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2/10/2020 Homework - Using the correct preposition

Homework - Using the correct preposi on

Fecha de entrega Domingo a las 23:59 Puntos 0

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Disponible 12 de sep en 0:00 - 4 de oct en 23:59 23 días

Choose the correct preposition

1 . I flew from San Francisco to  / from / into Zurich with Swiss International Air
Lines .

2 . Every morning I get in / over / on  my bicycle and go to school .

3 . The cat was on the table ; then it jumped off  / out of / down the table .

4 . We got out of the car and ran across / into  / on the building .

5 . He fell down / off  / below his motorbike when he was riding very fast .

6 . The elevator didn't work and we had to walk up  / past / over the stairs to the
15th floor .

7 . He escaped through  / into / across a door in the back of the building .

8 . We took a boat towards / through / across  the river .

9 . The robber broke his leg when he tried to jump towards / through / over  a
wall .

10 . He took the phone and threw it under / on / into  the water .

Excelent job

You got 10 o 10/10 1/1

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