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Study Plan

International Human Resource Management MBA

Coventry University

It is not difficult to comprehend that a business relies mostly on customer satisfaction and customer
satisfaction occurs when a business provides the precise service towards its customers and it is possible
only when a properly designed management of human resources is in effect. I, Md Aminur Rahman
Masum, have grasped the importance of the role of human resource management while completing my
bachelors from Royal University of Dhaka majoring in Human Resource Management (HRM), I have
fixated my mind to acquire a degree that will promote me in choosing my career path as well as master
the knowledge on HRM field and therefore, decided to study the International Human Resource
Management MBA from Coventry University of London. This program from Coventry University will
prepare me for HR leadership for my career advancement.

Human Resources or HR is a profession that consistently ranks high on lists of best careers, based on job
growth, earnings potential, creativity, flexibility, and other factors. That is why after finishing my higher
secondary education, I had come to the decision of studying in HRM (Human Resource Management) as I
wanted to work at a lucrative field at one of the top financial or insurance organizations like GSP Finance
Company (Bangladesh) Ltd., Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh Ltd. (CRAB), MetLife Bangladesh etc.
in Bangladesh. My enthusiasm towards HRM grew during my bachelor’s study. I am a proudly passed
student of Royal University of Dhaka’s Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource
Management program. After completing my Secondary (2014) and Higher Secondary (2016) education, I
completed the 4 years Bachelor of Business Administration majoring in HRM in the recent year 2020.
After that I have realized the importance of another degree which will undoubtedly add more advantage
and expand my knowledge of business. I know that to enrich my academic career I need a degree from
abroad and more importantly, acquire the best education and globally recognized accreditation. With the
same intention I gave my IELTS Test in 2019 and scored 5.5 band overall.

Rather than choosing Bangladesh for higher education I have chosen UK. Even if there are similar
courses of the same international standing available in my home country but it won’t hold as much value
as an international certificate will hold. Studying business program in my country lacks the opportunity of
joining an international network of students. Diversity from various cultures is not prevalent here. On the
other hand, studying in UK, I will get access to top class faculties, with great classroom amenities to
inspire me to think more creatively as well as discover newer ideologies by co-operating with cross-
national pupils and faculties. Furthermore, the UK Government itself invests highly in providing
education for both local and international education. Rather than focusing on the pass rate and grades, the
education system in UK emphasizes in creating value among students, sense of humanity and creativity
and wisdom. I am also assured that, I will be able to study peacefully without discrimination as UK is
very much tolerant towards international population.

I have chosen to study in UK in the Coventry University as because I have got to learn through internet
that education there is highly recognized throughout the world. It also provides world class business
education with affordable tuition fees. Besides this, Coventry University provides career oriented
education through their MBA program and deal with international students very politely. At Coventry,
Students can take advantage of international opportunities by learning a new language and visiting large
numbers of multinational organizations (to see how they operate and gain exclusive access to
internationally renowned speakers). It has a beautiful campus with a mixture of traditional and modern
study spaces. Coventry also ensures student employability as its career guidance is designed to help
gaining direct access to the graduate job market.

Since the International Human Resource Management MBA program is targeted towards working as HR
professionals, I have great confidence that this program will lead me to professional development and
career accomplishments after graduation. I am fortunate to have found the International Human Resource
Management MBA program at Coventry University. This program becomes the ladder of success for
those students who want to build their career in HR Leadership or in successful strategic management.
This program has eight mandatory modules which are related to business and leadership in general and
human resource management. The program ends with a major research project designed to showcase my
newly learned skills in a real-world setting. The courses and the features of this program will allow me to
further my understanding of these interdisciplinary approaches to the complex issues related to human
resource management, which the global corporations face daily in their work environment. In my
proposed study, I will contribute my research talents because I possess experience of participating in a
research project during my undergraduate study.

I understand that studying abroad is going to be the most challenging step in my life so far, especially my
whole family being in Bangladesh and not being able to accompany me to UK. But I also believe that
only through great adversity can one truly shine and I have the utmost confidence in myself that I can
withstand any problems that I will face and make the most out of the knowledge and experience gained
through this study program.

Yours Sincerely,
Md Aminur Rahman Masum
Passport No: BJ0817207

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