from contractility consumption)
JG cells Decrease O2 Supraventricular
demand by heart. arrhythmia (block NA
Looses beta 1 and slow AV
selectivity at higher conduction). Bisoprolol
does and so start has good outcomes in
blocking beta 2 reducing mortality in
receptors heart failure patients

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
Calcium verapamil Blocks the entry of Blocks conduction Hypertension SA or AV nodal
calcium into the through AV node (primarily on vascular problems
Channel diltiazem
vascular smooth Blocks conduction in resistance) Headache, ankle
short acting but
Blockers - used as a slow muscle cells arterioles SA node Angina pectoris oedema (not true
Cardiac And release formulation, and the myocardium. Decreases (decreases O2 oedema,
Vascular liver metabolism contractility consumption) vasodilatation)
Decrease O2 Supraventricular
demand by heart arrhythmia (block NA
Decreases TPR and slow AV

Calcium nifedipine (short Blocks the entry of Potent peripheral Hypertension Headache, ankle
Channel acting used only as calcium into the vasodilator (primarily on vascular oedema (not true
a slow release vascular smooth Can cause an resistance) oedema,
Blockers- formulation) muscle cells and increase heart rate Angina pectoris vasodilatation,
Vascular Selective amlodipine (long decreases TPR. Causes (decreases O2 cannot be
Dihydropyridines VSM relaxation. consumption) by mobilised). Slight
acting only needs to
decreasing afterload tachycardia
be used once daily)

Organic Nitrates glyceryl trinitrate Increases cGMP levels Decreases in wall Angina pectoris Headache, tolerance
short acting by nitric oxide effect. stress decrease O2 (decreases O2 to effect
Short Acting Mainly acts to demand and angina consumption) by Hypotension,
Cannot be taken
orally, bioavailability increases venous is relieved. Also decreasing preload and tachycardia
< 5%. Taken SL. capacitance. More shunts blood to after load (less effect Do not use with
High first pass, not blood is stored, less ischaemic areas of Used to abort exercise sildenafil!!
given orally blood returns to heart, heart. Causes induced angina
EDP drops, wall stress vasodilatation, Drop
decreases in TPR, increases HR

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
Organic Nitrates Isosorbide Nitric oxide donor Decreases in wall Angina pectoris Headache, tolerance
long- increases cGMP stress decrease O2 (decreases O2 to effect
(Long Acting) mononitrate
through guanylate demand and angina consumption) by Hypotension,
acting taken orally,
bioavailability = cyclase. Mainly acts to is relieved. Also decreasing preload and tachycardia
100%. No first pass increases venous shunts blood to after load (less effect). Do not use with
capacitance. More ischaemic areas of Used as long term sildenafil!!
blood is stored, less heart. Causes prophylactic
blood returns to heart, vasodilatation, Drop Used with hydralazine
EDP drops, wall stress in TPR, increases HR in heart failure in
decreases patients with CI to

ACE Inhibitors captopril Blocks the conversion Decreases total Hypertension Dry cough
Short half life, of AI to active AII. AII peripheral (primarily on TPR (bradykinin)
needs to be taken normally is a resistance and Heart failure by Angioedema, rash.
2-3 times a day vasoconstrictor and reduce the amount decreasing after load CI in severe renal
release aldosterone of Na and water and pre load failure and
lisinopril /
reabsorbed in the Heart failure as above, pregnancy
ramipril (long kidney. Increases improves survival and hyperkalaemia
acting only needs to bradykinin, which is QoL. Ramipril in high especially with K
be used once daily vasodilator and risk patients sparing diuretics

Angiotensin valsartan Blocks the binding of Decreases total Hypertension Rash. CI in severe
AII to its AT1 receptor, peripheral (primarily on TPR renal failure and
Receptor losartan
competitive resistance and Heart failure by pregnancy. Side
long acting only
Blockers (ARB) needs to be used antagonist / AII reduces the amount decreasing after load effect similar
once daily normally is a of Na and water and pre load placebo. ACE without
vasoconstrictor and reabsorbed in the Heart failure as above, the cough
releases aldosterone kidney. Does not improves survival and Hyperkalaemia with
produce bradykinin QoL K sparing diuretics

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
Beta Blocker carvedilol Blocks conduction Blocks the effect of Hypertension but Diabetes, heart
through AV node NA and Adr on mainly in heart failure, block, heart failure,
Non Selective and needs to be built up
slowly to prevent Blocks conduction in beta1 and beta 2 stops catecholamine COPD, asthma, PVD
Alpha Blocker SA node and alpha 1 SNS induced
heart failure
Decreases contractility receptors, pure remodelling
Decrease O2 demand antagonist, in heart, Lowers heart rate,
by heart. Block action lungs, blood vessels decreases diastolic
of NA on VSM and liver, JG cells. filling time, allows
more coronary blood
flow, anti ischaemic

Alpha-1 doxazosin Blocks the binding of Decreases total Hypertension Depression.

only needs to be noradrenaline to the peripheral (primarily on TPR Tiredness (blockade
Receptor arteriolar VSM alpha 1 resistance, but also Only as third line drug. of alpha 1 receptors
used once daily
Blockers adrenergic receptor, causes first dose Also useful in patients in brain). Orthostatic
competitive antagonist. hypotension and with benign prostatic hypotension
Blocks the increase in orthostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
intracellular IP3 and Ca hypotension (blocks
reflex increase SNS
after postural

Alpha-2 alpha methyldopa An alpha 2 presynaptic Decreases total Hypertension Depression.

Needs to be taken agonist, Blocks the peripheral (primarily on TPR via Tiredness (reduction
Receptor release of resistance, but also reduction of central of noradrenaline in
twice daily. Liver
Agonist metabolism noradrenaline in the causes first dose SNS. Used for brain). Orthostatic
vasomotor centre, SNS hypotension and hypertension hypotension
activity falls. orthostatic associated with
Decreases release of hypotension (blocks pregnancy
noradrenaline in the reflex increase SNS
vasomotor centre, SNS after postural
activity decreases changes)

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
Cardiac digoxin Increases the entry of Blocks conduction Heart failure (primarily SA or AV nodal
taken once daily, calcium into the through AV node with atrial fibrillation) problems
Glycosides myocardium by and decreases SA Supraventricular Headache,
excreted in the
kidney and inhibiting the node firing, heart arrhythmia, slow AV confusion, visual
metabolised in liver membrane Na/K rate decreases. conduction. Used with disturbances. Narrow
ATPase pump. The Contractility and SV verapamil or diltiazem therapeutic index
increase in intracellular increase marginally. Caution in
Na less Ca being O2 demand by heart hypokalaemia, effects
expelled from the cell. Increases potentiated
Increases activity of
vagal nerve to SA/AV
node and increases
sensitivity of SA and
AV node to

Loop Diuretics furosemide Blocks the Na/K/Cl co Is a high ceiling Used in heart failure to Hypokalaemia,
transporter in the diuretic with a large mobilise oedema, hyperuricaemia
ascending limb of loop dose response. prevent pulmonary Volume depletion
of Henle. Also causes Given IV or oral congestion. Also used hyponatraemia
calcium loss and for hypercalcaemia
magnesium excretion

Thiazide hydro- Blocks the Na/Cl Is a low ceiling Used in mild heart Hypokalaemia,
reabsorption in the diuretic with a low failure to mobilise hyperuricaemia.
Diuretics chlorothiazide
distal convoluted dose response. In oedema, prevent Decrease release of
indapamide tubule. Also reabsorbs hypertension causes congestion. Also used insulin and increases
calcium and increases a drop in TPR after for diabetes insipidus. blood glucose.
potassium excretion. 2-3 weeks. Often Main use is for Sulphur drug
Increases serum uric added to ACE and hypertension, Used
acid by competing with Bblockers to with loop diuretics in
uric acid for secretion augment heart failure
in proximal convoluted antihypertensive
tubule effect

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
Aldosterone spirinolactone Structurally similar to Is a very low ceiling Used with HCTZ in Hyperkalaemia,
aldosterone. Blocks diuretic. Is seldom hypertension. Also gynaecomastia,
Antagonists the aldosterone used as a diuretic used in heart failure inhibits testosterone
induces Na/ K alone but not in with ACE inhibitors to synthesise
exchange in the hypertension prevent aldosterone
collecting duct. Also escape. Major impact
causes loss of H ions on mortality in heart

Potassium amiloride Blocks the Na/ K Is a very low ceiling Used with HCTZ in Hyperkalaemia, not
exchange in the diuretic and is hypertension. to be given with ACE
Sparing triamterene
collecting duct. Also seldom used as a inhibitors
Diuretics causes loss of H ions diuretic alone. Only Alkalosis
used in combination
with HCTZ to
prevent K loss in

Fibrates bezafibrate Reduces the synthesis Primarily reduces Only used as add or if Well tolerated,
gemfibrozil of VLDL and increases triglycerides but there is very high trigs mylagia can occur,
synthesis of HDL. Also also reduced LDL. or/and very low HDL, and life-threatening
stimulates the activity HDL increases by rhabdomyolysis can
of lipoprotein lipase 10-15%. More cause renal failure
which increases effective than stains and death if
adipose tissue in increasing HDL. combined with
deposition of FFA and Little effect on LDL statin. Also
lipids, thus serum trigs sometimes cause
drop. increase in liver

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
HMG Co A simvastatin Inhibits HMG Co A Primarily lowers The most effective Well tolerated,
reductase in the liver, total cholesterol and drugs in lowering LDL. mylagia can occur,
Reductase atorvastatin
the rate-limiting LDL. Triglycerides The percentage and life-threatening
Inhibitors rosuvastatin
enzyme for production also reduced but not decrease in LDL is rhabdomyolysis can
of cholesterol. The as much as LDL. roughly associated cause renal failure
reduction in cholesterol HDL remains with a similar drop in and death (rare).
induces an increase in unchanged CVD events (stroke, Also sometimes
synthesis of liver LDL CAD, MI and mortality) cause transient
receptors and Atorvastatin 10 = increase in liver
cholesterol levels drop simvastatin 20 = 31% enzymes
drop in LDL

GIT Cholesterol ezetemibe absorbed, blocks Primarily lowers Only used as add on to well tolerated,
cholesterol in the gut total cholesterol and reduce LDL in familial
Inhibitors (high proportion of LDL. Triglycerides hyper-
cholesterol) The reduced but not as cholesterolaemia.
reduction in liver much as LDL. HDL Percentage decrease in
cholesterol induces an remains unchanged. LDL is about 20%
increase in synthesis of
liver LDL receptors and
LDL cholesterol levels

GP IIb/IIIa eptifibatide Blocks the binding of Used only as Injectable Bleeding, restenosis
fibrin to GP IIb/IIIa. drugs for the ACS,
inhibitors tirofiban
Inhibits the activation prior to stenting and
of platelets CABG

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
COX I aspirin Blocks the activity of Because platelets Used to prevent GIT most common.
Used in low dose as cyclo-oxygenase in all cannot regenerate platelet aggregation in Reflux, asthma,
Platelet tissues, but because new COX, the TIA, MI, stroke, PVD, renal, Perforation,
a once daily dose
Inhibitors platelets only produce production of TXA2 colon cancer ulcers and bleeds
TXA2, this effects most is inhibited at these rare but fatal
platelets. Aspirin is the doses prostacyclin is
only COX inhibitor to not affected
irreversible bind to and
inhibit platelet cyclo-

ADP Inhibitors prasugrel; Blocks the action of Used in addition to bleeding

clopidogrel ADP on ADP receptors aspirin to prevent
and therefore inhibits stroke. CVD and PVD
platelets aggregation

Heparin enoxaparin Accelerates the action Difference between Used before the action Bleeding is the major
heparin of antithrombin III by HMW and LMW are oral anticoagulants problem, can cause
a thousand fold. Blocks that LMW less work osteoporosis
the active factors IIa activity on Used for DVT,
(thrombin) that thrombin, and more prophylaxis for hip
converts soluble selective on Xa. surgery and in high
fibrinogen to fibrin. Immediate onset of risk patients
Also blocks the activity action. Antagonised
of Xa. Also XII, XI, IX by protamine

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
Oral warfarin Blocks the liver Onset of action Used for long term Strictly CI in
High protein metabolism of factor about three days. prophylaxis of DVT, pregnancy. High risk
Anticoagulant II, VII, IX, X. Inhibits Depends on serum atrial fibrillation, of foetal
metabolised in liver the activity of vitamin half life of clotting pulmonary embolism, abnormalities.
K epoxide reductase factors. Only liver prevents CAD long Bleeding is major
which converts vitamin production is term in conjunctions side effect, but
K to its active form. impacted by with aspirin?. Also in dermatitis can occur.
Also inhibits protein C warfarin. Many drug patients with history of
which increases risk of interaction liver DVT and traumatic
thrombosis early in metabolism and DVT, and
treatment high protein immobilization
binding. Monitor
prothrombin time.
Also INR increased
by double.

Oral dabigatran Direct factor IIa, Xa Not necessary to Used for long term Bleeding is major
inhibitor First oral monitor prophylaxis of side effect, Early
Anticoagulant rivaroxaban
anticoagulant prothrombin time or reducing clotting with outcome data
o INR atrial fibrillation, Still suggests caution in
being tested in prosthetic valves,
pulmonary embolism may increase risk
(PE) in patients with fatal bleeds
history of DVT

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
Fibrinolytics streptokinase Converts inactive Only attacks Used for the treatment Bleeding, especially
tissue plasminogen to established clots of pulmonary haemorrhagic
plasmin, which breaks and no effect on embolism and STEMI . stroke.
down fibrin to fibrin new clot formation. Streptokinase e can
activator (t-PA) degradation products. Injected. induce antibodies,
alteplase cause allergy and
inactivate after initial
use. Do not use in
unstable angina,
may convert non-
STEMI to full

Parasympatholy atropine Generally decrease Blocks post stop vagal induced Dry mouth,
salivation, mydriasis, ganglionic effects and decrease tachycardia,
tics hyoscine
decreases peristalsis, muscarinic salivation in surgery constipation, urine
prevent bladder receptors. hyoscine – irritable retention
voiding, increase heart decreases IP3 bowel syndrome Blurred vision,
rate, bronchodilation, mydriasis, glaucoma
decrease salivary gland
secretion, increase
bladder sphincter tone

Alpha 1 adrenaline Increase conduction Mimics the effect of increase CO and HR Tremor anxiety,
only used IV through AV node and NA and Adr on Both used in arrhythmia, heart
Beta 1/2 conduction in SA node beta-1 in heart and cardiogenic shock, failure
Agonists Increases contractility JG cells. anaphylaxis
Increase O2 demand
by heart.
direct alpha 1 effects
stimulate beta 2

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
Beta 2 Agonist salbutamol Stimulate beta 2 Mimics the effect of Increase airway Tremor anxiety,
receptors in the Adr on beta-2 in diameter, used in arrhythmia,
MDI, tabs,
bronchioles. Increases lungs and skeletal asthma and COPD. tachycardia, mainly
syrup cAMP muscle, and liver. Also prevents at high doses
IV Also inhibits uterine premature labour in through beta-1
contractions pre term women. cardiac effects

Beta 1 Agonists dopamine – Increase conduction Mimics the effect of –increase CO and HR Tremor anxiety,
only used IV through AV node and NA and Adr on Both used in arrhythmia, heart
conduction in SA node beta-1 in heart and cardiogenic shock failure
Increases contractility JG cells.
dopamine – beta 1
Increase O2 demand
agonist, increase CO
by heart.
and renal perfusion
(dopamine presynaptic
effect). Higher doses
through direct alpha 1

Anti-Arrhythmic lignocaine Amide local Blocks conduction Used in ventricular Causes CNS
anaesthetic in, ventricle tachycardia and problem, convulsion,
Amide Type intravenous
metabolised in liver. Generally does not fibrillation. Used CI in AV node and
Local only Blocks the entry of depress prophylactically may SA node
Class Ib sodium into myocardial myocardium, and no increase mortality in
cells does not lengthen effect on atrium MI patients
APD. Class In. Blocks
in the inactivated
state, therefore
purkinje and

Example & MOA cellular Therapeutic Adverse
Drug Group Physiologica
kinetics Biochemical uses effects & CI
Anti-Arrhythmic amiodarone Prolongs depolarisation Blocks conduction in Used in all Causes thyroid
(potassium into all parts of the Supraventricular problems (increase
taken once
myocardial cells, Class heart, including arrhythmia and to and decrease)
daily III). Also Ca blocker atrium, ventricle prevent ventricular Pulmonary fibrosis
extremely long and Na entry (Class I) Generally does not tachycardia and may be fatal
half life and beta-blocker. depress arrhythmia. Can cause Also causes torsades
Class III agent, action myocardium (3 AV, SA node block in des pointes, in LVH
and onset very slow. weeks) and peak some patients QT prolongation.
Increase AP duration. effect after 2-3 Maintain sinus rhythm Many drug
In addition, QT months after cardioversion in interactions with
prolongation. atrial fibrillation. warfarin and digoxin
Caution in

Anti-Arrhythmic sotalol Prolongs depolarisation Blocks conduction in Used in Non selective beta
(potassium into all parts of the Supraventricular blocker with all SE
taken 2-3
myocardial cells, Class heart, including arrhythmia and to and CI.
times daily III). Also Na entry atrium, ventricle prevent ventricular Also causes torsades
(Class I) but mainly Generally does not tachycardia des pointes, in LVH
beta-blocker. (Class II) depress QT prolongation.
Increase AP duration myocardium Which is more
and QT prolongation. prominent than


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