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Question 11 - 15
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.
(SET 1)

11. A. I bought a new pair yesterday.

B.Sure, I have no plans for tomorrow.
C.Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
D.There is a shoe shop next to the grocery.

A. Yes, I just washed them just now.
B. No, I ‘ll wash them later.
C. I’m washing them now.
D. No, I don’t want to wash them.

13. A. Please mend my shoe.

B. I need to sell a pair of shoes.
C. Can’t you see my broken shoe.
D. I want to buy a pair of shoes
D. I

14. A. I need to get them mended.

B. They are not my shoes.
C. I bought them for you.
D. They don’t fit me.
D. I

A. Our team lost the match, Mum.

15. B. The dirt can be washed off easily.
C. The field is very muddy after the rain.
D. Can I play football with my friends, Mum

(SET 2)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

(SET 3)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

A. I’ve been busy.

B. I’m fine, thank you.
C. What can I do for you?
D. What have you been doing?

A. What about you?
B. Thanks. I’ll be there.
C. That’s a good idea.
D. We need a bigger space.

A. It’s getting dark.
B. Can we rest for a while?
C. I’m glad I’ve got a compass.
D. Hooray! I can hear a waterfall.


A. Who are you?

B. Does it matter?
C. No, I don’t thinks so.
D. Sorry, I don’t know you.


A. I think it’s interesting.

B. What’s in the news?
C. What magazine is that?
D. Whose letter are you reading?

(SET 4)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

A. Have you met Fairul?

B. Nice to meet you, Fairul.
C. That’s his cousin, Fairul. 3
D. Oh! He is meeting Fairul.
A. What time is the movie?
B. When are you coming to my house?
C. Did you make an appointment with the dentist?
D. How long will you take to complete your


A. Yes, they’re on sale.

B. RM 10 is too expensive.
C. They’re three for RM 10.
D. No, I can’t offer you a discount.

A. Shall we visit the Science Centre this Friday?
B. Would you like to come for my party this Saturday?
C. Are you taking part in the marathon this weekend?
D. Is she reciting her poem for the Teacher’s Day


A. Let’s have some curry noodles for lunch.

B. Let’s grow some sunflowers for Grandma.
C. Let’s go to the gift shop next week.
D. I’ll clear the table after dinner.

(SET 5)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

11 .A. Would you like some more durians?
B. Shall I throw the fruit away?
C. Do you like durians?
D. Are you hungry?

12. A. Yes, we have a plant in our garden.

B. Those are soursops and they are not
C. You don’t like them and neither do I.
D. Those are English durians and they
are not common.

13. A. Why don’t you taste them, Mr. Lim?

B. It’s RM3.00 per kilo, Mr. Lim.
C. Yes, they are and ready to be eaten,
Mr. Lim.
D. I don’t know, Mr. Leong.

14. A. How many are there?

B. Is it very sweet?
C. How much is it?
D. Can I taste it?

15. A. How much is a kilo of rambutans?

B. What are rambutans anyway?
C. I do not like rambutans.
D. Yes, they are my favourite fruits.

(SET 6)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.
11. A. No, you are wrong.
B. Why must we eat vegetable?

C. Yes, they contain a lot of vitamins.
D. I do not like to eat vegetables.

12. A. They have not been watered for a few

B. I don’t like these flower plants.
C. I water them twice a day.
D. I must ask my mother.

13. A. The banana leaves are very broad.

B. Can you get me some banana leaves?
C. The Hindus use their fingers to eat rice.
D. There are many kinds of banana fruits.

14. A. I think they are called cactus.

B. They can grow without water.
C. Some of them can be eaten.
D. They are called the mushrooms.

15. A. Let them grow longer, father.

B. Let’s cut them now, father.
C. They are not very long, father.
D. We hate to cut the grass, father.

(SET 7)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.
Do you want some
more durians.


A You must sell it.

B Oh, I hadn’t noticed.
C Yes, I would like to.
D May I have some some more durians?

Do you think they are
ready to be sold?
A Yes, they are old enough.
B Put some fertilizer to yhem.
C Oh, get up and plant them quickly!
D Is this a chilli ?

13 How many kilos do you want?

A How much is the durian?

B What kind of fruit is that?
C Give me 5 kilos?
D I will give you ten kilos?

14 Did you buy some

vegetable for me?
A Why did you buy it?
B No. I didn’t buy the fish?
C Yes, I have bought you some spinach.
D Yes, I have bought you some bananas.

15 Have you watered the plants?

A Yes, I’m thirsty too..

B The water is in the flask.
C Yes, I don’t mind.
D Yes, I’ve done it this morning.

(SET 8)

Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

11. A. Running is a good exercise.

B. I can run fast.
C. I’m afraid I’ll miss the bus.
D. The bus has already left.


A. I’m sorry. I haven’t seen it.

B. Are you sure?
C. Excuse me?
D. Thank you for asking.

13. A. Happy Birthday, Hanie.

B. I like your present.
C. This is an expensive present.
D. You are very kind.

14. A. I am proud of myself.

B. That is a surprise!
C. Congratulations.
D. You are very kind.

15. A. Are you sure?

B. Have a good day.
C. Excuse me?
D. Of course!

(SET 9)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

(SET 10)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

Thank you, sir.
A Well done!
B Is this yours?
C Do you deserve this?

12 May I speak to Mary, please?

A Call back later.

B I’m sorry, she’s not in.
C Why do you want to speak to her?

13 Let’s go to Din’s Restaurant for

A Get me a drink.
B I want to eat, too.
C That’s a good idea.


A You must be Ali.

B Why are you here?
C Whom do you want to see?
D Ali, Mr Lim will see you now.
Thank you.

15 Jane, please switch off the light.

A All right, Dad.
B Where’s the switch?
C Why do you want the lights off?

(SET 11)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

(SET 12)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

(SET 13)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

(SET 14)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

(SET 15)
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.


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