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“The first draft reveals the art; revision reveals the artist.

— Michael Lee, Demon: The Fallen

I believe that everyone has a story to share with the world. At The Book Foundry, I work with
writers to draw the artist out of the words. Focusing on clarity, readability, and fluidity, we’ll work
together to craft a book you can be proud to publish.

Not sure if your book needs an in-depth developmental edit, a full copyedit or just some
proofreading polish? This handy guide will help you decide.

Developmental Editing

Does your book "work"? By focusing on the big picture, developmental editing will provide you
with in-depth feedback on your book as a whole. You'll receive a report on aspects such as
character development, pacing, setting, dialogue, and more. The Book Foundry offers two levels of
this service to fit any budget: manuscript critique or full developmental edit.


A manuscript critique provides a wide report on what is and isn't working in your book. I can either
work on the whole of your manuscript or focus on the areas you feel need the most attention. For
example, think you have a third act problem? I will take a look at your work and help you to make
sure your third act works with the rest of the book.

This editorial letter will include sections on character development, plot structure, and overall
impressions. A critique is broader in scope than a full developmental edit but will provide more
detailed feedback than just a beta read would.

You will receive:

A PDF editorial letter of 5–15 pages that includes general recommendations and suggestions on
the critique aspects listed above.
Responses within the editorial letter to any questions provided to me prior to the start of the

Pricing: $.008 per word


A developmental edit gets into every corner of your book to provide you extensive feedback. It will
cover your entire manuscript and focus on macro-level suggestions for what is and isn't working.
This report will include sections such as themes, scene structure, plot, characters, POV, pacing,
setting, and dialogue.

You will receive:

A PDF editorial letter of 15–25+ pages that includes in-depth chapter summary suggestions and
recommendations on the developmental aspects listed under this section.

A Microsoft Word document of your manuscript with Track Changes comments highlighting the
areas discussed in your editorial letter.

Responses within the editorial letter to any questions provided to me prior to the start of the

Pricing: $.015 per word


Happy with your book and ready to share it with the world? Copyediting allows for a line-by-line
edit of every errant ellipses or dangerously dangling modifier. This micro-level editing focuses not
only on the technical errors of spelling, grammar, and punctuation but on aspects such as incorrect
word usage, in-world consistency, tense issues, and sentence-level flow.
The Book Foundry offers two levels of this service to fit any budget: single-round copyediting or
double-round copyediting—the latter with comments response and a Book Foundry style sheet.


Just looking for a quick check through your work? This level is considered a "light" copyedit and
covers the technical errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation, correct word usage, homophones,
in-world style consistency, and treatment of numbers. Any suggestions for alternative words or
adjustment of sentence flow will be recommended in the comments but not changed within the
text. This is also the quickest copy edit—good for that upcoming deadline.

You will receive:

A Microsoft Word document of your manuscript with in-line edits and comments through Track

Pricing: $.010 per word


Looking for an in-depth review of your book and some dialogue about any changes? As a "heavier"
copyedit, this level includes all aspects of the single-round but with suggested alternative words or
sentence structure written within the text and explained within the comments. Consistency,
clarity, and flow are the major factors of this level of editing.

After you have a chance to go through the first round of edits, mark any preferences to style and
spelling questions, and respond to comments asking for further guidance, I will take another pass
through the manuscript to clear up all accepted edits and further revise text that has been
determined or rewritten. This is the preferred option when you want to create the best reading
experience for your audience.

You will receive:

A first-round Microsoft Word document of your manuscript with in-line edits and comments
through Track Changes.

A second-round Microsoft Word document of your manuscript with a Track Changes review after
you have accepted the edits and responded to any comment queries. This second round of
cleanup will follow with delivery of a fully edited and clean Microsoft Word document of your

A Book Foundry style sheet listing your specific preferences on style guide, rules, grammar,
spelling, character names, locations, and customized words.

Pricing: $.013 per word


The final edit before publishing. Ready to share your work with the world? Proofreading will
provide one last opportunity to polish up spelling, punctuation, typos, inconsistencies, and
grammar errors before you release your book into the hands of readers. If you choose no other
editing for your manuscript, a final proofreading can save you in budget and from negative

You will receive:

A Microsoft Word document of your manuscript with in-line edits through Track Changes. Some
comments regarding global recommendations may be included.

Pricing: $.008 per word

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