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Chapter 2

Synthesis and Processing of PEEK for

Surgical Implants
Steven M. Kurtz Ph.D.

2.1 Introduction PEEK used in biomedical applications. Readers with

an interest in PEEK composites may wish to skip
Polyaryletheretherketone (PEEK) is a challenge to ahead to Chapter 3, which covers blending of PEEK
synthesize and convert into surgical implants. The with additives.
polymer is chemically inert and insoluble in all
conventional solvents at room temperature. Indeed,
PEEK can only be completely dissolved using fairly 2.2 Synthesis of PAEKs
esoteric solvents, such as diaryl sulfones [1].
As noted previously, the polymerization of aryl-
Although inertness and insolubility are desirable for
etherketones is a complex and challenging process
a biomaterial, these attributes constrain the synthesis
due to the insolubility of PAEKs in typical solvents.
and manufacture of PEEK.
Furthermore, the solvents and high temperatures
Fabrication techniques for polyaryletherketone
necessary to carry out successful polymerization of
(PAEK) polymers have undergone constant refine-
PEEK, such as benzophenone or diphenylsulfone
ment since the preparation of polyetherketoneketone
above 300  C, necessitate dedicated plant facilities
(PEKK) was first described in the 1960s [1e3].
with rigorous safety procedures (Fig. 2.1). Because
Although many of the details associated with
of the precautions necessary to carry out safe poly-
synthesis and processing of PAEKs are proprietary to
merization, the reactions are typically carried out in
resin and stock material suppliers, it is important to
batches, as opposed to in a continuous process. All
understand the steps used in the manufacture of raw
these challenges contribute to the higher cost in
materials, because these techniques can substantially
producing PAEK polymers, when compared with
impact the properties and quality of the stock shapes
other thermoplastics.
and molded implant components [4]. Consequently,
Historically there are two main routes involved in
this chapter summarizes the principal steps used to
the production of PAEKs. The first method involves
synthesize and fabricate PEEK implant components.
linking aromatic ether species through ketone
Early studies on PEEK processing tend to
groups, whereas a second method involves linking
emphasize the fabrication of PEEK composites,
aromatic ketones by an ether bond. The first method
using carbon and glass fibers [4]. This chapter is
involves an electrophilic reaction and Friedel Crafts
focused on the synthesis and processing of neat,
acylation chemistry, and the second route involves
unfilled PEEK polymer. We begin by outlining the
a nucleophilic displacement reaction.
two main synthesis routes for contemporary
PEEK. As a high-temperature thermoplastic, PEEK 2.2.1 Electrophilic Routes to PAEK
can be processed using a variety of commercial
techniques, including injection molding, extrusion, Polymers
and compression molding. This chapter provides an The inherent solvent resistance and propensity to
overview of the methods for processing unfilled reach high crystallinity levels prevents PAEK

PEEK Biomaterials Handbook. DOI: 10.1016/B978-1-4377-4463-7.10002-8

Copyright Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 9

Figure 2.1 PEEK production facility, Thornton-Cleveleys, United Kingdom. Source: Victrex.

polymers from being synthesized in common organic acid to form PEEK. This route has only remained of
solvents. Early attempts to synthesize PEEK in academic interest due to the extremely high cost and
methylene chloride or nitrobenzene produced only corrosive nature of the solvent used (Scheme 2.2).
low-molecular-weight variants. The electrophilic synthesis of PAEK polymers
Work by DuPont using a combination of anhy- produces materials with reactive end groups such as
drous hydrogen fluoride/boron trifluoride succeeded benzoic acids. Such polymers cannot be processed,
in protonating the carbonyl groups and meant that without endcapping, due to their high thermal
high-molecular-weight polyetherketone (PEK)
became a possibility (Scheme 2.1) [5].
Raychem also reported the synthesis of PAEK O
polymers using similar reaction conditions in the
presence of alkylthiochloroformates. O C Cl
Another electrophilic process exemplified by
Ueda and Oda uses methanesulfonic acid (MSA)/
phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) at low temperatures
[6]. Although PEEK produced by this method has HF / BF3

a less branched structure than AlCl3-catalyzed

systems, it also suffers from high temperature insta- O
bility and hence cannot be molded or extruded
without extensive cross-linking and degradation. * O C *
Colquhoun and Lewis [7] have described the
Friedel Crafts polycondensation of 4-(40 -phenoxy-
phenoxybenzoic acid) in trifluoromethanesulfonic Scheme 2.1

O Scheme 2.2

n O O C OH


* O O C *

instability. When the reactive end group materials are quantities in the finished polymer. The choice of the
subjected to high-temperature processing, the poly- endcapping agent may therefore significantly alter
mer immediately cross-links, producing gels, which the leachable and biocompatibility profile of the
cannot be shaped into desired articles. Therefore, material.
PEEK production by electrophilic processes as
described earlier has historically had limited 2.2.2 Nucleophilic Routes to PAEK
commercial success.
More recently, a modification to the electrophilic Polymers
process for manufacturing PAEK polymers has been The nucleophilic route to PAEK polymers
described. This again involves the polycondensation provides a straightforward pathway to polymers such
of 4-(40 -phenoxyphenoxybenzoic acid). However, as PEEK. Initial attempts to form high-molecular-
methanesulfonic acid was used as the reaction weight PAEKs from the reaction of a dihalobenzo-
solvent in the absence of phosphorus pentoxide, and phenone and an equivalent bisphenate failed due to
1,40 -diphenoxybenzene was used as an endcapping the polymer product crystallizing from the sulfolane
agent [8]. This route permits the manufacture of solvent (Scheme 2.4).
thermally stable PAEK polymers and has been used Owing to the poor solubility of PEEK, the selec-
in industrial processes (Scheme 2.3). tion of the synthesis solvent is crucial. Suitable
It should be noted that to ensure thermal stability, solvents should be thermally stable and inert to
significant quantities of the endcapping agent are phenoxide species. It became apparent that solvents
used and as a result may be present in significant such as benzophenone or diphenylsulfone could be

O Scheme 2.3

n O O C OH


* O O C *

End Capping Agent





* O C *

Scheme 2.4




* O O C *

Scheme 2.5

used in the synthesis of PAEK polymers [3]. The whereas the crystalline melt transition temperature
inherent instability of bisphenates to oxidation was (Tm) occurs around 343  C.
overcome by the use of hydroquinone and sodium or
potassium carbonate to form the bisphenate in situ.
Very high temperatures (>300  C) are required 2.3 Nomenclature
to reach high molecular masses, the molecular
weight being controlled by a slight excess of di- The literature on PAEK resin is a maze of trade
fluorobenzophenone, leading to fluorine-terminated names and producers, which have changed over the
chains (Scheme 2.5). years, complicating interpretation of reported data
This process was patented in 1977 by ICI and sold for today’s materials. For researchers interested in
under the brand “Victrex PEEK,” and this route deciphering the historical polymer science literature,
provided the majority of PEEK polymer used in we provide here a brief primer on the nomenclature
industrial applications. of PAEK resins used for industrial purposes as well
The establishment of the nucleophilic route to as for biomaterials (Table 2.1). Resin, when used in
PAEK polymers permitted the investigation of this context, refers to the neat, unfilled powder that is
polymer variants by the use of different bisphenols to created by polymerization, whereas grades are typi-
produce PAEK polymers with various properties, as cally characterized by flow characteristics (e.g., for
reported by Attwood et al. [1]. The family of PAEK injection molding or compression molding) or based
polymers grew to contain variants such as PEK, on their filler content (e.g., glass fiber or carbon
PEEK, PEKK, PEKEKK, and so on, with a range of fiber). Because PAEK polymers are converted using
glass transition temperatures (143e160  C) and high standard thermoplastic processing techniques, such
crystalline melt temperatures (335e441  C). As the as injection molding, they are generally available as
dominant member of the PAEK family of polymers, pellets, although powder resin is also available. Stock
PEEK is in its “glassy” state at room temperature, as shapes, such as rods, are also available from
its glass transition temperature occurs about 143  C, producers.

Table 2.1 Summary of PAEK Materials Related to Implant Use

Polymer Trade Name Producer Comments

PEEK OPTIMA Invibio (subsidiary of Victrex), Manufacturer and supplier of long-

(Biomaterial) Thornton-Cleveleys, United term implantable PEEK in CE and
Kingdom Food and Drug Administration-
approved devices since 1998
PEK Invibio (subsidiary of Victrex), Available only in experimental
Thornton-Cleveleys, United quantities (see Chapter 13)
PEEK Victrex Victrex, Thornton-Cleveleys, Provides PEEK for blood/tissue
United Kingdom contact less than 24 h
PEEK Gatone Gharda, India No record of supplier implantation
studies. Discontinued for medical
use when acquired by Solvay in
December 2005
PEEK Keta-Spire Solvay Advanced Polymers, Not available for implant use
PEEK Zeniva Solvay Advanced Polymers, Implantable grade available
PEEK VESTAKEEP I Evonik Implantable grade available
PEKK PEKK DuPont, Wilmington, DE Discontinued for medical use by
PEKK OXPEKK OPM, Enfield, CT Implantable grade available. Base
resins supplied by Cytec [9]
PEKEKK Ultrapek BASF, the United States Discontinued in December 1995

Historically, PAEK materials, including PEEK, device masterfiles and manufactured in compliance
have been produced primarily as niche polymers for with Good Manufacturing Practice. In 2001, Victrex
industrial use, because their cost even today is at least established Invibio Biomaterial Solutions to specifi-
two orders of magnitude more expensive than low- cally provide grades of PEEK suitable for long-term
temperature thermoplastics such as polyethylene. implantation. In reviewing the historical PEEK liter-
When ICI launched Victrex PEEK in 1987, the ature, whether for industrial or biomedical applica-
primary application targets were not medical. tions, the reader should keep in mind that polymers
However, Victrex PEEK was used, if not yet sup- from ICI, Victrex, and Invibio were all produced at
ported, for implant applications. The Victrex PEEK the same plant location, although the name of the
business was sold by ICI in 1993, and in 1998, Victrex company has changed since that time. Similarly, the
launched PEEK-OPTIMAÒ for long-term implant- nomenclature for the resin grades has changed over
able applications. The offering of PEEK-OPTIMA time, but the polymerization technology has remained
provided a higher specification product and was fundamentally similar (Table 2.2). Today, PEEK
aimed at addressing the previous failings of PAEK biomaterials are designated by the OPTIMA trade
polymers by offering long-term supply assurance name based on their molecular weight, which governs
agreements in addition to a policy of no change con- their flow properties in the melt (Table 2.2). The same
cerning the main characteristics of polymer proper- range of molecular weight of PEEK polymers was
ties. PEEK-OPTIMA was supported by drug and also previously available from Victrex.

Table 2.2 Contemporary and Historical Nomenclature for Medical Grades of PEEK

Property General-Purpose Grade Medium-Flow Grade Easy-Flow Grade

Historical Victrex 450 381 150

Invibio nomenclature OPTIMA LT1 OPTIMA LT2 OPTIMA LT3
Melt flow index 3.4 4.5 36.4
Molecular weight (Mn) 115,000 108,000 83,000

LT1 Standard grade tribological testing (see Chapter 13). However,

LT2 Optimized grade for melt strength and melt PEK has not been commercialized for implant
viscositydrecommended for tubing manufacture.
PEKK resins are produced by OPM (Enfield, CT)
LT3 High-flow grade for injection molding thin- and have been marketed under the OXPEKK trade
walled parts name since the company was founded in 2000. Both
medical grades and implantable grades of OXPEKK
The most commonly used grade for PEEK is are available. OPM was acquired by Arkema
OPTIMA LT1, which has flow properties similar to (Colombes Cedex, France) in 2009.
450. Victrex grades are also designated as PF (fine Sustainability of biomaterial supply has been
powder), P (powder), or G (granulated). Powder a concern with PAEK resins in the 1980s and 1990s.
grades are recommended for compounding, whereas With the exception of PEEK-OPTIMA, which can
granulated resin is preferred for injection molding. trace its origins back to 1998, many industrial PAEK
Although powder grades are produced for industrial materials have been withdrawn from the market,
applications, there are no powder grades commer- either out of concern for liability, patent infringe-
cially available for implantable grade PEEK- ment, and concerns about viability of a niche market
OPTIMA, only granules. PEEK-OPTIMA undergoes or due to technical difficulties (Table 2.1). Nonethe-
a melt filtration step as a quality control measure to less, to the extent that biomaterials history is not fully
ensure cleanliness and biocompatibility. Following reflected in the literature, Table 2.1 provides some
melt filtration, the polymer is granulated into cylin- guidance as to the current availability of PAEK
drical pellets (Fig. 2.2). Thus, to obtain powder from materials for industrial and implant use.
PEEK-OPTIMA, it is necessary to mill or grind the
granules to obtain the desired particle size.
Recently, two new resin manufacturers entered the 2.4 Quality Systems for Medical
medical PEEK market. In 2007, Solvay announced Grade Resin Production
an implantable grade of PEEK marketed under the
Zeniva trade name. In 2009, Evonik began marketing PEEK-OPTIMAÒ biomaterials are manufactured
an implantable grade of PEEK under the VESTA- under a Quality Management System certified to ISO
KEEP trade name. However, no reports have been 9001:2000 and ISO 13485:2003. Only fully approved
published describing these resins in scientific studies raw materials are used at the production stages
or how they are used in long-term implants. Publi- together with extensive supervision and checks at key
cation of further details about the performance of production stages. The recording of key parameters is
Solvay and Evonik materials is anticipated. performed at all stages.
PAEK alternatives to PEEK are available from PEEK-OPTIMA biomaterials are manufactured on
Invibio and Oxford Performance Materials (OPM). a campaign basis, thus enabling the employment of
PEK has been made available by Invibio in experi- contamination risk reduction procedures. Invibio
mental quantities as a candidate biomaterial for embraces Good Manufacturing Practice in relation to



Figure 2.3 Clean room production environment for MG

PEEK. Photo courtesy of Invibio.

Enhanced Quality Control procedures and stan-

dards, together with extensive testing and product
release control, ensure a tight product specification for
(C) PEEK-OPTIMA. Test results are verified by dual
testing at an independent UKAS-accredited labora-
tory. Invibio has a “no-change” agreement for the long-
term supply of PEEK-OPTIMA biomaterials to assure
its specification and production methods over time.

2.5 Processing of Medical Grade

Despite the exceptional properties of medical
grade PEEK polymers, these materials are processed
by traditional plastic processing methods (Table 2.3).
Figure 2.2 High-resolution optical micrographs of medical grade PEEK-based materials exhibit melting
PEEK-OPTIMA LT1 granules (A, B) and representative temperatures of around 340  C; however, PEEK
scanning electron micrograph (C). SEM image courtesy polymers demonstrate good melt stability and remain
of Josa Hanzlik, Drexel University. workable with most conventional process equipment
between 360 and 400  C. Commercial manufacturers
the manufacture of PEEK-OPTIMA biomaterials, of implantable grade PEEK provide detailed guid-
including clean room conditions for processing ance and support for all processing techniques.
(Fig. 2.3). Process documentation is archived to However, for students and researchers, a brief
provide long-term batch and raw material traceability. summary of the main techniques is discussed in the

used. As mentioned previously in this chapter, PEEK-

Table 2.3 Traditional Plastic Processing Methods OPTIMA LT1 is recommended for the majority of
and Applicability to PEEK machining and injection molding of medical device
components. PEEK-OPTIMA LT2 demonstrates
Processing Method Applicable
good melt strength with reduced viscosity and is
therefore recommended for the extrusion of thin-
Injection molding Yes
walled parts such as tubing. PEEK-OPTIMA LT3 is
Extrusion (profiles, sheet, and Yes especially preferred for the injection molding of
monofilament) thin-walled parts. The problem of machine wear is
Compression molding Yes common to all engineering plastics, and it is therefore
recommended that screws, dies, and barrels should
Powder coating Yes
be hardened to minimize wear, especially when pro-
cessing fiber-reinforced materials.

following. A comparative plot of melt viscosity

versus temperature for a range of conventional 2.5.1 Injection Molding
polymers in comparison with PEEK-OPTIMA LT1 is Injection molding is an attractive manufacturing
shown in Fig. 2.4. technique suitable for mass projection of PEEK
Although commercial PEEK materials are implant components (Fig. 2.5). Injection molding is
supplied nominally dry, the pellet form of the mate- typically performed using pellets or granules, which
rial typically absorbs 0.5% w/w atmospheric mois- are poured in a hopper in the machine. The pellets are
ture. It is therefore recommended that for processing then automatically introduced into a heated screw
operations such as injection molding, the polymers assembly that melts and pressurizes the molten
should be dried to less than 0.02% w/w moisture. polymer, so that it flows into a heated mold. Once the
Typically, suitable drying of PEEK pellets can be PEEK component has consolidated, it is automati-
achieved by 3 h of exposure in an air-circulating oven cally ejected from the mold, so that a new cycle can
at 150  C. If the oven is only capable of lower take place.
temperatures, a longer drying time will be necessary Injection molds are optimized and specially
(e.g., 12 h of exposure at 120  C). designed for each part, taking into account the details
PEEK-OPTIMA materials are provided in a range of the part geometry and flow and pressure capabil-
of viscosities in relation to the processing technique ities of the molten polymer injection system.

Figure 2.4 Shear viscosity versus

temperature for a range of
thermoplastics. Source: Invibio.

Figure 2.5 Representative injection molding system for PEEK. Picture supplied with kind permission of Krauss Maffei

Consequently, the cost of the designing and fabri-

cating mold itself represents a significant financial
investment for this process. However, after this
investment has been made, multiple PEEK parts can
be manufactured in their near-final shape with cycle
times of the order of minutes. Figure 2.6 shows a tree
of tensile test specimens immediately after injection
molding. The cylindrical sprue, radial runners, and
any extra flashing are trimmed to complete the part
manufacturing process. Because of the up-front cost
of a suitable mold, injection molding techniques are
not suitable for prototyping or low-volume PEEK
part production.
Most standard reciprocating screw injection
molding machines are capable of molding natural IG
PEEK materials and also carbon fiber-reinforced
PEEK materials (Fig. 2.5). Furthermore, specialized
injection molders with extensive experience in
manufacturing PEEK-based medical devices exist in
Europe and the United States. Injection molding of
PEEK typically requires barrel and nozzle temper-
atures in the region of 400  C. The recommended Figure 2.6 Injection-molded test specimens, joined by
sprue and runners. Injection molding allows multiple
mold surface temperature for PEEK lies in the range
PEEK components to be fabricated in near-final shape.
of 175e205  C, and this is extremely important to High up-front tooling costs are the main drawback of
ensure that molded parts demonstrate uniform levels injection molding. Photo courtesy of David Jaekel,
of crystallinity. Failure to achieve the minimum Drexel University.

Component design should also take into account the

shrinkage that occurs as crystalline regions form within
the cooling polymer melt. Shrinkage is therefore
dependent on the level of crystallinity and therefore the
mold and polymer melt temperature. If operating
under recommended injection molding conditions,
commercial grades such as PEEK-OPTIMA can
produce consistent parts with dimensional tolerances
as low as 0.05%. Commercial manufacturers of
implantable PEEK materials provide full guidelines
and technical support for molding PEEK medical

2.5.2 Extrusion
Extrusion is a manufacturing process for
producing long stock shapes, such as rods, sheets,
Figure 2.7 Amorphous regions within an injection-
molded part as a result of low mold tool temperatures. and monofilament fibers (Fig. 2.9). PEEK pellets or
Photo courtesy of Invibio. granules are typically the starting, raw material for
extrusion. Similar to injection molding, the pellets
are poured into a hopper that feeds into a heated
mold temperature results in rapid cooling of the part,
screw assembly that melts and pressurizes the molten
with insufficient time for crystallization, as demon-
polymer. The molten, pressurized polymer is then
strated in Fig. 2.7. Additional detailed guidelines
forced through a heated die and slowly cools to room
for injection molding and mold design for PEEK
temperature along an extrusion line.
implants can be obtained from raw material
The extrusion of PEEK can be accomplished
suppliers [10].
using conventional extrusion equipment and dies at
It is possible to increase crystallinity by annealing
similar temperatures as those described for injection
amorphous or low-crystallinity PEEK moldings
molding. The drive motor typically requires a power
(Fig. 2.8). However, the process of crystallization
output of 0.25 HP/kg h. This power requirement
may lead to distortion and dimensional changes.
is similar to that required for polycarbonate,
poly(ethersulfone) (PES), or high-molecular-weight
PEEK is a very stable polymer and as such is not
sensitive to prolonged exposure (up to 2 h) to
temperatures above its melting point. However, for
optimal results, residence times should be of the
order of 5e10 min. Dead spots, areas of material
hold within the barrel, should be avoided. Therefore,
careful design of the screw and barrel is necessary.
The extrusion of PEEK-OPTIMA stock shapes
followed by machining remains the predominant
method of manufacturing medical device compo-
nents. PEEK-OPTIMA can be purchased in rod or
plate form ranging from 6 to 150 mm in diameter for
rod and 40 mm in plate thickness (Fig. 2.10). In
addition to this, thin-walled implantable PEEK
Figure 2.8 Effect of annealing after processing on
tubing is also available from commercial suppliers.
injection-molded test specimens. The amorphous
sample was created by heating to 400  C and then The thermal processes involved in extrusion and
immersed in liquid nitrogen. Image courtesy of David annealing of stock shapes also result in slight
Jaekel, Drexel University. mechanical property variances when compared with

Figure 2.9 PEEK polymer extruder. Photo kindly supplied by Coperion GmbH, Stuttgart.

two heated platens. The lower platen contains

a recess for the plate or sheet that is charged with
resin powder or granules. The platens are then
pressed together and heated to consolidate the resin.
Compression molding is typically used for low-
volume production, prototyping, and evaluation work
or in the production of industrial components with
very thick sections. Compared with injection
molding, it is a relatively inexpensive process, but
cycle times are long and as such it is not suited to
high-volume production.
Figure 2.10 PEEK-OPTIMA rod stock, pellets, and The process involves the heating and cooling
powder. down of the melt and tooling. Pressure is applied
to the melt and maintained during the cool-down
injection-molded components. This is highlighted
phase. This is a time-consuming process, particu-
graphically in Fig. 2.11.
larly when section thicknesses are large. Compres-
sion molding of PEEK requires a heated press, an
2.5.3 Compression Molding oven, and the tool, which can be low-grade steel/
Compression molding is a manufacturing process metal due to the levels of stresses, shear, and forces
for stock shapes, such as plates or thick sheets involved. There is generally a preference for fine
(Fig. 2.12). A compression molding press consists of powder grade of PEEK polymer for compression

Figure 2.11 Graphical representation of the differences between injection-molded and machined PEEK components.
Source: Invibio.

molding to avoid granular boundary parts in molded

parts. These boundary points may also represent
weak points in the components. If controlled
cooling over long time periods is practiced, then
compression-molded parts typically have higher
crystallinity and tensile strength than injection-
molded components. Although, in theory, milled
fibers or fillers could be compounded into PEEK for
compression molding, this is rarely practiced
because of the difficulty in ensuring a uniform fiber
distribution and therefore uniform properties in the
final component.

2.5.4 Film and Fiber Production

The use of implantable grade PEEK in fiber and
film form is a growing area of interest in medical
devices because of mechanical performance and
inherent purity. The industrial applications of PEEK
in these forms have been established for a number of
years. Thin sections of PEEK film are produced
by extruding polymer using a suitable die and
haul-off equipment, which controllably handles and
stores the film for secondary operations. PEEK film
can be produced in either crystalline or amorphous
Figure 2.12 PEEK polymer compression molding. The forms by controlling the temperature of the casting
figure shows a 20-ton compression molding press drums in the haul-off equipment. However, as
(Rondol Kompress 20 T). the thickness of the film increases, the production

2.6 Machining
Table 2.4 Properties of a 0.5-mm PEEK
Monofilament Often for prototype designs or short production
runs, it is not economically viable to manufacture an
injection molding tool. Under such circumstances, it
Material Property Value
is common to use compression molding or to
machine PEEK-OPTIMA polymer materials to form
Energy to break 1.24 J
components. PEEK-OPTIMA polymer may be
Tensile load at 2% elongation 1.18 kg machined and finished using the same techniques
Tensile load at 5% elongation 1.77 kg and equipment as for other engineering thermo-
plastics. However, because of the excellent physical
Tensile load at 10% elongation 2.66 kg properties and wear characteristics of these mate-
Tensile load at break 5.81 kg rials, it is advisable to use carbide or diamond tipped
tools and bits. Machining and finishing operations
Elongation at break 22.0%
on polymeric materials are prone to propagating
Knot strength 2.42 kg molded-in or residual stresses. Before machining, it
is recommended that components formed from
PEEK are annealed to relieve stress. During
of fully amorphous PEEK films becomes more machining or finishing, further stresses may be built
challenging. up within the material by localized heating at the
PEEK monofilament can be produced by extrusion cutting point. Therefore, if a large amount of
followed by drawing of the PEEK extrudate. machining and finishing is to be carried out on
Drawing the polymer provides orientation within the a component, a second annealing procedure may be
fiber prior to heat setting. The resultant monofilament required.
is tough, highly oriented, and has a controlled The thermal conductivity of all polymeric mate-
diameter, which will retain its set form above the rials is lower than that of metals; hence, heat build-up
glass transition temperature of the material. Typical during machining is rapid. It is advisable that
properties of a PEEK monofilament are shown in a cooling fluid is used to remove some of the heat
Table 2.4. PEEK monofilaments are distributed as generated by working the material. Water or air jet
multifilament yarns (Fig. 2.13) and can be woven into cooling is generally recommended for medical grade
more complex three-dimensional shapes. PEEK polymer-based materials. A summary of the
suggested machining conditions for PEEK-OPTIMA
has been provided by Invibio [10].

2.7 Summary
As detailed in this chapter, there are various
synthetic routes involved in the production of
polyketone-based materials. These routes have been
developed to overcome the initial challenges in
relation to polyketone manufacturing, resulting in the
consistent production of polymers for medical
applications. It should be noted that the synthetic
chemistry used in PAEK manufacture has a major
influence on the thermal stability of the polymer in
processing operations and on the leachable and
volatile content of these polymers. Therefore, the
manufacturing route has the potential to alter the
biocompatibility of PAEK materials. The progress in
Figure 2.13 Spool of technical grade, multifilament manufacturing has been extended to processing
PEEK yarn. where established methods have been developed to

allow the production of reproducible components and properties of polyaryletherketones, Polymer

from a range of production techniques such as 22 (1981) 1096.
injection molding or machining of stock shapes. The [2] W.H. Bonner. US patent 3,065,205. 1962.
relatively recent addition of a biomedical focus to [3] J.B. Rose. British patent 1,414,421. 1975.
manufacturing and supply offers device companies [4] D.P. Jones, D.C. Leach, D.R. Moore, Mechan-
an opportunity to use these PEEK-based materials, in ical properties of poly(ether-ether-ketone) for
implants, with confidence in the quality and security engineering applications, Polymer 26 (1985)
of supply. In the following chapter, we turn to the 1385e1393.
combination of PEEK with additives to form polymer [5] B.M. Marks. US patent 3,442,857. 1969.
matrix composites. [6] M. Ueda, M. Oda, Synthesis of aromatic
poly(ether ketones) in phosphorus pentoxide/
methanesulfonic acid, Polymer 21 (9) (1989)
Acknowledgments 673e679.
[7] E.Q. Colquhoun, D.F. Lewis, Synthesis of
Special thanks to David Jaekel, Drexel Univer- aromatic polyetherketones in trifluoromethane
sity, for editorial assistance and to Chris Espinosa, sulfonic acid, Polymer 29 (1988) 1902e1908.
Exponent, for assistance with figures. This chapter [8] D.J. Kemmish. US patent 6,909,015. 2003.
would not have been possible without helpful [9] R. Leaversuch, Materials close up: demand
discussions and insights provided by John Devine, surge tightens PEEK supply. Available from:
Ph.D., and Craig Valentine, Ph.D., from Invibio. Plast. Technol. (7) (2001) http://www.ptonline.
com/articles/200107cu200102.html [accessed
May 2007].
[10] P.E.E.K. Unfilled, Optima Processing Guide:
Invibio Biomaterial Solutions (2009). Available
[1] T.A. Attwood, P.C. Dawson, J.L. Freeman, from: [accessed
L.R. Hog, J.B. Rose, P.A. Staniland, Synthesis September 7, 2010].

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