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Assets = Liabilities + Equity

DATE Cash+ +accounts +Supplies +Computer +Equipment= Accounts +Common -Dividents +Revenue -expenses
receivable system payable stock
Oct 1 45.000 20.000 8.000 73.000
3 1.420 1.420
bal 45.00 +1.420 +20.000 +8.000 = 1420 +73.000
6 4.800 4.800
Bal 45.000 +4.800 +1.420 +20.000 +8.000 = 1.420 +73.000 +4.800
8 -1.420 -1.420
Bal 43.580 +4.800 +1.420 +20.000 +8.000 = 0 +73.000 +4800
12 1.400 1.400
Bal 43.580 +6.200 +1.420 +20.000 +8.000 = 0 +73.000 +6.200
15 +4.800 -4.800
bal 48.380 +1.400 +1.420 +20.000 +8.000 = 0 +73.000 +6.200
17 -805 805
Bal 47.575 +1.400 +1.420 +20.000 +8.000 = 0 +73.000 +6.200 -805
20 -1.728 1.728
bal 45.847 +1.400 +1.420 +20.000 +8.000 = 0 +73.000 +6.200 -2.533
22 +1.400 -1.400
bal 47.247 +0 +1.420 +20.000 +8.000 = 0 +73.000 +6.200 -2.533
28 +5.208 5.208
bal 47.247 +5.208 +1.420 +20.000 +8.000 = 0 +73.000 +11.408 -2.533
31 -875 875
bal 46.372 +5.208 +1.420 +20.000 +8.000= 0 +73.000 +11.408 -3.408
31 -3.600 3.600
bal 42.772 +5.208 +1.420 +20.000 +8.000 = 0 +73.000 -3.600 +11.408 -3.408
Total =77.400$ Total =77.400$
Nour Chaabouni G8

Serial prolem part 1

Serial problem part 2

1.Journal entries

Dat Accounts title and explanation Ref Debit Credit

Oct 1 Cash 101 45.000
Computer system 167 20.000
Office equipment 163 8.000
Common stock 307 73.000
2 Prepaid rent 131 3.300
Cash 101 3.300
3 Computer supplies 126 1.420
Accounts payable 201 1.420
5 Prepaid insurance 128 2.220
Cash 101 2.220
6 Accounts receivable 106 4.800
Computer service revenue 403 4.800
8 Accounts payable 201 1.420
Cash 101 1.420
12 Accounts receivable 106 1.400
Computer service revenue 403 1.400
15 Cash 101 4.800
Accounts receivable 106 4.800
17 Repairs expense _computer 684 805
Cash 101 805
20 Advertising expense 655 1.728
Cash 101 1.728
22 Cash 101 1.400
Accounts receivable 106 1.400
28 Accounts receivable 106 5.208
Computer service revenue 403 5.208
31 Wages expense 623 875
Cash 101 875
31 Dividends 319 3.600
Cash 101 3.600
Nov 1 Mileage expense 676 320
Cash 101 320
2 Cash 101 4.633
Computer service revenue 403 4.633
5 Computer supplies 126 1.125
Cash 101 1.125
8 Accounts receivable 106 5.668
Computer service revenues 403 5.668
18 Cash 101 2.208
Accounts receivable 106 2.208
22 Miscellaneous expense 677 250
Cash 101 250
24 Accounts receivable 106 3.950
Computer service revenue 403 3.950
28 Mileage expense 676 384
Cash 101 384
30 Wages expense 623 1.750
Cash 101 1.750
30 Dividends 319 2.000
Cash 101 2.000

2.General ledger

Cash Acct No 101

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 1 45.000 45.000
2 3.300 41.700
5 2.220 39.480
8 1.420 38.060
15 4.800 42.860
17 805 42.055
20 1.728 40.327
22 1.400 41.727
31 875 40.852
31 3.600 37.252
Nov 1 320 36.932
2 4.633 41.565
5 1.125 40.440
18 2.208 42.648
22 250 42.398
28 384 42.014
30 1.750 40.264
30 2.000 38.264

Accounts receivable Acct No 106

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 6 4.800 4.800
12 1.400 6.200
15 4.800 1.400
22 1.400 0
28 5.208 5.208
Nov 8 5.668 10.776
18 2.208 8.668
24 3.950 12.618

Computer supplies Acct No 126

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 3 1.420 1.420
Nov 5 1.125 2.545

Prepaid insurance Acct No 128

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 5 2.220 2.220

Prepaid rent Acct No 131

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 2 3.300 3.300

Office equipment Acct No 163

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 1 8.000 8.000

Computer equipment Acct No 167

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 1 20.000 20.000

Account payable Acct No 201

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 3 1.420 1.420
8 1.420 0

Common stock Acct No 307

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 1 73.000 73.000
Dividends Acct No 319
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 31 3.600 3.600
Nov 30 2.000 5.600

Computer service revenue Acct No 403

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 6 4.800 4.800
12 1.400 6.200
28 5.208 11.408
Nov 2 4.633 16.041
8 5.668 21.709
24 3.950 25.659

Wages expense Acct No 623

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 31 875 875
Nov 30 1.750 2.625

Advertising expense Acct No 655

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 20 1.728 1.728

Mileage expense Acct No 676

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Nov 1 320 320
28 384 704

Miscellaneous expense Acct No 677

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Nov 22 250 250

Repairs expense _computer Acct No 684

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 17 805 805
3.Trial balance

Santana Rey
Trial balance
November 30
Debit credit
Cash 38.264
Accounts receivable 12.618
Computer supplies 2.545
Prepaid insurance 2.220
Prepaid rent 3.300
Office equipment 8.000
Computer equipment 20.000
Accounts payable 0
Common stock 73.000
Dividends 5.600
Computer service revenue 25.659
Wages expense 2.625
Advertising expense 1.728
Mileage expense 704
Miscellaneous expense 250
Repairs expense _ computer 805
Totals 98.659 98.659

Serial problem part 3

1.Journal entries

Date Accounts title and explanation Ref Debit Credit

Dec 2 Advertising expense 655 1.025
Cash 101 1.025
3 Repairs expense _computer 655 500
Cash 101 500
4 Cash 101 3.950
Accounts receivable 106 3.950
10 Wages expense 623 750
Cash 101 750
14 Cash 101 1.500
Unearned computer service revenue 236 1.500
15 Computer supplies 126 1.100
Accounts payable 201 1.10
20 Cash 101 5.625
Computer service revenue 403 5.625
28 Cash 101 3.000
Accounts receivable 106 3.000
29 Mileage expense 676 192
Cash 101 192
31 Dividends 319 1.500
Cash 101 1.500
General ledger in question 2

3.Adjusting entries

Date Accounts title and explanation Ref Debit Credit

Dec 31 Computer supplies expense 652 3.065
Computer supplies 126 3.065
31 Insurance expense 637 555
Prepaid insurance 128 555
31 Wages expense 623 500
Wages payable 210 500
31 Depreciation expense _computer equipment 613 1.250
Accumulated depreciation _Computer equipment 168 1.250
31 Depreciation expense _office equipment 612 400
Accumulated depreciation _Office equipment 164 400
31 Rent expense 640 2475
Prepaid rent 131 2475
General ledger (1and 2)

Cash Acct No 101

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 1 45.000 45.000
2 3.300 41.700
5 2.220 39.480
8 1.420 38.060
15 4.800 42.860
17 805 42.055
20 1.728 40.327
22 1.400 41.727
31 875 40.852
31 3.600 37.252
Nov 1 320 36.932
2 4.633 41.565
5 1.125 40.440
18 2.208 42.648
22 250 42.398
28 384 42.014
30 1.750 40.264
30 2.000 38.264
Dec 2 1.025 37.239
3 500 36.739
4 3.950 40.689
10 750 39.939
14 1.500 41.439
20 5.625 47.064
28 3.000 50.064
29 192 49.872
31 1.500 48.372

Accounts receivable Acct No 106

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 6 4.800 4.800
12 1.400 6.200
15 4.800 1.400
22 1.400 0
28 5.208 5.208
Nov 8 5.668 10.776
18 2.208 8.668
24 3.950 12.618
Dec 4 3.950 8.668
28 3.000 5.668

Computer supplies Acct No 126

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 3 1.420 1.420
Nov 5 1.125 2.545
Dec 15 1.100 3.645
31 Adjusting 3.065 580

Prepaid insurance Acct No 128

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 5 2.220 2.220
Dec 31 Adjusting 555 1.665

Prepaid rent Acct No 131

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 2 3.300 3.300
Dec 31 Adjusting 2.475 825

Office equipment Acct No 163

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 1 8.000 8.000

Accumulated depreciation_Office equipment Acct No 164

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 400 400

Computer equipment Acct No 167

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 1 20.000 20.000

Accumulated depreciation_Computer equipment Acct No 168

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 1.250 1.250

Account payable Acct No 201

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 3 1.420 1.420
8 1.420 0
Dec 15 1.100 1.100

Wages payable Acct No 210

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 500 500

Unearned computer service revenue Acct No 236

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 14 1.500 1.500

Common stock Acct No 307

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 1 73.000 73.000

Dividends Acct No 319

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 31 3.600 3.600
Nov 30 2.000 5.600
Dec 31 1.500 7.100

Computer service revenue Acct No 403

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 6 4.800 4.800
12 1.400 6.200
28 5.208 11.408
Nov 2 4.633 16.041
8 5.668 21.709
24 3.950 25.659
Dec 20 5.625 31.284

Depreciation expense _Office equipment Acct No 612

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 400 400

Depreciation expense _Computer equipment Acct No 613

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 1.250 1.250

Wages expense Acct No 623

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 31 875 875
Nov 30 1.750 2.625
Dec 10 750 3.375
31 Adjusting 500 3.875

Insurance expense Acct No 640

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 555 555

Rent expense Acct No 640

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 2.475 2.475
Computer supplies expense Acct No 652
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 3.065 3.065

Advertising expense Acct No 655

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 20 1.728 1.728
Dec 2 1.025 2.753

Mileage expense Acct No 676

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Nov 1 320 320
28 384 704
Dec 29 192 896

Miscellaneous expense Acct No 677

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Nov 22 250 250

Repairs expense _computer Acct No 684

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 17 805 805
Dec 3 500 1.305
4.Adjusted Trial balance

Santana Rey
Adjusted Trial balance
December 31, 2017
Debit credit
Cash 48.372
Accounts receivable 5.668
Computer supplies 580
Prepaid insurance 1.665
Prepaid rent 825
Office equipment 8.000
Accumulated depreciation _office equipment 400
Computer equipment 20.000
Accumulated depreciation _computer equipment 1.250
Accounts payable 1.100
Wages payable 500
Unearned computer service 1.500
Common stock 73.000
Dividends 7.100
Computer service revenue 31.284
Depreciation expense _office equipment 400
Depreciation expense _computer equipment 1.250
Wages expense 3.875
Insurance expense 555
Rent expense 2.475
Computer supplies expense 3.065
Advertising expense 2.753
Mileage expense 896
Miscellaneous expense 250
Repairs expense _ computer 1.305
Totals 109.034 109.034

4.Income statement

Santana Rey
Income statement
For three months ended by December 31st ,2017
Computer service revenue 31.284
Depreciation expense _office equipment 400
Depreciation expense _computer equipment 1.250
Wages expense 3.875
Insurance expense 555
Rent expense 2.475
Computer supplies expense 3.065
Advertising expense 2.753
Mileage expense 896
Miscellaneous expense 250
Repairs expense _ computer 1.305
Total expense 16.824
Net income 14.460$
5.Retained earnings statement

Santana Rey
Retained earnings statement
Three months ended by December 31st ;2017
Retained earnings ,oct 1 0$
Add: common stock 73.000$
Net income 14.460$
Less : dividends 7.100
Retained earnings ,dec 31 80.360$

6.Balance sheet

Santana Rey
Balance sheet
December 31st ;2017
Cash 48.372
Accounts receivable 5.668
Computer supplies 580
Prepaid insurance 1.665
Prepaid rent 825
Office equipment 8.000
Accumulated depreciation _office equipment 400
Computer equipment 20.000
Accumulated depreciation _computer equipment 1.250
Total assets 83.460$
Accounts payable 1.100
Waged payable 500
Unearned computer service 1.500
Total liabilities 3.100$
Total equity 80.360$
Total liabilities and equity 83.460$
7.Closing entries


Date Accounts title and explanation Ref Debit Credit

Dec 31 Computer service revenue 31.284
Income summary 31.284
31 Income summary 16.824
Depreciation expense _office equipment 400
Depreciation expense _computer equipment 1.250
Wages expense 3.875
Insurance expense 555
Rent expense 2.475
Computer supplies expense 3.065
Advertising expense 2.753
Mileage expense 896
Miscellaneous expense 250
Repairs expense _ computer 1.305
31 Income summary 14.460
Retained earnings 14.460
31 Retained earnings 7.100
Dividends 7.100

Computer service revenue Acct No 403

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 6 4.800 4.800
12 1.400 6.200
28 5.208 11.408
Nov 2 4.633 16.041
8 5.668 21.709
24 3.950 25.659
Dec 20 5.625 31.284
31 Closing 31.284 0

Depreciation expense _Office equipment Acct No 612

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 400 400
31 Closing 400 0

Depreciation expense _Computer equipment Acct No 613

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 1.250 1.250
31 Closing 1.250 0

Wages expense Acct No 623

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 31 875 875
Nov 30 1.750 2.625
Dec 10 750 3.375
31 Adjusting 500 3.875
31 Closing 3.875 0

Insurance expense Acct No 640

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 555 555
31 Closing 555 0

Rent expense Acct No 640

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 2.475 2.475
31 Closing 2.475 0

Computer supplies expense Acct No 652

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Adjusting 3.065 3.065
31 Closing 3.065 0

Advertising expense Acct No 655

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 20 1.728 1.728
Dec 2 1.025 2.753
31 Closing 2.753 0

Mileage expense Acct No 676

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Nov 1 320 320
28 384 704
Dec 29 192 896
31 Closing 896 0

Miscellaneous expense Acct No 677

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Nov 22 250 250
Dec 31 Closing 250 0
Repairs expense _computer Acct No 684
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 17 805 805
Dec 3 500 1.305
31 Closing 1.305 0

Income summary Acct No350

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Closing 31.482 31.482
31 Closing 16.824 14.460
31 Closing 14.460 0

Retained earnings Acct No 320

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Dec 31 Closing 14.460 14.460
31 Closing 7.100 7.360

Dividends Acct No 319

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
Oct 31 3.600 3.600
Nov 30 2.000 5.600
Dec 31 1.500 7.100
31 Closing 7.100 0

8.Post closing trial balance

Santana Rey
Post closing Trial balance
December 31, 2017
Debit credit
Cash 48.372
Accounts receivable 5.668
Computer supplies 580
Prepaid insurance 1.665
Prepaid rent 825
Office equipment 8.000
Accumulated depreciation _office equipment 400
Computer equipment 20.000
Accumulated depreciation _computer equipment 1.250
Accounts payable 1.100
Waged payable 500
Unearned computer service 1.500
Common stock 73.000
Retained earnings 7.360
Totals 85.110$ 85.110$

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