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Exercise Science Senior Synthesis

Exercise Prescription Number 1

Student’s Name: Kurt Adkins

Client’s Name: Marissa Diehl Age: 28

1. Cardiovascular Fitness
Predicted maximal oxygen consumption: 37.95
(Use value from pretest to best represent the client’s VO 2MAX)

A. Steady State
Mode(s): Bike and treadmill/running outside
Frequency (List specific days): 2 days a week(Wednesday/Friday)
Intensity High RPE 14-18
Resting HR: 64 Predicted maximal heart rate (220-age): 192

Steady state intensity range: ______50% to ________70%

Karvonen formula: MHR – RHR x (intensity %) + RHR = Target or exercise heart rate

Lower end or range: ____192___ - ___64____ x (____.50____) + ___64___ = 128bpm

Upper end or range: _____192____ - ___64____ x (__.70____) + __64____ = 153.6bpm

Exercise HR range: 128 bpm to 153 bpm

RPE range: ______14___ to _____18_____

Duration: 30 minutes

B. Interval Training (if applicable)

Mode(s): Bike
Frequency):2 days a week (Wednesday, Friday)
Describe the intensity and duration of intervals (include intensity ranges):

1. Cycle for 1 minute moderate-high intensity (RPE 12-18)

2. Cycle for 30 seconds light intensity as rest period in between (RPE 7-11)
3. Repeat 10 times

Total Duration of Interval Training Session: 15 minutes

Warm-up: Duration: 2 mins Intensity: low

Mode(s): Bike

Cool-down: Duration:2 minsIntensity: Moderate

Mode(s): Bike
2. Muscular Fitness

Machine or Equipment Muscle Weight Sets Rep Range Days of the Week
– Put in the intended Group(s)
1. Glutes,Quads, Body 3 16-20 Tues, Thurs
Burpees Pectorals weight
2. Jumping Jacks Abductors, BW 3 16-20 Tues, Thurs
3.Step ups with knee Glutes, Quads BW or 4 16-20 Tues, Thurs
raise 10-15LB
4.Push Ups Chest, BW 3 16-20 Tues, Thurs
5.Sit Ups Core BW 3 20-24 Tues, Thurs

6. Tricep Dips Triceps, BW 3 7-10 Tues, Thurs

7.Weighted Lunges Hamstring BW 3 10 each leg Tues, Thurs

8.Broad Jumps Quads, Calfs BW 3 5 Tues, Thurs

9.Squats Hamstrings, BW 4 40 Tues, Thurs

10. Six Inches Abdominal, BW 4 30 seconds Tues, Thurs
11.Wall Sits Hamstrings, BW 3 1 minute Tues, Thurs
12.Boxing bag Shoulders, BW/Boxing 4 45 seconds Tues, Thurs
core gloves
13. DB Push Press Shoulders, 15-25Lb 3 12 Tues, Thurs
Core DB


-After 2 weeks super setting of these same workouts will be incorporated.

3. Flexibility
Frequency (List specific days): 10 minutes every day

Timing – Circle those that apply: after warm-up during session after cool-down

Repetitions: 1 Duration of Stretch: 30seconds Intensity: Low

Describe/list stretches:
-Toe Touches
-Legs spread
-to the left
-to the right
-Arm stretches across the body
-S stretch
-Calf Stretches
-Right over left Back stretch
-Left over right back stretch
-Cheerleader Kicks
-High Knees
-Hamstring Scoops
-Traveling Side lunges

4. Body Composition
Additional prescription for modifying body composition: a) Explain how your client should modify body
composition. This may be a decrease in body weight, increase in body weight, decrease in body fat,
maintenance or increase in muscle mass, no change, etc. b) Explain how you came to this conclusion based on
the various body composition measures that you calculated for your client. Provide data and rating of each test
used in your explanation. c) Formulate an explanation that you will give to your client about how he/she can
modify or maintain body composition for this semester.

A. My client can improve her body composition by lowering her body fat and improving her BMI. Her body
weight is not too far above the average for her height but her body fat percentage is slightly high. We will
work on improving this percentage in order to make her more Healthy overall. Her biggest goal is losing 20
pounds so to achieve this high reps and low weight will be what type of resistance program she will partake in.
This is based on her results:
2.Fat Mass=28-50lbs
To modify her body composition significantly she simply has to follow the program I am making for her,
which will improve upon muscular strength, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular fitness. We will make
progress through incorporating flexibility into every day as well. Consistency, and the mixture of resistance
and cardio exercises should yield results that will shape the body my client wants!

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