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How Immigration is
Affecting Canadian Jobs?
Submitted By:

Priyank Shah

Ajay Pal Singh


Immigration in Canada has always been in a talk around. When countries are putting

protectionist policies towards immigration, Canada have remained steadfast in welcoming

immigrants, and refuges. There are many debates going around regarding immigration, but

the positives have carried away the negatives. The honorable minister of immigration,

refugees, and citizenship of Canada has recently stated that “Thanks in great part to the

newcomers we have welcomed throughout our history, Canada has developed into the strong

and vibrant country we all enjoy”. Furthermore, he added, immigrants have made

immeasurable amount of contribution to the country, which signals us that their arrival into the

country will make it a success, and for that we need to ensure that they are welcomed and

well-integrated around.

According to the report, immigrants play an important role in making up of most of the

economy due to the worker-to-retiree ratio, which has been 4.2 to 1, and projected to be 2 to

1 by 2036. It is also expected that immigrants will fill the labor gaps that the country has been

troubled with. Also, the ageing population, and low fertility rates has been an issue to the

country’s economy, which is supposed to be balanced by new immigrants. Given that, they

are younger than average population, and they will help in boosting the growth, and to

mitigate the population demographic.


Many jobs can be filled by Canadians, but the gap remains to be there in the labor market.

Therefore, Canada has put an immigration policy to fill this gap and expects to stimulate

economic growth. Some of the programs like Provincial Nominee, and Express Entry helps to

attract large number of immigrants to the country. It requires skilled labors in health, science,

trades, equipment etc., which are expected to be filled by immigrants.

Furthermore, when an immigrant comes to Canada, it becomes a consumer -- part of labor

market and economy by contributing to the workplace and paying taxes. Which in turn

increases economical productivity of the region. Reports say that over the recent years, gross

domestic product (GDP) per capita of the Country has increased by around 1.25% per year.

Immigrants’ Contribute to Canada’s Economy

Immigrants tend to have positive outcomes across the country. They really help in

participating the labor jobs, paying taxes towards the growth of the economy. Reports

suggests that they are more productive, and their economic performance increases as they

spend more time in Canada. Average employment earnings reach the Canadian average at

about 12 years after arrival. Principal applicants in the Canada Experience Class and

Provincial Nominee program exceed the Canadian average within the first year of landing.

The conference board of Canada have published a report on how immigrants effect Canada’s

economy, which says that immigrants boosts trade ties with the world, strengthen culture and

diversity. They are motivated, innovative, and entrepreneurial which helps in building

employment, and adds up to economy.


I believe that most things in the world have both good and bad sides. The impact of

immigration on Canada's work is equally two-sided. So is the impact of immigration on

Canada's work environment is good or bad? I believe most people. will answer this question

directly: Of course, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Outweigh. why has the

government introduced many immigrants over the years? As a multicultural country, Canada

attaches great importance to protecting the interests of the public and the working

environment. Employers in Canada must give the public equal employment opportunities.

This means that employees are not hired based on race, gender, color, religion, national

origin. In Canada, age, religion, and marital status are red lines forbidden to ask questions

during interviews.

Using data from the Statistics Canada by by Lahouaria Yssaad and Andrew Fields the lion’s

share (66%) of national employment gains between 2016 and 2017 was accounted for by

immigrants of core working-age (25 to 54 years) and Canadian-born workers aged 55 and

older. In fact, the age of immigrants is also an important factor affecting the working

environment in Canada. Not all immigrants are at an age suitable for work.

Between the core working ages of 25 and 54 years, most of the employment growth in 2017

(60%) was occupied by immigrants. This is mainly due to the higher proportion of immigrant

Canadians of this age. In contrast, the largest share of employment growth (74%) among

people 55 and older is attributed to Canadian-born people (chart 1).

The unemployment rate for core-aged immigrants edged down to 6.4% in 2017, the lowest

rate since the start of the LFS immigrant series in 2006. At the same time, their employment

rate rose to 78.9%, the highest rate recorded during the 12-year period. In comparison, the

employment rate for the Canadian-born was 84.0% in 2017, up 0.8 percentage points from

the previous year, and their unemployment rate was 5.0%, down 0.5 points.

In fact, more immigrants did not increase the local unemployment rate, but instead reduced it

by 0.5 points. After increasing in 2014, the employment gap between immigrants and

Canadian-borns has narrowed for three consecutive years. The gap in 2017 was the lowest

level since 2006. At the same time, the unemployment rate gap remained stable in 2017, but

narrowed compared to 2014. From 2016 to 2017, the largest share of the increase in

immigration employment was people who have lived in the country for more than 10 years

(older immigrants). However, more than a third (35%) of this increase is due to new

immigrants who have lived in Canada for 5 years or less.

According the Statistics Canada Immigrants in British Columbia and Ontario accounted for

the bulk of immigrant employment growth in 2017. For university-educated immigrants,

employment increased between 2016 and 2017, mainly in full-time jobs and established

immigrants (who have worked in the country for more than 10 years). Employment of

university graduates educated in Canadian universities has also increased, increasing their

employment rate to 91.4%, the highest level since 2006. Employment growth of college-

educated immigrants has boosted their employment rate to a record 82.1% in 2017. As a

result, the gap between them and their Canadian-born peers has narrowed to the smallest

level since 2006. The education level of immigrants is also increasing year by year

Much of the growth in immigration employment has come from professional, scientific and

technical services; financial, insurance, real estate and leasing services; manufacturing; and

healthcare and social assistance.



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