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Shear connections are used in steel structures to connect a simply supported beam to its support.
These connections are primarily designed to transfer gravity shear force and to be sufficiently
flexible to accommodate end rotation of the beam as shown in the below figures.
A beam bolted to a column. It is a shear only connection because the beam flanges are not rigidly
connected to the column. Note the gap shown between the bottom flange of the beam and the

All-Bolted Double-Angle Connection

Double-angle shear connections have been used frequently in the past in bridges and buildings to
transfer shear from the web of the beam to their support. The angles can be bolted or welded to the
beam and the supporting member.
This simple connection consists of a pair of angles attached to the web of the beam. Since the
flanges of the beams are not connected to the columns, it is assumed that the connection only
transfers shear from the beam to the column.
A double-angle connection is made with two angles, one on each side of the web of the beam to
be supported, as shown in the figures above. These angles are bolted to the column support. When
framing to a column flange, both angles can be shop-attached to the column flange.
1. Suitability for use when the end reaction is large
2. Compact connections (usually, the entire connection is contained within the flanges of the
supported beam)
3. Eccentricity perpendicular to the beam axis need not to be considered for work cable gages
1. Double sided connection into column webs are an erection problem
Unstiffened Seated Connections

An unstiffened beams seat connection has an angle projecting from the face of the column. The
beam shear is transferred to the beam shear in the form of end reactions. This is referred to as an
unstiffened beam seat since the leg of the angle cantilever out from the column without any
While the seat angle is assumed to carry the entire and reaction of the support beam, the top angle
must be placed as shown or in the optional side location for satisfactory performance and stability.
unstiffened seated connections may be made to the webs and flanges of supporting columns. If
adequate clearance exist unstiffened seated connections may also be made to the webs of the
supporting girders.
The seat angle is preferably shop attached to the support. Since the bottom flange typically
establishes the plane of reference for seated connections, mill variations in beam depth may result
in variation in the elevation of the top flange.
1. Seats can be shop attached to the support, simplifying erection
2. Ample erection clearance is provided
3. Excellent safety during erection since double connections often can be eliminated
4. The bay length of the structure is easily maintained (seated connections maybe preferably
when maintaining bay length is a concern for repetitive bays of framing)
1. Requires stability angle
2. Limited strength
A Moment Connection in structural engineering is a joint that allows the transfer of bending
moment forces between a column and beam (or any other two members). If a child member (a
beam) has some internal moment, the connection should be able to transmit the load due to that
The objective of moment connections is to simulate as close as possible a fixed joint, meaning the
connection is rigid in all translation and rotational directions. This is also the reason why moment
connections are called rigid connections.
While Shear Connections are dependent mostly on the web of a section, moment connections add
to that by strengthening the connectivity of the flanges. This can be achieved using plate stiffeners,
welds or other fixtures that strengthen and increase the rigidity of the connection between
Moment Connections are normally more rigid and as such can withstand a much higher moment
load than shear connections. However, as more material are used to erect the connection, it is
significantly more costly to use a moment connection as compared to a shear connection.
Typically, a structure would only have one or two unique moment connections to minimize the
Flange-Plated Fully Restrained Moment Connections
As illustrated in the figure above a flange plated FR moment connection consists of a shear
connection and top and bottom flange plates that connect the flange of the supported beam to the
supporting column. These flange plates are welded to the supporting column and may be bolted or
welded to the flanges of the supported beam.
In a column-flange connection, the flange plates are usually located with respect to the column
web centerline. Because of the column-flange mill tolerance on out-of-squareness with the web, it
is desirable to shop fit long flange plates from the theoretical column-web centerline to assure
good field fit-up with the beam.
Through plates transfer moment between members using a rigid plate that is either bolted or
welded to the members. The rendering above is an example of a Through Plate connection. If the
W-section column undergoes a bending force, then intuitively it will transfer to the beam due to
the yellow plate.
The flange forces in this connection are transferred into the top and bottom plates via weld material
or bolts; the forces then transfer to the supporting member (the column flange) through welds.
1. Designed to resist both moment and shear
2. Resist the effect of lateral forces such as wind and earthquake
1. Mill tolerances in both the beam and column may cause significant shop and field assembly

Extended End-plate Fully Restrained Moment Connections

As illustrated in figure above an extended end-plate moment connection consists of a plate of
length greater than the beam depth, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the supported beam
the end plate is always welded to the web and the flanges of the supported beam and the bolted to
the supporting member.
In extended end plate moment connections, plates are shop welded to the ends of the beams. In the
field, the beam/endplate assembly is lifted in place between columns, and the end plates are field
bolted to the column flanges.
The load path is quite different from the previously discussed moment connection, in that the beam
flange forces are transferred into a plate that is perpendicular the beam span. Bolts in the end plates
transfer tensile and shear forces into the column. Compression forces are transferred as the end
plate bears directly on the column flange.
End-plated moment connections are generally not a good idea at top-of-column (roof) locations
because the column must extend past the top of the beam to accommodate the end-plate’s top bolts.
Endplates are probably not good choices for skewed connections (bolting can be impossible if the
skew is sharp). Also, if loads are very high and bolts larger than 1¼ in. are indicated, other
connections might be better choices.
1. The principal advantage of extended endplate moment connection is that all welding is
done in the shop thus the election process is relatively fast and economical.
1. Endplate moment connections require extra care in shop fabrication and field erection. The
fit up of extended endplate connections is sensitive to the column flange conditions and
may be affected by column flange-to-web squareness, beam camber, or squareness of the
beam end.
2. Use of well access holes can result in beam flange cracking especially in high seismic
3. The heat from welding can cause the end plates to distort.


1. Use bolted connections instead of field-welded connections. Bolted connections are
quicker to erect and less costly. Welded connection delays result from the absence of a
qualified welder or welding platforms, or cold windy weather.
2. Group similar connections rather than have several different connections. Connections on
a project should be as uniform as possible to save fabrication time and reduce the possibility
of errors.
3. Avoid overhead welding. The preferred welding positions are flat and horizontal. Overhead
welding is difficult, costly, and generally yields lower quality welds.
4. Provide proper clearance for bolted and welded connections.
5. Avoid excessive connections. Connections should be designed to actual load requirements.
The SER should not specify that connections be designed for the members’ full capacity if
not necessary. Excessive connections increase construction cost and the possibility of
problems in the field. Over-welding can damage the steel.
6. Try to use fillet welds instead of partial-penetration or full-penetration welds. Fillet welds
are less expensive, since no base-metal preparation is needed. Also, partial- and full-
penetration welds usually require more weld metal and inspection.

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