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Assignment Two (Research)

Name: Ajay Kisson

Title: Research on Breast Cancer
Breast cancer awareness
Breast cancer awareness is an effort to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of breast
cancer through education on symptoms and treatment. Supporters hope that greater
knowledge will lead to earlier detection of breast cancer, which is associated with higher
long-term survival rates, and that money raised for breast cancer will produce a reliable,
permanent cure. Breast cancer advocacy and awareness efforts are a type of health
advocacy. Breast cancer advocates raise funds and lobby for better care, more
knowledge, and more patient empowerment. They may conduct educational campaigns or
provide free or low-cost services. Breast cancer culture, sometimes called pink ribbon
culture, is the cultural outgrowth of breast cancer advocacy, the social movement that
supports it, and the larger women's health movement. The pink ribbon is the most
prominent symbol of breast cancer awareness, and in many countries the month of
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Some national breast cancer
organizations receive substantial financial support from corporate sponsorships.

A symbol that represents breast cancer awareness month, this is called ‘’PINKTOBER’’
 What is breast Cancer?

Breast cancer spreads when a cell in the breast spreads (uncontrolled division). These cells usually form a
tumor that can often be seen on an x-ray or felt as a lump or growth, this occurs when change called
mutations takes place. This continues until it forms a tumor, the tumor is malignant (cancer) if the cell can
grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body.

 Types of cancer

There are many types of breast cancer that breaks down to two (2) category the most common types of
breast cancer which includes:

 Ductal carcinoma in sti

 Lobular carcinoma sti

1. Invasive ductal Carcinoma (IDC) is the most common type of breast cancer.
-It begins in the breast milk duct and invades nearby tissue in the breast, and once it spreads to the
tissue outside your milk ducts, it can begin to spread to other nearby organ and tissue.

2. Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

It first develop in the breast’s lobules, if the breast cancer is diagnosed as (ILC), it has already
spread to nearby tissue and organs.

-Cancer can also occur in the fatty tissue or the fibrous connective tissue within your breast.
Causes of breast cancer
Some causes of breast cancer are:
 Family History
 Age
 Having dense breast tissue
 Gender
 Genes, women who have the BRCA 1and BRCA 2 greatly increase risk.
 Early Menstruation, before 12 years old.
 Late menopause, until after 55 years old.
 Never being pregnant or carried a pregnancy full term.

Symptoms of breast cancer

Symptoms of breast cancer may include:
 A lump in the breast or armpit
 A change in size or shape of the breast
 Bloody discharge from a nipple.
 Orange peel texture or dimpling of the breast’s skin
How is it detected
 Breast self-exams and mammography can help find breast cancer early, when it is most
 A mammogram is commonly used to screen.
Treatment of breast cancer
 Surgery:
-Radiation therapy
-Hormone therapy
-Targeted therapy uses substances that attack cancer cells without harming normal cells.
Types of surgery varies from
 Breast – conservation surgery
 Mastectomy
 Breast reconstruction
Stages of breast cancer

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