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How words have power and meaning AND does infect and affect our Health

Atyeb Ba Atum Re

We hear all the time in various cultures that words have power and meaning. Today’s
growing society is becoming more health conscientious. Communication and what
we’re communicating can infect and affect our health.
Let’s consider the esoteric approach or more commonly known as the spiritual approach
to words.
Where does the power contained within words come from?
Everything in the universe vibrates. Communication is a back and forth action.
Remember the rhyme that we said as children regarding the power of words?

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”
Within the vibrating actions of words are numbers and it is the essence of these
numbers that add to the power of how words can infect and affect us
consciously; and unconsciously.
Words can have an oscillating and resonating affect on the mind and the atmosphere.
Let’s consider the word family.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

F+A+M+I+L+Y= 6+1+4+9+3+7=30=3+0=3
Remember, we are taking the esoteric approach in order to gain a deeper insight into
the power of our vibrating letters. What this means is that the primary essence of what
letters may mean can vary from culture to culture. The oldest known science of these
letters and numbers is Egiptian. Also we are dealing with different time periods within
the evolutionary cycles of all living things and beings.
As you can see from the diagram above this science is a 9 based system because we
all know that everything repeats itself after the number 9. We did not start with the
number 0 because it represents the All or No.thing meaning that which is of itself and
the portal from which all of our potentials comes out of.
Please notice that there are 6 letters in the word family as well and if we were to add the
six letters with the overall sum total value of the individual parts of the word which is 3,
we would get an overall vibration of the number 9 again.
We are living in the Age of Information and there is a lot of great information available
for this science that is sacred. The deeper meaning may however be secret and only
the most worthy initiates of various cultures are given the keys to the Higher Esoteric
Sciences of Words. Meanwhile, we do have access to the basic interpretations of
letters and numbers through the esoteric science of Numerology.

The vibrating essence of this letter centers itself around the meaning of Vision and
When two people meet with the potential of becoming espoused to each other they at
some point make plans of increasing their union to include children. Vision should
include steps for preparation of sustaining that familial increase. Having goals and
aspirations become key essential components within that process. We envision what
our lives will be like with each other and then how we think adding children will enhance
that sacred union. What will they envision for themselves as they’re growing?
Acceptance weighs in very heavy in a family because no two persons are exactly alike.
The greatest arena to learn what love is and how to love someone through acceptance
is within a family. This vibration teaches the family unit that it may have high ideals,
however are they practical. 6 is the number of perfection and its lesson is for the family
to overcome their perfectionist tendencies. Pettiness is the biggest hurdle that the unit
must overcome. When the unit isn’t living up to what has been envisioned by the
authorities of the unit then dealing with disappointments is the next biggest hurdle to
overcome. The number 6 beckons us to go beyond just doing our best.
Because the desire is to do well, the children potentially will suffer with asthma or
asthmatic stress around the chest area. They can also develop the habit of giving up
too easily when comparing themselves to others who are potentially learning faster than
they are.

Money issues are also a challenge for the family if they are always waiting until things
are perfect before presenting their products to the world.

Excellence takes time and practice. Meanwhile don’t be so harsh in judging each

Creativity and confidence is the essence of this letter. Once we get pass judging
ourselves, and others within our unit too harshly then our creative energy can flow out
into the world. The hurdle that must be overcome is self doubt and insecurity that is
associated with less favorable behaviors that we’ve become addicted too. Raising
children is a creative form of expression. How so? Parents are inspired to become the
healers within the family. Business wise there is the family budget and maybe some
gardening, and most definitely problem solving skills come in handy. There usually is
room for designing things, building things, sports, music, acting, dance, writing, painting,
and any other form of creative expression has a lot of room to find expression within a
family unit. Choices are the biggest advantage offered by this letter and number.
However, if left unchecked, some choices can lead us into becoming destructive instead
of constructive positively and that’s where our other family members can help us. Each
member has an important role to play.

When we see and/or hear the word family our minds should resonate with the vibrations
of “Stability and Process.” Each member in the family is a part of the construction of
a house from the ground up. A careful process must be followed step by step toward
selected goals. Each completed step together should instill within each member the
reality of security. The goal is to first make sure the family has a solid foundation
upon which to continue the process of building a strong unit that will not be
easily torn apart by the storms of life.

Notice that this letter is one of the letters that is in the middle of the word family. In this
position the vibration of the number 4 operates as one of the core energies giving
power to this word. We could also think of this vibration as being close to the scale of
Ma’at. As the base and neck that the chains and pans are connected to it is ready to
assist the family with significant issues such as stability, commitment, patience,
clarity. None of these processes can successfully occur if there isn’t a willingness to
follow what can be a slow and tedious process to their family goals. This can only
happen when each member possess an inner sense of stability—physically,
emotionally, and mentally. The family learns that proper preparation will prevent poor
performance. Children often deal with unspoken issues that they harbor within and
keep hidden from their parents or other family members who grew up with them. These
unspoken issues can infect and affect the health of the family as a solid unit. Families
must operate with a clear intent and focused efforts over a course of time in order to
produce the vibrations of healthy “Achievements.” It will take innate strength,
ambition, and fortitude from each member with laid out clear expectations of each

members expected role in order for the family to reach their selected

Nothing can operate efficiently without a certain measure of Integrity and Wisdom.
Integrity leads wisdom because a person can be wise and lack integrity.
Therefore, integrity is an important essence within the family and is also one of the
vibrations that is in the middle of the word family paired with the vibration of the number
4—stability and process. What better way to demonstrate the 4’s inner-g’s by
enhancing it with the accompanying inner-g’s of the number 9’s anchoring vibrations of
integrity and wisdom? Truly with each accomplishment that the family achieves
together are the continuous opportunities to begin new cycles of growth and graduated
transformational processes that help to sustain the self/family and the outer world at
large. In this inner-g the family has to learn how to manifest the highest levels of
integrity in order to align their lives properly with their heart’s intuitive wisdom and
become inspirations to others as living role models. Leadership by example is the
purest form of building lasting legacies. The challenge for the family will be in how they
.ride the ebb and flow of the constantly changing life cycles that the 9 brings. They may
struggle with trying to live in accordance with what higher principles of integrity demand.
Bending spiritual laws or ignoring the responsibilities of these higher principles will lead
to careless actions and consequences. The family must have a firm overstanding of the
significance of the heart chakra because it is from that quiet center that our intuitive
wisdom speaks and can safely guide the self/family/humanity. Remember the laws of
Spirit are in constant conflict with the laws of society. Together the family must strive to
live what they Preach.
What would any family be like if the inner-g of Expression and Sensitivity wasn’t an
essential element within the group?
The priority here is learning how to use their emotional sensitivity in such a way that it
will bring forth positive and heartfelt expressions of the self amongst humanity. Self
doubt will cause any member of the family to block or distort what they are trying to
express and become prone to being overly emotional, and sensitive. Parents are
challenged with the issues of allowing their children the freedom to speak their minds in
respectful ways, so as not to cause their children to develop the inability to express
themselves with clarity. Manipulation is also another challenge that the whole family
faces together. Together they must learn how to state exactly what they’re feeling
without trying to manipulate their way in and out of situations. It will not always be with
the mouth that expressing what one is thinking can be done. Body language is another
way of expressing oneself. Emotions are exchanged in expressions whereas when
people are just communicating they tend not to exchange any real heartfelt emotions
most often with regards to what they are talking to each other about. We become
sensitive when we deal with the fear of rejection and judgment. The law of choices will
play a key role in this inner-g. The choice will be to express things constructively or
destructively. The family must learn how not to feed off of each members emotions in a

destructive manner. The law of honesty will also play an essential role in the family of
course. The inner-g of the 3 helps the family to have a social service aspiration.
Managing people will be very attractive to the family because that is exactly what they’re
doing is managing each other. The Family must learn how to uplift each other and
when they can get past any and all self doubting, financial prosperity will naturally flow
their way.
Finally, the last anchor of the word family vibrates with the inner-g of Trust and

This is the greatest hurdle that together the family must conquer and overcome. Being
able to process internal feelings whereby each family member feels safe enough to
open up to each other and the world will be the last and greatest achievement that they
must face first together before going forward to face the world.
What is the essence of Trust and Openness?
Is it a sense of feeling confident that if you open up, no one will hurt us, bring shame
and/or steal from us that which we cherish so deeply?
The answer is Confidence. The family should feel confident first in knowing that the All
or most commonly referred to as Spirit is working through each of them and everything
for greatest and highest good of All. The goal here is to become transparent to the
pervading sense of Love, Wisdom, and Justice that should be operating within
everything in and above this world.
The family has traveled through the previous inner-g’s together in order to acquire the
ability to exercise Self Trust. Self trust is not an easily acquired ability. Self Trust goes
beyond trusting the mind, one must learn to trust their Intuitive Self or Inner
Wisdom on every level. The family must get past trusting the views of others.
The family must find their own truths by examining and investigating the views of
experts, teachers, authors and any other figure or form that claims to have
knowledge that they don’t have. They must clear away subconscious fears of
betrayal from each other and by others as well.

Families are not meant to be private groups nor are they to become naïve to the
mischief of the world. Blind faith is not what the inner-g of the last letter advises.
Transformation through Trust and Openness is the last door that the family must
walk through together in order to get to the next door of Spiritual Growth and

The culmination of the total vibration of the word family is 3.
Its foundation is weighed within the realm of Expression and Sensitivity.

What is the family feeling and what does the family need right now?
Is the family ready to honestly and fully share their fears, joys and sorrows with
and amongst each other?
What will be the greatest expression that the family can bring into full emotional
and sensitive expression into their lives and others?
The decision is ours and our lasting legacies.

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