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 GAO SHANGQUAN (2000) says that economic globalization refers to the increasing
interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing scale of cross-border trade of
commodities and services, flow of international capital and wide and rapid spread of
technologies. It reflects the continuing expansion and mutual integration of market frontiers, and
is an irreversible trend for the economic development in the whole world at the turn of the
millennium. The rapid growing significance of information in all types of productive activities and
marketization are the two major driving forces for economic globalization. In other words, the fast
globalization of the world’s economies in recent years is largely based on the rapid development
of science and technologies, has resulted from the environment in which market economic
system has been fast spreading throughout the world, and has developed on the basis of
increasing cross-border division of labor that has been penetrating down to the level of
production chains within enterprises of different countries.

ECONOMIC IMPACTS ON PROFESSIONALS What are the impacts of globalization to technical

professionals? As discussed, globalization is creating unprecedented uncertainties in the outlook
for any career amidst increasing corporate access to a global labor market and the
commoditization of intellectual property. The knowledge-based global economy puts pressure on
businesses to pay for knowledge wherever it is available. Farming out R&D, licensing technology,
transferring knowledge, and acquiring product lines are common strategies for many businesses
that can no longer depend on their own resources to stay competitive. For example, businesses
in many developed countries, including the U.S., are shipping skilled jobs to less developed
countries to reduce costs in a trend known as off-shoring. The dichotomy between probusiness
and pro-labor government economic policies has a patchwork effect on the quality of jobs in
specific industries. Technical professionals with oncevaluable knowledge and experience are left
with limited choices ERIC T-S. PAN (2005).

The globalization in economy applied to the profession is working together with the advance of
science and technology, so nowadays many facturies are increasing economically according their
technology applied. In this new world, professionals need to manage technology according to
their career. For example, in my case I am studying mining engineer at UCCI university, so I
need to learn different softwares applied to mining, focused on drilling and blasting, mining
management, mine design, etc in that way I will be able to manage easily the mine company.
Therefore, each college student or professional must focus on the advance of technology and
science according to the job that is going to develop, because in this 21st century the economy of
many companies and businesses depend on the technology they use.

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