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Faculty: English Academic Support Center

Race: Inglish 7mo “B”
Teacher: Silvia Cuero
Matter: Inglish VII
student: Caicedo Pérez Carlos Alberto and Walter Fernando Alcívar Alcívar
Date: 26/08/2020


FERNANDO: Hi! Carlos, how are you?

CARLOS: Hi Fernando, I'm very well thank you,

FERNANDO: What Are You Doing?

CARLOS: I am listening to music and you? I can ask you some questions?

FERNANDO: Yeah sure,

CARLOS: How often do you go out with friends?

FERNANDO: I go out with my friends once a week.

CARLOS: oh so good Fernando, and what kind of music do you like?

FERNANDO: I like hip hop and romantic music.

CARLOS: Oh! That's perfect, and what career are you studying?

FERNANDO: I'm studying psychology, I'm also taking piano lessons, and what are you
doing all this time, Carlos?

CARLOS: I am working in a cafeteria in the morning and in the afternoon I study accounting
at a technical institute.

FERNANDO: Great! Have you ever traveled abroad?

CARLOS: Yes, I was in Mexico when I was fifteen, and you?

FERNANDO: Yes, I have lived in Spain for ten years, then I moved to Ecuador with my

CARLOS: Oh! I see, and how long have you been living here?

FERNANDO: I have lived in Ecuador for 5 years, in fact my whole family is Ecuadorian.

CARLOS: I'm very happy. Have you eaten?

FERNANDO: No, not yet.

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