Job Application Letter

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Job Application Letter

Medan, 22 July 2019

Attachment: one sheet
Subject: Application to become an employee

Dear HRD Storekee

Setia Budi Indah II Complex II 14

With respect,
Based on job advertisements posted on the link on July 20, 2019,
Storekee needs employees in accounting. In accordance with the type of work, I hereby identify
as follows:
name : Kaira Anindiyah
place and date of birth : Medan, 05 July 2002
last education : high school
address : Permata Complex 17
apply to become an employee in the field of accounting at Storekee.

In accordance with the requirements that have been mentioned, I have good accounting
skills, used to work using computers, especially operating the internet and have a high morale. I
hereby attach several files that can be used as consideration:
1. Photocopy of diploma and award certificate
2. Photocopy of KTP

For your consideration and attention to this letter of application, I thank you.
Best regards,

Kaira Anindiyah

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