HSE Alert - Equipment Damage - Forklift Truck - JDE # 74807

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Bulletin # 74807 Completed By Paul Ward – UK HSE Manager

Incident Date: 05/08/2020 Approved By Derek Dixon
Incident Classification
☐Injury/Illness ☐Environmental ☐Vehicle Accident ☒Property/Equipment Damage ☐Near Hit/ Miss
☐Security: Please Specify ( __________________ ) ☐Other: Please Specify ( __________________)

Preliminary Details of Incident

Employee was driving a 3-tonne forklift truck (FLT), delivering an empty IBC/tote to the Drill Pipe Inspection Centre
(DPIC) area and collecting a full IBC from the same area.

What Went Wrong?

Whilst attempting to remove the full IBC from the
area the operator did not observe a drill pipe pin
which was located at the DPIC racking area.
The FLT collided with the drill pipe pin and this
caused the FLT right side windscreen to shatter

Immediate Cause(s)-
Congested and restricted access to the area.
Poor situational awareness by the driver.
IP attempted to time save instead of clearing access to the area.

Immediate Actions-

Employee to receive performance conversation and additional training and instruction on completing the task safely.
Provide information on situational awareness and how it can be improved.

Lessons Learned-

The work environment could have been made safer by clearing the obstructions prior to attempting the task.

Situational awareness is important to all of us – it is important that everyone is aware of their surroundings
and the potential hazards they face. Looking out for your own safety as well as looking out for workmates.

HSMSF-050.005 Rev. 01 Form Revision Date: 10-Dec-2019 Page 1

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