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Basic etiquettes to be followed during interview

- Choose Quiet place

- Be patient; Listen to Interviewer carefully and let him complete the question
- Do not share any confidential information like server address/IP address/ID while giving
answers to questions.
- While answering scenario bases questions – patiently explain every steps that you will follow
to troubleshoot the issue; do give all answers as it will help understand interviewer about
your experience and knowledge you possess.

ITIL – Process Knowledge

- What is the ITSM Tool (Helpdesk Portal Name e.g. BMC Remedy/ Service Now/ Manage
Engine) you are working on? (Must for SD/DL1/DL2)
o ITSM Tool is IT Service Management tool. Normally it’s the web based portal where
user’s reports problem/incident related to IT Infrastructure of the organization.
Most of the tools have both Incident and Service Request logging options.

- What is incident (Ticket/ Complaint)? Give an example of Incident (Must for SD/DL1/DL2)
o An incident as an unplanned interruption to or quality reduction of an IT service
o Any IT issues faced by user is logged under Incident.
o E.g. Desktop/Mouse/Screen not working; Internet not working;

- What is Request (Service Request)? Given an example of Request (Must for SD/DL1/DL2)
o A formal user request for something new to be provided
o E.g. New Desktop/Laptop/RAM Upgrade/Software to be installed.

- What is P1, P2, P3, P4 incident? Given an example of every Priority incident. (Must for
o Priority 1 (P1) – an Incident due to which a complete business down situation.
OR a complete business activities are affected for particular critical location.
o E.g. Network backbone link is down/ Data Center network link is down
o Priority 2 (P2) – an incident due to which a particular application/service line is
affected.  Some aspects of the business can continue but it’s a major problem.
o E.g. Email Service is down for all users but other business applications are
working. Network switch for a particular floor is down or a particular business
group is affected.
o Priority 3 (P3) – an Incident due to which a particular user is affected.
o E.g. My computer is not booting/ My email is not working/Laptop is not
working/Mouse is not working
o Priority 4 (P4) – an incident due to which a particular user is affected but there is
alternate available OR a Service request where additional service is requested.
o E.g. New Laptop request/ New Mouse request/New application installation.
- What is response time and resolution time for P1, P2, P3, P4 incident? (Must for

Severit Response Time Resolution Time

P1 5-10 Mins 1 Hr.
P2 15 Mins 2 Hr.
P3 15 – 30 Mins 4 Hr.
P4 1 Hr One Business Day; 8 Hr.
- What is the response time and resolution time for Service Request? (Must for SD/DL1/DL2)
o Normally the Response time is 1 Hr and Resolution time is 8 Hr.

- How many Incident and How many Service request you receive on daily basis? (Must for
o Explain the number of incident your team received in a day
o Explain number of incident you resolve in a day
o Explain number of Service request you resolve in a day

- Can you tell us the Lifecycle of Ticket? (Must for SD/ SD RIM/DL2)
o Helpdesk acknowledges the ticket > Sets Priority basis of Impact and Urgency >
Assigns ticket to proper resolver group for resolution > Resolution team updates
ticket status basis of troubleshooting > If issue is resolved ticket is Closed/Resolved >
If any vendor/user dependency then ticket status is accordingly updated.

- What is SLA of P3 Ticket in your current company? (Must for SD/ SD RIM)
o Normally its 4 Hrs for resolution.

- What is SLA of P4 Ticket in your current company? (Must for SD/ SD RIM)
o Normally its 4-8 hrs for incident and one business day for Service Request.

- What is Change Request? (Must for SD/ SD RIM)

o A Change request is proposal for change in configuration of any
o E.g. Server HDD Replacement/ Version upgrade for application/Patches installation
on servers/ Changes required to fix the ongoing P2 incident.

- What all ways users are reporting issues to helpdesk in your current organization? (Must for
o Answer the question as per your experience.
- How many calls you receive in phone line? And how many are for fresh issues and how many
are follow up calls? (Must for SD/ SD RIM)
o Answer the question as per your experience.

- How do you identify VIP tickets? (Must for SD/ SD RIM) What is the SLA? If you have received
VIP ticket and you are not able to reach VIP engineer; how will you handle the situation?
o Answer the question as per your experience.
o Normally the VIP identification mark is visible in Ticket details;
Technical – Windows (SD RIM/DL1/DL2)

- Which OS you have worked on? Which all OS are being used in your current organization?
- What is the minimum hardware requirement for Windows 10 installation? (SD-RIM/DL1/

Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor or System on a Chip (SoC)

RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit
Hard drive space: 16 GB for 32-bit OS 32 GB for 64-bit OS
Graphics card: DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver
Display: 800x600

- What is the latest version of Win10 available? What is the version being installed in your
current organization? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)
o Latest Version – Win 10 v.2004; Released on May 2020

- What all methods you will follow to install Printer on system? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)
o Print Server
o Install Driver for USB
o Network Printer

- How Windows Activation is done? What all method it can be done? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)
o Press the Windows key, then go to Settings > Update & Security > Activation (or type
"activation" into the search bar).
o Step three: Find and press Change product key.
o Step four: Type your product key into pop-up box, press next, and then press
Activate. (Note: you'll need to be online to activate).


o Go to Command Prompt
o Run Command – slmgr /ipk <Activation Key>
o Run command – slmgr /skms
o Run command – slmgr /ato

- What is Patch? How do you install patches in your current organization? (DL1/ DL2)
o Patches are software and operating system (OS) updates that address security
vulnerabilities within a program or product
o Explain current patch installation method in your current organization; normally
patches are deployed via tool; and manual patching is done for systems which could
not be patched via tool due to various reasons like – reboot pending/not in network.

- How many ways/methods the patches can be installed on your system? (DL1/ DL2)
o Manual exe installation on system
o Deployment via tools like – SCCM/WSUS/IBM Big Fix/HP OVCM
- How frequently Microsoft releases patches for an Operating system? (DL1/ DL2)
o The second Tuesday of every month is the "standard" day for Microsoft to release
the patch, except for critical security updates that are usually released as soon as
they're available and for the situations where there were non critical problems to fix.
- What is the size of patch? How much time it takes to install patch on one system? (DL1/ DL2)
o Depends on the patch

- What is DNS? Types of DNS? Zones of DNS? (DL1/ DL2)

o DNS stands for Domain Name System. The main function of DNS is to translate
domain names into IP Addresses, which computers can understand.
o Types of DNS
o DNS Resolver - A DNS resolver (recursive resolver), is designed to receive DNS
queries, which include a human-readable hostname such as “”,
and is responsible for tracking the IP address for that hostname.

o DNS Root Server - The root server is the first step in the journey from hostname to IP
address. The DNS Root Server extracts the Top Level Domain (TLD) from the user’s
query — for example, —... provides details for the .com TLD
Name Server. In turn, that server will provide details for domains with the .com DNS
zone, including “”.

o Authoritative DNS Server - Higher level servers in the DNS hierarchy define which
DNS server is the “authoritative” name server for a specific hostname, meaning that
it holds the up-to-date information for that hostname. The Authoritative Name
Server is the last stop in the name server query—it takes the hostname and returns
the correct IP address to the DNS Resolver

- What is DHCP? What is DHCP Scope? (DL1/ DL2)

o A DHCP Server is a network server that automatically provides and assigns IP
addresses, default gateways and other network parameters to client devices.
o DHCP Scope: - A DHCP scope is a range of IP Addresses in the DHCP Server Who
leases the IP address to DHCP Client in the network. There are three types of Scopes:
 Normal Scope
 Multicast Scope
 Super Scope

Scenario Based Question

- How will you reinstall OS? (DL1/DL2)

o Preform data backup of user; Take user confirmation about data
o Install OS and applications
o Restore data from backup
o Ensure all user profile is setup; he is able to access

- If my system Screen has gone blank suddenly and I don’t want to lose my data; how will you
proceed to resolve the issue?
o Check if system Power LED is still ON
o Check if system Busy LED is cont ON
o Check if user has mistakenly disturbed VGA or power connection of monitor
o If system is ON; then assist user to take remote from other system and save his all
o If system is hung and there is no other option that restart then assist user to recover
his word/excel files from Auto recover option available.
o Assist user to retrieve unsaved files from temp files of user’s local profile. (note the
path of temp files)

- User reports you an issue that his account is getting locked frequently despite of resetting his
password for multiple times? How will you troubleshoot?
o Check if he has changed his password recently
o Check if he had logged into some other system recently.
o Check if any saved passwords in his system
o Check if he is using emails on mobile; update the password on mobile device
o Check with AD team if logs can be fetched to find recently logged in systems.

- If my system is giving blue dump then how will you identify root cause?
o Perform restart and check if issue still persist
o Check event viewer for logs related to restart
o Check if HDD health is ok
o Check if system RAM is causing issue by replacing module
o Check if any application was installed recently
o Check if any hardware driver was updated recently
o Check if any patches are deployed on system recently.

- User calls you to report that he is not able to Power on system; how will you assist him?
(DL1/DL2) over phone? (SD)
o Check if user has switched on the power connections
o Check if user’s laptop adapter is connected properly.
o Check if power cables of system are not disconnected
o Check if any LED indication on desktop/laptop.
o Try replacing SMPS if you suspect SMPS related issue
o Try replacing power cable/adapter

- User calls you to report that he is not able to log-in to system; how will you assist him?
(DL1/DL2) over phone? (SD)
o Check if user has recently changed his password
o Check if user has connected laptop to network
o Check if user has forgot the password
o Ask user to type some text in User ID section to verify if Keypad is working fine.
o Check user account status in AD if its locked/expired/Disabled
o Ask user to log-in to some other system
o Ask user to restart the system once

- If my Windows is running slow then how will you troubleshoot the root cause?
o Clear temp files
o Remove unwanted application
o Check task manager for background running applications
o Check task manager for utilization of resources from particular application/process
o Check event viewer for system logs if HDD has developed bad sectors
o Check AV alerts if any application is getting blocked
o Check RAM utilization in task manager if RAM upgradation needed
o Check affected applications manual if any H/W pre-requisites are given

- If my Internet is not working; how will you troubleshoot and fix the issue?
o Check System time
o Check Proxy settings
o Check security setting of the browser
o Check user ID is active or not/ Password incorrect
o Check in different browser
o Check user has access or not
o Check if user Profile reset required
o Check by clearing cache and browser history

- If I am trying to install an application (exe) which requires internet explorer on my system

but IE is not available; will I be able to install the application or exe?
o No; check the application SOP for pre-requisites of the application.
o Even if gets installed; it will not run properly.

- I am trying to install an application; while installation the process is getting aborted and it’s
giving compatibility error? What will you do?
o Check the application and OS compatibility; if its 32bit or 64 bit.
o 64 bit application can not be installed on 32bit OS
o Check application SOP for pre-requisites for application installation
o Check even viewer for application logs
o Try running application in compatibility mode.

- I have installed an application but after opening application the initial loading screen comes
and application aborts/ not opening; what will you do?
o Check if any Pre-requisites required for application
o Check task manager for open instances of application
o Check Graphics requirement
o Reinstallation to check if it works
o Check AV if its blocking the application
o Check for support websites of the product
o Check for any service required to be running on the system

- What all applications are being used in your organization? How do you resolve the issues?
o Explain about one application and types of issues you have seen
o Explain in detail about all steps that you might follow to fix the issue.
- If my Finacle application is giving applet error while loading then how will you resolve the
o Check pop-up blocker
o Check required Java version is installed or not
o Clear the Java applet temp files
o Reset IE Settings
o Visit Java website to check if java is loading or not.
o Check Proxy settings; if configured as per application team instructions.
o Check security settings of IE
o Check IE Settings if Java Plug-in is enabled or not.

- What all top categories in which the problems are reported by users in your current
- What is the tool used to take remote of system? (SD-RIM)
- How do you handle password related requests in your current organization? (SD/ SD-RIM)
- What is MAC Address? Which all devices are given MAC addresses? (DL1/ DL2)
- What is NIC? Ethernet card? (DL1/ DL2)
- What is loopback IP? (DL1/ DL2)
- What is File Server/Print Server? (DL2)
- If user is enable to access particular files in one specific folder what could be the issue? (DL2)
- My system got suddenly rebooted due to power failure OR MY system restarted on its own; I
was working on excel/Word/PowerPoint file; will you be able to recover the working file?
Where the temp files are located? (DL2)
- How Auto recover function works in MS Word/Excel? (DL2)
- If my MS Office is not working properly and even reinstallation didn’t fix the problem; what
will you do? (DL2)
- My MS excel run very slow after every cell entry or formulas are running slow; what will you
do? (DL2)
- What all basic applications systems should have to run today’s application? (DL1/DL2)
- What is driver file? (DL1/DL2)
- What is active directory? (DL1/DL2)

Technical – Outlook (SD RIM/DL1/DL2)

- What all types of email account you can configure in Outlook? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)
- What is PST? Size Limit as per version? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)
- What is OST? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)
- How do you backup PST files? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)
- How do you configure email account in outlook? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)
- What all Outlook versions you have worked on? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)
- What is difference between O356 & MS Outlook 13/16? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)

Scenario Based Question

- If User calls you and reports that he is unable to use outlook or not able to send receive
email then how will you resolve the issue? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)
- If user’s outlook is not opening then how will you troubleshoot the issue? (SD-RIM/DL1/
- What is Distribution list? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)
- What is SMTP access? Do you have external email access in your current organization? Do
you send emails to outsiders? (SD-RIM/DL1/ DL2)

Technical – Security Tools (SD RIM/DL1/DL2)

- What all Security tools are being used in your current organization?
- What is the version of Antivirus you are working on?
- How do you update Antivirus DAT definitions on system?
- What is DLP? What is the purpose?
o Data loss prevention (DLP) is a set of tools and processes used to ensure that
sensitive data is not lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorized users. ... DLP also
provides reporting to meet compliance and auditing requirements and identify areas
of weakness and anomalies for forensics and incident response
o E.g. Symantec Data Loss Prevention/ Digital Guardian Endpoint DLP

- What is Encryption? What tools are being used to encrypt the user data? Purpose?
o Encryption tools – Checkpoint Pointsec/ Symantec Endpoint Encryption/ Bitlocker
o (Read online for more technical information on these products)

- What are the sources of Viruses and how can we prevent from infection?
- What is Malware/ Trojan/ Virus?

Scenario Based Question

- If my AV is not updated then how will you resolve the issue?

- How can an organization prevent outsiders/personal laptops to connect in corporate
- Will you allow connecting personal laptop to corporate network?
- What action you will take if Virus is reported from one system?
- My system OS is crashed and I have encryption enabled on my system disk? How will you fix
without losing my data?

Scenario Based Question for Service Desk profile

- User is getting error; your account is locked; how will you assist him?
- User is trying to change his password but he is unable to do so; he is getting password
complexity error; how will you assist him?
- User has called for follow-up and you receive his call where he is yelling at you as he had
called an hour ago for assistance and he was told that engineer will reach him in 10 mins but
nobody has reached yet; how will you help him?
- User is not ready to raise ticket on portal but your organization process needs user to raise
ticket then only you will be able to assign engineer to him; what will you do?
Process Knowledge – Asset Management

- What is IMAC process? Give example of Install/ Add/ Move/ Change

- What all details you will capture while taking system inventory?
- How will you check if system is in warranty?
- What will you do if vendor is not responding to your case?

Technical – Network (SD RIM/DL1/DL2)

- What is difference between Router and Switch?

- How many network cable pairs are there in CAT-5 cable?
- What is DHCP? What is lease time of and assigned IP?
- What is IP address? Subnet Mask?
- What is gateway?
- How do you identify if Switch port is disabled by visual check on switch?
- What will you do if suddenly all floor network goes offline
- What will you do if user’s laptop is not getting LAN connection but its working on different
- How will you resolve limited connectivity issues?

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