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Levels I, II, and I Magnetic Particle Testing Method Supplement to Practice No. SNT-TC-1A Book B ‘The Ameri ety for Nondestructive Testing, Ine. Pblished by Tae American Society for Nondestructive Testing ne. ITIL Aslingate Lane PO Box 28518 Columbus, OH 43228-0518 Copyright © 1994 by The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. ASNT is nt responsible forthe ‘utheniity or accuracy of information heel. Published opinions and siatements donot necessarily reflect {he opinion of ASNT. Product o services tat ae dvertsed or mentioned do not carry the endorsement o¢ recommendation of ASNT. “This publication contains suggested questions and answers in the Magnetic Particle Test meted for use in conjunction with Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A for Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondesiracive Testing. Recommended Pracitce No. SNT-TC-IA ts available from ASNT IRRSP, Level I] Study Guide, Materials Evaluation, NDT Handbook, Nondestructive Testing Handbook, The NDT Technician and wow are trademarks of The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc, ACCP, ASNT, Research in Nondestructive Evaluation and RNDE are registered trademarks of The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. ASNT exists to create a safer world by promoting the profession and technologies of nondestructive testing ISBN-13-978.0 931403-11-8 ISBN 10: 0.951405-11-1 Print in the United States of Ameren est printing 0787 second pring O88 ‘hia praing 0788 Foor printing 0289 Fk pring 0490 Se printing 0892 feveuth printing with revision O54 sah pring 106 ‘int piating 1158 1d pring 07103 Ti png 3908 Table of Contents References Reference Usage List Level I Questions Answers Level IT Questions Answers, Level IIL Questions Answers ‘ample Specification ‘Questions Answers 38 39 Recommended Training References Magnetic Particle Testing Method “The fling sterences wee used in frmalating the qstions conse in this book, [Ae Betz, Chol. Principles of Magne Particle Tentng. Chicago. tL: Magnex Corporation, 1966, Bo Memastes, RC. cd. Nondesracive Testing Handbook ft edton. Columbus. OF The Americn Society for Nondesrvesve Testing Inc. 1958 Magnetic Patt Testing: Classroom Training Handbook (C63. San Diego, CA: General Dyramicd! CRS Ditton, 1077 (Now publi by The Amerian Society for Nondestructive Testing. le) Doane, and Cast. Bete. Principles of Mognafee. Chicago,IL Photoress. 1948. E+ MoGonnagle. WJ, Nondesctive Testing. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 1961 [Re Motes Handbook, Fight Erin, Nondestracive Inspection and Quay Control, Volume 1). Mates Dark OM Ameria Soci for Meus. 1976 “Annus Book of ASTM Standards, Volo 03.03, Nondestructive Testing. “Standard Guide for Magnetic € Fe Beanibation'” Suncare ASTME 709, Pisdlphia, PA: Arercan Society oc Testing an Materials Latest don + avilable fom The Amica Society for Nondestructive Testing le Each queton fund in his Book conta tet) and page ners) in bo type immeinely following he answer Foreximpl 15. What ale describes the crstion of cueet Now (lio) when linsof sagas force sound the eft hand role 1 the riphthand rate In this example, the eter “A refers to Reference A inthe ist provid above and"143" isthe pci page in Reference A whet the answer to th question ean be found Reference Usage List oO Level I Questions Magnetic Particle Testing Method Magnetic Particle Testing Method Reference A: Total = 123 Reference E: Total = 1 Level I (29) Level I (1) 11, “Magnetic particle” is a nondestructive examination —7._‘The magnetic field is strongest when the: Level II (58) Level 110) method used for: Level III (36) Level IIT (0) cp i Sepang caret fond & ‘c. material exhibits high coercive forces Reference Bi Total = $7 Reference F: Total = 5 ened SC mectonreren oom ee Reference sg cl en ha Level TI (8) Level IT (0) 8 Ifacrack exists in a circular magnet, the attraction of Level M1 (13) Level ING) 2 Remap mts aps fa wince eae Reference C: Total = 24 Reference G: Total = 3 % crate ing magnetized i alee Level a9) Lert 1 SERNRriemomne ER ttnet coo Level IT (2) Level III (3) Reference D: Total = 5 1 ease with which it can be magnetized Level I (5) b cent of a saga kd in the pat ‘ ean SES Siting ae Level IIT (0) Aa cn ‘a. case with which it can he magnetized re car '. Why ate magnetic paises vale iniferent clon 1, Magnetic Mas is which are parallel to 3 «fr solor cones with he pat srace 3 toeaance the detection of scone indiations ©, both asnd weak indications 1 ifeet colors are used wih deen mageetic © no ndieions Duealues 1 ny nceatons Ants B308 6. Which ofthe followings be magnetized? 22 Aptis adaptable to magnet particle ispeeton if 2. ion 4 itisamached oan eleceosttie ld nleke 1 theme efenomagnatie @ © cobalt the material nonforous 4. sl the shove theater an lee conductor ats As [Magnetic Particle Testing Method, Level 15. What role desenbes he dection of cunt ow (Gt) when ner of magne force sound ‘constr! 2 the et and ee 1 the vgbr hand role the lox ae SF therelsance ae Anas 4, The engi ofthe resid magnetic eld na _pesmen dependent onthe 8. LD mato lng to dante) Seng of he aplied magnetizing force © gt and le 4 letband le naoas 15, Te proper umber of ampere-tums fra given est syecnen is dtaraned 3) ais lengh the atest and esiameter pans 16, A circular i may be inde int a specimen by 4 ire indveton esd shot) Bae indostion rods) © eenal conductor 4 sito te above caus 17, Ameleccl yoke produces 1 slong fle Sula fla Seating ls 18 Swinging ene e246 1 Aco around the pr produces: 2 ica fd ESS nas ESHER Stenson upon soni incite sea “ C216 19, tn Jongitutinat magnetization, the proper tr or ‘Sletingrgneizing foc amperes 2 amperes 4 che ngs; C2.17 20, Magnetic ines offre: 1. wave in sai ines & form closed oop ©. werandomly oeted 4 eran hgh oromapntic materials “ely eames Ast 21, A magnetic price bi. rom a sonny is ‘Srangest wien te diaconity ened: 1 180° to he magnet eld 1 4s the maghete Nel © 90° the maetie elt 14. 90° the erent flow 34,135; 62-10 22, A specimen may be demagetze by: eal eaten hove Covi temperate B anaC oa reversing DC is alot ie above pana 2. Which of the folowing san advantage of magnetic parile tesing over pena esting? 1 itean detect sucac dicontintos With Frign ‘material imbedded in them by te latr oo init pre steam dtet pear src dscontnis Mle te above nes 28, The amount of amgerage wd for ngnei paiele ‘aspecion using he prod method is determined fom the 2. ypeat materia 1 disance betes the prods © dante ofthe pct. 1 toa eng ofthe pst nae 25, The fox within ant surrounding a magetie pa or ‘Hound a conductor caying 2 caret s Know ‘stration pint magnetic eld © feromagnec ¢ pusmapece as, a7 2%, 2. 31 2 “Tae areas on a magnate put om which the apt i eaving or ering othe pt are calle a. salient points 1 defects © magne poles 1 noges pases ‘Ames thas cu to magnetized have: 4 high prmeabiiny tot gemmeaity high relotnee low sn so “The magnetism that eras in apiece of Imagaetizale materia ler the tapacang force as ‘ec enoved called the 2. vamp fle residual © damped fel 1 permanet eld ‘Wy isi preferable wo dsassemble pars before magni pace inspection? 1 isansembty mates al surface acas visible ©: nerfaces wl create leakage lds whieh my ue the inepection «thw emer to handle he disused pats ‘aot stove B27 ‘Subsurface dscontinty indications wally spear 2 sharp and disc. © ide and ny igh a sey bel na ‘Which resid lds mos iio to demagntize? 2. longi circle 3 Broa 3021 Which enigue isthe mst sensitive? reid erated pao 2. 38 %6 o. 2. ‘Magnetic Parle Testing Method, Level ‘Which «ype of curent brings ot sri indications smostelealy? aac bbc ©. pled DC De wih supe 308; D139 ‘Fluorescent magnetic parle edicatons sould be inspected ue 4 orescen ight any ht Back ike scone aaa Inspecting apart by meeting, removing the the magnet fx woold nt be uifors getter mobility would be eed hepa cannot be magnetiznt Aas Which of the following wil best eine suse crack? 4. alewave recited AC be eae aan Magnetic Particle Testing Method, Level (64 When a magnet ld induced ia apt with prods 70. paced 152 (6m) apa the eld 2 solenoidal 2 crew © longi 16 diated tapeoidal cats Applying he theory of he “Right Hand Re" ‘Depot sft defect im afound bar iedetcted 7h by seurent pssngnacrecion parle ote Tikes of expected defect” Decne ‘2 the current ction isin line with he fest 1 the mngetie eld eat riph angles to he det itrmakes no difleence the magnet i spa othe defect 204 Ita eatenis posed though an cecil eomdaon, ‘vine wil sound he ante? 2 an eddy cuent feld ® coment © amagetic Fld presal Beld sas n. Wi uret flowing from +10 ina cola Tong eld ie resied. Which of the following ‘my be uted to entblih tbe cretion of the magnetic fe? the et hand le 2 the ight and ole © Obs law 1 there fen reevant * naa Whe magnetic mesial is pase into coi the Imapnesic ins of ax concenate themselves the ‘aerial ad cs weno fet B306 “Which orn of magetintion easiest to contra in ‘oe pan 4 longtinl magnetization & permanent mapas © Gicular magnetization purl magnetization B08 2 ‘When ingpectng a abular prot for surface defecs "ong eng the est typeof mate 0 = ‘2 onsainal ld 1 cea fla Singing eld 1 yoke magnetization “Te aa of maximum induced ld seng sing yoke is 1 atthe Non pole ofthe yoke 3. atthe Sout pole fe yoke © thee ey betwsea he ples {onthe cud of pole piees| ngos0at “The srengih ofthe magnet ed induced ina patis often ferred tas: caren density 2 oliage ax densty ft setenv ans “The jr factor that determines the suse of ‘goat parle inspection isthe: fd srenstt ©, voliage on mageetizing col cea ough te eat time of magnetization nae ‘The typeof caren that est suited det saris ‘daconuies apc Bac © plating DC 1 faleware 308 ‘When propaing abt, it iemporant to have the Bath ‘rg trope! ese oo many ares 4 lowering ofthe et ampere the ned te neeas the magazin cme the masking of indiaions none of ie above 306 0 16. nn. 18 ». a ‘Ove advantage of sing Museen parle a. tates equipments required the high sped of inspection the cos {hate ar more edly traced 30s When esing sry magnetic price powder the proper way to aply to the parts: a forcibly apy it with air & alte tral in the oeaine of powder ply tt the tom he pact (athe priciest he inspection uae as gemly spose panies ‘When using te wet pails in water suspension, ‘voting gent ae a 1 prevent feeing 8. Rov of npetion inn Ease the proper wettng of the par {1 decreae the moun of Water needed nanis \When preparing an inspection atthe amount of Inapnlic ptiles pr gall of Mi iscalled measuring slo prc nmbee ©, steno concentration ‘4 ashi ims 016 Cowie force a deseibesthe means by which he magnet pret ne suopended in the igld wen wing the by, dasrtesthe magnetizing ore used with he ‘ominous method «epreens the everse mapetiing Fore necessary {eemove the eda! magneto a mati is pos term ose in mage pail testing 243 emapnetizaton: may be acomplished by eating materi above its Cori point ble awnysrnecessary © canbe performed oly with AC ‘4 canbe performed nly with DC Magnetic Parties Testing Method, Level 52, Reeniviy represents the bit onde magnetism in Somes nn mae -b,mpeset the bi of «mares resist the ‘Stlstmest af magnet Nox within opsent the sbiy ofa mater tretin = foeton of th gn setup in afer he fapncting Fores has bon removed 4. epota em Sed agai patie esting 83, Resistance to demagnetization a. rote nnd materia tan soft mails 1 ener in sot materia han hard aerials he sme foro hard and soft serials anz 4, Demaynetization my be eeyo diel depending onthe spe of ‘mai tb. rex fr materi having s high oesve force elvis mos difiest nsntenals etaning igh sia eld allerthe above A206 5, The seat ofthe wet saspension soul be atin ta ven level Beas: a. Jo evel gt give a weak indication tatu level may pea beavy background © bothaand 1 none of the sbove asi B Level I Answers Magnetic Particle Testing Method e 2B. ad 44, b e 4b 45. a a 25. b 46. a a 26. € 47 hb © 2. b 48. b a 28. b 49. a b 29. @ 50. a b 30. € 51. ¢ a 31 b 52. € a 32a 53. b c 33. a 54. ¢ b 34. € 55. b b 35. € 56. b b 36. d SI a c 32. 38. a a 38. b 59. b a 39. a 60. ¢ b 40. a 61. ¢ b 4d 2. a b ab 63. c 43. 64. b a 15 Level I Questions Magnetic Particle Testing Method ‘The interpretation of magnetic pate inetions maybe alded by 4 observing with maging alas 1 eberving the teats a they are formed eprint Inconel 1h othe stove ass ‘Residual magntsm may be beneficial a nad 4. inthe copasition of weld metal & inlntespretaon and evaluation of indications © indemapretation 44 aor the stove asn An tempo inthe normal phys! struct ot onfiguation of 3p ick produces ax MZ Indlestion scaled 2. adiscontinity ® adet © sn incaton 14 sdotermston ae Comparing pars hx have been circularly magnetized Sau os ht Hae be onal ago ed ‘which seis th most objectionable rsa fl if ot demagnetizad? 2 longtdnl cer © sectoed 30a ‘Wn typeof magnetization ves he Formal: Aropere turns = 8.000 » cicaie longitu! ©. parle 4 Netoea pans 6 uv Why are large sat comet reas such as ead or copper bald used for sraces or eases? 4. te ineetse the conic re and rede the possibly of buming te pat Renta othe ow tg pols © beeause they hep eat meh ths Fitting Image incon «6. tomers the contact are and x density 1309 A rovgh forging that as recived no foter ocssing is mghetc pace sted. A inition ‘roberto na n every diection appear xtend deeply in the pat and un perpen The suelace fit very ar What the probe ‘denty ofthe ideation” 2. fering bors 2 tap tke osm Aas A gear wit caseAardened ground eth and bub nds ieSer ete Individual indications te dtstod on Five othe teeth nd onthe one ond race fhe ab Ato he ndstons se very scp and Sis, they dot Beak over th edges fpr. Wht the probable deny ofthe neaon?| 2 gringing ees tnt poral 1 gucneh cracks 0 an overall aor sometioas cle ias)sppeass tthe test race, no show he nestor reproceat the et pice? 4. oust ata higher amperage & domagnetize et tower amperage 8 oth snd A208 Magnetic Particle Testing Method, Levelt 10, A pie consideration when slesting powder tobe ‘hed a magnet parle medium ito welect powder at ‘provide high contst tothe uric being tested 1, provides alow conta tthe face bs eed al bere to he sac bing ested 4 eg high dementia areata eet 3 11, When testing fr fine shallow surfce cats the prefoned eT method should be: a dy ac b aye © we AC a wee A235 12, Which ofthe folowing is an advantage ofthe dry rmothodverthe wet matiad?” 2 it iemore sensitive wo fin surface cracks 1 ite more capable of proving ful surface coverage timely shaped pars «tiger ae for eld inspection with pore uipmeat fate than the wet method when sing ‘omber of sal ore ans 13. When esting «bar with an 1/D rato of four ina tertin col the rege cant woul Be 1125 amperes Is 000 amperes 45000 amperes ‘nko: more afomnation is needed ons 14, Internal splines and Hoes ded parallel oo nea test ‘foe will exe 2 broad, fezy ination ety aligned wit the part's tral cosous + Sharp, ellen nications ety aligned with the pt’ teal contours Asi 15, Some iitatons of co magnatizain techniques are 4 hat the eal ust be of minim dameterin ‘elton opt by, harthectectve eis generally Limited on ether ‘deo the xi «tha sl ameter part sould be placed ose thecal 4 alte above 18 16, Which of te ftlowing dope the wave form of thee phase ull wave ested AC? Current Current Time Current + Time Current ‘Which fhe folowing easing defects caused by noaunifor cooling resulting tn sesses whch rape the safe ofthe etl? 1 shrink hotter © porosity & rose ase “The erm sed o refer he al oppastion ow ferent representa bythe ombned elect of ‘esate, ndutanes, nd eapaitance of cls ndtv reactance Mogneic Parse Testing Method, Level IE 23, Exel pols, which arto song © pet god ‘nspeton of pa are mae ely oes when 2. eur magnetization © longitu magneton ©. polarized magnetization sido magnetization aa 24, A roup forging discon has the following arctic ican ocr onthe srfce or {etmally tis associated wih roessing at 00 Low temperate; it soe caused by excesive working Sul vets sualght or treqularcvies vayig 8 impedance ‘Sue This conto would be idea © eiptince clase a: 4 decay Adm. abort Snags ‘Aca shot isrequited tobe pecfomed aftr a ead © spire ‘Shot sing th we continuous metho. In order 'o ¢ slain opely conduct be col shot. it is mecessary te cr, 4. remove ll sida wet magnetic patil ud 25, Disenotmutis in plate sheet. or sip caused by pipe, Rom tpt using clean. oy absorbent rags bs demagnetir the prt between he ea sh Fest ‘allsbat «ple the atin he cl end comin the Trepecton ater vain the Rea sha ideation, 4. none of the shove rer ‘When adding conconte any wet magnetic pacts rsension fis common proce to 4 add povidr directo the suspension guid 1. make a small srk teat mitre af the powder db ba he above 4 do nite ofthe shove 263-264 A desirable propery of magna patil used for he {tapeton scm or eter the dry or wet met ix ‘tat tey 1 poses high permesbiy poses low weeny 4. hive ll ofthe above charsteries Aaw.208 ‘Whi ofthe folowing can cause nntelevat ‘magnetic pail indications? 4 jolts beeween disimlar metals 3 ead joins © rourhing oo cus om surface aloft above A390301 inclusions, or blowholes nthe original ingot whieh ‘Merron, ae wbully flat nd pall othe ouside ‘face are clled 2 aminations © oncks laps sz; 0327 26, Forging lps osc in what elation othe aia ‘Section of pa? 2 may occur anywhere on surface and may Beano ‘es o anil decom othe pa by always ae found on teal etelne ae found on surface of par a 90 age to fog 4. may ocer anywhere in the pat and always in ‘deecion of wontng As 27, Toe accumlation of pices at ite on the pt force, collected a and eld the soy the ‘magna leakage Fi ical a adisoatainy bi adeteet © Sn inceation 4 ngeeti wring Ans Magnetic Particle Testing Method, Level 28, Where pails are ateted to aston the surface of 2 prt by a magnetic leakage Field hts do to 2 fein uch at crack, ep, rote onion not Scepable to the aplesble standards forthe pa ‘hen we hat: dicen B adetee © tnonreevan indistion ail the above 26 28, Hal-wave ected AC (HWDC) is used for detion of 1 mace defects nly 1 subsurae defers only © Surface and subsuroe defects 1 none ofthe above Aas 30, Which ofthe following ectniqus for removing a thin ‘Alm of ei or areas prior o magnets pace testing Isnotacepube: 4. washing with solvent 3: Sepesng sing vor dexeasing method tng src wt chal ore hen pe wih dy clean loth 4. rahi the surace with power wie bash * Ae 431, Which fhe allowing ie 2 commonly usd tsbnigue For pevring MT powae ates? 4 ler lacquer 2 transparent tape «photography 1 Bila te above Aawran2 52. All ofthe folowing scones are comsronly found in old prods excep 5 tametions cold ste dence Asn 3, Alf he following discontinuities ar commonly Tound in frged products except aps 1 shrinkage © bate fakes Ags 38 3, ”, 2. Wich of he following is dees commonly assoeaed with he wen proces? Tak of penetration fakes 4 taratons Aas ‘Which ofthese cracks may appear aa ela, checked, osstre pte of ie ines way ‘aued by loa overeating? 2 sige crc 1 pining cack © Sater cracks HAZ cncke c2as,746 (oF following continuity categories, which one Is conidered most emt tots sence oan fom? | sbi inlosions Bsabsface porosity and voids cracks open tothe srace allot ie above Asem Wa copper conductor spaced through famous tyler and cures pused ough he enictorthen the magnet ld (ax deity) ine ‘linge wil be 1 the ramen ond ptr an the condor ® geacrinn ine conductor lesan inthe candace 4 the same regres of ts proximity to he cylinder val Aas “Te length pt ing magnetized by passing 2 leer arent from one en othe oe a. atc the pemesbity of te pst 1 changes the stengh ofthe magnetic Sel does not alec the sng ofthe apt Fld 4. cases the magnet elt fete seston Ass 125 mam (in) and 1 mm in.) ameter bas ae ‘mapotind by psig the sare Chrent ho0gh the, the mage elds woud be: 2 the sme fr both song inthe mom (2 in) diameter bar © weaker inthe 25m (ln ameter ba 4 Suonge inthe 28mm (i) lame ar Aas 40, If scarent ofthe same amperage is passed tough two conductors of the sme dimensions one of which Frimagntc wo os of wich nonmagnetic, the Imago il rounding the concn Wl 1. tesronge forthe magna conc i Restonger forthe nonmagneti condor © yay withthe pemesbi 4. Rothe sme for bath condostore Aas 41, The mostffective MF meth fr inspection of Tage casting is the we of «4 muliietona magneton 1 Seenal eandotor © pro inspection no dectins 4 Gect magnetzaion Aas 42. The moat common faire mechanism assisted with ‘hap filets, atc, erent sd Sea aie cracking B exysaizaion © shrinkage 1 dosebaiation A108, 81-489 43, When tis believed tht a defect har taen removed by chipping. pading, o lane cuting. the next a. repair 1 messe tt ef minimum Bikes emaos ¢reextmine te area by magni pale esting 1 Snot he pst ton «43, When he ost complete demagnetization eae i esd and dermancization ibe accomplished by Plocng the pst na col eozpzed with AC of Proresvelydaeeasing ampere, the aliing {ream of th fog axis of he parts mes ‘esse Ea West Nort-Soith © Sout Wee 41 Nort Eat AM, 324; 83025, 45. Nonsovan ations eto resid Heal poles ‘ere wid magnet parle ing. For ueesfl examin one sul: usc more amperage 5 demagncze bes magnet inthe dsied ‘lreton ws lower amperage {4 mpnetize in anode direction Ass 6. 9. “8 ». a Magnetic Parle Testing Metho, Level It ‘Toallevne the problem of cod woking indications Jn pat hepa shoud be: 4. demagntze hen razed 1 ote afer res ceiving fetes inte appa direction 4 emagnstiod at higher ampere Aaer-389 “The unit of meas of one neo ux pe quae conimetr of ea on 1 cested ohm Spee Aas ‘Te bility of mane to tract other mater ses 2 phenomenon asoeited wit Held arength ' mngoetisn © couteve force pole trength aus Maras which are stony atrcted to a magnet sre cal magnetized nonmaznete Fromagnatic 4 poarved Aas Matis which ae weakly arated magoetially we calle: 4 poramagntic 1 diamagnetic. © feromagnele aay Materials whit are pled magnetically are ale 2. parmagpetc . Gamugnedc @ Tevomagoatie ‘© sonmageetc aay “The end ofa magnet at which he lines of Nx ae ‘hough of ac entering the br ie 1. the noth pole he south ple © bth oth and south poles 44 nome of the above aass Magni Patte Testing Method, Level TT 53, A general ue oo for determining the etctabiity surface dsoniontes by magnetic pail Inspection hat 1 the depth and wid have no bearing to ech ter 1 the dp soul be at eat five ms the with oF ‘he opening ofthe dee athe sface «the deph shoal best one-one ratio the ‘sit 4. none ofthe above asm ‘SH. The general erm edo refer ta ean the tall continityof he part being tested dicontiniy Benet hp as 55. Te pate a os powder sprinkled ona paper place over a bar magne is called 2 fed survey magneomeier © magneton 4 fnmeter 109,108 ‘56, The lines f force that frm a path ound a eck ina sing magn ae alle 1 mugret nes 2 leakage ur fil renga longi eke a0 7. Since the nao lines of fore within a bar mageet tute length of the bar, tis si tobe: 2 random napetzd ® permanent ragetized 2 ielrly magnetized 4 longtnaly mapetized a0 58, Lines of fax are hough leave a magnet at: 4. the non pole the sat ple © both ath an south poles 4 none of the above Aas 58. A mgnetic contin, which a bea inthe ‘Rape uoformty of par isle to a sadn 1 indueace 1 rey capacianee permesiity aa 9, Inovderto detect defects in ferent seins in nterl by mgetie pai inspection, ts Best 4. two or mare lds in iteen dictons Beaty ane tee ether probe locations 4 aig requeney Held aan 61, The parte are lan eat rm rolled iron br stock ‘They hve boon rough machined. lspeton byte otis reo, sing a crslr shot, eval wl {kind ot broken ines rain parallel wit the xi ‘sore of th piece and no indo on oes ‘Toe broken ce angen length rom 61028 mu (02510 Cin). These indicators a indeve of 1 shrinkage ‘ching tars © surface checking {nonmsallicintsions an (62. Arg forging epi by welding. Magnetic arte pecuon of he repair wed reveal an [regular iedstion running parle with ie we pass. Ite located nine cer of he bed apd Sars and ends by tengo ligt from Be xi ‘recon. Thisinieaon ie indeave oF © weldavinkags cacks 4 sarc he “ne aaa (63, What wanage is most commonly wed foe mercury ‘vapor bulbs for ponableorescem magoetis partite Inspection? 2 20w b sow © 10 aisw Aor 2 64, Anexampl of a nonsevant inden elsif as & ‘agnetieegotarty ale thn a acta

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