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-stions and f X swers Levels I, I, and Il Visual and Optical Testing Method Comp by the Vinsl Commitee of he Pesonel Qualification Divison, Edustion & Qualification Coun of ‘The Americ Sot or Noodle Tsing Ie Tipainctemn agentes pernnnenetateacmsrncectenn — @ aa ee eRe nm aint ‘The America Society for Nondestructive Tsing, le iu aningte Lane Fone ete ‘Coumbus, OH 43228-0518, Copyright © 1999 by The American Society for Nendersive Testing, ne, ASNT i ot responsible for he fuente oracurcy of nlomaton heen Published epnins apd satements do not neces Feet he trinion oF ASNT. dts series that are venneé oe mention dont cay the endoner=m ‘Heomendation of ASNT. RRSP. Levet I Sy Guide Materials Evolation, NDT Handbook, Nondestructive Tsing Handbook, The NDT [elnino are wagemass of Te American Sore) Yor Nondestructive Testing Ine, ACC ASNTE Resear in Nondsttve Evoioton and RNDI: ste epeted remiss of The Ameen Soe fr ‘Nondestructive Ten. e ASNT exist creel world by promsing the profession an technologies of mondestctve esting IsBN-13: 978-1 S7117.0729 ISBN: UTI Prine inthe United States of America sscond printing with isons 1002 td peng th evsons 0705 Fir pining 0298 @ Table of Contents oO 5 Recommended Training References Visual and Optical Testing ‘The following efernces wore wed informa the questions conte in this bok A. ASM Handbook, sinh edon, Volume 17, Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Conte, Metals Pak, OH: ‘ASM Inematonal 1985 1B. Haber asta of Weng Technology Welding Gude, Toy, OH, Hobart Iasite of Welding Tetnoloy. to9s, (C+ Nondsrustive Tening Haniboo, Fist dion, Rober C. MeMastr,e. Columbus, OH, The American ‘Society for Noosesratve Tein Ine, 1089 . Vinal Examination Tcntogs: Competency rea 101 (Level 1) PrciclSpefe,Chalte,NC, PRE NDE Gener, December 196. E+ Nondesreive Testing Hondo, seco edition: Volume 8 Visual and Oprical Testing, Michoel Alger, Stanly Nev, esi ede_ Pl Melnie and Patek O. Moot, eds Columbus, OH, The Areican Sociesy faeNondestitve Testing, ney 1995 Vino! Examination Tctntogs: Compton Area 102 (Level Il) General, Caste, NC, EPRI NDE Cente, © December 1996 7 Golding Handbook: Weng Tecnology, Volume I eighth etn, Miami, FL, American Welding Society, 1087 “Available rom The American Society for Nondestetive Testing, le ack queion found inthis ook conan bold let) and page somber immediatly following the saws For example, 6. Adiscontinty asain with meat vetiow hg oging is eae bake ep. ‘minon. a8 his tame, te lee “A” vfs to Reference Ain the ist provided above and 93" the specie pg ange in ‘Reference Awher the answer the sion ean be found. Always tel the "roa comet” ser. Reference A: Total = 8 Level (4) Level II (4) Level 111 (0) Reference B: Total Level 10) Level 1 (2) Level IT (0) Reference C: Tota Level 1(4) Level 1 (3) Level TI (0) Reference D: Total = 40 Level (29) Level 11 (11) Level 111 (0) Reference Usage Lit [Reference E: Total = 168 Level 1(39) Level IE (44) Level II (85) Reference F: Level 1(7) Level I 26) Level (0) Reference G: Total = 27 Level 1(5) Level 1122) Level 11 (0) Level I Questions Visual and Optical Testing Method ‘Stet mil products ay have: 2 sees ers. 1 de bons.| © ae args laminations, ase Aig ines source of gh may cause an ington problem because 4 rs xcs gare Bi pads est ea hore hs ue 4. hemp fen cmt ease. ests common inspection isu that is sed to ‘itll spt nema one ares 2 magnifying glass 1 borescope © phooubs 1 iaeracop, cane (tare canbe reared onan nspecton sera by ‘sing vse ia. 1 seca igh, plaid ih, © ip. tamination, Aas ‘Alaape, nonintgly bonded pies of metal ht leaves depression nano met er t's removed sell bbls © sth 1 ou i A519 and 68 ‘The physial haracteisies of coor ar 4. ue, pry and righ, . wavelength pectin and cones, «. scuily, perception nd dance. none ie ove. 102 ‘Whe sae pally role into the srace of set ple calla a. ses, 1 ralled inset pie 26 ‘A valve dat provides tne motion ding option is cals 4. agate ve Ba balvive © batty rave 6 allot the shove psrsann An tachment to. omponent thats weed ca, oe forged eld a pointe tachment, 6 sn inter atacanent, actamp. wal and Optical Testing Method Level 1 1, Devices that ot the movement of hanger sings fn prevent damage during allan ae elle 2 cli, sel ope, © shims grout a parses “The combined static and frton Bead (vec dieence in leat) i calle: pump head fot esd © brake hone power ‘Sma ad paarsstwn2 13, Wear de to ersoncorsin om valve is ypically Fon 2 the valve ody 1 the ale etn aen, he valve dik aller bove. pars 14, Which ie allowing is typeof eamponcns support? 4, Phe ase ®rst, Compose sopgrtstandas Allo he above 15. valve isa mechanical device ba: a. moves dso asc. ® conti ow aly tse nana power plan {1 is away welded ino «tem ™ ™ pars:s20 16, Devices tat it a allow no atin in one oF more ‘cto a all: a. Range. B, suppor 4 Sanne " pavsssa7 17 Botingfiere typialyoceur at the head ot ae the hea os rea hls or gouges. 1 tlle te above pars ‘The two major eatepories of pumps a: 2. sai an con bea, dynamic an disper. Sle stage and alse. 4 bine and condense bavsiai2 [Amechanial vie that ies, wanes oF pessurzes fl a avalve 3 anbber an leet , pon nv ats: ma A disontnty ta i ot assoc wth wes is: boven © amangtions. des parssai0 During an examition a a groore wel, which of the ftlowing dimensions is pormally messed? 2. The rot opening. 1. Wel einorcmen Base mse tikes. Alto the above bars.er0 welding syol over he eferne ine refers: 2. the ae the ao side, the area near the ef the aro © the asa apposite ofthe aro. aed wea Dapssaro A valve hat uss tnear motion, which sed 0 ‘gute Mow scaled 4. bate vale. ® lote vate ving ees vale alla apsia20 A device tht restos movemr dareg an sora ‘rssnmicevem sealed 1 snbber 5 hee mr spss 2s, 2. ». 34 Aceniugl pomp csi as a. dynamic pam. 3 reipoetng pup. Sdsplaerent pump, 4 ato the stove paps “The device ina pump tat moves or compresses id ale: 1 pnp casing a pockig lan. cade “ paps ‘The clout element of a daphrapm valves cle the mele 1 fen ttomer the boone ted, parsasoo Component support divided ino groups. Which ‘tthe folowing not considered to be a group Somponcat suppor? 4 Hanges. Supports. tegeal tachments 1 Sratber asesisie7 using a visual xanision, a cing iconinity tha could nt be detected woul be a undrou nei © oncks. 1 she wll ak offs, pas10 For componont supports, te piipal movement the horizon as, 1 the vere xi the lng xis, ofthe above pspssaa7 ‘device thats pial installed very wih se Support member in ens sells 2. suppor. renin, © mubber 4 Ranger “ 3. m 2. 26. 2”. Visual end Opie Tsing Method Level 1 Ayal subassembly hts considered to be part of the poser vessel ssebly called the a deve baee. ©. body. de pars.can ‘Adeice hat ass, nsfer, rps Mids by pressing freing, or iowing Ie diel apertures or pipes sell w 2 ae Sat bot pars ves hat te roan motion to make seal are calle: 1 al aes, 2 ge ales © poke wares Botte above bapsit6n0 Service induced discontinue canbe theres of 2 sibaion. by sree nas 1 allo te hove barssns Adevice hts ypc} insalled verily with he ‘ippon menber i compeesion i cal 2. suppor, hanger © snbber 4 spring su, psesam “Typical eprtaedicondoulties for componeat spp ied: 4 deaving anomalies ‘hors. operational papset221 Visual end Opa Testing Method, Level 1 38. Alyce that enor be visually inspected ‘ufos welds 1 the welding proces 1 te aecepablity of fe weld with egos appears «. agen and Ftp. 1 jon pepe, As 39. Aiheteot dota forgings st canst be ced ing vial esi 2. bur. B.emeks. taps. 274275; EAGSILL 40, very ispetor fect lifeenly by perepio, Fatigue and ato, in viel aspect, hese Factors ae cassie 2. physolgia ators. 1 uncntoed a prod eters. 1 Soe diene fata peste AL Tuesamine areas roan bedside pipe sein, ‘he vil examiner ses 2: eco 3 rote brescope. © boop me ™ racia9 42, Ona thickness gage twenty tbousanhs of nich ‘presen by 02 haw © noe cto 49, Ina cauing, a visa examiner oul expt id 1. lamisaon, B sengers e baste foe eas ems ss, 46. 4. 10 Povo i mate used ding the welding prowess 1 gavel below th ute of 3 mata. © gasenpped below orate surface a 3 mae. «een xystlize material entrapped below the sce of miter Fagot ‘A saul examiner could expeto finds eter ack 4 adhe hegonng ofthe weld, 1 sSomeuhere between the begining und he end of theweld sei the begining o the end ofthe weld 4 Siheend of te wee Ge ‘A scominaty with 2 sal trap patern thee a weld sts or sop is scl an mceion oF a. surface prs. undercut © semter erick, sae. aGstans During the visual examination ofl penerason loo eve weld onl examination canoe locate 2 uneret andr 4 tnsuicient penton, 66 “The inition of fig rack old ec a 4. weld, tc ection ches 4 thread roe. ofthe above eG [Alling ascot ypicaly were 35 ‘tation seus 4 the use ofa tng letde inthe GTAW bs the unconvoled beating and cooling ofthe wed el «export ration an ther NDE techno. {Fhe excess amount af pray he weld esa ‘G2 and 264 0 su ss \Waen messing ple hikes, hemos! aecarate raiding hven bya a. sts ue, sect mechanical gge(micromte) 4 feser ge, r3Gam9 When chosing a magnifier, major consteration per or mugen © feof view 14 aloft hove cata ‘Visual npetion ithe most extensively wed ‘napeton method on welts beau: its simple and elavely inexpensive it oes mt oormaly eg spel euipnent It gives mgt information sbost eter 1 speciation, Aalto he ave. Gas Inorer to roer valid ors, ius examination rust incl tines operator, proces for conducting the tet. Sard or nepali ad eoring the esas {Lao the ove. Gas “The maim diameter of a Borescopes that an be ted Tor th tidied by 4 object depth © objective cstnce. deen of view 7498 ‘A device that povidos he means fr comparing & issue tos stand suresh elle 2. measuring magi, by sore eat © roe compartor. A sarfoce magnifier 7651 56, ss ». 61 u Visual and Opa Testing Method, Level 1 ‘An instrument hat can be ep with forward ‘biqa,e ngle, or epee vs ystems Beals 4 an angled boescope. BS iroape a pone borescope, ‘4 aHerescope R91 “The use of chemical solaton to tak mater surat inode to rgove the visi of ‘sconinhies for inal inspections norma nt tow power maaan i elle 5 micocscing macrotching. replication. 1 boeing. Buis.123 ‘A“chaygd coupled dvi hip is used with 2.1 Meroe Boresope, 1 an angulated brescope 14 poi ge 28-130 (Cac, suokbuck undercut, nd over are ‘Gaconouies fond casings, 3 forgings 1 weldnets, 28.130 In welding, weld metal prousion beyond the fision Tinea the wed ei cle 1. overtan, anderen, © renforsmen 8 Incomplete sion teas In secordance with SNTETC:14, cetifation of ‘ol NDT personne! [ste esponsibiy of ASNT. Bde eaployer. © the NDT Level I 1b anowtsice ane easas7 Visual and Opel Testing Method, Level 1 (62, Te bly of metal torture os cig ize and Shape afer eng loaded and nade ical 2 plas deformation 1 dst deformation. ten seg Stes defonntion. eam 63. Cracking under he combined ction of corasion and tensile ses refemed ine crcking 2 ceep cracing Suet ensign cracking tense ses ercine. 209 154 Aroove formed the toro 04 of wel when thease metal mele yan Feuille by weld metals rete ow 2 under cold p, © nek ‘undercut 200 65, Excestive clearance in poms wil est need eaiaion 6, eo ancien 209 6. A mectonicl device ht coos wit, inside ‘tor vt opin sytem sealed ind ange & pomp 4 ow convo, E20 61 otters, intsions porosity. nd col shuts 2 feng discontinue. 1 eating acon ©. welding iscontts 1 processing conti. a6 {68 The distance a maga canbe moved toward of say rom stat wie Keeping iin good Fes incall depth of els fe ot view © foe spot {& mapnifeation sane. 292-00 70, n 2. 14 2 Radiant enery that excites the sedan and produces ‘nal sensation eal gn © speci, Stor E0 “The vale portion afte elactromagosti pec {xen rom 2. 100400 an. 210370 nn ©8070 am. {1 S988] on E0 Potters wed to meine the reflatnce of aerial or sarace i specie ays ae elle: 4. mdionetes, a0 ‘Te prin ofthe eye that regulates the guany of x ated ie ale te put 4 cones, Eo In general the ual magico of toescopes isin erage of es A method wed for copying the tpogrpty of x farce that cannot be moved oro that ul Be ‘mage in easter is calle NDT 1 insite NDT, replication 1 irae metograpy. 08 18. 1%. 7. Replication wed for: 81 2 the analysis cure sures and ‘he evaluat of eld and cei engi of «the evlton of comsion damage and wear ‘4 bot a and above. 08 “Temperate indicating material can ake dhe For o 4 ies, pede. Huis 1. ao the stove k ce As elated o photographic ehnigusfrsecrting 83. ‘eal esting eu the range of distance over Shick camera ses sasacoy derdon whens Tenis inthe bet oes fora certs specie dssace ‘refered oa 2 depth of vison dein of © depth af oss. 86 1d of vison. kaa Cameras ued video pin esting ay be ‘wanspaed side he ie by ew In general, visa wed ispection is psfrmes a. before welding. 1 ding mein afer welding. 4 aller e above. Ese ‘The testing feet numbers es than the ttn proditon rn sll ‘rendom sampling para sting © peste pig (random petied Sampling 1a B 's. Visual and Optical Texng Method, Level 1 “Tae undesirable moval of mate fom costing ‘ae: by machanial stn is efered 0 ‘eos. 4 pcing zast “The deterioration of mea suing from ‘Scrohemis easton with evieoren i refered to bs cone, gue 206 All fhe following are weld jim except 1 boi 8 ancdige join. 2S poovesoia 6. ip sin non Join pencrton in which he wel meal 5 be [pone an is fused othe bose meta roa ts Ike fered 0: ‘complete peneuation. pa petetion complet encration. {comple fasion eae ‘Aprocess in which mater jon by heating ‘temo suitable temperate and by using a ile tsa which gis above 149°C (840) and (ow the sais of the Bae mel, eal: 2, welding soldering © ban 1 sold te welding aus {ns ypiel grove weld he gle formed beeen ‘he prepared edge ofa meter anda pane Pspotcuar o he surat of th abe is calle 4. groove ante bevel angle angle of preparation, ‘4 veld angle Misuat end Opa Tsing Method Lerel 1 87. Barts, aps, tl eri ane scones hat ae found fy welts, © fogings 1 etasons eam 4 ‘The scene of chaining quntave measireents ‘of psi objects through process of recoding. ‘measrng and iesrcting photographic image ales psoas : photmety © povogramnety. A Serco coy Level I Answers Visual and Optical Testing Method 2 24, 25, 26, 2, 28, 29, 30, 31 2 33, 3a. 35. 36. a. 38, 39, 41 a 8 re 6, 68, 1. n B. m4, 95, 16, Th Bs. p. 80, 31 2 3 a 8. Level I Questions Visual and Optical Testing Method Localized recon ina re of otha is under ‘vera cndon is feed 1 35 a sing 2 necing down, 4 elongation. nam “Te ent ommon locaton fo stna alae ® in he ead to shank et, Ahouphou the fs Weal sdethe nu on {tvesdl fastener Inthe mdi. he trnson from he esd wo the tak, em 4 Disconsmuies hat are produced during the Ho ce «ald working ofthe ing intro or bar to ake St eed: ‘inherent disconsnstes, 1 primary pecessias dsconaues © soconday processing dst. (Ler ndoced dicot pas ‘Servic induced sont in bling systems ‘aye pred by «2 iation 1 overtensoning ote above kar “Te filet wel sine bse onthe: 4. efetive it weld rot 4 length of file weld ep ne 7 Aconex weld ura | cores inward eres twa comin hallo 1, does both sande above. ass Daring the solidiion of metal ble produced eo escaping ase is alld «bs cold ti 4 low Hoe Asi ‘Welds might conan: 1 shrinkage. B incomplete penetration tas, rac ‘Adisestiity ypiely fund in forgings a strinkoae. Becton © las. 1 andecat eam Enbrtdemens, cased by a physi or ehemicl ‘ange the met, edton dct, Barnes € ydgen, 1 a te hove r7@:1028 Visual and Opin Tsing Method, Leel I “The deterioration of sal by chemical ‘leetochericl ronson wih its eons ‘leg Baron © iasce {none ofthe stove, eae ‘The roughest surface Finish is indicated by & spesreent a Spin 6 sain © 25041 430i ‘basi metalic! join configuration tat i used farcomplats oi penetration salle bat joie. a mein, © a a join, 1 none ofthe stove, ea “The welding proces tha is sometimes refered toa ‘Stk welding 1. Saw. i saw, © GMAW. 4. GTAN. e250 “The welding proces in which thers bigher degree poy of entspsoy sas GMa. GTAW, © SMAN, 1 alo the above rast “Tanpsen inlsions se found during GMAW. GTAW. © SMAN; 14 none ofthe stove e2sias, 8 ‘The potion of bse etal hat has pot Been eked but where mechanical properties or micrstrctre Ive ten tere by the het of welding is delined 1 the estates ze otha ant b above 2 noe ofthe stove 108-111 ‘The difeeae brwoun discontinuities and defects is vis a. a defects a reject discon By discon afleet the base met, whores ‘ste fest the wel meta. «there shouldbe ne dsiaedonbeeween ‘scone ant detects, 4 disconinuly a ejetbl efec. ean, ‘The gage tht provides measurements of internal rmfaligemeet on 76som (nde op a a Cambridge gage. a filet wet gage © hilo welsng sage. 41 both and babove ass Ina borescope te image i rough othe eyepiece by 1 an objective les Belay lenses, a eepioe es. all oft above es {a welding, emgeratue inating stieks ae used 0 1 prceat emgecaties, 1 osteo temperatures. © formas emperaues, allele sve ea ‘Tomeasire the ameter oF 76m (3 in.) sud ros acral, se 2 451-76 mm (23 in) ide mechani ge {ecto an outie caipes, 3132 om (6) al caliper 4 chance) depeh page r36 2 ‘Adiacoinity that spears a seis of emclod ots beside a weld. esembting wall eft in Sing ‘Satchel 4 linear porosity, acute, © neat shag. a6 A prouson or ollover of wel metal beyond the tos root esd a. overt, 1 aero, © einforcenent owe exe ‘Chewrons may occur 1. plates. », Weldnens. © bartck 1 vale casings Asso ‘A ciscominsy tht i ou in brs a eins, ‘eich cause bythe pure of metal Foren at ‘te oo ow oo igh wenger, ald: pip im © cupping, {nema bt ean ‘cause for undercard occurs during the welding proces sell 4. excessive volage oeurent 1 ow travel sped. exe el speed 1 bt art above G39 When the weld sob placed on he row side af theo he wel symbol athe dang wile 2: below he ns 8. above the ln 1. athe end ofthe arom G96 x0, aL 38 19 Vauat and Opie Tsing Method, Level “The bang proces is commonly dined a 2 Tiguisotd pase joining mao accomplished ata ‘emperatue above! 252°C 450°). M30 80) 249°C si0°F). 506°C 40), Ga “Tobe ucepable concave filet wel mus Have an cual eg dimetion ta 1 Tongs than the ize shorn tes © ogual othe sie 4 gual othe teat eae ‘The meting and fasing ofthe flere nd ase vocal ito slg coniuous weld pass alle 4 mlpas we «. singer tea. 1 eave pater as ‘A depesin on he fac fet weld har edaces ‘he crs seston ofthe wed when mest the ‘pression ald a depressed bed. excessive conexiy nan eel insulin ip. east ‘When sully examining an ce ike the inspector Shou spt foe | ack offs. cer ‘orks ret Piting sone ype of: 2 celled cel eomoon ib exes cooson © general coveston 1 galvani comesion, ergs Soin rofl of fn welds ae cooled by 9 acgpance standards 1 eerkmanhip nds design requirements. 4 alter the above eas Visual and Optical Tasting Method, Level I 26. M. 238 », 0. Which ofthe folowing weld symbols presen 4 ‘ler wel? BS; 6.95 1H ‘Which ofthe folowing weld symbols epesens 3 "U Jit?” BS: G98 8 lected 0 vison ae based pra on: 2. phtosythescdevies 1 puter devices ©, pltelete devices. pws devices cus 4. {nord to ota igh of specific wavelength, use: ites, ses © econ, ita sero, cans “The hee pysial characterises oF oor ineide: 46. 4 stration, bigness ape. 5 fe stron sna bigness. elev index, petal range, td hue. fone, shade, ne. can2 orion indications op the ee of «76 mm (in) pt aren sever levee and don estado {he mini edge The most ily cao of hese ‘hl indication pie 1, poor busing rate. 4 porai ne pas A proces that es filler meta with quis tate thar docs nt exceed 449°C (340 °F) ad tha oes not met he base mari a. SMAW, I teasing. sen 4 renin welding. ea ‘The angle) forthe frealique dreton of view orescope ae: a. Odegrees 11.89 depres. 90 dees 91110 depress, 3Ga29 “The meshanim fr sldring an brazing wenn, ® alesis ©. capil ston af te shove r820 ‘A rounded discomtincty that sears oth weld and ‘is dhen suid inne parle withthe wel is called :meletrough 1 nea pores later poo: a Semel Gass [wide angle of view fora borescoe provides: 4 luniaton, 1 high magntcaton, © sooner dept field A pear depth of Bek rsa ve 4 48 8. 0. su 2 An opi i we i isl examination that ngs the Image oth eyepiece by a lens ain ical 4 iteroptie Brecon 3 aborestpe. anima side os Aero vst examination aid ats used for Wlesing sound comers ith «Rast dial end is calle a. anopiscope 1 ateropa borescope, antag pide es An aber contin associated wth he ‘igi sadist fret in th ingot alld them ius, © ho tr, 4 porosity. RaGsont ‘Aatow angle of iw ina borescope is equi ioe 4. igh magica 1 low magnon. a pester dep of i pre eetetiy. rsGan9 Discootnuitiessscitd wth he casing process 1. inctsions pero. 11 lo te ove, acm Which of be otowing i primary processing reha? a. Fogg ®. Mschining © Hest etn 14 Allott above raGiant a ss. ss 5s, st Es ». Visual and Optica Tsing Method, Level It A reducion In duet du oi servee or re ‘eves enviroment ale 1 embeilemeet 1 rgan fg cracking, © thermal tg. 4 Inepranulr soos coosion eacking ‘e7Ga0n ‘Matas that become weaker dt contning . sna sb e a sa wa > © 0b sé a © oa Be a a ola w © > a ed cant a a oa od > a oh 2 a ¢ a 6b 3.4 a © 66. oa a a ob 95. ¢ a > od 96. 4 a © ob ob b © 70. a Ba . e b mod 6 QO 0 b a moe 100. b > me lo a a mb 102 € > 75 103, a a > % los, a 4 Toa 105, e a 78a 16, a ® a mb lor. a a a wb 108, a e a sid to, a 4 Rc M0 4 a a ad a e ue ve ed 7

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