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Paper A

History of Pakistan and Pakistan (712 to 1857)

Arrival of Muslims in Subcontinent

Q. “The Arab conquest of Sind was only an episode in the history of India and
of Islam, a triumph without results.” Do you agree with this view? (2004)
(1999 a bit of detail statement) (2007 Sindh as “Babul Islam”)


Q. “Sultan Mahmud was strict in the administration of justice. He enforced

respect for law by all the means at his disposal and within his empire nobody
could plead rank or birth an excuse for leniency or exceptional treatment.”

Q. Mahmud of the Ghazna, it is generally believed had face to the west and
back to the east and thus heeded less to the making of an empire in the sub-
continent. Comment. (2005) (2002 Mahmood Ghazanvi’s role to establish
Turiskh Empire in India)

Q. What were the measures adopted by Balban to consolidate his empire and
strengthen the authority the Sultan? (2004) (2008)

Q. “ Illutmish is regarded as the real founder of the Slave dynasty.” How and
why? (2006) (1999 a detail description of his achievements) (2003)(2010)

Q. Give an account of main causes of discontent in the reign of Sultan

Alauddin. (1999) (Detail note on AK’s character and achievements 2003)

Q. Briefly review relations of Ulema and Mashaikh with the Khalji and
Tughluq Sultans. (2000)

Q. “ Sultan Mahammad Tughluq was a victim of circumstances over which he

had nominal control.” Comment. (2000) (2002 SMT’s character was a
mixture of two extremes, but he was a man of ideas) (2003) (2007 exact
statement as was in 2002) (2008 causes of downfall of Tughluq dynasty)

Q. Give an account of the campaign of Sultan Muhammad Ghori. How do you

account for his success over the Rajput rulers? (2001)(2010)

Q. The slave system was a source of weakness as well as strength in the

early Turkish Empire. Discuss. (2001)

Q. Write an essay or short notes on the followings:

a) The prerogatives of the Mughal Emperor

b) Shah Jahan’s relations with the Portugese (2000)

Q. “ Akbar gave prosperity and restored peace and order due to his polices.”
Discuss. (2000)

Q. Describe the character and personality of Baber as it emerges from the

study of his memoirs. (2004) (2002 Merits and demerits of Babur’s rule)

Q. Din-i-illahi was “an outcome of ridiculous vanity, a monstrous growth of

unrestrained autocracy.” Elucidate. (2001) (2004) (2008 merits and demerits
of Akbar’s religious policy)

Q. Discuss the career and character of Aurangzeb Alamgir. Where did he

falter? (2005) (2003 a note on his personality)

Q. Highlight the steps taken by Akbar for the consolidation of Mughal Empire.
( 2006)

Q. “ The War of Succession among the sons of Shah Jehan was in fact, war
between the two ideologies.” Comment and account for the success of
Aurangzeb Alamgir. (2006)

Q. Critically examine the motives and achievements of Shah Jehan’s policy

towards Central Asia.(1999)

Q. “ He (Humayun) tumbled through life and he tumbled out it.” Discuss the
character of Humayun in the light of these remarks and account for his
ultimate failure. (2001)

Q. Highlight the merits and demerits of Nuruddin Muhammad Jahangir.


Q. Shah Jahan’s rule was regarded as the most glorious period of the Mughal
Empire. Elucidate. (2003)

Structure of Muslim Society (Sultanate)

Q. Briefly relate the social and cultural effects of the contact of Islam with
Hinduism under the Sultanate of Delhi. (2004) (2006) (2003 short note of 10

Q. Give a brief review of the services rendered by the Muslim Saints for the
propagation of Islam during the Sultanate period. (2006)

Administrative Systems and Reforms (Sultanate)

Q. Describe the fiscal reforms of Alaudin Khilji. How far he was ahead of his
time? (2005) (2008)

Q. “ By his political reforms and policy of religious toleration, Sher Shah Suri
laid the foundation of an enlightened government.” Discuss. (2000) (SSS’
economic reforms 2002) (2007) (2008 SSS’ reforms as a mean to attain
strong monarchy during the Mughal rule).

Q. Bring out the leading features of state system under the Sultans of Delhi.

Q. Agrarian system of the Mughals. ( short note of 10 marks 2003)

Structure of Muslim Society (Mughals)

Q. How far do you agree with the view that the moral decay of nobility and
the foreign invasions during the 18th century accelerated the decline of the
Mughal Empire? (2002)

Q. Trace the rise of the Bakhti Movement. Examine its teachings and
contributions to society and culture. (2007)

Q. Sophistication in Society and Culture during Mughal rule reflected the

glory of empire. Enumerate and highlight achievements during this period.

Administrative Systems and Reforms (Mughals)

Q. “Whatever its faults, the Mansabdari system did enable the Mughals to
give good government to the people.” Examine the statement to highlight
the merits and demerits of Mansabdari system. (1999)

Q. “ The administrative structures which goes under the name of “Mughal

Administration” was the culmination of the experience gained during
centuries of Muslim rule.” Disccuss. (2006)
Q. Bring out the salient features of the judicial administration under the great
Mughals. (2000)

Q. Critically examine Akbar’s Rajput policy in the establishment or

declination of the Mughal Dynasty? (2002)

Art and Architecture

Q. Discuss the main characteristics of the Mughal architecture and mention

some of important Mughal buildings. (2004) (2007 with special reference to
buildings in Pakistan)

Q. “Taj Mahal marks the perfect moment in the evolution of the architect of
Mughal Peroid.” Discuss and also mention the distinctive features of Mughal
architecture. (2000)

Q. With the advent of the Mughals, there ushered in a new era of artistic and
literary activities. Explain. (2001)

Policy of Muslim Rulers towards Non Muslims


Q. Write short notes on any Two of the followings:

(a) Price Control System of Alauddin Khalji

(b) Mansabdari System of the Mughals

(c) Hazrat Mujaddid Alf I sani (2004)

Q. Hindu India lacked historical writings. Muslims introduced historiography

here. Could you record any major historical work of the early Muslim period
of the Indo-Pakistan Sub-continent? (2005)

Q. Describe the growth and expansion of the Hindi and Sanskrit literatures in
the sub-continent under the Muslim patronage. (2005)

Q. Would you agree with a general assessment that the lack of codified law
of succession in state affairs marred the growth of smooth administration in
the medieval Muslim rule in the Indo-Pak subcontinent? (2005)

Q. Pen down descriptive notes in either three fields of Muslim Contribution


a) Cuisine (b) Dress (c) Fine Arts (d) Form of architecture (2005)
Q. Write short notes on the following:

(a) The Mongol policy of the Sultans of Delhi

(b) Historical value of Tuzuk-i-Baburi

(c) Rise and fall of Nur Jahan (2006)

Q.Write Short notes on the followings

a) Monogls b) Razia Sultana (1999)

Q.Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

(a) Amir Khusrau (b) Ain I Akbari (c) Hazrat Mujadid Alf I Sani (2001) (Full
question on Hazrat Mujadid Alif Sani in 2007)

Q. Write short notes on the following:

(a) The Judicial System of the Sultanate of Delhi (b) Mughal Architecture and
Painting (2002)

Q. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

(a) Ameer Khusru (b) Dara Shikoh (c) Bahauddin Zakariya (2007)

Q. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

(a) Conditions of India in 1526 (b) War of Sucession among the sons of Shah
Jehan (c) Impact of Islam during Delhi Sultanate (2008)

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