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Base Form – V1 Past Simple Past

– V2 Participle –
1. Abide Abode abode
2. Arise Arose Arisen
3. Awake Awoke Awoken
4. Be was/were Been
5. Bear Bore Born
6. Beat Beat Beaten
7. Beget Begot Begotten
8. Begin Began Begun
9. Bend Bent Bent
10. Bereave Bereft Bereft
11. Beseech Besought Besought
12. Bespeak Bespoke Bespoken
13. Bestride Bestrode Bestrided
14. Bet Bet Bet
15. Bid bade/bid bidden/bid
16. Bind Bound Bound
17. Bite Bit Bitten
18. Bleed Bled Bled
19. Blow Blew Blown
20. Break Broke Broken
21. Breed Bred Bred
22. bring Brought Brought
23. broadcast Broadcast Broadcast
24. Build Built Built
25. Burn Burnt Burnt
26. Burst Burst Burst
27. buy Bought Bought
28. can Could
29. cast Cast Cast

Base Form – V1 Past Simple Past

– V2 Participle –
30. choose Chose Chosen
31. cling Clung Clung
32. come Came Come
33. cost Cost Cost
34. creep Crept Crept
35. Cut Cut Cut
36. Deal Dealt Dealt
37. dig Dug Dug
38. do Did Done
39. draw Drew Drawn
40. dream dreamt Dreamt
41. drink Drank Drunk
42. drive Drove Driven
43. dwell Dwelt Dwelt
44. eat Ate Eaten
45. fall Fell Fallen
46. feed Fed Fed
47. feel Felt Felt
48. fight fought Fought
49. find Found Found
50. flee Fled Fled
51. fly Flew Flown
52. forbid forbad(e) Forbidden
53. forecast forecast Forecast
54. forget forgot Forgotten
55. forsake forsook Forsaken
56. freeze Froze Frozen
57. give Gave Given
58. go Went Gone
59. grind ground Ground
60. grow Grew Grown
61. Hang Hung Hung
62. Have Had Had
63. Hear Heard Heard
64. Hide Hid Hidden
65. Hit Hit Hit
66. Hold Held Held
67. Hurt Hurt Hurt
68. Keep Kept Kept
69. Kneel Knelt Knelt
70. Know Knew Known
71. Lay Laid Laid
72. Lead Led Led
73. Lean Leant Leant
74. Leap Leapt Leapt
75. Learn Learnt Learnt
76. Leave Left Left
77. Lend Lent Lent
78. Let Let Let
79. Lie Lay Lain
80. Lose Lost Lost
81. Mean Meant Meant
82. Meet Met Met
83. Pay Paid Paid
84. Rend Rent Rent
85. Rid Rid Rid
86. Ride Rode Ridden
87. Ring Rang Rung
88. Rise Rose Risen
89. Run Ran Run
90. Say Said Said
91. See Saw Seen
92. Seek sought Sought
93. Sell Sold Sold
94. Send Sent Sent
95. Set Set Set
96. Shake Shook Shaken
97. Shed Shed Shed
98. Shine Shone Shone
99. Shoot Shot Shot
100. Show showed Shown
101. Shrink shrank Shrunk
102. Shrive shrove Shriven
103. Shut Shut Shut
104. Sing Sang Sung
105. Sink Sank Sunk
106. Sit Sat Sat
107. Slay Slew Slain
108. Sleep Slept Slept
109. Slide Slid Slid
110. Sling Slung Slung
111. Slink Slunk Slunk
112. Slit Slit Slit
113. Smell Smelt Smelt
114. Smite Smote Smitten
115. Speak Spoke Spoken
116. speed Sped Sped
117. spend Spent Spent
118. spin Spun Spun
119. spit Spat Spat
120. split Split Split
121. spoil Spoilt Spoit
122. spread spread Spread
123. spring sprang Sprung
124. stand Stood Stood
125. steal Stole Stolen
126. stick Stuck Stuck
127. sting Stung Stung
128. stink Stank Stunk
129. strike Struck Struck
130. string Strung Strung
131. strive Strove Striven
132. swear Swore Sworn
133. sweep Swept Swept
134. swim Swam Swum
135. swing swung Swung
136. teach taught Taught
137. tear Tore Torn
138. tell Told Told
139. think thought Thought
140. throw Threw Thrown
141. thrust Thrust Thrust
142. tread Trod Trodden
143. wake Woke Woken
144. wear Wore Worn
145. weave Wove Woven
146. weep Wept Wept
147. win Won Won
148. wind wound Wound
149. wring Wrung Wrung
150. write Wrote Written

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