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Question i4

The inurse iwould ilike ito iimprove icommunication iamong icaregivers. iHow ishould ithe inurse iuse ithe
iJoint iCommission i2013 iNational iPatient iSafety iGoals ito iachieve ithis iobjective? i

1. iReview ia ilist iof ilook-alike/sound-alike idrugs iused iin ithe iorganization.

2. iUse ia iverification iprocess ito iconfirm ithe icorrect iprocedure.

3. iReport icritical iresults iof itests iand idiagnostic iprocedures ion ia itimely ibasis..

4. iUse ithe iclients iroom inumber ias ian iidentifier.

Question i5

The inurse iis iplanning icare ifor ia iclient iwho iis iprone ito ifalling. iWhich inursing idiagnoses ishould ithe
inurse iuse ifor ithis iclient?

1. iDeficient iKnowledge

2. iRisk ifor iInjury

3. iRisk ifor iDisuse iSyndrome

4. iRisk ifor iSuffocation

Question i6

The inurse iis iidentifying icare igoals ifor ia iclient iwho iis iprone ito igetting ihurt. iWhich icare igoal
ishould ithe inurse iselect ifor ithis iclient? i

1. iAssess ithe iclients imental istatus.

2. iKeep ithe iclient idependent ion ithe istaff ifor iall icare.

3. iMake iall ichoices ifor ithe iclient.

4. iRemain ifree ifrom iinjury.

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