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Pre & Post Test Analysis of Gross Motor Skills

Name child: Emmet Mcgraw_________________________ Name Evaluator: _Sean Haggerty ________

1. Complete the TGMD-2 modified assessment sheet

Assessment of gross motor skills Child: _Emmet Mcgraw_______________________

Locomotor - Run Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Brief period where both feet are off of the ground 1 1 1 1
Arms in opposition to legs, elbows bent 1 1 1 1
2 cones 50 feet apart to Foot placement near or on line (not flat footed) 1 1 1 1
run in between. Video Non-supporting leg is bent around 90 degrees (close to
front and size view buttocks) 1 1 1 1

Motor Stage Mature Mature Mature Mature

Locomotor- Gallop Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
A step forward with the lead foot followed by step with the trail
Place 2 cones 25 feet foot to a position adjacent to or behind the lead foot. 0 0 1 1
apart - tell child to gallop Brief period where both of the feet are off the ground 1 1 1 1
from one cone to the other, Arms bent and lifted to waist level 0 0 0 1
stop and repeat. 2 trials, Able to lead with the right and left foot 0 0 0 0
video both from side view
Motor Stage Initial Initial Elementary ary
Locomotor- Hop Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Foot of nonsupport leg is bent and carried in back of body 1 1 1 1
Nonsupport leg swings in pendulum fashion to produce force 0 0 0 0
Child will hop 4 times on Arms bent at elbows and swing forward on take off 0 0 0 0
his/her preferred foot (establish Takes off and lands three consecutive time on preferred foot 1 0 1 0
this before testing). Repeat on Takes off and lands three consecutive time on non-preferred
2nd trial. Front view video
foot 0 0 0 0
Elementary Element
Motor Stage Initial Initial 2 ary 2
Locomotor- Leap Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Take off on one foot and land on the opposite 1 1 1 1
2 cones 50 feet apart with a A period where both feet are off of the ground (longer than
bean bag in the middle. Ask running) 1 0 0 1
students to run and leap over Forward reach with arm opposite lead foot 0 0 0 0
the bean bag. Video tape a
side and front view
Motor Stage Initial Initial Initial ary 2
Locomotor- Jump Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Preparatory movement includes flexion of both knees with arms
extended behind the body 1 1 1 1
Arms extended forcefully forward and upward, reaching full
Mark of a starting line on floor. extension above head 0 0 0 0
Position child behind line. Tell Take off and land on both feet simultaneously 0 0 0 0
child to jump far. Repeat.
Arms are brought downward during landing 0 0 0 0
Video front and side view

Elemen Elementa Elementary Element

Motor Stage tary 2 ry 2 2 ary 2

Locomotor- Slide Pre Post

Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Body turned sideways so shoulders are aligned with the line on
the floor 1 1 1 1
Place 2 cones 25 feet apart on A step sideways with lead foot followed by a slide of the trailing
a straight line. Tell the child to foot to a point next to the lead foot 1 1 1 1
slide from one cone to the A minimum of four continuous step-slide cycles to the right 0 1 0 0
other cone. Side view for video
A minimum of four continuous step-slide cycles to the left 0 0 1 1
Motor Stage Initial Initial Elementary ary
Locomotor- Skip Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Place 2 cones 30 feet apart. A step forward followed by a hop on the same foot 0 0 0 0
Mark of two lines. Tell the child
Arms are flexed and move in opposition to legs to produce force 0 0 0 0
to skip from one cone to the
other. Front and side view Completes 4 continuous rhythmical alternating skips 0 0 0 0
video Motor Stage Initial Initial Initial Initial
Manipulative - Strike long implement Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Dominant hand grips bat above non-dominant hand 1 1 1 1
4 inch plastic ball on Non-preferred side of body faces imaginary tosser with feet
batting tee at waist level. parallel 1 1 1 1
Tell child to hit ball hard Hips and shoulder rotation during swing 1 1 1 1
and straight ahead with Transfers body weight to front foot 0 0 1 1
bat. Video tape front and Bat contacts ball 1 1 1 1
side view Element Elementa Elementary Element
Motor Stage ary 3 ry 3 3 ary 3
Manipulative - Catch Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Mark off 2 lines 15 feet apart. Preparation phase where hands are in front of the body and
The child stands on one line
elbows are flexed 1 1 1 1
and the tosser on the other.
Toss 4 inch ball underhand to Arms extend while reaching for the ball as it arrives 1 1 1 1
chest area. Tell the child to Ball is caught by hands only 0 0 0 1
catch with 2 hands. Only count
a trial if ball is near chest. Front Elementary Element
and side view video Motor Stage Initial Initial 3 ary 4
Manipulative- Kick Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Mark off 1 line about 20 feet Rapid continuous approach to the ball 1 1 0 0
from wall and second line 8 An elongated stride or leap immediately prior to ball contact 0 0 1 1
feet beyond first line. Place 8-
Non-kicking foot placed even with or slightly in back of the ball 0 1 1 1
10 inch ball on the first line
closest to wall. Tell the child to Kicks ball with instep of preferred foot or toe 1 1 1 1
run up and kick hard towards Elemen Elementa Elementary Element
wall. Front and side view Motor Stage tary 3 ry 3 3 ary 3
Manipulative - Underhand Throw Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Preferred hand swings down and back reaching behind the
Attach a piece of tape on the trunk 1 1 1 1
floor 15 feet from wall. Child Steps forward with the foot opposite the throwing hand 0 0 0 0
stand behind tape line facing
wall. Tell child to throw ball
Ball is tossed forward hitting the wall without a bounce 1 0 1 1
hard underhand at wall. View Hand follows through after ball release to chest level 1 1 1 1
and side view video Elemen Element Element
Motor Stage tary ary Elementary ary
Manipulative-Overhand Throw Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Windup is initiated with downward movement of hand/arm 0 0 0 0
Attach a piece of tape on the Rotates hip and shoulders to a point where the non-throwing
floor 20 feet from wall. Child side faces the wall 0 0 0 0
stand behind tape line facing
wall. Tell child to throw ball
Weight is transferred by stepping with the foot opposite the
hard at wall. View and side throwing hand 0 1 0 0
view video Follow-through beyond ball release diagonally across the body
toward the non-preferred side 0 0 0 0

Motor Stage Initial Initial Initial Initial

Manipulative - Roll Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1Trial 2
Preferred hand swings down and back, reaching behind the trunk while
Place 2 cones against a wall
chest faces cones 0 0 0 0
so they are 4 feet apart. Attach
a piece of tape on the floor 20 Strides forward with foot opposite the preferred hand toward the cones 0 0 0 0
feet from wall, tell the child to Bends knees to lower body 0 0 1 1
roll a tennis ball hard so that it Releases ball close to the floor so ball does not bounce more than 4
goes between the cones. Front
and side view
inches high 0 1 1 1
Motor Stage Initial Initial Initial Initial
Manipulative - Dribble Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2
Contacts ball with one hand at about belt level 0 0 0 0
Child will dribble a 8-10 inch
Pushes ball with fingertips (not a slap) 0 0 0 0
ball four times without moving Ball contacts surface in front of or to the outside of foot on
his or her feet, using one hand, preferred side 0 0 0 0
and then stop by catching the Maintains control of ball for four consecutive bounces without
ball. Front view video
having to move the feet to retrieve it 0 0 0 0
Motor Stage Initial Initial Initial Initial
Stability - Static Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: R leg L leg R leg L leg
Use poly spot for child to stand Maintains a steady balance 1 1 1 1
on. Ask the child to lift up one Adjusts body to maintains balance 1 1 1 1
leg and count to 5 and put leg
Eyes forward 1 1 1 1
down. On second trial, child
lifts other leg and holds it for 5 Can hold for 5 seconds while maintaining balance 0 1 1 1
seconds and puts it back Element Element Element
down. Video twice front view. Motor Stage ary ary Elementary ary
Stability - Dynamic Pre Post
Materials/Directions Skill Criteria: Low beam High beam Low beam High beam
Maintains a steady balance 1 1 1 1
Child walks on low balance Adjusts body to maintains balance 1 1 1 1
beam without assistance, then Eyes forward 1 0 1 0
high beam without assistance.
Assistance for getting on the
Uses arms for balance 0 0 1 1
beam is ok. Front view videos Can cross the beam without falling off 0 1 1 1
of both trials Elementar
Motor Stage Elementary Elementary Mature y

2. Complete the table using the pre and post data from the assessment

Directions: To calculate the scores: Count up the #of 1’s in trial 1 and trial 2, divide by total critical elements of
both trials and times by 100 for %. For example, Running has 4 critical elements. If trial 1 has a score of 2 and
trial 2 has a score of 1, then the total score is 3/8 and the % is 37.5%

Locomotor Subtest
Pre-Test Post-Test
Total score and % Total score and %

Run 8/8 100% 8/8 100%

Gallop 2/8 25% 5/8 62.5%
Hop 3/10 30% 3/10 30%
Leap 3/6 50% 3/6 50%
Horizontal Jump 2/8 25% 2/8 25%
Slide 5/8 62.5% 6/8 75%

Skip 0/6 0% 0 0%
Raw total score (sum of all subscores) 23 39.6% 27 46.5%

Object Control Subtest

Skills Pre-Test Post-Test
Total score and % Total score and %
Striking long handed 8/10 80% 10/10 100%
Catch 4/6 66% 5/6 83%
Kick 5/8 62.5% 6/8 75%

Underhand Throw 5/8 62.5% 6/8 75%

Overhand Throw 1/8 12.5% 0/8 0%

Roll 1/8 12.5% 4/8 50%

Dribble 0/8 0% 0/8 0%

Raw Total Score (sum of all subscores) 24 44.4% 31 57.4%

Stability Subtest
Skills Pre-Test Skill Score Post-Test Skill Score
Total score and % Total score and %
Static Balance 7/8 87.5% 8/8 100%

Dynamic Balance 6/10 60% 9/10 90%

Raw Total Scores (Sum) 13 72% 17 94.4%

3. Quantitative Analysis: Create and insert a graphical image of the different scores comparing the pre and post-
test (show all skills in three different categories. Do not include the raw total scores, use the percentages to
compare. Use a vertical bar graph. Compare the skills.) – Hint: use Excel, copy and paste the above % data from
above into excel and click graph. Copy and paste the table below this prompt.

Locomotor Skills Pre and Post Test







Run Gallop Hop Leap Horizontal Slide Skip

Pre Post

Object Control Pre and Post Tests







Striking Catch Kick Underhand Overhand Roll Dribble
long Throw Throw

Pre-Test Total score and % Post-Test Total score and %

Stability Pre and Post Tests







Pre test Post test

Static Balance Dynamic Balance


4. Provide a qualitative analysis of the growth and performance of each of the FMS skills of the child over time
(explain the data and graph in words: list each skill and discuss the growth over time using the critical elements,
explaining in detail how they perform each skill)
In addition, in the far right column, provide at least 2 enjoyable and easy to understand tasks that a parent
could do with the child over the break to help the child improve.

A. Locomotor

Skill Qualitative analysis Suggestions for tasks at home

Run Emmet Runs very well. Emmet’s eyes are focused 1. Have Emmet run along a line on the ground
forward throughout the run. He has great arm and
leg opposition. He also does a great job of running
while rolling feet. 2. Bring Emmet to a local park where he can run
around on the playground.

Gallop Emmet made great progress in galloping. He has 1. Play pretend horses with him and have him
almost perfected the footwork keeping one foot in imitate a horses gallop
front of the other throughout the gallop. His gallops
look rhythmic too. 2. Take Emmet to a zoo and have him watch the
horses gallop

Hop Emmet is good at staying on the same foot while 1. Have Emmet hop on one foot to try and touch
hopping. He has good form as well. He can also something higher than him
perform 3 consecutive hops on his preferred foot.
2. Play games with him that require him to hop on
one foot such as hop scotch

Leap Emmet is good at focusing his eyes forward while 1. Play leap frog with Emmet
leaping. He takes off on one foot and lands on the
other every time. He can also land controlled without
falling or losing his balance often. 2. Make a fun obstacle course and have a leaping
portion for him to practice

Jump When jumping Emmet bends his knees well in 1. Play jump rope with Emmet
preparation for the jump. He makes good use of his
arms as they swing back and can jump and land on
the same feet simultaneously. 2. Have him pretend to be a kangaroo and imitate
the way they jump

Slide Emmet slides well. He always keeps his trail leg 1. Have him try to follow a line on the ground while
behind the lead leg. He does a great job of keeping moving sideways

his body turned sideways so his shoulders are 2. Have a fun obstacle course with a narrow portion
aligned with a line on the floor. He can also slide 4 that requires him to slide through
consecutive times to the right.
Skip When Emmet skips he can step then hop on the 1. Have Emmet skip over small obstacles
same foot. His eyes are focused forward as well.
However he has a bit of a broken pattern when
skipping continuously. 2. Have a skipping race with him and have a prize
for him

B. Manipulative / Object Control

Skill Qualitative analysis Suggestions for tasks at home

Strike with Emmet is very good at striking with a long 1. Practice hitting a balloon off of a tee with a bat
long implement. He focuses his eyes on the object being
implement struck, has good rotation when he swings, and
transfers his weight to the front foot upon contact. 2. Practice bouncing a ball on the ground and then
He also demonstrates a good follow through after hit it off the bounce with a paddle or bat
the action.
Catch When catching Emmet does good having his hands 1. Throw a balloon up in the air and have Emmet
in front of him with his elbows bent and extending catch the balloon
his arms as the ball approaches. He can also catch
a ball with his hands only. 2. When its autumn try and catch falling leaves
from a tree

Kick Emmet can use a rapid moving approach when he 1. Kick a ball back and forth with Emmet
kicks. His eyes are focused on the target and steps
beside the ball with his non kicking foot. He also
takes a preparatory step/ leap to the ball before 2. Without a ball, practice a full kicking motion
Underhand When throwing underhand Emmet has his eyes 1. Have a target for Emmet to try and hit with a
Throw focused on the target with a good backward swing beanbag
with the throwing hand while throwing. He releases
the ball at waist level and has a good follow 2. Have Emmet try and throw a beanbag into a
through. bucket

Overhand Emmet always has his eyes focused on the target 1. Throw a ball at a target on a wall
Throw when throwing overhand. Has little wind up for the
throw with very little rotation and weight transfer.
2. Playing regular catch with him with help improve
this skill as well

Roll a ball Emmet is good at bending his knees in preparation 1. Roll a ball under a low rope
for the roll. He uses both hands in a straddle stance
but can roll the ball low to the ground without it
bouncing. 2. Have him try and roll a ball into a small hole or
bucket on its side

1. Without using a ball, show Emmet the correct

stance to dribble in to correct and form issues

Dribble a Dribbling is a little bit of a struggle for Emmet. He 2. Challenge him to see how many dribbles he can
ball with uses a drop and catch pattern and when he tries to get in a row with a bouncy ball
hand use one hand he has little control over the ball.

C. Balance

Skill Qualitative analysis Suggestions for tasks at home

Static Emmet can maintain a steady balance on both feet. 1. Have Emmet stand on a spot and see how long
Balance His eyes are focused forward and adjusts his body to he can do it for
maintain his balance. He can balance for 5 seconds
on both his right and left feet. 2. Play hop scotch with him

Dynamic When balancing dynamically Emmet focuses his 1. Have Emmet walk across a low beam with
Balance eyes forward using an alternate stepping action. He assistance if needed
uses his arms for balance and adjusts his body to
maintain his balance. He can walk across both the 2. Have Emmet walk on a line and try not to step to
high and low beam fluently. the side of the line

5. What do you think you, as a teacher could have done differently to help the child progress during the class? Be

As a teacher something that I think that I could have done differently to help the child progress during the class would be to
use more visual aids to help him. Visual aids are a great way for the child to see and visualize what the movement should
look like. Another thing that I could have done to help him is to have prizes for him at the end of my stations so he would be
motivated to do well and try his best to get the prize. I also should have included more movement concepts in my stations
such as working with a partner and developing some teamwork between him and another student to achieve a common

6. Write your parent letter explaining your analysis of all three domains (PM, Affective, Cognitive) and some
suggestions for what to practice over the break. Include the letter below this prompt.

To the parent/guardian of Emmet,

It has been my pleasure working with Emmet this semester at school in the Movement and
Literacy program. Emmet is a lovely child who really enjoys being active. Throughout this semester
we worked on various loco motor skills along with many object control skills. We assessed these skills
using the gross motor assessment. We used this assessment tool in both a pre-assessment and a
post-assessment to see how he has progressed this semester. The stability skills that we assessed are
static balance and dynamic balance. The loco motor skills that we worked on include running,
galloping, hopping, leaping, jumping, skipping, and sliding. The object control skills that we assessed
include, rolling, underhand throwing, overhand throwing, catching, kicking, dribbling and striking.

I am very pleased to inform you that Emmet has made great progress in loco motor, object
control and stability skills. Different performance criteria were used to break down each skill, which
allows us to focus on where his strengths are and where he needs to improve. For the loco motor
skills, Emmet made great progress throughout the semester. Galloping was a skill that we focused on
greatly. Emmet is now able to use the correct form and move in the correct motion during the gallop.
He also really worked on his footwork and it looks great! The skills hopping, jumping, and skipping
Emmet is starting to perform some areas of the skill correctly. With a more practice, he will do great.
We also spent a lot of time working on object control skills as well. Emmet really enjoyed using
different objects including squishy balls, balloons and large foam dice. One skill that we worked on a
lot was catching according to the assessment he prepares himself in the correct ready position for
the catch just before the ball is thrown to him. He can catch the ball easily now and can catch using
just his hands. Another skill that we worked on was rolling. Emmet made great progress with this
skill. He now bends his knees in preparation for the roll and releases the ball low to the ground
without it bouncing at all! Working on Emmet's ability to step then roll will help him improve further.
One handed rolling may take a little more time but more practice will help him perfect the skill.
Overall Emmet made tremendous progress in both loco motor and object control skills.
I am very pleased with how Emmet did this semester in the Movement and Literacy program.
He is a great listener and is very respectful towards myself and the other teachers. One skill that was
not formally assessed was the stairs. However, Emmet was very good at climbing the stairs, in facts I
was able to put beanbags down on the stair for him to move around on the stair and he did it with
ease. I would like to thank you for allowing me to work with Emmet. This was a wonderful
opportunity for me and I looked forward to it every day. If you have any further questions for me feel
free to contact me at

Sincerely, Sean Haggerty

7. Create a letter to the future teacher candidate of your preschooler. Explain what worked and what did not work
focusing on ALL three domains of learning!! Include the letter below this prompt.

Dear Teacher Candidate participating in the PED 321 Movement and Literacy program.

Movement education is a great experience for the teacher candidates and the students as well. This class
presents the opportunity for you to work alongside the college childcare program. This opportunity should not be taken
lightly as it is a privilege to be able to work with the students in such a great program. The best way to go about this
opportunity is to make sure you are always prepared to class, be dressed professionally, come ready to learn and apply that
knowledge in your everyday life.
This year I had the opportunity to work with Emmet. Emmet has already been in the program before and had some
experience with previous Teacher Candidates. Because this is the case, there is pre-test information about his ability to
perform the skills that will be done in class. Emmet is very good at being active and has great psychomotor capabilities.
Some loco motor skills that Emmet is excellent at are running, galloping and sliding! He scored mature for running and
made great improvements in galloping this past year. He is a very good balancer too. He was able to walk across the high
beam unassisted by the end of the year! Although there are some skills that he lacks proficiency in such as, skipping,
overhand throwing, and dribbling. He cannot quite get the skipping pattern down and does not have great form when
throwing overhand. These could be some things to focus on when working with Emmet! The movement posters are great
tools for creating fun activities for him. Emmet also really likes dinosaurs so incorporating them into your lessons could be a

great way to gain his interest. Overall Emmet is a very sweet child and has been a pleasure to work with this year. I hope
you have the same experience as I did when working with him.

Good luck and I wish you the best working with Emmet.

Sean Haggerty

***This assignment can be used in your discussion with the teacher or parents and it can also
be included in your portfolio under various standards, be sure to keep this safe!***

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