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Evolution to International / global marketing The international marketplace has been transformed by

shifts in trading techniques, standards and practices. These changes have been reinforced and retained
by new technologies and evolving economic relationships between the companies and organizations
involved in international trade. The traditional ethnocentric conceptual view of international marketing
trade is being counterbalanced by a more global view of markets. Domestic marketing Domestic
marketing is the limited commercialization of goods and services to a single, home country. The
advantages of domestic marketing include familiarity with the extent of political risk, the quality of
skilled human resources and of natural resources, and the ramifications of existing and likely legislation
in relevant areas such as safety, hygiene, employment, and ownership of capital.[3] These markets are
restrained by the laws and regulations of the country. Domestic marketing is typically organized in the
headquarters. Global marketing Global marketing requires a firm to understand the requirements
associated with servicing customers locally with global standard solutions or products and localizes that
product as required 5 to maintain an optimal balance of cost, efficiency, customization and localization
in a controlcustomization continuum to meet local, national and global requirements. Global marketing
and global branding are integrated. Branding involves a structured process of analyzing "soft" assets and
"hard" assets of a firm's resources. The strategic analysis and development of a brand includes customer
analysis (trends, motivation, unmet needs, segmentation), competitive analysis (brand image/brand
identity, strengths, strategies, vulnerabilities), and self-analysis (existing brand image, brand heritage,
strengths/capabilities, organizational values).[4] Global brand identity development is the process of
establishing brands of products, the firm, and services locally and worldwide with consideration for
scope, product attributes, quality, uses, users and country of origin; organizational attributes;
personality attributes, and brand-customer relationship; and important symbols, trademarks metaphors,
imagery, mood, photography and the company's brand heritage. A global marketing and branding
implementation system distributes marketing assets, affiliate programs and materials, internal
communications, newsletters, investor materials, event promotions and trade shows to deliver
integrated, comprehensive and focused communication, access and value to the customers.

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