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Principles & Methods of Teaching Accounting

Constantino, Charife B. BSA-3A

Dr. Noel F. Antijendra September 16, 2020

The Teacher
They are the ones who went through four to five years of rigorous academic
preparation and teaching and the one who is given license to teach by the Board for
Professional Teachers of The Professional Regulation Commission after fulfilling
requirements by law.
Their common attributes are first; view of learning to teach as a lifelong
process and dispositions and skills for working towards improving his/ her own
teaching as well as improving schools; Control of the knowledge base of teaching
and learning and use of this knowledge to guide the science and art of his/her
teaching practice; Dispositions and skills to approach all aspects of his/ her work in
a reflective, collegial, and problem-solving manner; Repertoire of best teaching
practice and can use these to instruct children in classrooms and to work with
adults in the school setting.
In order for the professional teacher to facilitate learning, it is essential for
them to have a passion for teaching, important to have a sense of humor, have a
long patience, and full of enthusiasm. It’s also essential for them have a pleasing
personality and a model of values, because a lot of children or young students look
up to them. And it is not only essential but also important for them to be an expert
in his/her subject and skilled in the science and art of teaching. Students mostly
rely on the knowledge of their teacher because they know that they know more
than them (the students). They are expected to have a mastery or is able to master
the subject specially when there is a confusion on the student and they need to
clarify things.
The personality of the professional teachers is also pivotal since this is what
will be perceived as their own identity. It is important for them to be able to have a
good poise as this can spark an interest for the students. The manner of their
dressing is also important as the professional teachers will be mostly seen in the
public and a good appearance would be eye-catching and will also reflect their
personality. And their facial expression is also important, specially when they are
discussing, this put more justice or emphasis as to what is the teacher is trying to
Principles & Methods of Teaching Accounting

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