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Macabeo, Christine Joy P.

DOMT 3-1 October 13, 2020


1. Create an article on what is the development of the Internet from 1996 up to 2020,
identify how this development became beneficial to the improvement of people’s
way of living. How did it affect you as a youth?

Internet defined from the discussion of the last meeting, it is the largest network in
the world, and it accumulated millions of computers connected to it. It is publicly
accessible of interconnected computer networks responsible to transmit data. Why does
internet come to be so popular, and many people used it around the world? And what are
the benefits of using the internet to the people whose lives in 1996 to 2020? These
questions will be answered as we turn back the time to know it well.
As brief information about the development of the internet, the computer scientists
Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn are the ones who invented the internet communication
protocols. They developed a set of guidelines for data transfer using packet switching in
1980. But according to, "It is impossible to credit the invention of the internet
to a single person. The internet was the work of dozens of pioneering scientist,
programmers, and engineers.” these people were developed new features and
technologies that arises our "Information Superhighway" of today's future.
In January 1996 there were only 100,000 websites, compared to more than 1.74
billion as of today's year. It's amazing how large numbers of websites are increased. The
Web browser of choice was Netscape Navigator -- was a proprietary web browser that
lunch on October, 1994 -- followed by Microsoft Internet Explorer as a second choice.
Most people in 1996 used dial-up internet connection speed from 28 kbps to 33.6 kbps. I
wonder how they can connect or communicate and receive data with that just speed of
internet connection.
In addition, Dr. Henning Schulerine co-develops key protocols that enable Voice
over the Internet Protocol (VoIP). It allows you to make voice calls using a broadband
Internet connection instead of a regular phone line.
Shigeki Goto helps found Asia Pacific Advanced Networks (APAN), in 1997 which
is instrumental in the expansion of the Internet across Asia Pacific. The internet is getting
popular in Asia Pacific Region. Because of the popularity of the internet, many people are
hooked by how the internet helps to ease their lives. In year 1998, the term "blog" arises,
and marks the first known instance of a blog on traditional news sites.
The internet becomes so popular. As the years go by, number of people around
the world who has access to these technologies are rapidly changeable. So Anne- Marie
EklundLowinder, a Chief Information Security Officer at IIS, helps the SE board
understand the importance of DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) , the
Internet protocol guards that enable users to be sure they are visiting a secure site.An
article in year 1999 was conducted a survey to Americans who use internet as part of
their lives. It says that the internet audience is not only growing, but it is certainly
increased by almost 20% of American people. That year, many adults are using internet,
and the most popular online news attraction is the weather. The Dotcom Bubble, also-
known as the Internet Bubble was a rapid rise in U.S Technology stock equity; this is
valuable to invest in internet-based companies. Many companies believe that when they
invest money in internet, it will profitable in the future. But in the year 2000 to 2002, it
does not happen like what they want to be. Most Dotcom stocks had gone bust and it fall
77% of profit. It would take 15 years to regain its Dotcom peak, which it did on April 2015.
As the internet popularity grows, many people in corporate world were eagerly put
their money to invest to this technology. The web is an information system, and
connected to local computers through the internet. It is given that it was intended for
academic researchers, but when the Mosaic browser appeared in 1993 commercial of
technology became obvious to the corporate world. But the early web does not provide
images; it was a one-way, read-only medium. In 2002 to 2003 to make transactions
possible, the “Web 2.0” arises as to be the solution for the problems encountered by the
users. The web 2.0 featured to control the collective intelligence available in the web,
either via software such as Google Page Rank algorithm and Wikipedia. The web 2.0 has
a big part of our growing economy. Companies have gained measurable benefits like
innovative products and services, effective marketing, better access to knowledge, and
higher revenues.
The evolution of the internet or technology has significant changes of how people
access and use the network. Mobile phones arises as people gets wildly to have access
to the internet in 2007. Adoption of Smartphone has increased rapidly mostly from
developing countries. As mobile phones gets popular, social media also get a way to
introduce itself. The Facebook founded in 2004 and Twitter in 2006. Facebook is by far
the most dominant as a social media platform. In 2005, the Pervasive Surveillance or
advertisements also use to market products and services through internet, it seen the
massive expansion in state surveillance of internet and mobile communication.
Today, the massive expansion of delivering fastest internet in the world has seen
by many people who have access to the internet. People are easily done their jobs
because of the technology; also students easily finish their assignments because of one-
click option to gather information they need using internet. As a youth, I’ve seen how
internet and technology improved as I grow. In 2000s, I can say that before there are no
mobile phones, tablets, or even computers are rarely to seen because of not yet
developed industry. But because of famous people who contributed their hard work and
their eagerly to developed a new system for the future, they released so much more to
improved the technology. Mobile phones, tablets and upgraded computers were released
started in year 2007.
I can say that Internet have a big impact to our lives. There are so many ways to
help internet to ease our lifestyle such as: Connectivity, communication, and sharing- It is
easy to communicate to others using your devices and the use of internet; Knowledge
and Learning- It allows us to learn any topic and gives answer to our questions; Selling
and making money- Today, online business is make its way to ease and less hassle for
shopping, but there are several ways to earn money through online; Entertainment-
Through online, people can access endless entertainment like watch movies, listen to
music, play games, etc.; and Work from home, collaboration, and access to a global
workforce- Work from home is in demand today because of crisis cause of pandemic,
people stay their home to continue to work.
So, a big thank you for the people who invent and improved our technology
because of them we have easier life we have right now. All things in the world are a
manifest, but the creation of human kind is unpredictable. I hope for the next generation
there will be more inventions and more creative ideas to be create not for only humans
but for also on Earth.

2. Create an article about 3 people who contributed in the development of internet

and the World Wide Web. Make sure that your 3 people are unique from your
classmates’ people. (Include pictures)


Born on June 29, 1925

Died on February 23, 2017
Known for creating ARPANET
He was an American scientist manager, particularly for the government. He served
as director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in the 1960’s. He was
born in Vienna, Austria. He received a BS degree in Engineering from Catholic University
of America, and a PhD degree in Physical chemistry from the University of Chicago.
Under his leadership in the ARPA, he recognized the importance of computers and
decided to create the ARPANET, which eventually became the Internet. Charles Herzfeld
has given lots of contribution which he ran the DEFENDER Program – the Ballistic Missile
defense program. Then for two years, he was Deputy Director of DARPA, later he was
chosen as fifth Director of DARPA (also known as ARPA).


Born on January 30, 1925

Died on July 2, 2013
Known for his work for field of human-
computer interaction, computer mouse,
hypertext, and graphical user interface.

He was an American engineer and inventor, an early computer and internet

pioneer. He is best known for his work on founding the field of human-computer
interaction, which resulted in creation of the computer mouse, and the development of
hypertext, networked computers, and graphical user interface.
Engelbart earned his BS degree from Oregon state and his PhD from UC Berkely
in Electrical Engineering. He died at age 88.
He also initiated ARPANet’s Network Information Center (NIC). On October 29,
1969, the world’s first electronic computer network, the ARPANET, was established at
Engelbart’s lab at SRI (Stanford Reseach Institute).


Born on September 6, 1966

Died on August 8, 2017
Known for creating of Internet2

He is Interim Vice President and Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Internet2. Wolff
is responsible for developing a strategic technical roadmap for the organization to ensure
the research and education community focused to the network technology innovation and
development. Stephen Wolff is one of the many fathers of the Internet. Wolff thinks that
the Internet has a chance to innovate not only for government but also in commercial and
academic world.
He earned a BS with Highest Honors in Electrical Engineering from Swarthmore
College in 1957, and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University in 1961.He
also extend the ARPANET design into the civilian world and introduced it to private

Andrews E. (2019, October 28). Who Invented the Internet.

Retrieved from
An Internet History Timeline. (2016, November 22). Retrieve from
Chapman C. A brief history of blogging. Retrieved on October 12, 2020.
Retrieve from
Hayes A. (2019, June 25). Dotcom Bubble. Retrieve from https//
Naughton J. ( 2016, May 6). The evolution of the internet: from military experiment to
General Purpose Technology. Retrieve from
Internet History. Retrieved on October 12, 2020. Retrieve from

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