Korean Poems

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Tree of Unhappiness

Kim Sang- Yong(1592-1637)

Translated by Graeme Wilson

On broad leaves of pau-low-nia

The one and only tree

Whereon the phoenix will set foot

The rain falls heartlessly.

The rain’s sad tapping overhead

Compounds my weight of grief.

Who now could have the heart to plant

Trees of so broad a leaf?


Sin Hum (1566-1628)

Translated by Graeme Wilson

It rained last night, The pomegranates

Red and orange-res

Have all burst into flower.

Not to be comfort,

I sit in this cool pavilion

Set in a lotus lake

And under its glass –bead curtains wait

For my closed heart to break.

Girl in the Rain

Anonymous (18th century)

Translated by Graeme Wilson

Her violet cloak clutched round her bead

As quickly as she can

She runs through rain-fall to the pear bloomed

Village and a man.

What blandishments, I wonder,

What whispers, what untrue

But wonderful, wonderful premises

Have soaked that silly through.

Summative Test in English 8
Name:_________________________________Grade &Sec.________________Date:_________ Score:____________

I. Read the statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it’s not.

____________1. Elegy is generally a poem of a subjective and meditative nature.

____________2. Yi Mong-Yong finished his studies at North Korea.
____________3.Melodrama is a play with sensational actions and happy ending.
____________4.Ch’unyang accepts the secret marriage with Yi Mong -Yong
____________5.Sacred song is a nonreligious type of song.
____________6. Cangue is used for punishing petty criminals.
____________7. Ballad is a short lyric poem intended to be sung.
____________8.Ode is a long narrative poem divided into episodes.
____________9.Metrical romance is a long rambling love story in verse.
____________10. Yangban is a part of traditional ruling class who works to entertain others.

II. Identification. Write the correct answer on the space provided.

____________11. A repetition of initial consonant sounds

____________12.A type of drama that ends disastrously
____________13. A poem in which one character speaks throughout
____________14. A repetition of sounds at the end of the line
____________15.A story in a simple, straightforward and realistic manner
____________16.A figure of speech with an exaggeration or an overstatement for emphasis
____________17.A lyric poem with a fourteen iambic pentameter lines
____________18 A figure of speech in which two contradictory words are placed together for special effect
____________19.A drama which are taken from the life of outstanding figures in history
____________20.An exaggerated comedy

III. Cross word Puzzle. Fill in the box with corresponding letters to form a word.

1. 4.


3. 5.

Cross Down
1. it compares two different things using as or like 4.it uses an expression about one thing for another related to it
2.it expresses meaning in a word oppositely 5.a writing that formulates concentrated imaginative awareness
3.it compares two different things

IV. Enumeration.
Elements of poetry Types of Poetry
1 6 Types of Song
2 7 9
3 8 10

V. Sequence the events of Tale of Ch’unyang. Write 1 for the first event , 2 for the second and so on.
__________ Yi Mong- Yong insisted that Pangja inform Ch’unyang that he wished to meet her.
__________The Magestrate of Namwon was put into punishment in a faraway island.
__________One beautiful morning, Master Yi Mong-Yong calledhis servant and asked him to show the wild flowers.
__________Yi Mong –Yong disguised as beggar and travelled around the country.
__________Yi Mong –Yong passed the Mukwa examinations.

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