Series 4

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Conde 1

Elva Conde

Professor Marianita Escamilla


27 October 2020

Series Four.1 Reflection

Genre is not seen a different way after watching the short video of “Genre as a Social

Action.” I agree now how genre shouldn’t be categorized for their forms but rather their actions,

what they do. Do they inform, persuade, entertain? It was an interesting perspective to look at

genres that will stick with me from here on out. I tend to be appealed more towards persuading

genres typically in such things as fitness, mental health, life hacks, etc. I find myself clicking on

a podcast about self-love over a podcast on history (informative.) The hardest thing is coming up

with a good artifact that correlates to my theory of writing, “Does journaling benefit one’s

literacy?” My artifact would land more in the persuasion genre, as I am trying to convince my

audience to start or continue journaling. It could be something such as an Instagram post perhaps

on a page who devotes themselves to advocating mental health awareness.

I tend to have bad memories tied to group assignments, as I think at the end it will always

be one person putting in most of the work. Compared to working on my own not worrying about

getting everyone’s effort into the assignment. I do agree that working in groups can have its

benefits when it comes to such assignments as peer reviews where there’s no way you can’t

benefit from it. Although at the end I do find myself still enjoying working on my own, I feel

less pressured and judged. I have never enjoyed the feeling of having others read my work as I

feel they will judge rather than help. Overall, throughout this entire process I have grown
Conde 1

comfortable with either method. I find myself more comfortable in being able to share my work

if necessary or work individually.

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