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In this unit you:

* talk about ethical choices.
* make predictions about the future.
* TED TALK by Andras Forgacs about a way to produce meat and leather more

1. Complete each definition with the correct word.

 Organic food is grown naturally, without using any special chemicals

 On Free-range farms, animals are not kept in cages and can move around
 Genetically modified food is grown using technology to change the food's size, color, taste,
 Fair trade food production aims to provide better trading and working conditions for
farmers in developing countries
 By choosing locally produced food, you mininize the distance the food needs to travel. this
helps the enviroment
 Sustainable food production aims to preserve the world's natural resources for the future.

2. Practice the meaning and pronunciation of some important vocabulary for the unit,
on the web page

3. Answer the following questions giving your personal opinion.

 Do you usually buy organic or non-organic fruit? Why?

- Yes, I do, because fruit is very important in food since it contains vitamins
and proteins that benefit health.
 Is it easy or difficult to find fair-trade foods where you live?
- Yes, is easy, i live in front to a marketplace and this facilitaste me to access
 Is genetically modified food a good idea or a bad idea? Why?
-I think that this kinf of food is nocive for the healt, since change him
characteristics to be process and sold more fast
 Do you think it’s important to buy free-range meat? Why?
-From my point of view each person gives a different importance, in my case
yes, I love meat.

4. Barton Seaver is a chef and environmentalist. What did he once work as in Africa?
Listen and circle the correct answer.

a. A farmer (b). a fisherman c. a trader

5. Listen to Barton Seaver again and complete the sentences with the words you
hear. Then, explain in your own words what Seaver means by each quote.

 food is how the vast majority of us interact with our resources”

Explanation: by : by worked as a fisherman in Africa off the coast of a

Sweden and the starting fisherman went out there and until this point
Seafood had just been delivered as if by but here in this Village

 “Environmentalism is so often thought of as this distand idea”

Explanation: environmentalism at its root is human concern for the


 “But dinner is full contact environmentalism”

Explanation: men and women who were casting Nets into the sea in hopes of
catching dinner not dollars

6. Listen and read this conversation and practice it using any of the expression
given. Then answer the following questions:

 Why did the woman change to organic food?

She only eat organic fruits and vegetables now, she heard using chemical in
food it's not very good for health

7. Answer the following question in a personal way.

 Which of these things do you buy more often? Why?

* farmed or wild fish.
* locally-produced or imported food.
* cheaper or better quality fruit and vegetables.

locally-produced because support to the grow to national market, generating

jobs and cheaper or better quality fruit and vegetables. Because are very
important in food since it contains vitamins and proteins that benefit health.

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