Monitoring of Deforestation and Fragmentation in Sarawak, Malaysia Between 1990 and 2009 Using Landsat and SPOT Images PDF

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Regular Article
ISSN 1226-8267
Journal of Forest Science Journal of Forest Science
Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 152-157, August, 2012

Monitoring of Deforestation and Fragmentation

in Sarawak, Malaysia between 1990 and 2009
Using Landsat and SPOT Images
1, 1 1,2 3 1
Kamlisa Uni Kamlun *, Mia How Goh , Stephen Teo , Satoshi Tsuyuki and Mui-How Phua
School of International Tropical Forestry, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, Malaysia
Forest Department Sarawak, Level 5, Wisma Sumber Alam, 92660 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Laboratory of Global Forest Environmental Studies, Department of Global Agricultural Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,
The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan

Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia that covers 37.5% of the total land area. Multitemporal satellite images of
Landsat and SPOT were used to examine deforestation and forest fragmentation in Sarawak between 1990 and 2009.
Supervised classification with maximum likelihood classifier was used to classify the land cover types in Sarawak. The
overall accuracies of all classifications were more than 80%. Our results showed that forests were reduced at 0.62%
annually during the two decades. The peat swamp forest suffered a tremendous loss of almost 50% between 1990
and 2009 especially at coastal divisions due to intensified oil palm plantation development. Fragmentation analysis revealed
the loss of about 65% of the core area of intact forest during the change period. The core area of peat swamp forest
had almost completely disappeared during the two decades.

Key Words: land cover change, fragmentation, remote sensing, GIS, Borneo

Introduction referred to as patches (Turner et al. 2001). Fragmentation is

associated with the fluxes of species, energy and matter af-
Deforestation is a long term or permanent loss of forest fecting the ecological conditions of the remaining forests
cover, which is converted to other land use that is caused ei- (Gasparri and Grau 2009). Continuation of fragmentation
ther by natural or human causes (FAO 2007). It accounts will initiate threats to biodiversity of a natural ecosystem
for 17% of total anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) (Abdullah and Nakagoshi 2006).
emission (IPCC 2007), with the major source from defor- Deforestation is obvious to observe but associated frag-
estation at an unprecedented rate in the tropics (Defries et mentation is a different dimension of forest changes that is
al. 2007). Deforestation not only increases the GHGs emis- equally important to monitor. A combination of remote
sions but also changes the landscape configuration that sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) pro-
leads to habitat fragmentation (Skole and Tucker 1993). vide a dynamic information system for land use planning
Habitat fragmentation is the breakup of a habitat or cover and developing national development policy (Sohel et al.
type into smaller and less connected areas which commonly 2011). Multitemporal monitoring of forest changes that are

Received: June 14, 2012. Revised: August 8, 2012. Accepted: August 9, 2012.

Corresponding author: Kamlisa Uni Kamlun

School of International Tropical Forestry, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, UMS Road, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 88400, Malaysia
Tel: 6088320118, Fax: 6088320876, E-mail:
Kamlun et al.

linked to fragmentation analysis are invaluable techniques titude, soil conditions and water regime. While there are
of assessing the degree of threats to a forest ecosystem still large tracts of forests remain, the inland areas have been
(Sader et al. 2001). Landscape metrics have been used to modified by shifting cultivation activities. Recent agricul-
monitor the pattern of forest changes that is not readily visi- tural development especially oil palm plantation dominates
ble to human eye or easily detectable by human analysis the coastal plains of Sarawak.
(Frohn 1998). Riitters et al. (2000) developed a forest frag-
Data acquisition and pre-processing
mentation model that classifies forest pixels into six catego-
ries based on forest density and connectivity. This model Multi-temporal Landsat satellite images between 1990
has been useful to multitemporal monitoring of fragmenta- and 2009 were the main data for monitoring deforestation
tion of peat swamp forest in Sabah, Malaysia (Phua et al. in Sarawak. A total of nine scenes were needed to cover the
2008). whole area of Sarawak. Nine images of Landsat5-TM ac-
Sarawak is the largest state (12.3 million ha) in Malaysia quired in 1990 were downloaded from USGS website.
that occupies 37.5% of the total land. One of the driven Multiple Landsat7-ETM+ images in 2009 were down-
forces of land cover change is the dependency on state econ- loaded for each of the nine scene areas for correcting the
omy of forestry that contributes to 52% of state revenue missing line errors. The Landsat7-ETM images contained
(Hansen 2005). Land cover change in Sarawak has been 5% to 40% cloud covers. For each scene area, the best-qual-
monitored for recent decades with Landsat data, which ity image with least cloud cover was placed on top while the
were affected by clouds and shadows. Expansion of agricul- remaining images were used to fill the missing lines. A mi-
tural land especially for oil palm plantation was the main nority filter (3x3) followed by a median filter (5x5) was
cause of deforestation in recent years (Tsuyuki et al. 2011). used to eliminate the linear residues resulted from the miss-
In this paper, we provide an update on land cover changes ing line correction. In addition, three SPOT 4-HRVIR
in the recent two decades and monitor fragmentation of the images acquired in 2010 were used to fill in areas that were
forest types that suffer highest area loss. We used satellite heavily affected by clouds.
images of Landsat and SPOT for monitoring deforestation
Deforestation rates and pattern
in Sarawak at a landscape scale between 1990 and 2009.
Based on the land cover classifications, patterns of forest Post-classification comparison approach was used to
fragmentation were monitored using the forest fragmenta- identify the land cover change in Sarawak between 1990
tion model of Riitters et al. (2000). and 2009. Most of the land cover change studies adopt ei-
ther supervised or unsupervised classification in determin-
Materials and Methods ing the spectrally distinctive land cover classes (Smits et al.
1999). In this study, all the preprocessed satellite images
Study area
were classified using supervised classification with max-
Sarawak is the largest state of Malaysia that is situated in imum likelihood algorithm. Ten land cover classes were de-
o o
Borneo Island. It is located between 0 50’ and 5 00’ latitude fined; intact forest, degraded forest, peat swamp forest
o o
and 109 35’ and 115 40’ longitude. The total area of (PSF), mangrove, rubber, oil palm, grassland, bareland,
Sarawak is 123,300 km and about 720 km from Peninsular water and cloud were classified. 5x5 majority filtering was
Malaysia. Sarawak is categorized as humid tropical region applied on the land cover classification maps to reduce the
with a wet season from October to February. The topography salt and pepper effect. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of
is flat and undulating. Hilly area is found in the southern the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data was
part, near the border between Sarawak and Kalimantan. used to correct forest areas above an elevation of 60m that
There are five main natural forest types in Sarawak were misclassified as PSF. The areas covered by clouds
namely; hill mixed Dipterocarp forest, peat swamp forest, were masked out from both images.
mangrove forest, kerangas forest (heath forest) and mon- For land cover classification of 1990, reference data were
tane forest. Distributions of these forest types depend on al- generated from historical land use maps with scales of

J For Sci 28(3), 152-157 153

Monitoring of Deforestation and Fragmentation in Sarawak, Malaysia between 1990 and 2009 Using Landsat and SPOT Images

1:50,000 and 1:25,000 from the Department of Survey and iv. edge, if density>60% and density<connectivity
Mapping, Malaysia. The maps covered areas of Nanga v. transitional, if density is between 40% and 60%
Tamin, Tian, Sibu, Sarikei, Serantok and Kuching. We vi. patch, if density<40%
generated 660 points using user defined point for assessing Forest fragmentation classes can be differentiated using
the accuracy of the land cover classification of 1990. For different threshold values. The interior classis defined with
land cover classification of 2009, 450 points were collected density above 90% and core pixels with density of 100%.
for accuracy assessment. Of these reference points, 105 Any remaining pixels, although rare, is labelled as un-
points were collected in the field works in December 2009 determined (Fig. 1).
and July 2010. The remaining ground truth points were In this study we examined the fragmentation for intact
obtained from high-resolution quick-looks images in forest, peat swamp forest and mangrove forest. These forest
Google Earth. types were extracted from the land cover classifications of
Annual deforestation rate can be calculated as follows 1990 and 2009 for forest fragmentation analysis using the
(Puyravaud 2003), Riitters model in SAGA-GIS. The connectivity values
   were calculated with an immediate neighborhood, 3x3
P  
 

moving windows.
  
Where A1 and A2 are the forest cover at time t1 and t2 re-
spectively (the unit indicates per year or percentage per Results and Discussion
Land cover classification accuracy assessment
Fragmentation analysis
Accuracies of land cover classifications in 1990 and 2009
Two key parameters in the Riitters model are forest den- were assessed using separate sets of reference points. The
sity (Pf) and forest connectivity (Pff). Both parameters are overall accuracies of land cover classifications of 1990 and
calculated for a focal pixel based on neighborhood analysis. 2009 were 86% and 80% respectively. Land cover classi-
Pf within a moving window is calculated as follows, fication accuracy that is higher than 80% is considered ac-
Pf =
number of forest pixels curate and reliable (Swain and Davis 1978). We also calcu-
number of all non water pixels
lated the kappa accuracy for each of the land cover
Similarly, Pff is calculated from the neighborhood with classifications. The Kappa accuracy was 0.84 and 0.75 for
the following formula: land cover classification in 1990 and 2009 respectively. The
number of pixel pairs with both pixels forest
Pff =
number of pixel pairs with at least one pixel forest
Based on the two parameters, the fragmentation model Interior
identifies six categories of fragmentation classes of interior,
undetermined, perforated, edge, transitional and patch. Perforated
The calculated Pf and Pff were converted to percentage with Edge
a multiplication factor of 100. Using density and con-
Density [%]

nectivity, each pixel can be assigned to one of six forest frag- Transitional
mentation classes. If we express the density and con- 40
nectivity ratios as percentages by multiplying it with factor
100, the fragmentation classes can be defined as follow, 20
i. interior, if density=100%
No Forest
ii. undetermined, if density>60% and density=con- 0
nectivity 0 20 40 60 80 100
iii. perforated, if density>60% and density>con- Connectivity [%]

nectivity Fig. 1. Forest fragmentation categories.

154 Journal of Forest Science

Kamlun et al.

Fig. 2. Land cover classification of 1990.

Fig. 4. Coastal Mukah area shows conversion of peat swamp forest to other
land use from 1990 image satellite to 2009 image satellite.

lion ha, was the largest land cover type in 1990. Although it
remained as the largest land cover type in 2009, more than
550,000 ha were deforested (Fig. 3). Half a million ha of
peat swamp forest was cleared from 1990 to 2009 (Fig. 5).
The forests of Sarawak have been pressured by large-scale
expansion of oil palm development (Tsuyuki et al. 2011).
Our results showed that the forests (intact forest, degraded
forest, peat swamp forest and mangrove forest) were re-
duced at 0.62% annually during the two decades. The oil
palm was the fastest growing agricultural crop in Sarawak.
Oil palm plantation increased about 70% annually between
1990 and 2008 (Mohd Basri and Mohd Arif 2009). Our
results indicated an annual increment of 77.4% for the oil
palm plantation. The Sarawak state government had tar-
geted in 2007 to develop about 1 million ha of oil palm
Fig. 3. Land cover classification of 2009.
plantation by 2010 (MPOB 2007). Our findings showed
that Sarawak’s oil palm plantation has reached about 1 mil-
missing lines in Landsat7-ETM+ data were likely the lion ha in 2009. These recent oil palm plantation develop-
cause of the lower accuracy in the land cover classification ments took place at the peat swamp forest, mainly located at
of 2009. the coastal divisions of Sibu, Mukah, Bintulu and Miri
(Fig. 4).
Land cover change and deforestation
In 1980, 1.6 million ha of peat swamp forest was re-
Fig. 2. shows that the intact forest, with more than 6 mil- ported (Wong 1991). Our results indicated that only about

J For Sci 28(3), 152-157 155

Monitoring of Deforestation and Fragmentation in Sarawak, Malaysia between 1990 and 2009 Using Landsat and SPOT Images

Fig. 5. Land cover types of Sarawak in 1990 and 2009.

Fig. 6. Forest fragmentation from 1990 to 2009 (ha).

1 million ha of the peat swamp forest was found in 1990 and

almost half a million ha was cleared in the following two fication of the state forest area to allow conversion to oil
decades. Oil palm planters prefer peatland for planting oil palm plantations especially in peat swamp forest area
palm because of the higher yield of production (Phillips (Hansen 2005). The commercial loggers were identified as
1998). In addition, planting oil palm on flat plain provides the main culprits of major forest fragmentation in Sarawak
better harvest management. The deforestation rate of peat but not shifting cultivators (Nor Rasidah 2010).
swamp forest between 1990 and 2009 was calculated at The core class for mangrove forest was only 35ha in
2.6% per year. With Moderate-resolution Imaging 1990 and completely lost in 2009. The producer and user
Spectoradiometer (MODIS) data (250 m), Miettinen et al. accuracies of the classification of mangrove forest in 2009
(2011) found that peatlands in Sarawak have been drasti- were relatively low. Mangrove is difficult to classify due to
cally reduced with an annual rate of 8% between 2000 and spectral confusion with other types of wetlands (Ozesmi
2010. The difference could be attributable to the differ- and Bauer 2002). However, the trends of rapid defor-
ences in spatial resolution and change period. estation and fragmentation were clear for the mangrove
Fragmentation of intact forest
Applying the Riitters model of fragmentation in Conclusions
SAGA-GIS showed that the intact forest in Sarawak has
become more fragmented in 2009, compared to 1990. The Rapid deforestation in the tropics threatens biodiversity
core area had declined more than 600,000 ha from year and accelerates carbon emissions into the atmosphere. We
1990 to 2009 (Fig. 6). Over the two decades, the patch classified the land cover typesof Sarawak in 1990 and 2009
areas had reduced about half. Such rapid disappearance in- using Landsat and SPOT data for land cover change
dicates that the patches are converted to other land cover analysis. The intact forest shrank more than half a million
types (Manier and Laven 2001). ha during that period. The peat swamp forest lost half dur-
For peat swamp forest, 95% of the core area was lost dur- ing the change period. Overall, forests were cleared at
ing the two decades. There was a reduction of 58872 ha 0.62% per year in the two decades mainly for oil palm plan-
from 1990 to 2009 for the patch category, which indicates tation, which increased more than 70% per year in the two
very high degree of fragmentation. Due to the high demand decades. The intact forest had become very fragmented.
of timber products, both within and outside of Malaysia, The peat swamp forest had become critically fragmented
overall timber production of Sarawak had been driven to its and the core area almost completely disappeared. It was at-
peak capacity (Majid-Cooke 1999). Deforestation in tributed to recent intensified oil palm development in the
Sarawak is often associated with logging and reclassi- peat swamp forest. The deforestation and fragmentation

156 Journal of Forest Science

Kamlun et al.

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